How to make a stool out of wood: ideas and an example of self-assembly. Simple furniture in every home - we make a plywood stool with our own hands according to a drawing and a diagram describing the intricacies of choosing a material Do-it-yourself plywood stool

It is generally accepted that a real man should know how to make a stool with his own hands. After all, elementary things are often called simple, like a stool. However, in practice, not every representative of the stronger sex, if he is not a cabinetmaker by profession, will be able to independently make this element of kitchen furniture without prompting so that it has a modern design, is not shaky, but strong and of high quality.

Sketches of chairs and stools made of plywood.

In this case, it would be rational to use someone else's professional experience and win in three directions at once:

  • furnish the kitchen with the necessary items;
  • save money by doing all the work yourself, without ordering a cut on the side and using improvised material for a stool from dried coniferous or hardwood waste, plywood sheets, chipboard scraps or old chipboard furniture;
  • get pleasant emotions, giving your image masculinity in the eyes of the environment and feeling like a jack of all trades.

Those who assemble for the first time in their lives with their own hands, but still have primary experience with wood and working tools, will be quite capable of coping with the manufacture of simple kitchen structures.

Simple, but very nice plywood and chipboard options, the descriptions of which are presented below, guarantee an easy, fast and high-quality result.

Plywood chair

As a starting material, you can take a sheet of birch plywood of a standard size 1520x1520 mm with a thickness of 2 cm. From such a sheet you will get as many as 3 products, practically a set, provided that the dimensions of each of them are as follows:

Figure 1. Scheme of the side of the chair.

  • stool cover - 400x400;
  • stool side (2 pcs.) - 400x310;
  • strips 270x120 - 2 pcs.

Before starting work, make sure that you have at hand:

  • pencil, ruler, if any - a right construction angle;
  • electric jigsaw, equipped with small-toothed wood files;
  • drill driver with wood drills 5 mm and 8 mm and bits with the indispensable presence of a hexagon;
  • sandpaper: large No. 100-120 and small No. 300-320, it is desirable to have a grinding machine for it;
  • brushes for toning and varnishing the stool;
  • for fasteners: confirmations, self-tapping screws 4x16 mm and furniture metal corners.

Having prepared all the necessary tools, they begin to create drawings of the elements of the future stool. You can make them by hand with a pencil and a ruler, but it is necessary to check the symmetry and right angles so that the future product does not skew during assembly.

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Product manufacturing

Figure 2. Diagram of the stool cover. Billet 400x400 mm.

For the sidewall, a drawing is applied (Fig. 1) on one side of the sheet and its contours are cut out with a jigsaw. Then the finished cut is applied along the axial vertical to the other side and, following its outlines, the second cut is outlined. The rest of the sides are drawn according to the finished part, so that they turn out to be absolutely identical. They do the same with drawing a drawing of the top cover (Fig. 2), only the axis of symmetry here will be diagonal. You can draw radii without a pattern or compass, since the lid from a large family pot with a capacity of 5 liters does an excellent job with this task.

It is very important, when sawing parts according to the drawings, to observe the straightness of the corners and the accuracy of dimensions up to half a millimeter, otherwise, instead of a high-quality stool, it will turn out to be crooked and wobbly.

Figure 3. Stool assembly diagram.
The cover is fastened to the sides with the help of furniture corners, fixed with self-tapping screws.

Before assembling the stool with your own hands, you need to process all the details, however, the chamfer on the workpieces cannot be removed to avoid chipping. First, sharp edges are rounded off with coarse sandpaper, the ends are varnished and then polished with a fine abrasive. This procedure is repeated 2-3 times to achieve perfect smoothness of the ends. The tinting of the stool, if there is such a desire, is also carried out while it is disassembled, so that no whitish marks remain at the joints.

Next, proceed to the assembly process (Fig. 3). The sides are pulled together with confirmations, for which holes 8 mm in diameter are drilled in the plane, and 5 mm in diameter at the end. The cover is fastened with furniture corners fixed with self-tapping screws.

At the final stage, another varnish coating is performed. Only after it has completely dried, the stool will be completely ready for use and protected from the negative effects of moisture.

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Chipboard stool

Those who are interested in how to make a stool from chipboard can be guided by the following tips. For one product you will need several pieces of chipboard:

  • for legs - a sheet measuring 40x30 cm² (2 copies);
  • for the cover - a sheet of 30x30 cm;
  • for a jumper - a sheet measuring 20x12 cm.

If chipboard sheets that are already in use and have minor defects are used, all defects should be covered with putty on wood and painted over with paint.

Figure 4. Scheme of a chipboard stool.

The list of tools is no different from the above set for making a plywood stool, as well as fasteners (4 confirmations 6.4x50 mm, 4 self-tapping screws, 4 plastic corners). The only difference is that it is advisable to buy furniture thrust pads (rectangular or round) and you can also add a tight-fitting piece of fabric 41x41 cm with a layer of foam rubber on glue (for example, such as "Moment") for the softness of the seat.

According to the presented drawings (Fig. 4), on the sheets of chipboard, first, the contours of the legs, jumpers and covers are applied with a pencil, and then all the details are cut out with an electric jigsaw at maximum speed. In this case, all corners on the lid must be rounded.

