Symptoms and prevention of delayed psycho-speech development in children
Questions arising around the disease associated with delayed psycho-speech development in children have recently become more and more...
Hemorrhoids in children: symptoms, treatment, photos Dr. Komarovsky about constipation in newborns - video
Hemorrhoids in children are a disease based on the pathological condition of the cavernous (cavernous) plexuses located in the thickness...
Molluscum contagiosum AIDS
The disease usually heals on its own within 6 to 24 months, so it does not always require treatment. Molluscum contagiosum is not...
Diagnosis and treatment of neuroendocrine diseases in children
The same pathological processes can develop both with damage to the hypothalamus and with primary dysfunction of the pituitary gland. And when...
Causes of allergic diathesis in children
A fairly impressive percentage of young mothers face such a problem as allergic diathesis in children. This condition is not...
The child grinds his teeth in his sleep
Bruxism is a condition that more often affects children than adults. It is believed that every third child grinds his teeth. Grinding...