The whole truth about the disease: is tooth decay transmitted through a kiss?
Dentists suggested celebrating the Day against Caries (surprising, right?). And no wonder: this seemingly invisible disease is the most...
A child has been coughing for more than a month, nothing helps - what to do?
Cough is the body’s protective reaction to the introduction of a foreign agent into the respiratory tract. Based on the nature of sputum discharge, it is divided...
When Abdominal Pain Becomes a Problem
Why does your stomach hurt? What to do if you have pain? When should you see a doctor? What tests should be taken for abdominal pain? Why can...
How to increase hemoglobin in a child: basic methods
Red blood cells are red formed elements of the bloodstream that perform vital functions: transport oxygen to tissues and...
Drugs for high mental stress
1 Organization of students for the educational process, carried out taking into account not only educational loads, but also mental stress, can...
Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen - the main causes and ways to get rid of symptoms
In the lower abdomen, women experience so-called pelvic pain, usually caused by chronic or acute diseases of various internal...