Now it remains only to collect the received elements of the stool. To do this, noting 3.5 cm from the edge of the leg, plastic corners are fixed with self-tapping screws. 2 holes are also drilled on the leg for installing a jumper, referring to the dimensions according to the drawing. Then the jumper is applied to the leg, holes are drilled in it for self-tapping screws, and the jumper is screwed to the leg of the stool using confirmations. All the above steps are repeated with the second leg. At the same time, make sure that the distances from the bottom of the leg to the jumper exactly match on both parts, otherwise the stool will warp.

The assembled structure of racks and jumpers is screwed to the lid. If a soft seat is supposed, then foam rubber is glued to the cover before assembly, the seat is covered with a cloth, which is fixed from below with a construction stapler. In order to cover the fabric edges, a sheet of fiberboard 29x29 cm is stuffed from the bottom of the seat.

In the manufacture of a stool made from new sheets of chipboard, one should not forget about the processing of the ends with a paper edge of the corresponding color. To do this, the edge, 2 cm longer than the length of the butt, is applied to it, ironed with an iron, heating the adhesive base, cut off all excess with a sharp shoe knife, and finally pass along the edges of the edge with fine sandpaper.

At the final stage of assembly, the thrust bearings are nailed with small nails so that the legs of the stool do not scratch the floor. Now the assembly of the chipboard stool can be considered complete.

A stool is one of the simplest types of furniture. Whatever changes our life has undergone, it remains unchanged. Only the materials from which it is made change. In Soviet times, making a stool with your own hands was one of the first tasks in labor lessons. Carpentry was known not only to boys. Sometimes the fair sex also had to comprehend the basics of adult life and learn how to make a stool with their own hands. Modern furniture bears little resemblance to its counterparts 50 years ago. Wooden stools of that time were rough, but durable. They fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen, as well as other rooms. Now the stores have a rich assortment of different types of furniture, but there are also lovers who want to learn how to make a stool with their own hands. And in our time of abundance of building materials, it will not be difficult at all.

The main parts of the stool are the seat and legs. The legs are connected at the top with tsargs, and at the bottom with prolegs. Having mastered the terms, you can do the drawings. First, you need to decide on the size. When making a stool, it is better to build on old, but reliable models that can be found in every home. Having measured the height and other parameters, you can begin to develop a circuit. If you do not have a sample, then for an adult stool the size of the side of the seat will be 300-450mm, for a child - 250-280mm. Homemade stools should be even more convenient than purchased ones. At least because you can choose the height for yourself. Usually the size for an adult is 420-480mm, for a child - 260-280mm. Drawings of stools must be carried with you, whether it is a diagram from the Internet or compiled by you. After all, it is much easier to eliminate shortcomings on paper than to redo all the work.

Materials and tools

Making a stool will require quality materials that have stood the test of time. In the first place, of course, wood. Wooden stools are in first place in terms of convenience and in second place after forged ones in terms of durability. The tree should be dried at room conditions at 20-30 degrees, a chamber-drying tree should not be taken, since the possibility of cracking is not ruled out. After air drying, the material must be dried at home at room temperature for about a month. It is best to take hardwood: maple, birch, beech, wenge, hemlock, mahogany. Or make legs out of them, which carry the main load, and a seat made of pine, spruce, MDF, chipboard or plywood.

Chipboard is one of the cheapest, but unreliable materials. It has advantages, such as moisture resistance. But in the manufacture of a stool, strength is much more important, and it is insufficient for chipboard, and besides, it is too fragile for furniture, although there are a couple of options in which pressure on chipboard can be reduced. But the constant release of formaldehyde resins, which make this material unsafe, unfortunately, cannot be completely eliminated.

MDF is an eco-friendly material, durable enough. However, when making furniture for the kitchen with your own hands, it is better to use it in combination with hardwood, especially in supports, that is, in fact, it is taken only on the seat, or cover, as it is called in some sources.

A good substitute for wood is plywood, but then you have to "conjure" a little with the design. From plywood, stools for the kitchen are obtained from 3 parts, or from 4, the so-called box-shaped ones. This design is now very common, especially in the furniture industry. Although it is perfect for making a stool with your own hands.

Tools are selected depending on the materials. To make wooden stools, we need:

  • roulette
  • self-tapping screws
  • screwdriver
  • square
  • jigsaw
  • chisel
  • emery
  • joiner's glue

How to make a classic stool

In order to make a wooden stool with our own hands, we need material (boards, bars) and tools. If there is no electric jigsaw and there is no way to purchase it, then we do this: we buy an inexpensive frame hacksaw for metal and direct it with teeth towards us when working. So, the scheme is ready, the materials are purchased, and, if necessary, dried, the tools are prepared - you can start. Before starting work, you can make so-called “patterns” out of paper, that is, life-size details of the future stool cut out of paper. You can not do this, whichever is more convenient for you.

Click to enlarge

We start with the legs, we will have them with a square section of 50x50mm. Let's saw off 4 identical parts from a bar, let's say 450mm long. Then, from a single piece or from two halves, assemble a seat, we have 380x380, the thickness of the board is 20 mm. Next, cut out 4 drawers to connect the legs of the stool and 4 legs. We also need four bars for additional connection of the tsarg and the seat. The design is assembled according to the principle: tenon-groove, the spikes are cut along the edges of the tsarg, and the grooves on the legs of the future stool. The length of the spike and the depth of the groove is approximately 20-25mm. We do the same with the prolegs, which will subsequently be attached to the legs. You can mark the details ahead of time for clarity.

