Trapeze push-ups. How to pump up a trapezoid at home without dumbbells and exercise equipment

This article will talk about the trapezoid, and in particular how to pump up the trapezoid quickly. People want to get everything quickly, and in general this is a normal desire, but for some reason it works reluctantly with muscles. Of course, you can think of anabolic steroids, but this is not a panacea, and they work a little differently, the uninitiated think. Don't think that you'll take a methane pill, or take a course, and you'll have Arnie's muscles. Here we need a tough regime, and in particular a diet that needs to be given special attention. Of course, everything is not so simple, but it is quite possible to increase the trapezoid in a short time, if you follow certain recommendations, and you do not need to use speakers.

Right away I want to offer some articles about nutrition that will help you achieve your goal:

The more you know about how to eat properly for an athlete, the faster you can build muscle. And again, if the issue of nutrition is resolved, then you need to understand that you need to have a good rest so that the muscles have time to recover qualitatively. And, of course, the training, which we are going to talk about now. cannot exist without these elements.

Pumping a trapezoid in the street

If you are doing a workout, or just decided to pump a trapezoid without a gym, then I want to offer you some pretty interesting options. We need bars, and it would be nice if there is a horizontal bar.

So, to pump the trapezoid on the bars, we just need to jump onto the bars and shrug our shoulders. That is, - first we bring our shoulders together and the neck goes down, and then we straighten our shoulders and stretch our shoulders. Do not rush to do the exercise - feel how the muscles work. This exercise is not difficult to perform with your own weight, so it is advisable to use additional weight. Theoretically, this exercise on the uneven bars should pump the lower part of the trapezoid, but in general it affects the muscles of the trapezoid completely.

The second exercise for the trapezoid on the uneven bars or the crossbar (theoretically for the middle of the trapezoid). You need to hang so that the body is horizontal to the ground (legs can be tightened), and in this position you need to reduce the shoulder blades, lifting the body.

The third exercise (theoretically for the top of the trapezoid), is performed in a handstand. We become in a rack, and simply squeeze the body up, using a trapezoid.

Also, any pull-ups on the crossbar involve the trapezoid - try to reach the crossbar with your chest, bringing your shoulder blades together. Also, they emphasize the load on the trapezius - pull-ups behind the head.

Pumping the trapezoid in the conditions of the hall

Now let's look at how you can pump up the trapezoid quickly in the hall. These muscles adapt very quickly, and after a while you will take weights that you could not think of before. The trapezius muscles are actively involved in the performance of various tractions, and this should not be forgotten.

At present, a toned and athletic body is an integral element of the image of a successful person who is always able to find a few hours a week for self-development. And many people, sincerely wanting to get in shape, but not having the opportunity to go to the gym, work out at home, compiling their own programs that focus on the main muscles (pectoral, back muscles, etc.). At the same time, when the question concerns the muscles of the back, 90% of people pump the latissimus dorsi, but not the trapezius.

This muscle group is one of the most important adductor muscles in the body, which have the functions of the main motor mechanisms. The paired muscles of the trapezium are located behind on both sides of the spine, and the appearance of each individual muscle taken remotely resembles a triangle, and combining them gives the trapezius complex of muscles. The trapezoid connects the back of the head, shoulder joints and partially shoulder blades, being lowered just below the back.

Important: the trapezius muscles act in most cases with the muscles of the forearm, and therefore these muscle groups should always be pumped at the same time.

The main function of the trapezius complex of muscles is to carry out the movement of the shoulder blades in a cyclic movement up and down: the contraction of only the upper parts of the complex sets the motion for lifting, the lower parts for lowering. Obviously, trapezoid work should be about doing exercises that raise and lower the shoulder blades, plus bring them together. The most useful exercises, therefore, are various wiring summaries using average weights, not maximum ones, exercises on horizontal bars, uneven bars, and classic push-ups.

