Pairs of paronyms and sentences with them. Paronyms in Russian

To the question Help me make sentences with paronyms !!! given by the author Cold the best answer is 1. Lucky - lucky. Lucky - happy; one who is lucky (lucky explorer); successful - successful (good day).
Our trip was successful. Among them there are successful writers.
2. understandable - understandable. Understanding - quickly understanding (understanding person); understandable - clear (clear reason).
A girl with a beautiful voice has an understandable desire to enter the conservatory.
The waiter was extremely understanding and did everything the way I wanted.
3. neighborly - neighboring. Neighboring - nearby, near. Neighborly - belonging to a neighbor.
Neighboring villages tend to be populated by kindred groups. The boy next door laughed long and hard.
4. master - economic. Master - relating to the owner; such as a good owner (master's interest); economic - busy with the economy, associated with the economy (economic issues).
She did not understand what he admired so much, talking with delight about a rich economic peasant.
The exhausted, yearning land was waiting for caring, master's hands.
5. offensive - touchy. Offensive - containing offense, causing it, insulting. Annoying, unpleasant (colloquial). RESPONDENT - Easily offended.
Of all the words, Vitka chose the most evil, offensive and unfair. Kovalyov was an extremely touchy person.
6. careful - thrifty. Careful - caring, attentive, careful.
Thrifty - prudent, economical.
The need for careful treatment of them was obvious.
Feudal lords usually despised prudence and thrift.
7. typo - unsubscribe. A typo - an accidental mistake when writing (an annoying typo); unsubscribe - an answer that does not affect the merits of the case (daring unsubscribe).
The only known complete list of her [deeds] suffers from typos and omissions. After that, he sat down at his desk, wrote replies and orders to the villages, settled scores.
8. swallow - swallow. Swallow - Pass through the pharynx into the esophagus.
Listen to something. insulting, unpleasant, insulting without any protest
Absorb - absorb, absorb, devour, captivate someone, very much interest
Swallow your tongue - very tasty. The project absorbs a lot of effort and money.
9.sensual - sensitive. Sensual - Corresponding in meaning with the noun feeling. Sensitive - having an increased susceptibility to external influences; impressionable.
She was puffy, she had a stupid, sensual mouth and dull eyes.
This can impair the ability of sensory nerves.

And the meanings of words, it is necessary to highlight paronymy, that is, situations when interlocutors incorrectly use paronymic words in their speech. Examples of this error can be found in the speech of any of us. This is the misuse of words. dress And put on, weird And wonderful, painting And signature. Knowing the meanings of words, as well as understanding the phenomenon of paronymy and the reasons for its occurrence, will help to avoid these errors.


Paronymy is a fairly common linguistic phenomenon in which two or more words have similar pronunciations and belong to the same part of speech. Often such words contain one common root, but their meaning does not match. Situations in which people, when communicating, written or oral, confuse the meanings of paronymic words, replacing one word with another, is called paronymy.

This type of errors refers to lexical ones and is associated primarily with ignorance of the meanings of certain words, the rules for their use in speech. True, in some cases sentences with paronyms are used in the literature to create paronomasia and puns.


The term "paronym" comes from two Greek words: para - "near" and ónyma - "name". Paronyms are words that are similar in sound, but not identical, often They belong to the same grammatical category, that is, they belong to the same part of speech, but at the same time have different lexical meanings.

Paronyms are not interchangeable in speech, as this only leads to a distortion of the statement. Often, paronymous pairs are combined with different words. So, the pair "full" - "full" is combined with different nouns. A hearty dinner and a well-fed child.

The similarity of paronyms can lead to annoying mistakes, so you should pay attention to their true meaning and choose the right pair. To do this, you need to know the meaning of the word. Paronyms can also have a similar meaning and differ only in shade.

The misuse of such words is a fairly common lexical error.

In some cases, paronyms can also act as synonyms. For example, "romantic" and "romantic", "ironic" and "ironic" (smile or remark), "melodic" or "melodic" sound, "patriotic" and "patriotic" act.

The main groups of paronyms are represented by adjectives and verbs, less nouns and adverbs.

Often a pair is formed either with the words originally Russian, for example, "bolotny" and "bolotty", or with - "leasing" and "listing".

Types of paronyms

There are several classifications of such words. By origin, root, affixal, etymological words-paronyms are distinguished. We see examples of them every day.

Root paronyms have different, but somewhat similar outwardly roots. For example, "excavator" and "escalator", they do not have a common semantic connection.

Affixed paronyms have a common root and are united by a common semantic connection, but have different meanings due to the use of prefixes and suffixes. For example, "subscriber" - "subscription", "economical" - "economical".

Etymological are formed when the same word is borrowed by the language in different ways. So, the word "project" is learned from Latin, "project" - from French.

There are also types of paronyms according to word formation:

1. Distinguishing prefixes:

  • typos - prints.

2. Differing in suffixes:

  • unresponsive - irresponsible.

3. Distinguishing the basis, that is, having a derivative and non-derivative basis:

  • height - age;

According to semantics, paronyms are distinguished that have the same meaning, but different semantic shades. For example, "long" - "long", "life" - "worldly". There are also paronyms that have completely different semantics: "nest" - "nesting", "turn" - "stained glass", "minced meat" - "farce".