We process with emery before the parts are assembled, this is both convenient and safe. We assemble all the details at the beginning without glue, adjusting and, if necessary, filing them. Then we coat the parts one by one with glue and assemble them. We fasten the bars between the sides with self-tapping screws to the bottom of the seat "close". To do this, take care of the length of the fastener in advance. I would like to say a few words about the glue with which we will coat the grooves.

Glue is better to take a special, carpentry. This glue has proven itself for many years. If it is not there, then you can take PVA, but not stationery for paper, but one that is suitable for wood.

Other types

There are stools that will be much easier to manufacture than the classic one. A very common option now is a stool, consisting of four parts: a seat, two wide legs and a reinforcing crossbar (or jumper). This option should not be difficult, especially in the assembly. Wood, thick plywood, and laminated chipboard are suitable for it. They fix this design with furniture screws and glue for additional fixation. This option is very simple, but there is one subtlety: the reinforcing bar should be in the shape of a trapezoid with a 5mm bevel. This is necessary in order to make the structure more stable.

You can try your hand at making a lightweight stool. In this version, there are no drawers and the legs are attached directly to the grooves of the seat. To do this, the seat cover is made of thick material. The grooves are made directly in the seat or bars are attached to it. In this case, the legs are made thicker than usual. Of course, such a stool will take much less time than a regular one.

Another type of stool is a seat and two legs arranged crosswise at an angle of 90 degrees. In this option, there are no additional parts, where the design itself consists of 4 parts. In this case, we can again use wood, plywood, and pressed boards. If we stop on a wooden model, then we do the final touch after the final assembly. We carefully grind the stool again, and then we process it as we wish with stain, varnish or paint.

Making your stool

Your stool can be arranged depending on the interior items where it will be located. You can apply a spray paint pattern to the surface of the seat using a stencil. Then varnish the surface. Or make a bold design move and decorate a retro stool using decoupage. It is time-consuming, but effective, besides, you can involve the whole family in this interesting business. To do this, we need PVA stationery glue, beautiful napkins and varnish, preferably acrylic. The result will tell not only about your accuracy, but also reveal your taste. In the end, you can only decorate the seat by laying thin foam for softness. Then decorate it with a beautiful fabric and decorate with accessories to taste. As they say, everything is in your hands!

Of all types of chairs and benches, the easiest model for self-manufacturing is considered to be a model with a hard seat without a back and armrests. To make a stool with your own hands, you will need carpentry tools and suitable material - wood, plywood or even cardboard. In this case, you can choose both classic and original versions. The latter, in addition to their direct purpose, are able to decorate the interior, especially if you creatively decorate products.

Before you make a stool, you need to think about choosing a model. First of all, furniture for sitting without a back and armrests is classified according to the field of application. Based on this criterion, stools are:

  • kitchen (in turn, they are divided into classic four-legged, solid wood, folding, transformers, step-ladder stools, collapsible, three-legged with a round seat, and so on);
  • bar (have a high seat and leg support);
  • tourist (usually folding, made of lightweight, weather-resistant materials);
  • musical (the design is adjustable in height);
  • children or adults;
  • garden;
  • design, made in modern style.

In addition, they differ in shape, softness of the seat and design of the supporting elements. Stool seats come in different configurations and degrees of rigidity: square, round, wicker, soft and hard. Models, depending on the design, can be based on four or three legs.






Choice of material and tool

To make stools in a small home workshop, you will need a standard set of carpentry tools for woodworking and some consumables:

  • hacksaw;
  • plane;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • Sander;
  • jigsaw;
  • clamps;
  • square, tape measure, pencil;
  • manual frezer;
  • Workbench.

To make the legs and frame of a homemade stool, you will need natural wood. For seats, you can take plywood, MDF, chipboard. In addition, you will need wood glue, adhesive tape and fasteners (screws, self-tapping screws).


A simple wooden stool will find its place in any home. Some models are quite easy to make. Experts recommend using pine, birch, oak, beech, walnut. These types of wood are easily processed. Stool seats are best made from boards. Suitable edged solid board or ready-made furniture boards. If suitable lumber is not available, chipboard can be used. To make a stool from solid wood is quite expensive, laborious, and therefore impractical. The legs for such models are made of bars. If you wish, you can try to make a product with round legs, which are machined from a bar on a lathe. Ready-made balusters are another good option for turned stool legs.

Coniferous varieties of lumber are resinous. The cutting edge of the tool sticks and quickly dulls. The disadvantage is that products made from them are easily scratched.


You can make a stool out of plywood. This is quite affordable material, from which it is worth trying to make a simple model yourself. However, working with plywood has a number of features:

  1. Cutting blanks is a more time-consuming operation than working with wood. This is due to the fact that the raw material consists of multidirectional fibers and a viscous adhesive layer.
  2. Sheets with a thickness of more than 6 mm are best cut with a circular saw.
  3. You need to work with plywood along the fibers. If you need to saw the outer layer across, you must first make weakening cuts with a knife, and then finish them with a jigsaw.
  4. Before screwing in the screws, holes of a suitable diameter are drilled.

The thickness of the sheets used depends on the type of product. It happens from 6.5 to 18 mm. For domestic carpentry, as a rule, plywood of the FSF and FK brands is used, and a cheaper option - Sh-1, with one side sanded. It should be borne in mind that with a small thickness of the workpieces, the structure must have stiffeners. If desired, you can make folding plywood stools with your own hands.


You can create elegant do-it-yourself stools from durable cardboard using basic cutting and gluing skills. Such furniture is an original design project for beginners. The product will also come in handy if you need more seats for a party. You can find quite a few interesting stool designs that are easy to replicate at home.

