How to properly and beautifully make up. How to paint eyes depending on their shape

Also, from what you read, you will learn about the possible nuances that you may encounter in the makeup process. And the advice of makeup artists will let you know how to deal with them.

The main components of beautiful eye makeup

1. . The first mandatory stage from which any makeup begins. There are several options for cleansing the skin - deep and superficial. If time allows, use special products: scrub or exfoliant. They will rid the skin of dead cells, and the make-up will “lie” better. If time is short, then simply wipe your face with tonic or micellar water (provided that there is no makeup on your face). Otherwise, first use a special makeup remover.

2. Skin hydration. On cleansed skin, apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type. After this procedure, wait a couple of minutes for the cream to be well absorbed.

Helpful advice: if your face looks tired, and in the morning puffiness appears under the eyes, use cosmetic ice. You can buy it or make it yourself from boiled, mineral water or from herbal decoction.

3. Color selection. First of all, makeup should be as comfortable as possible for you. You don't have to blindly follow all the rules. Conventionally, the entire color range is divided into two types: “cold” and “warm” shades. "Cold" - blue, purple and their shades. "Warm" - red, yellow and their shades. It is worth remembering that it is undesirable to mix them.

4. . Before you start eye makeup, you need to apply the foundation. Apply concealer to the eye area, which will mask the vascular network, redness and bruising. Cover the rest of the face with foundation and set with powder. If there are large imperfections on the face, such as wrinkles or acne marks, use a special make-up base before applying the top coat (foundation and powder). If your skin is in perfect condition, then applying the base is optional.

5. . When the face is completely ready, proceed to the eye makeup. But first (even before the skin cleansing stage) practice on the technique of applying shadows, pencil (eyeliner) and mascara. These are the three basic items that you can’t do without in creating beautiful eye makeup.

How to paint eyes with shadows

In order to beautifully make up your eyes with shadows, you will need good applicators or eyelid makeup brushes, preferably professional ones. They are not only more comfortable to work with, but the touch to the skin will be more pleasant. To begin with, consider the classic version of eye makeup using shadows, which consists of the following steps:

Step 1. In the area under the eyebrow and on the inner corner of the upper eyelid, apply the lightest of the shades used.

Step 3. The darkest of the available colors stands out the outer corner of the eye. Now use a brush or applicator to blend the borders. It is important to pay maximum attention to the places of transition of one color to another. The border should be smooth and not conspicuous.

Step 4. You can also make up the lower eyelid. In this case, you should use a special small applicator or even resort to a cotton swab.

Step 5. Carefully shade the border of the shadows. The main rule when processing the lower eyelid is that there should be few shadows.

When using shadows, you can experiment with both shades and application methods. It is not necessary to limit yourself to applying a dark shade to the outer corner of the eye. The option looks very nice when the shadows are applied along the entire contour of the eye. Or you can try to apply them from the middle of the moving eyelid to the outer edge.

If you plan to perform evening make-up with shadows, then you can play with their intensity and brightness. To do this, apply shadows with a damp brush. So you highlight the main shade that will be in perfect harmony with your outfit and eye color.

How to line your eyes with a pencil

If you are still not too sure about the firmness of your hand, makeup artists advise you to line your eyes with a pencil. When choosing it, the main parameter is important - rigidity.

There are three degrees of hardness of the eyeliner.:

  • Soft- easy to apply, bright enough. But there is a possibility that such a pencil will easily break and crumble. Plus, it may not be very persistent, makeup will constantly have to be corrected.
  • Solid- more durable. But with the help of a hard pencil it is much easier to line your eyes correctly, to draw a clear and even line. When buying a hard pencil, always test it on the skin of your hand. It can be too hard and damage the delicate skin of the eyes.
  • medium hardness- "golden mean". This type of pencil combines the advantages of the two previous types. Choose exactly him.

Eyeliner technique:

Step 1. When drawing an arrow with a pencil, it is important to try to draw one solid line. If you constantly tear off your hand, then the arrow will come out uneven. Do not be afraid to go beyond the boundaries of the moving eyelid to the outer corner - this will add a little spice to the makeup.

Step 2. Blend the line using a separate clean applicator (a line from a pencil, unlike an eyeliner, must be blended).

Step 3. You can also draw the line of the lower eyelid. It can start from the very beginning of the inner eyelid and end at the outer corner of the eye, or be drawn only at the outer border.

Step 4. To give more depth to the look, line the bottom line of the inner eyelid with a pencil.

How to paint your eyes with eyeliner

It is much more difficult to correctly and beautifully make up your eyes with eyeliner, but it has a number of undeniable advantages compared to using a pencil:

  • the arrow drawn with the eyeliner is brighter, clearer. All makeup, in general, looks more saturated;
  • any eyeliner is more resistant than a pencil, regardless of its degree of rigidity.

Basic steps for applying eyeliner:

Step 1. Stand in the most comfortable position. The working hand must have a reliable support, for example, a table or chest of drawers. Try to draw the line as close to the lash line as possible. This option is the most accurate and beautiful.

Step 2. Unlike the pencil technique, when working with eyeliner, it is best not to draw a solid line all at once. Remember drawing lessons in school. The easiest and most convenient way is to first put down a few points, then connect them together, thus you will get a ready-made outline of the future arrow. And already along the contour you can easily draw an arrow with one movement of your hand.

Step 3. Determine the location of the arrowhead. To do this, put a pencil on the line of the outer corner of the lower eyelid - the arrow should continue this line.

Step 4. Paint the tip of the arrow with eyeliner and smoothly connect it to the main line.

It is not necessary to stop at the "classic" black eyeliner. They are represented by a whole tint palette. Below you will find out which colors are right for you.