Weight training

It is no secret to anyone that bodybuilders, working in the gym on their figure, always use various dumbbells and barbells to put more stress on certain muscles. A controlled heavy load leads to a rupture of muscle fibers, their rapid healing and the emergence of new, stronger ones.

Important: it is impossible to pump the trapezius muscles without working with additional weights; exercises that are performed with their own weight can only help to lose weight, but no more.

The classic exercise is the so-called “shrugs”, which, firstly, are very easy to do at home, and secondly, they have a simple execution technique. This exercise focuses on the vertical work of the muscles and will give an excellent functional load (therefore, it is recommended to always perform it at the beginning of a workout). The exercises are performed as follows: dumbbells (or bottles filled with water or sand) are taken in each of the hands, a standing position is taken with feet wide apart, after which it is only necessary to raise your shoulders up, as if giving a negative answer to any proposal. You need to complete at least 2 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

A variation of the shoulder shrug is the shrugs with weight behind the back, which are also aimed at the forearms and help correct posture, so you should also pay attention to it. The back during execution should be straight, and the line of the spine should be natural. On inspiration, the shoulders rise up with straight arms behind the back, but at the same time both the legs and the chest, and, importantly, the arms should not lean in any direction. Only the shoulders should work here.

Tip: upon reaching the highest point, you should tighten the muscles of the trapezoid in order to give them maximum tension and, as a result, the best pumping effect.

Exercise "Rods", which will give the necessary load to the trapezius muscles - dumbbell pulls up on an inclined hard surface. Usually, the back of a chair acts as such a surface, which is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees to the wall or sofa. The point is that you should lie on your back with your stomach down, so that your legs confidently feel the floor, while your arms hang down. Again, dumbbells are taken into each of the hands, which must be pulled up, working exclusively with the muscles of the back, not with the biceps and triceps, that is, slightly spreading the arms to the sides. It is not necessary to raise your hands as high as possible, only an amplitude of 15-25 centimeters is enough.

Tip: these exercises will give the best effect on muscle growth if they are performed together, therefore it is important to first give the maximum load to the trapezoid using the first exercise, and then finish it off with the help of the second.

If the joints of the hands are well developed, then you can pump the trapezius muscles with the help of rotations performed with dumbbells. To perform the exercise, it is enough just to pick up the shells, after which they describe circles with a diameter of about 40-50 cm, first clockwise, then counter-clockwise. It is enough to perform the exercise 40 times (you can do it in two sets).

Since it is impossible to give a load to the trapezius muscles without a load on the muscles of the hands, the latter can be severely damaged when choosing a too heavy sports equipment for exercise. That's why it's important:

  1. Conduct a set of warm-up exercises before training, aimed at working out the muscles of the back and trapezius muscles.
  2. Pre-lubricate the back with warming creams.
  3. Follow the technique for performing each exercise.

There is also the Chin Pull exercise, which requires some kind of bag or container that is easy to pick up - you should put a few filled bottles or something heavy in it. Starting position: the legs are shoulder-width apart, and the lowered hands hold the backpack or bag with a narrow grip (that is, from their width, the arms descend to almost one point). The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. While inhaling, slowly pull the backpack to the chin so that at the highest point the elbows are slightly higher than the wrists.
  2. At the highest point, hold the backpack a little more in order to let the muscles feel the tension.
  3. After that, the weight slowly lowers down to the starting position.

Bodyweight exercises

Although it is impossible to add volume to the muscles without a power approach, you can work out the trapezius muscles with the help of special exercises that use a person’s own weight.

Classic in this area are push-ups, familiar to every person since school. They are performed as follows: initially, such an emphasis is taken lying down so that the back, hips and arms are within the same line, while the elbows are maximally reduced to the body. The palms should be placed approximately at the level of the center of the chest; the push-ups themselves are performed very slowly in order to give a load to each joint and each muscle in the trapezium. It is necessary to go down until the chest touches the hands lying on the floor. Perform three sets of at least 30 repetitions.