For the manufacture of cardboard furniture, you need a minimum of tools and consumables:

  • glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • sandpaper;
  • scotch;
  • roulette.

A durable product will be obtained using a three-layer corrugated cardboard. If the thickness is insufficient, you can simply glue the layers together. When docking, it is desirable to change the direction of the stiffeners for greater strength.

How to determine the optimal dimensions

The main dimensions of the furniture are chosen in accordance with the average anthropometric data of an adult. Functional dimensions are designed for an average height of 175 cm. Parameters for children are calculated depending on height.

The correct knee bending angle when sitting should be at least 90 degrees, while the feet should be completely on the floor.

To make a stool with your own hands, you need to take into account only two dimensions: the height from the floor and the width of the seat. Ideally, the height of the seat should reach the knees of a standing person. The full height of the chair is calculated depending on the dimensions of the kitchen table. If it provides for a level of 680-750 mm, then the comfortable height of the stool will vary from 420 to 450 mm. With a kitchen worktop height of 680 mm, the parameters of the stool will increase to approximately 650 mm. For the size of the stepladders, the height of the hinged kitchen furniture is taken into account. With an average height of the hostess (158-160 cm), it is 450-650 mm. Comfortable seat width - at least 360 mm. The design of the stool requires a clear balance between the height, width of the seat and the shape of the lower part. Failure to comply with these parameters will result in poor stability of the product, falling and injury.

Manufacturing workshops

Before you make a stool with your own hands, you need to draw a detailed diagram with dimensions. You will also need to cut out the patterns. Simple drawings of general view stools should give a complete picture of the design of the product, the number of remote elements sufficient for assembly.

kitchen wooden

For a do-it-yourself kitchen, you should try to make one of the lightest models - a classic wooden stool. First, a drawing is drawn with the desired parameters. For simple models, you can draw schematically, by hand.

In addition, before you make a stool with your own hands, you will need to prepare materials:

  1. Edged board for a square seat 60-70 mm thick. The seat is solid or made of boards. The size of the side of the square is 300-400 mm.
  2. 4 legs for a stool made of wooden beams with a section of 35 × 35 or 50 × 50 mm. Length - 400-500 mm.
  3. Drawers - 4 pieces, size - 290 x 60 x 20 mm.
  4. 4 legs, size - 290 x 20 x 20 mm.
  5. "Crackers" (bars of arbitrary sizes).

You should follow the step-by-step algorithm for assembling a wooden stool with your own hands:

  • blanks are sanded with sandpaper to remove irregularities and roughness;
  • on the legs, the places of fastening of the tsarg and prolegs are marked;
  • holes for self-tapping screws are drilled;
  • “dry” assembly of the product is carried out;
  • parts are additionally fastened with glue, then with self-tapping screws;
  • a seat is installed on the resulting stool frame.

For do-it-yourself wood carpentry, ready-made drawings and diagrams can be taken from thematic resources - this will help you not to make a mistake with the dimensions.

Stool design

Assembly diagram

Prepare the legs

Mark the places of attachment of the tsarg and prolegs

Assemble the stool frame

Fasten additional parts

Install seat

simple plywood

A good product can be built from just three parts with grooves. Such a do-it-yourself plywood stool is made simply, it is only important to draw the correct drawing and follow the patterns.

The product requires the following blanks:

  • seat with a diameter of 350 mm;
  • 2 legs 420 mm high, top width 200 mm, bottom width 350 mm.

The assembly algorithm for such a construction from plywood is not difficult:

  1. The base of the stool is connected using grooves that are seated on glue.
  2. The seat is fastened with self-tapping screws.

After assembly, it remains only to clean all the edges with sandpaper. The finished product is covered with a colorless varnish. After the coating has dried, the stool can be used.

Prepare blanks

Assemble the legs

If desired, grease the grooves with glue

Select seat position

Fasten the seat with self-tapping screws

Finished plywood stool

Small folding tripod

This tourist type of wooden stool consists of three legs and a canvas triangle for the seat. It can be easily made without a scheme with your own hands and used on a hike, on a fishing trip.

The preparations are very simple:

  • 3 wooden pins 65 cm long (you can use cuttings from a shovel);
  • long bolt, 2 washers and nut;
  • anchor bolt with washer and nut;
  • canvas triangular seat with a side length of 40 cm.

The step-by-step assembly algorithm provides for a minimum of operations:

  • drill holes on the pins for fastenings at a distance of 28 cm from the edge;
  • fasten self-tapping screws with a washer at the ends of the triangular seat;
  • connect two wooden pins with a long bolt, placing an anchor bolt between them;
  • put the third pin on the anchor bolt and secure with a washer and nut;
  • screw the fabric seat into the end of the pins using three self-tapping screws.

A folding tripod stool made from improvised materials is useful for quickly setting up camp on a hike. It can be made from cut branches and any fabric for the seat.

Drill holes on the pins for fasteners

Cut out the seat piece and round the corners

Connect two wooden pins with a long bolt

Fasten the third pin

Attach seat

Folded stool


step stool

A multifunctional piece of furniture that combines a seat and steps, as well as the simplest design that you can do with your own hands, is a kitchen wooden ladder stool. The height of the product itself is 620 mm, and the steps are 250 mm.

For this model, blanks are made from any durable material:

  • for a stool - a base, 2 sidewalls, a rectangular seat, 4 cross bars;
  • for a retractable step - 2 sidewalls, a back wall and a base.