How to paint your eyes with mascara

It is difficult to imagine a beautiful finished eye makeup without the use of mascara. It would seem that any girl knows how to properly paint her eyes with mascara, but there are several points that makeup artists always take into account when applying it:

Step 1. Mascara should be applied initially from the lash line to the very tips. At the first stage, it is important not to overdo it, a few strokes will be enough. To get rid of excess mascara, use a special eyelash comb or a washed brush from an old mascara.

Step 2. Different girls have a different direction of eyelash growth. For some, they are more bent upwards, while for others they are lowered downwards. To correct the position of the eyelashes and make the look more expressive, the use of curling irons will help. Use them before applying a second coat of mascara.

Step 3. After that, you need to tint the tips a little. Makeup artists advise you to do this as follows: bring the brush with mascara under the eyelashes and blink slightly several times - so you do not apply excess mascara.

Step 4. But the eyelashes on the lower eyelid are best left unpainted and bring the lower eyelid with a pencil. If you are used to coloring the lower eyelashes, then apply mascara in one layer. And a couple of strokes will be enough.

To achieve the volume that you would like to see on the upper eyelashes, you can use the phased application of several layers of mascara with simultaneous combing.

How to paint eyes according to their shape

It is impossible to accurately give the right advice on how to make up your eyes beautifully without first considering what kind of makeup is suitable for a girl with one or another eye shape. With the help of the right make-up, you can completely transform the whole image of a girl, radically change facial features, including the shape of the eyes.

You already know how to make up with shadows, pencil, eyeliner and mascara. It remains to understand how to apply this technique correctly, taking into account the shape of your eyes.

Small eyes

You can visually enlarge your eyes by choosing the lightest shade of shadows from a suitable tint palette. Apply it all over the eyelid from the lash line to the eyebrows. Underline the inner corner of the eye with white shadows, and the outer one with dark ones. It is better to use a pencil to draw the arrow, and not eyeliner. The line should be thin and well shaded.

Big eyes

The main task in makeup with big eyes is to visually reduce them with dark shadows and give them a “wide-open look” with light ones. To do this, we apply light shadows under the eyebrows, and dark ones from the beginning of the moving eyelid to the edges. Smoothly shade the border of the transition from dark to light shade. For staining eyelashes, it is better to limit yourself to several layers of mascara.

Round eyes

Round eyes need to be visually "stretched" to bring them closer to the almond shape. To do this, take darker shades and carefully paint over the border between the mobile and the rest of the eyelid. With shadows of lighter shades, paint over the moving eyelid. Apply eyeliner along the lash line, starting from the inner corner and gradually expanding the contour to the outer corner. When applying mascara, pay special attention to the eyelashes at the outer corner of the eyes, which will create the effect of a “wide look”.

Deep set eyes

For makeup of deep-set eyes, use shadows only in light shades: both matte and with mother-of-pearl. Light colors increase the space between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow, and the look becomes more open. With deep-set eyes, it is better to forget about eyeliner and arrows, as well as about applying mascara in several layers (no more than two), otherwise you risk further aggravating the severity of the look.

Widely spaced eyes

At the inner corner of the eye on the moving eyelid, from the beginning of eyelash growth to the eyebrow line, apply the brightest and most saturated color, pay attention to thorough shading. For the rest of the eyelid, apply shadows of lighter shades. Carefully paint over the eyelashes in the middle part of the eyelid.

Close-set eyes

In makeup for closely spaced eyes, it is important to maintain the correct gradient. Choose the most natural and lightest shade and apply it to the inside of the mobile eyelid. Then move along the outside, gradually darkening the shade. You can additionally emphasize the outer corner of the eye with a pencil. When applying mascara, it is enough to walk along the eyelashes located at the outer corners of the eyes.

"Puffy" eyes

In this case, all actions are performed only on the upper eyelid. Draw a thin neat arrow and carefully paint over the eyelashes - this will be quite enough. You can use the shadows that are applied to the border between the mobile and the rest of the century. Just choose matte shades of dark shades without shine and blend them carefully.

"Dangling" eyelids

The main purpose of eyelid makeup is to lift the corner of the eye, thus making the problem less noticeable. To do this, under the eyebrow, starting from its middle to the tip, you need to apply shadows of the lightest shade. Eyebrows in this case should be perfect: plucked and combed. Then you need to paint over the middle of the outer eyelid (that is, in the place of sagging) matte shadows more intense hue. The contour is smoothly shaded to the eyebrows. Mascara is applied only to the upper eyelid, paying special attention to the eyelashes in the outer corners of the eyes.

In makeup with impending eyelids, only matte shadows are used. Mother-of-pearl and with a shimmer will further emphasize the problem.

How to choose eye shadow

In order to create a beautiful makeup at the level of a professional makeup artist, it is not enough to master the technique, you also need to be able to select the right shades that will be in harmony with the color of your eyes and skin tone.

For brown eyes

Suitable peach, pale pink, purple, lilac, olive, black and all shades of brown. When choosing the color of the shadows, consider the skin tone. Pink and peach color is suitable only for swarthy girls. Choose "classic" black mascara and eyeliner.

For gray eyes

This eye color is considered universal, because it allows you to create beautiful makeup in almost any shade range. But most of all, gray eyes love gray and all its shades, including silver. At the same time, always choose the shades of shadows more intense than the color of the eyes, for example, mother-of-pearl or with a shimmer. Avoid all shades of matte. Additionally, black eyeliner and mascara will emphasize the eyes.

For green eyes

This eye color requires special makeup. A palette of browns and greens suits you, including swamp greens and olive hues with copper or gold undertones. Also with green eyes, evening makeup in purple shades looks good: lilac, lilac, plum, lavender. The ideal choice would be brown eyeliner and mascara in the same color.

For blue eyes

Makeup in pink, turquoise and blue tones will suit you. Also, shades in lilac, jet black, silver and gray are well combined with blue eyes. Choose an intense eyeliner, black or gray. Shadows don't always have to be bright and eye-catching. Natural shades can be perfect for your eye color.