You also need to pay attention to the Cobra exercise, which has little in common with the Plank. The starting position for this exercise is the emphasis lying on the arms and legs. After taking the starting position, you should lie on your stomach, then trying to simultaneously raise your head, arms, legs, and shoulders off the ground and trying to keep them at the highest point for a long time (at least a minute).

A classic "yard" exercise that focuses on the trapezius muscles is considered pull-ups on the crossbar with a wide grip. Such a grip implies fixing the hands on the horizontal bar at a width much greater than the usual grip (shoulder width). Pulling up - lifting due to work on the reduction of the shoulder blades; in this case, you can help yourself a little with your biceps, but only to achieve an exit beyond the crossbar upwards; the lifting itself should be carried out only due to the trapezius muscles.

Tip: usually when doing pull-ups with a wide grip, they approach the crossbar at a slight angle (between the horizontal bars and the plane of a person, it can reach 20 degrees). This will help to further focus on the trapezius, and not the biceps.

The muscles of the trapezium of pulling up with the institution of the head work well. To perform this type of exercise, you should place your hands on the crossbar with a regular grip, and pull yourself up almost in a perfectly straight line, at the end of which, move your head forward so that your neck just touches the horizontal bar. Here it is much more important than in the previous exercise to ensure that only the trapezoid muscles work, since with a large number of repetitions the body will involuntarily help itself, including biceps and triceps in the work.

Most athletes train the muscles of the trapezius and forearms two days a month, since these muscle groups are more adductor, and they are involved in other exercises, for example, aimed at the lats. In any case, it is necessary at least sometimes to pay attention to pumping the trapezius muscles for a full training day. The trapezius muscles belong to the group of muscles that are quite easy to increase in volume, so the result with the proper approach will not be long in coming.

Well-developed trapezius muscles reduce any load on the shoulder joints, cervical vertebrae, which obviously minimizes the risk of any kind of injury, sprains and tears. At the same time, with developed trapezoid muscles, it is much easier to keep posture due to the fact that voluminous muscles will simply interfere with the curvature of the vertebrae. The growth of the mass of the trapezius muscles is impossible without a power approach, therefore, over time, you will have to increase the weight and plastic bottles with sand and water alone will not work.

Video: how to pump up a trapezoid without iron

Professional bodybuilder Johnny Jackson purposefully did not develop his trapezius muscles. Back in his teens, he simply performed extra shrugs at the end of each workout. As a result, he received an outstanding trapezoid, for which he gained his popularity. After all, these muscles really help to achieve an impressive appearance. Next, we will consider and list the most effective exercises for the development of the trapezius muscles.

Bend your knees slightly and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the barbell and hold it behind your hips.

Raise your shoulders to your ears to the maximum height and at the same time keep your arms straight. Hold the muscles in tension for a second, and then lower the barbell to its original position. Do 3 sets of at least 12 reps.

Shrugs with a barbell in front of you while standing

One of the most famous exercises in bodybuilding. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart to stand firmly on the floor. Grasp the barbell with both hands with a straight grip, lift it up and hold it in front of you (palms turned to the hips; it is better to wrap your hands with boxing bandages).

This is the starting position. As you exhale, raise your shoulders as far as you can and hold the position for a second. On an inhale, slowly return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 8 reps.

Shrugs on the simulator

Choose a suitable weight and stand with your back to the machine right between the handles. Grab the handles with a comfortable grip. Inhale and lower your hips. To get into the starting position, plant your heels on the floor, extend your hips and knees, and rise up.

When performing the exercise, your arms should remain straight. Raise the weight by shrugging your shoulders towards your ears. Move your shoulders clearly up and down. Make small stops at the top position and then return to the starting position. Do 4 sets of at least 10 reps.

Shrugs on the Smith Machine

This exercise, in addition to the trapezoid, targets the middle back and shoulders. First of all, set the bar height on the machine to about the middle of your thighs. Choose the right weight. Then grab the bar with an overhand grip and keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Your back should remain straight. Fully extend your arms and raise the bar to the starting position.