Do-it-yourself ladder and stool made of wood are assembled according to the following algorithm:

  • cut wooden blanks of the stool-ladder according to the scheme;
  • using self-tapping screws, attach the side and rear walls to the transverse slats;
  • fix the retractable step with a piano loop;
  • final processing of the product - grinding, painting.

The scheme of such a design requires precise execution, because step-ladder stools experience a serious operational load.

Assembly diagram

Cut out chair legs

Make a back

Using glue and self-tapping screws, attach the back and middle step to the legs.

Make and attach a step-seat

Fix the retractable step with a piano loop

Sanding and painting


Screw chairs are used when playing the piano, working at the computer. It is not easy for a beginner carpenter to make a rotating stool, since the rotary mechanisms have a complex metal structure. Additionally, you will need a drilling machine and a welding machine. If you managed to make a swivel chair with your own hands, you can try to make a chair using the same technology.

For the construction you will need the following materials:

  • pieces of wire rod with a diameter of 10 mm (length - 62 cm) - 4 pieces;
  • metal pipe with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 30 cm;
  • chamomile washers made of steel 1 mm thick;
  • rubber stoppers (so that the legs do not spoil the floor covering);
  • steel bar 1540 mm long;
  • bolts M 6;
  • plywood for the seat (400 × 400 mm);
  • metal pin 300 mm long;
  • hidden bolts.

The manufacturing process consists of the following steps:

  • from the segments of wire rod we bend the legs;
  • in the pipe we drill 4 through holes with a diameter of 8.2 mm, retreating from the edge of 80 mm;
  • we weld the legs to the pipe;
  • we weld chamomile washers to the ends of the legs and insert rubber plugs into them;
  • on a steel bar we cut a thread M 12;
  • we give the bar a shape in accordance with the scheme;
  • in a steel plate measuring 350 × 180 mm, we drill 4 holes for attaching to the seat and give it a U-shape;
  • in the center of the pin we drill a hole for a metal ball;
  • to its other end we weld a U-shaped plate;
  • we collect all the details of the mechanism together and attach the seat with countersunk bolts.

To make the seat soft, you can glue the foam rubber and cover it with a cloth, securing it with a stapler and staples.

How to decorate a product

There are different options for finalizing the stool with your own hands after manufacturing - it all depends on the imagination of the master. You can cover it with varnish, stain, acrylic, apply decorative patterns. Decorating the room decor using decoupage technique is a popular trend in furniture design. With it, without any special cash costs, you can transform homemade stools depending on the style of the room. Decorate furniture with napkins, photographs, old newspapers, pages from books or music notebooks. In this way, you can decorate the interior in a fashionable vintage style or in the French Provence style. In addition, soft covers can be sewn on the seats. Crocheted capes will give the stools a unique look. In cases where the style of the interior changes during the repair, you can emphasize the individuality of the home with the help of decorating with fabrics. The appearance of the product will also change when wrapping its parts with a jute rope.


In modern furniture stores there is a very wide selection of chairs, tables, stools and other interior elements. Among such a huge variety, it may seem that it makes no sense to try to do something with your own hands. If desired, you can place an order with professional craftsmen who carry out orders on special equipment. They will create any chair according to your individual design. But this pleasure will cost you dearly. In this article we will talk about how you can make plywood chairs: a master class.

If you are a creative and creative person, you will always find a little time to create unique furniture for your home or garden with your own hands. A plywood chair made with your own efforts will be much more expensive and valuable for you than a purchased analogue. The most popular are children's and folding furniture made of this material, an example is shown in the photo below. Drawings of such chairs can be freely found on the Internet.

simple plywood chair

plywood chair option

In addition, there are many simple and reliable technologies on how to create a variety of cabinet furniture at home, from a stool to a wardrobe. Plywood is an excellent material for such crafts, it is affordable and easy to process. For beginners in this business, it is best to start your carpentry experience with chairs.

Plywood consists of several layers of wood sheets, which are firmly glued together by a perpendicular method. Thanks to this method of connection, a greater strength of the material is achieved. Plywood comes in different thicknesses from 7 to 25 mm. This building material is used in different situations. Thicker sheets often serve as partitions in apartments or the basis of flooring. Plywood up to 7 mm thick is used as a wall covering material.

If you decide to make a chair, table or stool with your own hands, then it is better to leave your choice on sheets of 10 mm. This thickness allows you to achieve the required strength, but leaves room for giving the sheet additional bends. Making a chair out of plywood is quite simple with the help of improvised tools that can be found at every home. The main thing is to draw up drawings correctly and make all preliminary measurements. With basic skills, you can create folding plywood chairs for your home or garden, and even children's models for kids of different ages.

Tools and materials

In the video below, you can see a step-by-step example of how to create a stool at home. In the article, we will focus on the main nuances of this process. To create furniture at home, you will need the following materials:

  • one sheet of plywood of medium width (about fifteen millimeters), if you want to create a children's model, you can take it with a smaller section;
  • as legs for a chair, you need 2 pieces of timber with dimensions of 40 x 60 mm, 3 m each;
  • a small piece of foam rubber measuring 500 x 500 millimeters and 70 mm thick;
  • although we make homemade chairs from bent plywood, they also need upholstery, which will give the headset a presentable look. For these purposes, dense fabric or leatherette is most often used. If you have a regular or folding plywood chair in a standard size, then 600 x 600 mm material will suffice.

