What does a group admin do? VKontakte Group Administrator: Profession for Remote Work

So, friends, after recent upgrades, the powers of the leaders of public pages and VKontakte groups have also been updated. We will talk with you today about how to become an administrator of a VKontakte group, and we will also tell you who a community moderator and editor, as well as an administrator, are. In all communities, without exception, one system of powers was established for their leaders. As we said, this whole system includes three levels of leadership:

  1. Moderator
  2. Editor
  3. Administrator
This is already whole, and not just a hobby. How do they differ from each other? We strongly recommend that you read this guide before appointing leaders to your community. After all, if you appoint the wrong person, then it may even happen that your community is simply "hijacked".

What is a group moderator

It should be said that the moderator has the least rights. The purpose of the moderator is to keep order in the community.

  • The moderator has the right to delete comments from social network users in a group, delete discussions created in a group or public.
  • The moderator cannot delete topics that were created by other group management.
  • The moderator can also delete all photos, videos, and music posted by the user in the last seven days.
  • The moderator is not able to delete content that was added by other leaders of the VK community.
  • The moderator can approve new users who intend to join the closed community.
  • The moderator can blacklist users or simply remove users from the group / public (no more than 100 people per day).
  • The moderator can remove users from the emergency.
We hope that now you understand who a community moderator is. Now let's talk about the editor.

Who is an editor

Let's say briefly. In addition to what a moderator is entitled to, an editor can also:

  • Change the avatar of a group or public, as well as change the status of the VKontakte community.
  • View and edit community wiki pages, which are even protected by privacy settings.
  • Full control over the content in the community.
  • The editor can create and delete posts on behalf of a group or public.

Who is an administrator

Administrator - a person who, in principle, is the most important in the community. He already has editor and moderator rights, plus:

  • He can appoint moderators/editors and remove them if necessary.
  • Edit completely all information about the community.
  • An administrator can set up community synchronization with Twitter and RSS feeds.
  • Work with applications: add them to the community, delete them, etc.
Please remember that the administrator can use the powers to one hundred percent. Be very careful when appointing someone as the administrator of your community. There were real cases when newly minted administrators simply stole a group or public. Then they could sell it or run it on their own. If such a story suddenly happened to you, you can only sympathize. First, write to the VKontakte support service, perhaps they can help you. Secondly, do not despair, we all learn only from our mistakes!

Every day the number of users registering in social networks is growing. Together with accounts, groups appear on various topics that require an administrator. Thus, social media group manager- The position is in demand. In addition, this profession is convenient because a person works remotely, has a free schedule and good earnings.

Lack of experience in this business scares people, and they do not even try to approach this position. Working as a social network administrator does require some knowledge and skills, but it's not that hard. The administrator must:

  • Good at navigating social media. Having your profile on Facebook, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, it will not be difficult to master them.
  • Have basic knowledge of a photo editor to design a community page. There is a huge amount of information on the Internet about working, for example, with Photoshop or video tutorials. All the necessary information can also be obtained from http://planetaphotoshop.ru/.
  • Know about the methods of development and promotion of groups in social networks. On the site http://www.1day1step.ru/ you can sign up for a free introductory course as an administrator.

How much can you earn from administering groups?

A person in this position can earn absolutely different amounts. Work on the Internet as a group administrator paid in one amount or another depending on:

  • Community size.
  • Scale of work.
  • The total number of administrators.
  • The need to have certain knowledge (the more difficult it is to lead a group, the higher the payment).

Your income can vary from a thousand to seven thousand rubles. But you can lead several communities, then your salary will increase several times. The main thing is to have enough time and creativity.

Responsibilities of a group administrator

Everyone knows that such a person is a responsible person. But what should a group administrator do? He faces several tasks: fill the group, develop it and promote it in the social network. In addition, like any official, the administrator has a number of responsibilities:

  • Create a group page.
  • Fill it with thematic pictures, text, videos, etc.
  • Attract as many users as possible to the group.
  • Maintain activity within the community - create discussions, hold promotions.
  • Monitor spam and delete it.
  • Advertise and promote the group outside the social network - on forums, blogs, and other sites.

Administrator in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte

To date, these social networks are the most popular, so there may be more free administrator vacancies. What does the administrator of the VKontakte group do:

  • Fills communities with content (pictures, videos, useful information, etc.).
  • Monitors user activity (comments, likes and reposts).
  • Monitors discussions and cleans spam.