As you exhale, shrug your shoulders until they come close to your ears. Then, while inhaling, hold this position for a while before returning to the starting position.

You can also do this exercise with a squat rack and a barbell. But in this case, you will not have support like on the Smith machine. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful when choosing the weight in order to maintain the correct position. Too much weight can cause injury. In this particular exercise, the back can suffer. Do 3 sets of at least 12 reps.

Shrugs on the calf machine

Holding the pads above your shoulders, stand on the machine. Now take the starting position: the body is straight, arms extended along the body.

As you exhale, lift your shoulders up to your ears and hold the position for a few seconds. On an inhale, slowly return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of at least 10 reps.

Sumo rack high kettlebell row

Choose a kettlebell of suitable weight that you can hold during the exercise. Place it in the center between your legs. Use both hands to grab the kettlebell. Feet should remain shoulder width apart. Bend your knees and push your hips out.

This is the starting position. Now straighten your knees, at the same time pull the weight to your shoulders, raising your elbows. Then do the same in reverse order to return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of at least 10 reps.

Breeding on the Pec Deck simulator with a reverse grip from a sitting position

The most important thing in this exercise is the correct position. It targets the middle and lower trapezius muscles. The exercise should be performed with full control of all movements.

Set the machine seat to the lowest position. With a reverse grip, grab the handles just above shoulder level.

Now take the handles back to the end, tighten the trapezius muscles, stay in this position for a second and slowly return your hands back. To get the result, perform at least 10 repetitions.

Pull-ups with the reduction of the shoulder blades

This exercise targets the middle and lower trapezius muscles. Select a bar and hang from it with an overhand grip. Raise your body a few centimeters without using your arms. Hold this position and then very slowly lower yourself back down. To get the result, perform 4 sets of at least 12 reps.

Pulls to the face

This is one of the best exercises for working the posterior deltoid and lower trapezius muscles. But be careful while doing it. For this exercise, attach a rope to a block machine. Make sure that the rope does not slip out of your hands and that your feet are firmly pressed to the floor.

As you move, keep your arms parallel to the ground and your elbows above your wrists. Then slowly pull the rope back to the starting position. Do 4 sets of at least 12 reps.

Overhead dumbbell power lift

One of the most effective exercises for the trapezius muscles. Here you can use heavy weights (considering stamina). During the exercise, the upper and middle trapezius muscles will contract isometrically. In addition, they will work to support the arm above the head during the power lift. Place the dumbbell between your legs first, then squat down to grab it.

Now, with a sharp push of the hips, get up as quickly as possible and lift the weight above your head. Do 3 sets of at least 10 reps.

Overhead shrugs

This exercise, in addition to working with the trapezoid, also increases the strength of the upper body. This is a very important and useful exercise for athletes who actively use their shoulders and upper back in competition. When performing the exercise, the shoulder joint should be protected from injury, as upward rotations with a lot of weight will be performed.

Hold the bar above your head as if you had completed a bench press. Raise your shoulders, squeeze the trapezius muscles and at the same time keep the body in tension. After holding this state for 3 seconds, slowly relax the muscles. To do this exercise, first get in shape. And then gradually add weight. Do 3 sets of at least 10 reps.

Having trapezius muscles that reach down to the ears has always been a sign of success in bodybuilding. In principle, you can, do not strive for just such indicators, but you should have a developed trapezoid, as it perfectly complements the wide and massive shoulders.

Not so long ago, we analyzed the topic of that. This is a fairly voluminous topic for conversation, so the article turned out to be quite voluminous and interesting, but due to the fact that the focus was on the shoulders, we mostly discussed delta training. In this article, I will try to fully cover the topic of how to pump up a trapezoid. I will introduce you to a little theory, tell you in detail about the exercises that are aimed at training the deltas, and also give an excellent program for training the trapeze.