Before using the timber, it must be dried and thoroughly sanded. If you want to create a durable folding chair out of a sheet of plywood, then it is better to buy a canvas made of birch. This wood is very durable. In addition, it is easy to process and paint. This birch building material allows you to create various decorative elements on furniture. Such curved plywood for school chairs and other interior elements is considered one of the most common.

All the necessary tools for creating great furniture can be found in almost every home or purchased at most hardware stores:

  • saw and ruler;
  • measuring corner;
  • pen or pencil on wood;
  • special skin, but a grinder is better;
  • construction stapler (staples to it);
  • a hammer;
  • glue for furniture;
  • self-tapping screws (preferably the color of the material).

All this is the minimum set of necessary tools. Also, do not forget about the drawings of a plywood chair with your own hands, this nuance is very important for creating durable and beautiful furniture. A good addition to the set of basic tools can be a special conductor for collecting furniture. This tool is especially useful when creating folding structures. Thanks to him, the whole process will take less time and effort, and the end result will look much better.

Main nuances

Why do we need drawings of a folding plywood chair? Is it possible to do without them? You definitely won’t be able to create the correct and ergonomic chairs without a preliminary drawing.

To do this, take a sheet of A1 paper and draw on it all the necessary details of your furniture on a scale of 1: 1 and then cut out these templates. Detailed drawing lessons are available on the Internet. If you have a child, you can practice on a folding plywood baby chair. It is very simple in its design and assembly.

Assembly principle

Before you start folding all the pieces of furniture into one whole, you need to cut out all the components, as shown in the photo below.

At the very beginning, the base is collected. It consists of legs and slats, which are necessary to make plywood chairs more stable. Before assembly, carefully coat all the grooves and spikes with special glue for furniture. After that, we connect the parts into one whole. If during the assembly of plywood chairs you had to apply force, then all the elements were cut out correctly. Then we collect together all the other four slats. At the very end, it is necessary to finish the plywood product.

The chair can be made from ordinary plywood with your own hands. This will require wood, steel, varnish, upholstery, foam rubber, tape measure.

Making a plywood chair is not at all difficult if you use a drawing or an assembly diagram.

Step-by-step instruction

Independent production of such furniture involves bending plywood to give the elements of the chair the desired shape. This work can be done using special industrial equipment - a press. Otherwise, a blank or a matrix of the corresponding parameters is selected.

Scheme of assembling a chair made of plywood with a back.

The next step involves cutting the material according to a previously made drawing. The workpieces are mounted on the matrix, giving them the appropriate shape. The details of the plywood chair are coated with a binder and fixed. The last procedure is performed using wood screws. It is allowed to fix the workpieces among themselves due to special harnesses. If the emulsion has dried, then the product is varnished or upholstered with a cloth.

Step by step guide to making plywood chairs

Before applying varnish, the parts are ground with an electric jigsaw. Irregularities and holes are sealed with a special putty for wood.

To make a bar stool with your own hands, you will need to cut out 2 circles from plywood, the diameter of which is 36 cm and 34 cm. Before cutting out the 2nd element, its outline is applied to the paper. Two perpendicular straight lines are drawn through the center of the circle. They must divide the circle into 4 equal parts.

Scheme for the manufacture of rocking chairs: 1 - sidewalls; 2 - tsarga (2 pcs.); 3 - rack (2 pcs.); 4,6,7 - crossbars; 5 - seat rails; 8 - footrest

From the point of the center of the circle in 2 directions, measure 14 cm and put points. To create a hole, you will need a drill and a drill. The depth of the hole should be 1/2 the thickness of the circle. The next step involves cutting 2 rings. In this case, the holes are made through. Each element is polished. A large ring is attached to the legs at a distance of 25 cm from the floor, and a small one - at a distance of 10 cm from the top of the leg. PVA glue is poured into the holes, legs are inserted. Glue the larger circle onto the smaller circle. If necessary, self-tapping screws are screwed into the structure. The chair is covered with stain and varnish.

Manufacturing and calculation

To make a rocking chair with your own hands, you will need plywood, screws, glue, stain, tape measure, pencil, tape, paint, leatherette and a jigsaw. From a constructive point of view, the furniture is presented in the form of 2 banana-shaped sides and cross elements. Initially, a template is made. Sides, bars and planks are made of plywood 15-20 mm thick.

In the manufacture of sidewalls, a decrease in their width is taken into account closer to the end of the products.

The parameters, the angle of bending and inclination of the future furniture are preliminarily marked on the template. Experts recommend making a sketch from a solid material. The parameters of such a design are individual. The standard length of a rocking chair made of plywood is 60 cm, and the width is 7 cm. The supporting elements are made of plywood 20 mm thick and 5-7 cm long.


The template is placed on plywood and circled with a pencil. The workpiece is cut with an electric jigsaw. Another sidewall is made in the same way. Details are sanded with sandpaper. The next step involves fixing the supporting elements to the sides. To do this, use carpentry glue and self-tapping screws. The bars are placed on the same level. The bar is fixed to the top pair of bars. The remaining strips are installed in a similar way. The furniture frame is ready.

Finishing work

To give the rocking chair an original appearance, finishing work is carried out. Externally, the sides are painted with stain in 2 layers. From the inside, the sides and ends are coated with black paint. If necessary, the rest of the furniture is covered with masking tape. If the paint is dry, then strengthen the ends with metal rims. Their thickness should be equal to that of the ends. These elements must be fixed to those places that will be in contact with the floor when rocking. For this, self-tapping screws are used. The holes are equipped with an electric drill. The drill parameters must match the thread dimensions of the fasteners.