Filling with content is the main task of the administrator. It should be added at least every couple of hours. In addition, posts should be interesting, unique and, in some groups, useful. At the same time, advertising content can be about 20%, the rest should be entertaining. Although, again, it all depends on the group itself. Odnoklassniki group administrator has the same responsibilities. If you have the time and are creative, then this is for you.

If the administrator has not hidden information about himself, then on the right side of the page there should be a "Contacts" block, which contains information about the administrator or how to contact him:

However, it happens that you need to find out who is the administrator of the group, page, VKontakte public, but at the same time there is no information in contacts or anywhere else. There can be many reasons to define an admin. It can be a provocative public, or the “Overheard” community of your city or something similar to it, where information is published that may cause some inconvenience. In the end, you just need to contact the administrator to offer him something, or something to discuss. You can, of course, leave a comment under the entry, if there is such an opportunity, but the likelihood that they will answer you, and that it will be the admin, is extremely small.

1 way to determine the administrator of the VKontakte group

GIF animation is often published in VKontakte groups. You can find it manually, but it's long, it's better to use the search.

1. Go to the group where you need to find the administrator. On the main page of the group, before the start of all entries, there is a link "Community Records". Click on it:

2. Now enter in the search bar gif and press "Enter", then select "Search only in posts":

4. The image will open in a new tab. The user ID is the numbers that come after "doc" and end before «_». In this case, the user ID will be 111111111 :

5. In order to get a link to the profile of the user who published this image, you need to remove the underline «_» and everything that comes after it, and doc replaced by id and press "Enter". As a result, you will be taken to the page of the person who uploaded this image:

Most likely it will be an administrator. For reliability, you can check several GIFs, and if the ID of the one who published them is the same, then most likely it is an administrator or editor - a person who has the right to publish and who has a connection with the administrator. This method does not work with regular, non-animated images.

It is not necessary to use a GIF to identify an admin. Any other document attached to the post will also work. So you can look for something like this: rar, zip, jpg, jpeg, png, txt, doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, png, jpg, gif, psd, djvu, fb2, epub, ps. The action algorithm is the same as with gif animation. The main thing is to find any document attached to the post.

Often, when publishing long images, such as comics, a link to it is attached below the image itself, only in full size. The image is usually uploaded as a document in the format jpg, jpeg or png.

How and why it works: the thing is that VKontakte does not allow you to upload a GIF animation as a regular image. If you upload a GIF as a simple picture, then the animation stops working. Therefore, the animated image is first loaded into documents, and after that it is already published. Uploaded documents always have in their link the ID of the user who published them. The same is true for other file formats. They cannot be downloaded without being attached to the post in the form of a document or a link to some third-party resource.

2 way to determine the administrator of the VKontakte group

1. The group needs to find "discussions", they are located somewhere on the right side of the group. Using a link to one of them, the administrator will be determined.

3. After that, create a new group. "Groups" - "Create a community" - "Community of interest". You can enter anything in the name, any topic of the group. Then click on "Create a community".

4. Now in the menu of the created group select "Control". Select "Links", then "Add Link".

5. After clicking on the "Add link" button, a window will appear in which the name of the discussion, the name and surname of the group admin will be indicated:

This method does not always work, often the name of the group is given instead of the admin name.

There are a large number of programs and services on the Internet to determine the hidden administrator in a group. However, it is strongly not recommended to use them, because they work on the same principle or do not work at all. In addition, the use of such programs and services may harm your device or lead to account theft.

Let's take a look at the situation when you you need an administrator or editor for your group or public Vkontakte. Learn how to really work how to find a smart admin or editor in a group.
Before looking for an administrator, it is important to write down his key job responsibilities.

Usually, the administrator is required first of all to create and post posts in the group. That is, a person is given the rights of an admin or editor, he, in turn, writes and publishes posts on the wall of your group.
Also, the tasks of the editor may include interaction with the audience. Namely, working with comments. If this is a community of a company, then often, on behalf of the group, the admin answers questions in comments, topics and messages on the work of the company.
In addition, sometimes the administrator's tasks may include: holding contests, sending out invitations, preparing reports, and other tasks.

At the first stage, it is important to decide what exactly you need an administrator or editor for and prescribe basic job descriptions for him. The simpler and clearer his work will be, the cheaper it will cost you.
Once you have decided what exactly you need an administrator for, you can start searching.

Working ways to find an administrator or VK editor.