The trapezius muscles are responsible for the correct position of the middle and upper back, neck and shoulder blades. They also help with movement in upper back exercises and traction, as well as in moving the shoulder blades together. When you shrug, you are using your upper trapezius muscles to lift your shoulder blades. If we take the delta muscles as an example, then each bundle can work separately from each other, apart from the fact that most often the anterior bundle functions with the middle one, however, the anterior and posterior ones can work separately. The trapezius muscles rarely function separately, so it is difficult to isolate a special program for them. However, there are several suitable exercises designed specifically for these muscles. Trapezoids consist of three parts: upper, middle and rear beam. The main exercises that are aimed at working out the trapezium involve by and large the top of the trapezium, and the middle and lower parts are well worked out in exercises aimed at working out the muscles of the back. Therefore, it would be advisable to consider both targeted exercises in the form of shrugs and non-targeted exercises aimed at working out the back.

In addition, the middle and lower part of the trapezoid is worked out when performing and, therefore it is also possible to pump up the trapezoid on the horizontal bars, but the upper beam should still be pumped using shrugs.


To pump up the trapeze and work it out well, you need to use some of the most effective exercises for pumping them. One of these exercises is called shrugi. Shrag is definitely the most popular and easy to perform trapezius back exercise. There are several variations of the shrag, namely three. You can do the exercise with dumbbells or with a barbell. If we take into account the performance of the exercise with a barbell, there are two types when the athlete holds the bar in his hands in front of him and behind his back. The key to effective work is to fix the core and entrust the work to the trapezius muscles. Avoid using your legs at the beginning of the movement.

Shrugs with dumbbells

To perform shoulder raises with dumbbells, place your feet shoulder-width apart with your knees locked. Hold one dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing each other. Raise your shoulders, thereby contracting the trapezius muscle. Pause for a second at the top, then return the dumbbells to the starting position.

Shrugs with a barbell

To perform, raise your shoulders with a barbell, put your feet shoulder-width apart, your knees are fixed. Hold the bar in your hands shoulder-width apart in front of you with your palms facing you. Raise your shoulders by contracting your trapezius muscles towards your ears. Pause for a moment, then lower the bar back to the starting position. You can also do this exercise while holding the bar behind you. This exercise is good in that it is, as it were, basic for pumping the trapezoid, despite the fact that it involves only one joint and a small number of muscles. Sometimes there are exceptions, for example, the standing barbell curl exercise is the base for pumping the biceps. Why are these exercises so basic? Due to the fact that you can lift significantly more weight by doing shrugs with a barbell than, for example, doing the same exercise with dumbbells. If we take a lot of weight, the level of load on the muscle increases, the greater the load, the more the exercise is gaining strength.

Shrugs with a barbell behind your back

Just like regular shrugs with a barbell in front of you, this alternative uses all the same rhomboids, trapezius muscles and muscles that raise the scapula. However, the whole "salt" is that in this exercise we use significantly less weight than in regular shrugs. Therefore, it is worth performing this exercise as a variety and nothing more. Do not round your back while doing this exercise. This will allow you to work out the trapezoid well and not injure the spine.

Barbell pull to chin

Recently, we considered this exercise as an excellent outlet for pumping the rear deltoid bundles. If it involves deltas, then why are we covering it in this article when it comes to traps? There is something special about this exercise. If you raise your elbows to the level with your shoulders, then the frontal (rear) beams of deltas work. If we raise our elbows above shoulder level, the shoulders themselves rise behind our elbows, including the trapezoid in the work. Accordingly, if you want to work out exactly the trapezoid, you need to perform this exercise in exactly this way.

We perform this exercise by slightly tilting our torso forward, if we stand up straight, this exercise will become a vertical traction, which primarily works the trapezium, as well as the auxiliary muscles of the middle bundle of the deltoid muscles.