Beautiful eye makeup options

According to all the canons, daytime makeup should be more calm and restrained. But when performing evening makeup, you can not hold back and let your imagination fly. You can even use glitter and shimmer. The main thing is not to overdo it. Below are some popular makeup options.

The nude style was invented for virtually all the fair sex. Its main task is to mask imperfections, such as circles under the eyes or an uneven complexion, and give it a fresh, rested look. When choosing this technique, there are no restrictions on the shape and color of the eyes. both a very young girl and an older woman can choose.

Based on the name of the technique, we understand that such makeup should look as natural as possible in daylight. Make it a rule to apply light daytime makeup in natural light, preferably near a window. Artificial light in any case can distort the picture as a whole. You can transfer everything you need to the windowsill or balcony and do your makeup there.


Modern makeup artists consider this type of makeup to be one of the most beautiful. Properly executed technique will give expressiveness to the eyes, and their shape will take on a more oblong look. The technique for performing cat eyes makeup is considered in detail.

  • When choosing an herbal tea for ice cubes, it is important to consider your skin type. Dill will help owners of excessively oily skin. For the normal type, chamomile is ideal, and for the dry type, mint is ideal. If you have combination skin, you can use cucumber and lemon.
  • When choosing cosmetics, especially products for the eye area, always opt for natural ingredients. So you will avoid the appearance of redness and allergies.
  • Based on the same considerations, always throw away expired cosmetics that have expired. .
  • When applying makeup, it is worth remembering the age, and not just the shape and color of the eyes. For older women, a more discreet make-up is suitable.
  • In eye makeup, you should pay attention to the eyebrows, give them the correct shape. They can both spoil the whole picture and give additional grace. If you are the owner of thick dark eyebrows, then just comb them and fix them with a special tool. But the owners of light eyebrows should use a pencil a couple of shades darker to emphasize their line.
  • Colorless powder will help prolong the life of makeup. Applied over the shadows, it will give them extra durability.
  • Do not forget that by focusing on the eyes, you should make the lip makeup more calm.
  • When applying cosmetics, remember the color of the skin. Dark skin likes more saturated colors, and light skin prefers calmer ones.

A lot has been said about eye makeup. After reading our material, you should learn how to choose the right shades that match the color of your eyes, as well as paint them beautifully without anyone's help. Experiment, do not get hung up on strict limits and rules. In the end, the first results will be available only to you. I would like to think that we were able to help you find your own individuality.

Makeup is a special kind of art that every woman owns. Armed with lipstick and mascara, you can create unimaginable masterpieces and adjust your appearance. With the last two points, everything is relatively clear. At the same time, not everyone owns the technique of professionally applying shadows on the eyelids. Thanks to the tips and tricks of makeup artists, every woman will learn how to do a unique makeup at home.

If you think about it, there is nothing difficult in applying shadows, although they are a rather difficult element of decorative cosmetics. For those who get to know them for the first time, for greater confidence, you can watch the video tutorials step by step and consolidate the knowledge gained in practice.

Rules for using shadows

In order to get an answer to the question of how to paint with shadows, professionals recommend that you read and follow ten simple but very effective rules:

  1. Always even out your tone before applying makeup.
  2. The use of the base is a prerequisite for obtaining a chic result.
  3. Every woman should have cream eye shadow.
  4. Choose your own, individual cream shade.
  5. Apply powder to the area under the eyes.
  6. Choose shadows according to the color type.
  7. Don't be afraid of pearl shades.
  8. Correct the shape of the eyes.
  9. In any makeup, three colors of shadows should be present.
  10. Master the technique of wet application.

Approaching responsibly to the study and application of the above tips in practice, the question of how to paint with shadows will disappear by itself.

Eyeshadow brushes: types and purpose

It is impossible to figure out how to use shadows at a professional level without having a minimum of applying them. The better the tool, the better the end result. Makeup artists distinguish three main types of brushes:

  • for drawing;
  • for shading;
  • for eyeliner.

The ideal application of eye shadow is only possible if you use a rounded brush with short bristles. Ideally, it should be made from natural, not synthetic materials. Using a fluffy brush, you can dial the required amount of shadows. The application will not be accompanied by streaks and stains. The tone will be even.

The shading brush has a cone shape, its pile is long and lush. Designed tool for smoothing lines and transitions. You need to make clear arrows with a thin brush with a sharp end. Here it is better to give preference to a tool made of synthetic material, since the natural pile is too soft.

Eyeshadow base is the key to perfect eyelid makeup

If you are interested in how to beautifully paint with shadows, then you are already more than an amateur and are set to a professional approach to creating an image. And such a cosmetic product as a base for shadows will help in this. The use of the base has three undeniable advantages:

  1. Shadows last much longer on the eyelids.
  2. The color becomes brighter and more saturated.
  3. The tool does not roll into lumps.

If a woman has dry or oily eyelid skin, then a foundation is indispensable. In the first case, the shadows are kept for a short period of time, after which they begin to crumble, the color saturation is lost. In the second case, the problem is quite the opposite. And, applying shadows on an oily eyelid, you notice that cosmetics lay down in rough spots, and eventually roll into folds.

Most manufacturers produce foundation in two forms: powder and cream. Regardless of this, the application should be carried out exclusively on clean, dry skin. When using a moisturizer, wait about 10 minutes, then use the base. The quantity should be taken minimal, the size of a match head. And apply in one even layer. If you use a foundation in the form of a cream, then you need to purchase a special brush to apply it. After drying, you can continue to create an image.

Eyeliner: pencil or shadow?

For many years in a row, girls used special pencils to make arrows. Now more practiced with shadows. There are several variations on how to paint with shadows. Accordingly, the result will be different:

  • To make the eyes appear visually higher, it is necessary to sum up the entire lash line.
  • With closely spaced eyes, the eyeliner option is used 1/3 of the lash line from below or from above, so the distance will be visually larger.
  • You can make your eyes bigger by completely lining the upper eyelid and 1/3 of the lower eyelid - a universal option that suits any face shape.
  • Girls with narrow eyes should perform circular eyeliner, while it is better to choose shades of light colors, which will enhance the effect.