1. Search among subscribers.
If you already have a subscriber base in the group, then you can offer them the admin role. Very often, in groups of entertainment topics with a formed interested audience, there are people who want to play the role of an admin or editor. Sometimes such people are ready to work for little money, in rare cases even just for an idea. This is the main advantage of this method.
However, it is important to take into account the disadvantages. The person you put in to lead the group will most likely have no experience, so the results may not suit you. In case you have found a person who is ready to work for an idea, then it should be borne in mind that work on enthusiasm, as a rule, cannot last any long time. Therefore, in commercial groups, this method is usually not used.

2. Advertising posts in other groups.
If you are still interested in finding a more professional person, then it makes sense to attract people with experience. You can find such people in specialized communities. For example, in the community cerebro target among the topics you may come across group administration suggestions.
Sometimes in specialized groups there are branches where you can place an ad for an admin search yourself.
There are not so many really smart bands that performers regularly look through. Most groups are abandoned and spammed, and looking for an administrator in such communities is unlikely to be an effective exercise.
Approach the search and selection very responsibly, as this can determine the success of your group in the future.

3. Freelance project.
In addition to internal VK sites, there are also external resources where professional freelancers gather. Freelancers are people who work online. Among them, including those who provide services for maintaining VKontakte groups professionally.
Among the popular popular sites now are fl.ru, freelance.ru and kwork.ru.
You need to register on the site and place your project. You can do this, both for a fee and for free, depending on the conditions of a particular platform. After placing the project, you will receive offers from freelancers. Among them, you can select an artist to work with.
It is important to understand that professional performers will not work for an idea. You will need to pay a person for the time that he spends on leading your group. Salary levels can vary greatly, on average, a full-fledged administrator costs from 5,000 rubles per month.

4. Exchanges of copywriting.
If your budget is very limited, and you really need an admin for the group and you don’t want to write content yourself, then one of the most affordable options for the price will be content exchanges.
Of course, these are not admin services in their usual sense, but it is the work with content that is the most part of the administrator's tasks. That is why the copywriting exchange is a real way to close the main work of maintaining a group.
Among the well-known exchanges where you can order content writing for your group are advego and qcomment. On content exchanges, you will not pay for the time of the performer, but for the result that you get in the form of content that will be written to you. On average, you can get a post for your group at a price of 5-10 rubles.
You create a project, set a price for creating a post, and different artists write content for your group.
The peculiarity of exchanges is that the quality of content can vary greatly depending on which artist writes for you. If you want posts to be published immediately on behalf of the group, then you will have to do it yourself, since you will not be able to publicly post access to the admin account.

5. Outsourcing.
The final option, which we will talk about, is solving group administration tasks through outsourcing.
Outsourcing in simple words is when a team of other people takes on a complex of group administration work. Prices for this kind of professional services depend on what kind of tasks you need to solve. There are companies offering a full range of group management and promotion services. There are teams that specialize in certain types of work.
In particular, our team specializes in writing and posting content in the group - these are posts on the wall, comments, topics and messages in discussions.
The cost of the post is formed based on the specific requirements of the customer, and averages 10 rubles. At a price, this is somewhat more expensive than what is offered on the exchange, however, this service is devoid of the disadvantages that we talked about above. Namely, the posts are posted on behalf of the group through the rights of the editor, which you give to our nickname. As a rule, individual performers are assigned to the project, and the quality of the posts can be adjusted if necessary. More about our service of filling and maintaining VK groups you can find out from the link.

Globally, all methods can be divided into 2 destinations: with payment for hiring an administrator and with payment for the result in the form of posts that they write to you.
If you compare these 2 directions in terms of cost, then an administrator in the state can cost you from 5,000 rubles, and if you take only writing posts, then at the classic pace of 5 posts a day, about 1,500 rubles will come out per month. It is important to understand that ordering writing and posting posts does not solve the administration tasks completely, but it is a way to get rid of the main routine and time costs.

Summarizing all of the above, one can argue for a long time about which method is better for solving group administrator tasks. Nevertheless, each owner of the group must decide for himself, try different options and find the best for himself.
I would like to conclude the article on this, and wish you every success in the development of groups.
You can find all the relevant services provided by our team.
For ordering services, write to ICQ 275129,

The manager of the VKontakte group is responsible for publishing content, moderation, and the role of the admin can be performed by the creator of the group or users assigned to them. In this article, we will discuss where to find vacancies for the administrator of the VK group, as well as how to appoint a person as an administrator through the VK functionality.