Dumbbell row to the chin

The essence of this exercise is the same as in the version with a barbell. The weight should not be lifted until our arms are parallel to the floor, but so that our elbows are above shoulder level. It is with this performance that the exercises are included in the work of the trapezoid. As you can see in the picture, this exercise can be done with one hand, but for the best effect, this should be done with both hands involved. Raise your elbows above shoulder level. The exercise shown in the picture works out the rear deltas.


You should know that the trapezoid is the muscle group that works in all exercises aimed at working out the upper back. Therefore, shrugs should be performed on the day of the back workout in order to work out all the bundles of the trapezius muscles as efficiently as possible. Trapeze should be trained at the very end of the workout. To increase the load on the muscle being worked out, you need to use it so that the neck does not slip during the movement. Of course, the use of straps negatively affects the pumping of the forearms and the increase in grip strength. This can manifest itself, for example, when your weights are growing, and your hands are not able to hold them due to weak forearms. To prevent this from happening, swing your forearms and how to use the straps when you take maximum weights for the approach and there is a possibility that you may be injured. There is no need to constantly use aids.

Here is a small list of exercises that involve the trapeze and are aimed at working out the upper back.

  1. Upper - adjoins the neck, is responsible for lifting the shoulders up.
  2. Middle - between the shoulder blades, is involved in the rise of the shoulder blades.
  3. Lower - in the lower part of the shoulder blades, is responsible for lowering the shoulder blades in the lower phase of movement.

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The main functions of the trapezium are the movement of the shoulders in the vertical and horizontal plane, tilting the head back, and also lifting the shoulder blades up.

Keeping the trapezoid in good shape is necessary for any athlete. This will increase your strength output in basic exercises, reduce the load on the shoulder joints and ligaments, reduce the curvature of the spine in the cervical region and minimize the risk of damage and injury to the entire shoulder girdle.

  • Shrugs are rightfully considered the best exercise for developing the trapezoid, but many athletes do them wrong. You can not include biceps and forearms in the work. Wrist straps help to cope with this very well. The elbows should be almost completely extended throughout the approach, then the load will fall purposefully on the trapezoid.
  • Do not use too much working weight. When training the trapezius muscles, it is much more important to work in full amplitude and feel the maximum muscle contraction at the top point, lingering there for 1-2 seconds.
  • Do not press your chin to your chest when performing shrugs. This increases the compression of the cervical spine and can lead to injury.
  • Trapeze loves pumping. To bleed these muscles properly, use supersets, combining shrugs of any variation with pulling movements that also involve the shoulders, such as close-grip chin rows. Another option to increase the intensity is to do dropsets at the end of each set: reduce the working weight and without rest do another set or two with a lighter weight.
  • Trapeze is a relatively small muscle group, it is enough to train it once a week. It is optimal to combine it with a back or shoulder workout. To make the entire shoulder girdle look massive, do not forget to pay enough attention to your deltas and neck muscles as well. If you notice that the trapezium has begun to overtake the shoulders in development, which visually makes the figure less wide in the shoulder girdle, just stop doing separate exercises for this muscle group.
  • Trapeze workouts should be short but intense. As a rule, one or two exercises are enough to work out this muscle group. Alternate different movements in each workout and perform them in a different order, then you will make progress faster.
  • Watch your posture. Often, stoop in the cervical and thoracic spine does not allow you to fully train the trapezoid. The athlete simply cannot perform the desired movement in full amplitude and feel muscle contraction.
  • Train moderately. Overtraining of the trapezius muscles will lead to a deterioration in blood circulation in the muscles of the neck and the entire cervical spine. This is fraught with an increase in intracranial pressure, headaches and dizziness.
  • Shrugs do not involve rotation of the shoulder joints at the top. For some reason, many novice athletes sin with this. When using heavy weights, this rotation becomes one of the most damaging movements for your rotator cuff. The correct trajectory of movement implies raising and lowering the weight in the same plane, there should not be any extraneous movements.

The best exercises for working out trapeze

Now let's look at exercises that will help you achieve maximum results when working out the trapezius muscles.