You don't need to have a lot of makeup for perfect makeup. It needs to be of good quality.

Eye Makeup Kits

Most beauty industry experts recommend the fair sex in favor of paired shades. Such a set of eyeshadows must fully match the color type. Makeup is an art. Each shade and color should complement each other and emphasize dignity. In addition, such a set will be small in size, which allows you to always carry it with you. It doesn't take up much space in your purse or makeup bag. Most women, when buying eyeshadow palettes, use two, maximum three colors, and the rest remain unnecessary.

Now it will not be difficult to find makeup lessons for beginners (step by step). However, before embarking on complex techniques and images, it is necessary to master the basic skills to perfection. First you need to learn how to make natural. To do this, the shadows should be selected in pastel colors (peach or beige), and soft pencils should be used. On bright sunny days, it is better to refrain from using black mascara. It is recommended to give preference in favor of brown colors. This will give more naturalness to your image. When choosing a brasmatic, special attention should be paid to the brush. For better separation, it should be made of synthetic materials. For example, from silicone. Lipstick should match the selected shades of shadows, you can take one or two shades darker.

Perfect makeup application in a comfortable environment

For those who do not want to shell out a round sum for professional makeup, there is an instruction telling how to beautifully make up at home. First of all, you need to make an even tone at the upper and lower eyelids, and cover the area under the eyes with foundation or corrector. After complete absorption, powder is applied with a special brush. Now, with the help of shadows in a pencil, it is necessary to make a thin eyeliner of the upper eyelid along the entire length, along the marginal lash line. It is better to choose black. The lower eyelid is also applied. But here you should take light shades of a pencil. After completing the eyeliner, the lines need to be shaded with a special brush so that no clear boundaries are visible.

Now start applying shadows. A dark shade should be carefully placed on the upper movable eyelid, repeating the line of the arrow made. Then, from the crease of the upper eyelid to the eyebrow line, you need to apply a light shade of shadows. The resulting transition is shaded with a brush. Line the lower eyelid, from the inner corner of the eyes to the middle, with a dark shade of shadows. Next, use a light color. And blend the line again. To complete the look, apply mascara that increases the volume of the eyelashes. That's the whole secret. Now you know how to beautifully make up at home.

The secret to applying dark shadows

Girls try to avoid using black shadows or dark, saturated colors. Very in vain. After all, this makeup is ideal for evening outings and makes the image unique.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Apply moisturizer and let it dry.
  2. Use a base.
  3. Take cream eye shadow.
  4. Apply them tightly on the movable eyelid with a special brush.
  5. Apply a layer of mother-of-pearl on top (you can leave and
  6. Apply a light shade of shadow from the border of the dark - to the eyebrows.
  7. Blend all clear lines.
  8. Now apply dark shadows on the moving eyelid.
  9. Draw the inner corners of the eyes with a silver or light pencil.
  10. Apply good, voluminous mascara.
  11. Use pastel lipstick.

Following this algorithm of actions, you will be able to apply dark shadows professionally, making an unusual make-up.

Memo on matching eye color and shade of shadows

Emphasizing the beauty of the eyes and creating a natural look is possible only through the correct selection of makeup shades.

It is better for owners of green eyes to opt for brown, marsh and black tones. Brown color is ideally combined with brown, lilac and gray. Blue-eyed girls can afford almost any shade except pink. Using the above tips and tricks, you will never have a question about how to paint with shadows. And your makeup will always be flawless.

Makeup is an important part of the image of a modern woman. In order to make it qualitatively, it is absolutely not necessary to seek help from professional makeup artists. This art is quite possible to master on your own. And in this article we will talk about how to make up beautifully, what you need to consider and what to pay attention to.

What should be considered when creating makeup?

In order for the makeup to look spectacular and organic, some nuances should be taken into account:

Purpose of makeup

Evening and day makeup are very different for each other. If you're planning to attend a party or wedding, you can create a brighter look by using dark eye shadows and bright lipstick colors. If you go to work, school, for a walk, to the movies or just for an informal meeting with friends, then the makeup should be less bright. It is worth using pastel, beige, amber, pearl tones.

Skin condition

If the skin is problematic with a lot of rashes and redness, then you should use special correctors and foundations of a dense texture to mask them. You should refrain from lipstick in red shades, as it will draw attention to inflammation. For non-problem skin, there are no such restrictions, it is allowed to use bright shadows and lipsticks, the color scheme depends on your type of appearance and the format of the event you are planning to attend.


Makeup should be in harmony with your image. For example, dark evening makeup would be inappropriate with a light summer sundress.

Appearance features

Depending on the type of your face, the shape of your nose, eyes, eyebrows, the technique of applying makeup is different. This must be taken into account so that cosmetics mask your flaws and draw attention to your virtues, and not vice versa.

Basic Rules

When creating a make-up, it is worth considering several universal rules:

Stages of creating makeup

Let's figure out how to beautifully make up in stages. Among the basic cosmetics you will need: a base for foundation, foundation, corrector (if you have problem skin), blush, shadows, eyeliner, lips, eyebrows, mascara and lipstick.

Effective eye makeup

Bright eye makeup is necessary if you are going to some kind of event: a wedding, a party, a birthday. Let's analyze step by step how to beautifully make up with shadows:

  • First, use the base for the eyelids, then apply to the entire eyelid and blend beige or light orange shadows
  • Next, take the shadows of a dark shade, type on a brush and apply to the outer corner of the eye and into the crease of the moving eyelid. After that, blend the shadows to the inner corner so that the color is brighter on the outer corner. We paint the lower eyelid with the same shadows.
  • Over the crease of the eyelid, apply a strip of colored shadows and blend.
  • After that, we use eyeliner, then mascara.