The MDK community can be a positive example of the quality work of admins. Despite all its scandalousness and ambiguity of the published content, the main task of attracting subscribers is performed almost perfectly.

But this is only one side of the coin. Sometimes, unqualified specialists do not cope with their duties: they do not publish high-quality records, do not moderate and promote the public. This leads to disastrous results: minimal growth of subscribers, weak user activity.

Vacancies for the position of administrator of the VK group

The information below is suitable for both customers and freelancers.. The former can submit an application, and freelancers can respond to it. Community owners are very often interested in the question: “How and where to find a suitable admin for a VK group?”. You can find a suitable candidate on specialized sites.

Freelance sites with vacancies in public administration:

One of the largest exchanges in the CIS. Thousands of specialists are looking for work on maintaining and promoting sites on VKontakte. To search, you need to post a vacancy with an approximate salary on Weblancer and select a candidate from hundreds of responses.

. The largest remote work platform in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. The principle of work for the customer here is the same as at similar sites. All you need to do is post an ad looking for an administrator for the group, or find an experienced specialist from the general rating and contact him directly.

Publics VKontakte:

Public "Distance". A community for finding remote employees, including admins for their own sites. The page has 134,241 members, over 80% of whom are performers.

Freelancers Club. A group where you can also find an employee to maintain your own sites in VK. The size of the community is less than that of the Distance - 89,605 people.

Administrator Skills and Responsibilities

Any administrator must have certain skills and responsibilities, because the success of community growth depends on him. These skills include:

  1. Creating a useful and . This item means the publication of meaningful posts with well-chosen images or videos.
  2. Group moderation: removal of negative comments, spam, acceptance of applications for membership (in the case of closed communities).
  3. The ability to find partners for mutual advertising of groups, to buy advertising on other sites.

These are the three basic skills that any administrator should have and from which his salary is formed. They will allow you to competently develop the VK group and gain high-quality, and, most importantly, live subscribers.

How to appoint or remove an administrator

How to make an admin in a VK group? To do this, click on the icon with three dots under the community avatar and select "Community Management".

On the page that opens, a menu will appear on the right side. Here you need to go to the "Participants" tab.

You will see a complete list of participants who can be given administrator rights.

If you want to do this operation on mobile devices (), then for this:

  1. Sign in to the community.
  2. Open the "Subscribers" tab.
  3. Next to the number of participants, click the "edit" button.
  4. In the member list, select the user you want to make an administrator.

Thus, you can not only, but also change the admin in the VK group.

Hide administrator from PC

If you want to know how to hide the admin in the VK group so that it does not appear in the "Contacts" block, then you need:

Go to the community management section.

In the members section, select a person with community management rights and click on the "Edit" button.

In the window that opens, uncheck the box "Display in contact block".

How to hide the VK administrator from iPhone or Android

On iPhone or Android devices, the hiding process is almost identical to working through a PC.

Having opened the list of community members and going into edit mode, uncheck the box "Display in the contact block".

To remove authority from a user or simply remove them from the admins in the VK group, you need to go to the participants section through community management and select the "Decommission" item.

On mobile devices, go to the "Participants" section and select the "Delete" item in edit mode.

How to recognize the administrator in the group

Now the question is how to recognize the admin in the VK group, then you need to do the following:

First, check the "Contacts" block in the lower right block. Most often, leaders are displayed there.

In the mobile application, this block is placed as a separate item in the community menu. All you need to do is go to the "Contact" page.

If this block is empty, then write to the private messages of the community. There you can directly contact the owners and, if necessary, obtain administrator data.

If you want to know if you are the leader of a particular group, then look at the options available to you. In the event that you can add new entries to the page, delete comments and manage the community, then this means that you have all administrator rights.

Problems administering groups

Community owners should be aware of what problems there may be when administering VK groups and possible solutions:

  1. Spam in comments under posts. This problem is solved by blocking spammers, as well as adding obscene language to the forbidden list of words
  • Difficulties with creating high-quality and interesting content. To solve the problem, you need to analyze competitors and sites with a related topic. Based on the analysis, write out the types of posts that collect the greatest response from the audience. This will allow you to draw up a competent content plan and solve all the difficulties with creating publications.


In this article, we got acquainted with the principles of the work of group administrators and where to find people for this position. We also discussed the process of appointing a group (public) administrator through the VK functionality, moreover, this can be done from different devices - from a home computer, iPhone (iOS), Android, and other smartphones.