Shrugs with a barbell

- This is the main exercise for the mass of trapezium. Their upper part works mainly here, since when lifting the bar is located in front of you. The movement should be amplitude, as if at the top point you are trying to reach your ears with your shoulders. In this movement, you can work with a fairly large weight, so you can better feel the stretch in the muscles at the bottom point. If necessary, use wrist straps and an athletic belt.

Use a medium grip at shoulder width to keep your shoulders out of the work. When lifting, keep the bar as close to the body as possible and minimize cheating - this method will do nothing but increase the risk of injury to the movement. An alternative option is shrugs in Smith.

- This is an exercise on the upper part of the trapezoid. Here it is recommended to use less weight, but do more repetitions, so you can more easily achieve intense pumping (blood filling of the muscles).

Since the hands are turned parallel to each other in this exercise, the forearms are actively involved in the work. So concentrate on keeping your arms straight and not bending your elbows. Then you will lift the dumbbells with the effort of the trapezium, and not with your hands. You can also use straps.

To turn dumbbell shrugs into a mid-lower trapezoid exercise, sit on a bench and lean forward slightly:

This will change the load vector, and you will bring your shoulder blades closer together at the top. Due to this, most of the load will go to the middle and lower parts of the trapezius muscles.

Shrugs in the simulator

For this exercise, you will need a lower block and a wide handle. Keeping your back straight, pull your shoulders up and slightly back. The biomechanics of the movement is different from the movements in classic barbell shrugs. By pulling your shoulders back, you load the middle part of the trapezium and the rear bundles of the deltoid muscles more. Because of this, the back of the upper back will look more massive and bumpy. In addition, the device of the block simulator predetermines a stronger stretching of the muscles at the bottom point, which only increases the efficiency of this exercise.

Shrugs with a barbell behind your back

This is a great exercise for the middle and lower trapezoid. It is not entirely suitable for beginners, as it requires a developed muscular frame and good stretching of the shoulder joints.

For convenience, this exercise is recommended to be performed in the Smith simulator. At the bottom point, relax all the muscles of the shoulder girdle a little to lower the barbell as low as possible. But do not forget to keep the lumbar spine perfectly straight. The closer to your back you bring the bar as you lift, the harder the trapezoid will work. A further position will put more stress on the rear delts.

Barbell row to the chin with a narrow grip

- This is a basic exercise in which both the trapezoid and the shoulders work. In this exercise, it is important to take it narrow enough and keep the elbow above the level of the hand, then you will be able to work in full amplitude and load the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe trapezius muscles. The wider you take, the more load goes to the middle deltas.

Alternate exercises: close grip Smith chin row, narrow grip two dumbbell chin row, kettlebell chin row.


A review of exercises would be incomplete without mentioning

The trapezoid also bears part of the load when performing any horizontal rows for the thickness of the back: or, the lower block and others, as well as when using a narrow grip in vertical rods (pull-ups, pull-ups of the upper block, etc.). Indirectly, the load falls on the trapezoid and during many exercises for the deltoid muscles, for example, swings with dumbbells while standing, sitting or tilted, with a wide grip, abducting the arms in the simulator to the back delta and others.

Trapezius muscle training program

There is no fundamental difference between trapezoid training during periods of muscle mass gain and drying. All exercises (except the deadlift) are relatively isolated, and can be used at any stage of the training.

Training a trapezoid in the gym is a rather simple task. Pick a couple of exercises that work best for you and consistently improve your performance using various load progression methods. Use the following chart as a guide:

To fruitfully train trapeze at home, a minimum set of equipment is enough: barbells or dumbbells. An approximate version of a home trapezoid workout is as follows:

Many athletes also train trapeziums on the horizontal bars and parallel bars, performing an imitation of a shrug in the hang. These movements are more static, the amplitude is strictly limited, and it will not be easy to feel the isolated work of the trapezium in them. However, you can try to replace them with strength training if you do not have the opportunity to do weights.