Many women are interested in how to make up beautifully at home. Most beauties have a good command of technique, but often they cannot understand the huge variety of colors and tools used to perform eye makeup. At the same time, beautifully accentuated with decorative cosmetics, the eyes can favorably highlight the beauty of form and color, make a woman much more attractive, and her appearance more expressive.

There are some fairly simple makeup rules that can be quickly mastered and put into practice by every woman. The eyes are the window to the soul, but they need the right frame. This role is played by high-quality decorative cosmetics for the eyes.

How to make up - the subtleties of makeup

Beautifully made-up eyes make a woman visually younger, highlight the beautiful color of the iris. Subject to a certain technique, you can visually enlarge the eyes or adjust their shape, make them much more expressive. Simple eye makeup rules will tell you the sequence of actions and will be a guide on how to learn how to paint from scratch.

In order to perform high-quality makeup, every woman must have a certain minimum of decorative cosmetics, which is used to work with the eyes:

  1. Base for shadows.
  2. Shadows in individual packages or in palettes of suitable shades.
  3. A dark and light pencil for eyeliner (a special type of pencil is needed for the mucous membrane - kajal).
  4. A convenient type of eyeliner - cream, gel, liquid, "felt pen".
  5. Mascara of the desired shade.

This is the minimum set that every woman complements with those products that suit her and that she prefers to use.

Selection of the shade of shadows depending on the color of the eyes

For most beautiful ladies, the main difficulty in makeup is how to paint the eyes with shadows. There are a few easy-to-remember rules here:

It is best to select shadows for the eyes according to the principle of contrast. Such shadows highlight the shade of the eyes and make it much brighter and juicier. For example, blue eyes beautifully emphasize brown shades of shadows, gray eyes are beautiful with blue, blue, greenish tones, green eyes become just emerald next to purple and plum colors, and brown eyes are good with a lot of colors, the main thing is to choose them according to color temperature.

Warm shades will “ask” for softer warm shades of shadows, and cold brown color will be good with gray, blue, cold green and purple colors.

Some colors are neutral and work well with different eye colors. These are all shades of gray and black, a cool taupe that is often referred to as "taup" or "top".

Fashionable red shadows can turn a woman into a tearful or sick woman with sore eyes, but it’s worth making red darker at the outer corner of the eye and drawing a thin line with a dark pencil or eyeliner at the lash line, as makeup becomes very stylish and spectacular.

It is believed that matte shadows or those with a soft, unobtrusive satin sheen are best suited for daytime.

Shimmery, high-shine, frosty and glitter shadows are suitable for an evening out, and colored pigments are often used to create stage or carnival makeup.

You can make eye makeup with several specially designed products or use one or two products. For large expressive eyes, it is enough to use only separating and lengthening mascara, diligently highlighting the eyelashes. Enlarging the eyes and changing their shape will require more cosmetics and effort, but the result is worth it.

Important! When choosing cosmetics for the eyes, focus on hypoallergenic products. If any of the types of cosmetics provokes an allergy, mercilessly part with it.

Correction of the shape of the eyes with the right makeup

Happy owners of large eyes can just use mascara - and their eyes sparkle with precious stones. Those women who have small eyes do not have this advantage, but cosmetics will allow them to quickly make their eyes larger.

The easiest way to quickly enlarge the eyes is to emphasize the water line of the lower eyelid with a light kayal pencil. White color looks a little unnatural, so it is best to stay on a beige or pinkish kayal. Paired with it, you can use a thin line of dark eyeliner along the lash line on the upper eyelid, slightly stepping back from the contour, and then thickly make up the upper lashes with dark mascara. This technique allows you to visually enlarge the eyes and make the look “wide open”. During the day, the pencil on the water line needs to be updated periodically, so it should always be present in every woman's cosmetic bag.

With the help of shadows, pencil or eyeliner, you can also change the shape of the eye.

  • If you apply light shadows on deep-set eyes, they will seem more convex and large.
  • Bulging eyes can be corrected with dark shadows on the upper eyelid and mascara without using a contour.
  • You can give a beautiful almond-shaped eye by extending the line of the lower eyelid with eyeliner towards the outer corner of the eyebrow. An arrow made in this direction along the entire upper eyelid will give the eye a spectacular "cat" shape.
  • Close-set eyes can be visually "broke" by darkening the outer corner of the eye and highlighting the inner one. With too widely spaced eyes, they do exactly the opposite.

How to quickly and accurately draw arrows with a pencil or eyeliner

Some women do not know how to use eyeliner, thus depriving themselves of a very practical and effective makeup product. The fact is that eyeliners can be of different types. Soft and plastic, they are intended for shading, they do not hold the line and are not suitable for making a clear contour. Dense and less bold are used for neat thin lines and can replace eyeliner, they draw arrows of various types and sizes.

In addition, you can make up your eyes with a pencil as shadows and use it as a “substrate” to create a smokey eye.

A beautiful line of the arrow does not work out for anyone right away. It is especially difficult to make them symmetrical, that is, to draw arrows of the same length and width on each eye.

  • To draw a beautiful arrow, you need to place the elbow of the working hand on a hard, stable surface, start drawing from the outer corner of the eye, drawing a line upwards, then draw the outline of the upper eyelashes, connecting it to the tail, and lastly drawing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner corner of the eye.
  • The arrows can be thin, medium thickness, large, double, one-color and two-color, emphasizing the contours of only the upper eyelid or both eyelids. Using a pencil, you can make the original eyeliner only on the lower eyelid.
  • Beginning craftswomen can try to draw arrows using a special felt-tip pen. Usually it allows you to quickly and easily draw the desired line, and with it you can adjust the thickness of the arrow without problems. To do this, you only need to increase or decrease the intensity of pressing the felt-tip pen. But most eyeliners of this type have a significant drawback - they either end quickly or dry out too quickly.
  • Experienced young ladies prefer to use gel or cream eyeliner. It is produced by numerous cosmetic companies in cute little jars, applied with a special brush - with a thin tip or beveled. With this tool, you can draw the thinnest arrows or depict wide ones, in the style of the 60s, which is also in fashion now.