To make the furniture soft, a special coating is made. To do this, use leatherette of the desired color. You can fix the upholstery with thin carnations. Behind it is attached along the contour of the transverse elements. The top and bottom straps are covered in front. You can increase the reliability of the product by treating all joints with glue. The soft part is made of foam rubber, the thickness of which should be 8 cm. The cover is sewn from a similar material of the appropriate size. The mattress is attached to the back of the furniture. If possible, a removable mattress is sewn, which can be tied to the frame.

A stool is undoubtedly a man's best friend. Especially one who is tired and in need of rest. Of course, sitting in an easy chair is still more comfortable and generally more pleasant.

Do-it-yourself collapsible plywood stool

But the stool is indispensable in small spaces, it is easy to produce and inexpensive. And if you approach with imagination, even from simple furniture you can make an object of art. We suggest taking a look at plywood stool drawings.

Stool drawing with dimensions

For the production of this piece of furniture, sheet wooden materials are usually used: chipboard, plywood, furniture panels. You can use both laminated and simple materials suitable for subsequent painting.

The presented plywood stool, the drawings of which you see just below, has standard dimensions: a height of 65 cm, a square base with a side of 35 cm. The piece of furniture is quite functional. Special openings under the lid make it possible to lift and carry the stool, drawers and prolegs reinforce the structure and allow you to increase the maximum load.

stool drawing with dimensions

To implement the project, you will need a sheet of plywood or chipboard with a thickness of 18 mm. You can also use the existing trimmings from the production, say, shelves for a cabinet and other things needed in the household.

You will also need a drill (screwdriver), saw, hacksaw or jigsaw, screws for fastening, measuring tape, fine sandpaper, paper, pencil, PVA glue if desired.
How to read plywood stool drawings: dimensions are in millimeters. The model consists of 7 parts.

  • Lid - 1 pc.
  • Tsargi - 2 pcs,
  • Prolegs - 2 pcs.
  • Sidewalls with legs - 2 pcs

Separate stool drawings with dimensions indicate where the fasteners should be located, and also show how the parts are connected to each other.

To begin with, workers with little experience are recommended to create paper patterns. This manipulation will somewhat slow down the process of furniture production, however, with their help, it is easier to lay out parts on a sheet of plywood (chipboard). This reduces the risk of making a mistake.

  1. After checking the dimensions, sawing is carried out. The resulting parts, if necessary, are cleaned with sandpaper. If the stool is assembled from chipboard, the ends should be glued with PVC edge tape.
  2. Separate parts of the stool are connected to each other. First, a fit is made, combining all the drawers and prolegs with one sidewall, then the second sidewall is applied. If the parts come together, you can start assembling the product. In addition to fastening with furniture screws, you can additionally glue the contacting surfaces with PVA glue.
  3. The last detail in the plywood stool is the lid. After the glue has dried, the product is ready for use.

If desired, if ordinary, non-laminated materials were used, the finished stool can be painted with oil or latex paint suitable for painting furniture, decorate the stool using decoupage or artificial aging techniques. Even something as simple as a plywood or chipboard stool doesn't have to be boring.

How to make a stool with your own hands: photo of wood products

Despite the rich assortment of furniture in modern stores, some people prefer to make stools with their own hands.

Thanks to this approach, you can take into account the features of the interior, use really high-quality materials and decorate the product in your own way.

Design features of the stool

A modern stool is a very simple attribute of any kitchen. It is not difficult to make such a product with your own hands, because there are many ready-made drawings and photographs, according to which even a beginner can assemble. Plywood, wood waste and even finished timber are often used as the main material.

In fact, a classic stool consists of several elements that are securely fastened. The product consists of the following parts:

  • cover or base of the structure, which has a round or square shape;
  • 4 identical legs made of wood;
  • tsars, that is, elements connecting all the legs of the stool;
  • seat with rounded edges or covered with thick fabric.

Purchased or homemade stool?

Some people prefer shop furniture. This is due to its readiness for operation. You do not have to deal with the manufacture of seats, buy materials and waste time. It is enough to visit the store or look at the catalogs on the Internet. However, it should be borne in mind that the photos of products posted on the site sometimes do not correspond to reality. So, there may be a mismatch in sizes and shades. If you choose inexpensive stools on sales, you may encounter poor-quality shaky construction and various defects.

To avoid unnecessary expenses, it is worth making a stool out of wood yourself. In this case, you get a design of a certain size with an interesting and convenient design. What's more, you'll spend less money and be able to decorate the furniture to your liking. As a rule, the price of homemade wooden stools is below the market value. The disadvantages of creating a product with your own hands include the cost of materials. Also, people who have little free time and practically no building skills may encounter problems. However, if you wish, you can find the simplest drawings that even a schoolboy can handle.

In any case, when choosing a stool, you need to pay attention to several factors:

  • shape - any rectangular table will not go well with round stools;
  • type of upholstery - it is better to give preference to washable options, including leatherette or fabric upholstery with a short pile;
  • dimensions - the seats must be of such dimensions that they fit under the table.

Requirements for a do-it-yourself stool

In fact, a wooden stool is a versatile piece of furniture that can be pushed under the table or put away in the pantry. Such an element can replace a stand, support or a small table. To make a structure with your own hands, you can use furniture waste or wood residues.