Important! Observe the expiration dates of eye cosmetics. Old cosmetics contain a lot of microorganisms that can cause conjunctivitis and many other eye diseases.

How to use mascara correctly

Most women are firmly convinced that they know very well how to apply mascara correctly, because. most often this is the first means of decorative cosmetics that a girl begins to use in her life.

However, most of us unknowingly ruin our mascara by making piston-like movements back and forth, trying to get mascara onto the brush. This is a fundamentally wrong action, accelerating the spoilage of the product. With such movements, air is injected into the tube, which contributes to the oxidation of the carcass and the ingress of harmful microorganisms into it. The product can deteriorate, and eyes with such mascara can become very inflamed.

In order to make the look more expressive and the eyelashes longer, we color the eyes with zigzag movements, bringing the brush to the very base of the eyelashes. Thus, we paint them over the entire length, separate them and lengthen them, covering them with a thin and even layer of mascara without lumps and gluing.

Mascara is a perishable product, its life usually does not exceed 3 months, so you should not try in vain to “reanimate” dried or thickened mascara. It still will not go well and evenly, or it will begin to crumble under the eyes a couple of hours after application. This mascara should be thrown away and purchased fresh. You need to buy only the copy that is "sealed" in cellophane and has a sticker indicating the date of manufacture. Expired mascara is a collection of bacteria and fungus that can lead to serious eye problems.

Step by Step Makeup Tutorials

A simple step-by-step guide will help women master the basics of eye makeup, so that they can use their knowledge to perform more complex options. This method will clearly show how you can paint your eyes in stages and help you easily remember the sequence of actions.

On our site you can find many step-by-step photos of creating eye makeup or watch special videos. These lessons will help you learn the procedure and accurately repeat them in your makeup.

Many makeup gurus recommend eye makeup first. This is due to the fact that during the application process, shadows and other decorative cosmetics products can crumble, staining the area under the eyes. If foundation and powder are applied to the face, removing traces of shadows and mascara can smear the layer of cosmetics and spoil the whole work. If the eyes are made up before applying the tone and powder, it will be possible to carefully remove traces of paint, apply foundation or BB cream, powder and mask the traces of bruises and swelling under the eyes with a concealer. As a result of this technique, you can get a perfect, perfectly executed and very neat eye makeup.

Everyday option

For everyday eye makeup, women with large eyes simply line the lash line with eyeliner or a pencil, and cover the eyelashes with mascara.

If you want to make up more expressively, you can use this scheme:

  • Apply basic light shadows on the eyes - on the entire upper eyelid.
  • With a shade slightly darker, use a soft fluffy brush to highlight the crease of the upper eyelid, bringing the color closer to the outer corner of the eye.
  • Bring the upper eyelid as close as possible to the lash line, and even better - between them. This will make the eyes look bigger and more expressive.
  • Cover the upper eyelashes with dark mascara (black for brunettes and brown-haired women, brown for blondes and redheads).
  • To top off this simple make-up, it’s good to slightly lighten the inner corner of the eye with light satin shadows, as well as lighten the area under the eyebrow.

Important! Store eye makeup in closed boxes away from sunlight in a cool place. Wash your brushes and applicators frequently, wipe down packaging, and wash makeup bags. This will help not only maintain a presentable appearance of cosmetics, but also protect against the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Universal "smoky eyes"

Smoky eye makeup never goes out of style, only the shades of shadows and the degree of color intensity change. Most often, classic smokey eyes are made on a substrate of shadows to give the desired density to the color. A good way to make eye shadow out of a pencil is to take a pencil with a soft plastic texture, apply it to the upper eyelid, then gently blend it with a soft brush.

You can use a pencil, creamy eyeshadow instead of eyeshadow, or apply regular dry eyeshadow on top of a pencil or cream eyeshadow to give the shade depth and velvety. To do this, with a fluffy brush, the shadows are superimposed in layers on the upper eyelid, outlining its shape and contours.

To get a beautiful haze around the eyes, the shadows need to be shaded well. For these purposes, a lush brush is used with neutral light shadows typed on it, which is carefully passed along the contour of dark shadows.

You can simply complete the makeup with mascara on the eyelashes or apply eyeliner, make an arrow, and for a "big exit" sticking artificial eyelashes for greater expressiveness.

evening make-up

It is easy to turn everyday makeup or smokey eyes into an evening one with the help of shiny and sparkling shadows and “metallic” eyeliner. You can apply them on the entire eyelid or use them fragmentarily, for example, apply shiny shadows or glitter only on the center of the upper eyelid. This technique will make the eyes more convex and expressive.

The line of shiny eyeliner looks impressive and at the same time more modest than too sparkling shadows. It can be combined with regular black eyeliner by making very expressive double arrows.

First, an arrow is carefully drawn with black eyeliner or a pencil. Then, when she “grabs”, just above her, a line is drawn along her upper contour with bright colored or shiny metallic eyeliner. This makeup is perfectly complemented by lush false eyelashes.

Creating a permanent make-up

A significant part of women have “fatty” eyelids, on which no, even the most expensive and high-quality cosmetics rest. After several hours of wearing makeup, it "floats" and loses its clear outline. To prevent this from happening, you need to use a special base for eyelid makeup.

This tool is simply applied in a thin layer on the skin of the upper eyelid and allowed to gain a foothold. Against such a background, any shadows look brighter and juicier, perfectly blended and worn up to two times longer than without a base.

In the absence of a base, you can use non-greasy cream shadows that need to be lightly powdered, or a soft eyeliner that needs to be blended well. For light shadows, it is good to use a white pencil, and for bright and dark shadows, a black pencil is suitable. It will make the shadows more saturated and expressive, give them depth and richness.

The correct use of decorative cosmetics for the eyes can make a woman's face more expressive and brighter, emphasizing its originality and beauty. When performing bright eye makeup, you need to remember that in order not to look vulgar, you need to focus on only one accent. If these are eyes, then lips should either not be highlighted at all, or a neutral gloss or lipstick should be used.

Eye makeup helps to give the appearance a certain chic and sophistication, but this will only happen if the makeup is done flawlessly neat. Careless shading, smeared shadows, uneven eyeliner and mascara, lying in lumps on the eyelids and crumbling under the eyes, will quickly nullify all efforts and make even a naturally beautiful woman sloppy.

Video tutorials step by step at home

Face preparation for makeup

First of all, you need to prepare your face for applying makeup.

    Wash your face thoroughly with warm water and a mild foam or other skin cleanser.

    You can use a matting tonic, it will dry out oily skin and cosmetics will go on evenly.

    Pat your face dry with a soft washcloth.

    Apply an age-appropriate moisturizer to prevent makeup from drying out your delicate skin. Typically, manufacturers indicate on the packaging age recommendations for the use of a particular product. Today on sale you can find BB makeup bases that already have moisturizing ingredients in their composition. It is not necessary to apply additional cream with them.

After the cream is absorbed, you can proceed to makeup.

How to choose the right shade?

Shadows should be chosen based on their type and color.

Choose the type of shadows

First you need to decide what shadows you are going to use: dry, cream, liquid or pencil shadows?

    Unlike the rest, dry shadows give more delicate, translucent colors and are better suited for nude makeup.

    Liquid shadows are sold in convenient packaging with an applicator for application and lay down in a dense, even layer.

    Cream eyeshadows do not require a base coat, but tend to clog into the creases of the eyelids.

    Pencil shadows, thanks to their shape, can be applied without the use of additional tools.

Choosing the color of the shadows

Eyeshadow color can make or break your look. In order to purchase only suitable cosmetics in the store, you need to understand the intricacies of choosing shades.

Shiny or matte?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the shine of the shadows.

    Matte shadows visually smooth out wrinkles and require the application of a high-quality makeup base.

    Mother-of-pearl shadows emphasize wrinkles, visually making them deeper, therefore they are mainly suitable for younger girls.

    Glitter shadows can contain glitter of different sizes. Large sequins are more appropriate for evening make-up, while small powder particles can also decorate everyday make-up.

Shadow color and your color type

It is customary to divide the appearance into 4 color types according to 3 main features. The table for determining your color type is presented below:

When you decide on your color type, use the scheme to calculate the shades that suit you:

Eye shadow color

The color of the shadows can also be matched to the color of the eyes. There are two main directions for selecting shadows: complementary colors or contrasting ones. Complementary colors enhance the natural shade of the eyes, and a contrasting one can distract attention from it and act as an independent accent.

Shadow application technique

To date, make-up does not obey almost any rules. The shading technique is only limited by the tools available and the result you want to achieve.

The main tools for eye makeup are considered to be:

    oblique brush

    Blending brush


An oblique brush is needed to create smooth lines, for example, in graphic makeup or for drawing arrows. The blending brush allows you to achieve smooth color transitions. The applicator is needed to apply shadows in a dense layer.

To make your makeup last as long as possible, you must first apply a special base under the eye shadow. Its color should match your skin tone.

Basic shading techniques

It is not necessary to do makeup with bright contrasting shadows, sometimes classic schemes look much more interesting in pastel or neutral shades.

Versatile shading technique

The universal eyeshadow technique involves the use of three different colors: light, neutral and dark or bright. Shadows of a light shade are applied to the entire upper eyelid, emphasizing the eyebrows - this technique visually expands the eyes and makes the look fresh. Then neutral shadows are applied to the moving eyelid. It is better to choose matte colors for this - they will look appropriate in any makeup. Bright or dark shadows are applied to the outer corner of the eye, shading them towards the tip of the eyebrow and the center of the eyelid.

When applying this scheme, it is important to pay attention to shading: all transitions should be as smooth as possible.

Vertical shading technique

With the vertical technique of applying eye shadow, the eyelid must be mentally divided into 5 zones with vertical lines, as shown in the figure. When using this technique, it is necessary to start with 1 zone, located at the inner corner of the eye. This is where we apply the lightest shade of eyeshadow. And then, moving to the outer corner of the eye, we fill each zone with darker colors.

Horizontal shading technique

With the horizontal technique of applying shadows, the eyelid is mentally divided into 5 zones by horizontal lines. Wherein:

    The first zone is at the level of the inner corner of the eye

    The second zone is located at the level of eyelash growth

    The third zone covers the entire movable eyelid

    The fourth zone is located in the crease of the eyelid

    The fifth zone occupies the entire upper eyelid

At the inner corner of the eye, apply light shiny shadows. Then paint over the lash line with a dark matte color. On the moving eyelid, apply matte shadows of a neutral shade. In the crease of the eyelid, apply a dense dark or bright color. The upper eyelid is again filled with neutral or light shadows.

Technique for creating almond eyes

Almond-shaped eyes are considered the most complimentary. You can achieve this effect even if the outer corner of your eye is lowered down.

To create such a makeup, use our step-by-step instructions:

    Apply light shimmer eye shadow to the inner corner of the eye.

    Apply dark shadow to the lash line. Then apply a small amount of dark shadow to the outer corner of the eye and blend towards the tip of the eyebrow and along the crease of the eyelid.

    On the upper eyelid, apply light matte shadows to the very line of the eyebrows.

Rules for applying shadows for different eye shapes

Using the right technique for applying shadows, you can correct the natural shape of the eye.

    Close-set eyes can be visually separated from each other with the right color accents. To do this, apply light (you can even pearly or shiny) from the inner corner of the eye, and dark from the outer.