It is necessary to ensure that the finished wooden stool meets a number of requirements.

  • The furniture must be quite durable. This can be achieved using high-quality glue and observing all technological standards. A durable stool will not fall apart, even if it is staggered.
  • An important requirement is functionality. So, the size and proportions of the stool should correspond to the growth of all family members. For children, a stool with a crossbar where you can put your feet will be ideal. The height of the seat must be correctly selected, otherwise the feet will not touch the floor.
  • When choosing a seat, you need to pay attention to its convenience and compactness. If you make this element rigid, then it can be used for a short time.

    How to make a folding plywood chair

    Soft stools are suitable for a conversation over a cup of tea. A respectable option is the use of velor or leather as upholstery. Washable leatherette is suitable for a family with small children or animals.

Preparing to create a stool with your own hands

It is always necessary to start with a drawing. To make a good stool, you should take a responsible approach to the process. It is important to study the main options and choose the right one. Next, you should prepare a place for work and purchase everything you need.

Materials and tools. which may be required:

How to make a stool with your own hands?

Classic wood stool

To assemble such a structure, you will need the following:

  • bars for legs or ready-made curly legs;
  • kings;
  • one-piece square seat;
  • spacers.

To prepare all these elements and assemble them correctly, it is necessary to follow the drawing exactly, which shows the dimensions. When the parts are ready, it remains to make holes and dry-assemble.

Simplified design

The easiest way to make a stool is using blanks. made in the workshop. A square made of laminate or parquet board is suitable as a seat. To the finished base, you need to glue the drawers and additionally fix them with screws. Then the holes for the legs are prepared here. A pair of legs are carefully inserted into the holes. Experts recommend fixing the finished structure using special glue.

Plywood stool

To make a stool that looks like a small bench, you can use pieces of plywood. It is necessary to prepare 2 pieces of thick plywood for the sides and one for the seat. In the upper part of the side elements, holes for the tsarg are made. Then you need to prepare places for fixing the spacers. All grooves are coated with wood glue. After that, it is necessary to fix the kings and take up the base of the stool. It is necessary to prepare holes here, insert plugs, apply glue and fix the upper part. To make the design really strong, you need to use 8 corners.

Making a stool out of wood or other material with your own hands is very simple. It is enough to prepare a drawing and the right tools. When the design is ready, you need to start decorating it. Various materials can be used for these purposes. The main thing is that the stool fits into the interior.

Barsukov Victor Ivanovich

Plywood is a composite material made from several thin layers of wood (veneer) glued together in a certain way.

Plates made of this material are widely used in the construction and decoration of buildings, in shipbuilding and aircraft construction. Furniture is made of them and used for lining the bodies of trucks.

And with some skill in a short time, you can make it comfortable.

Widespread use has given rise to a large number of varieties of plywood. They differ from each other in the following ways:

Type of wood used:

By brand (they differ in the adhesive composition used):

  • FBA, albumin casein;
  • FC - carbamide;
  • FB - bakelite;
  • PSF - phenol-formaldehyde resin.

By grade (depending on the presence of various defects):

According to the class of environmental safety:

  • E 1 (emitting no more than 10 mg of volatile formaldehyde per 100 g of dry weight, acceptable in residential areas);
  • E 2 (only for outdoor use).

Reference: The board thickness depends on the number of veneer layers and ranges from 3 to 30 mm.

For the manufacture of a stool, we choose combined plywood, since it is not inferior in strength to birch, but much cheaper. Let's take the FBA or FC brand. These species, although less moisture resistant than FSF and FB, are included in class E 1 for environmental safety, which means they are acceptable for use in residential premises. We will choose the first or second variety, since the elite one is too expensive, and the third and fourth ones have many defects. Let's take the smallest sheet 1220 × 1220 mm, by the way, two stools will come out of it, 18 mm thick.

Scheme and drawing

Many manufacturers of stool furniture apply the following standards:

  • Height - 450 mm
  • Seat - 300×300 mm

Advice: these dimensions can be reduced or increased if the product is intended for a certain person and you want to give him maximum comfort.

Consider creating a sketch using the example below.

We make the layout of the details of the future stool and start it with the legs, as the most complex element:

  1. We draw a rectangle according to its size on a sheet of plywood.
  2. We connect the middle of the long sides with a line.
  3. We retreat to the right and left of them the same distance and make marks on the middle line.
  4. We connect these points with the vertices of the rectangle.
  5. We select any round object (cup, saucer), combine it with the lines at the intersection and connect it with an arc.

We continue to draw the outline of the H-shaped leg with straight lines and round off their connection with each other with objects that are suitable in diameter.


To make a stool with your own hands, you will need special tools and materials:

How to do?

Before you start cutting the material, familiarize yourself with the secrets of cutting plywood. She always has chips at the place of the cut, which then have to be polished for a long time, and, possibly, putty.

Important: to minimize this defect, you should cut with an electric jigsaw only from the front side of the plywood and always with a new sharp blade. Then the main chip will go from the wrong side.

And you can, in general, get rid of chips. To do this, cut through the top layer of veneer with a shoe knife along the entire contour line of the part. Then, retreating to the thickness of the jigsaw blade, cut parallel to the second line. Do the same on the other side of the sheet and there will be no chips guaranteed.

Having cut out and carefully polished the three components of the product, we proceed to assembly:

A photo

Ideas for decorating the resulting furniture can be seen in the following photos.