    The reverse method will help to bring wide-set eyes closer together: apply light shadows to the outer corner of the eye, and dark ones to the inner one.

    To lift the outer corner of the eye and achieve an almond shape, apply dark shadow from the outer corner to the tip of the eyebrow. Blend the line towards the center of the eyelid.

    To enlarge the eyes, use shadows of light shades and apply glitter on the moving eyelid.

Unusual ways of applying shadows

To make up your eyes, you can use not only standard schemes, but also try unusual options, such as a predatory or dramatic make-up.

VIDEO. Predatory make-up:

VIDEO. Dramatic makeup:

For a themed party, a fantastic make-up with bright colors and unusual lines is also suitable.

VIDEO. Fantasy makeup:

But even the simplest nude makeup can be made special.

VIDEO. Makeup by Bobby Brown:

How beautiful to make up green eyes?

One of the heroes of Chekhov's story "A Guide for Those Who Want to Get Married" said that only fools or crazy people have green eyes. Be that as it may, beautiful green eyes need to choose an original make-up.

The best color combinations for green eyes

Best of all, bright green eyes complement warm shades. When choosing the color of eyeshadow for makeup, you should pay attention to peach and bronze colors, purple with a pink tint. Green eyes can be emphasized with emerald shadows. At the same time, try to avoid cold blue shades, as they muffle the natural juiciness of the green color.

Makeup options for green eyes

Any girl needs to know at least one scheme suitable for her everyday and festive makeup. As an addition, you can learn the technique of unusual makeup for green eyes, which will help out in case of a themed party or a bright photo shoot.

Everyday makeup for green eyes

We will need:


    Blending brush

    Light peach matte eyeshadow

    dark peach eye shadow

    Black eyeliner

As you can see, to create this makeup, only neutral, calm shades are needed. It's perfect for going to work or school.

The easiest way to perform this make-up is with the help of step-by-step instructions:

    Using the applicator, apply light shadows to the inner corner of the eye. Take a brush and blend the shadows towards the middle of the moving eyelid.

    Use the applicator to apply a dark peach shadow in a line from the outer corner of the eye to the edge of the eyebrow. With a brush, blend them towards the bridge of the nose along the crease of the moving eyelid.

    Use the applicator to apply light shadows to the upper eyelid. Using a brush, blend them up to the eyebrow line.

    Using a pencil, bring the upper eyelid along the lash line and draw arrows.

    With a pencil, lightly draw along the lash line on the lower eyelid. Blend.

You can fix your makeup with colorless powder.

Holiday makeup for green eyes

The perfect festive makeup for green eyes combines juicy shades of green and golden glitter.

We will need:

    peach shadows

    Black shadow pencil

    Dark green shadows

    copper shadows

    yellow-green shadows

    Black eyeliner

    golden glitter

Step-by-step instruction:

    Apply peach shadow all over the eyelid

    Apply black eye shadow pencil along the lash line on the upper eyelid

    Apply dark green shadow on the eyelid

    Apply copper shadow along the crease of the upper eyelid, lightly blend them upwards.

    Apply dark green shadow along the lash line on the lower eyelid, then blend until a “smoky” effect

    Apply yellow-green shadow to the inner corner of the eye

    Line your eyes with black eyeliner

    Apply gold glitter along the lash line on the upper eyelid

Unusual makeup solutions for green eyes

VIDEO. Fantasy makeup for green eyes:

How to paint eyes with dark and black shadows?

Black shadows are suitable for all girls, regardless of eye color and color type. The main thing is to be able to apply them correctly.

Classic smokey ice

The most popular makeup using black shadows is smokey ice. This is an ideal option for the evening, which everyone can do with the help of step-by-step instructions.

We will need:

    Base shadows for your skin tone

    black shadows

The step-by-step instruction contains only 3 points:

    Apply base shadow all over the lid

    Apply black shadow strictly along the lash line on the upper eyelid. Draw a line from the outer corner of the eye to the edge of the eyebrow.

    Blend black shadows towards the middle of the eyelid

Smokey ice for the impending century

Smoky eyes can visually make the overhanging eyelid even heavier, so it is better to replace the base shadows with matte whites, and add a little white mother-of-pearl shine to the inner corner of the eye.

Such a different smokey

The perfect smokey eye is different for everyone, so it's important to get familiar with the different perspectives on this technique.

VIDEO. Perfect Smokey by makeup artist Jordan Liberty:

VIDEO. Dissolving smokey:

VIDEO. Very black makeup:

VIDEO. Glamorous smoky eye:

Makeup for blue eyes

The right makeup for blue eyes can make them brighter. Consider a scheme for daily use, as well as an evening option.

Nude makeup for blue eyes

For nude makeup we need:

    Light peach eye shadow

    Intense peach shadows

    Black eyeliner

Apply light shadow all over the eyelid, and intense shadow along the crease of the upper eyelid. Blend, erasing the boundaries of transitions between colors. Draw an arrow using eyeliner.

Evening makeup for blue eyes

To make an evening make-up for blue eyes, we need:

    Turquoise matte eyeshadow

    Maroon matte eyeshadow

    White matte shadows

    Black eyeliner

Apply turquoise eye shadow to the inner corner of the eye and blend from the bridge of the nose. In the middle of the moving eyelid, add white shadows. Apply dark shadows with a line from the outer corner of the eye to the tip of the eyebrow and along the crease of the upper eyelid to its middle. Blend the shadows well to smooth out the borders of the flowers. Draw a thin arrow with an eyeliner.

Creative makeup for blue eyes

Blue eyes can be made up and unusual. Whether you're having a themed party or a fabulous photo shoot, these videos will help you create a unique look.

VIDEO. Modern makeup for blue eyes:

VIDEO. Bronze glitter for blue eyes:

Eye makeup is an art. Feel free to try new things and experiment, because make-up can be your way of expressing yourself!

Share photos of your makeup, reviews of your favorite decorative cosmetics and beauty secrets in the comments!