Commonly used paronyms

Let's note the most frequently used paronymic pairs.

A fairly well-known paronymic pair can be considered the words "dress" - "put on". Here it should be remembered that you can dress someone, but put on something.

Very often there are sentences with paronyms "painting" and "signature". Painting - a written list of something, wall painting, making notes. The signature is the surname put by one's own hand at the end of the document.

Addressee and addressee. The addressee is the one to whom the parcel or letter is addressed, the addressee is the person who sent it.

archaic and archaic. Archaic - characteristic of antiquity, archaic - obsolete.

Democratic and democratic - another pair of words. Democratic - the one that refers to democracy. Democratic is something characteristic of democracy.

Another interesting pair of words is "friendly" and "friendly". Friendly - pertaining to friends, friendly - based on friendship.

Logical and logical. Logical - correct, true, consistent. Logical is pertaining to logic.

It is important to pay attention to the use of paronyms and avoid mistakes associated with their use.

Causes of paronymy

There are four main reasons why mistakes are made in speech associated with the use of paronyms:

1. Insufficient knowledge of the meanings of a particular word or even several.

2. The incompetence of the speaker in the field of activity to which the word refers.

3. Banal illiteracy and lack of vocabulary.

4. Reservations in speech.


Paronomasia is a means of enhancing a stylistic figure, which consists in the deliberate use of consonant words. Most often, the words paronyms are used to create paronomasia. Examples of this phenomenon can be seen in the following sentences:

I would be glad to serve - it's sickening to serve.

He's not a weird guy, he's a weird guy.

Paronomasia is a pun that readers with a good sense of language and a sense of humor can appreciate. It is often based not only on sound, but also on semantic consonance. Paronomasia are also used as headlines to attract the attention of readers, for example: "Self-government or arbitrariness?".

Synonym dictionaries

You can avoid annoying mistakes in speech with the help of literature. So, you can find out the meaning of paronyms using thematic dictionaries. In them, in alphabetical order, a list of paronymic pairs is given. Moreover, each word included in the pair has its own lexical meaning, as well as examples of normative use in speech.

To date, you can use the following dictionaries:

1. "Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language" edited by N. P. Kolesnikov. Was published in 1971.

2. "Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language" edited by O. V. Vishnyak. The book was published in 1984.

3. In 1994, under the editorship of Yu. A. Belchikov and M. S. Panyushev, another Dictionary of Russian Paronyms was published. It was re-released in 2007.

These books will help you get acquainted with the main paronymic series, the meaning of the words included in them.


Paronyms are words that are similar in sound but have different semantic meanings. In some situations, they can also act as synonyms. Each of us periodically uses paronyms in our speech. Examples of their use: painting and signature, put on and dress.

In speech, the non-normative use of words from paronymic pairs should be avoided. You need to choose the one that suits the situation. The normative use of paronyms is a sign of education and a high culture of speech.

When writing or pronouncing, people quite often face what decision, like the choice of a particular word. The fact is that for a modern educated person, the use of words should not only be correct and appropriate, but also meet all standards and accurately emphasize everything that he wanted to convey to the interlocutor.

In contact with

This happens as follows: when people speak or write, they choose from their vocabulary a certain word that best helps to express the desired thought, corresponds to the genre of speech and speech situation.

The culture of speech is one of the main criteria for the level of education of a person. The smarter a person is, the greater his vocabulary. But if in some cases your active vocabulary is not enough, an explanatory dictionary will always come to the rescue.

The smarter the person, the larger the vocabulary

Links between words

Russian vocabulary is rich in words that form systemic relationships. These include:

  • antonyms;
  • homonyms;
  • paronyms.

What are paronyms? This word comes from Greek and means words that are close in spelling and sound, but different in meaning. For example, consonant with the word subscription is subscriber.

Important! Lexical norms require a person to correctly use words that will exactly match their meaning. If you do not adhere to these rules, then there are serious errors in the statement, the speech becomes ambiguous and incomprehensible to the interlocutor.

The formation of such words occurs in different ways:

  • suffix;
  • prefixal;
  • with different endings.

In order to better understand the meaning of similar-sounding words, you should study examples.

What are paronyms


There are a great many words that make up pairs of paronyms. Depending on the method of formation, they are usually divided into three main groups. For example, for the word life-giving companion will be a paronym tenacious. It is not difficult to see the difference in the meaning of these two words.

After all, "tenacious" is capable of life, enduring, or something that persists for a long time (a tenacious animal, tenacious habits). And the word "life-giving" means something that can strengthen vitality (life-giving remedy, life-giving water). This paronymic pair refers to the adjective part of speech. As for the word "cash", the consonant with it is "presence".

To distinguish them is also quite simple, you just need to familiarize yourself with the meaning. Presence is the presence of someone or something. For example, the presence of a cat on the balcony. Cash means the amount of what is available in this period of time. An example is the phrase "cash".

Where can you find these pairs?

This words that are similar in spelling but different in meaning, but it is possible to fully understand the content of this term only with the help of examples of words that together make up the so-called paronymic pair. But not everyone has a very large number of words and phrases in their memory, in other words, a large vocabulary.

This means that you should read more, learn, and constantly exercise, because a variety of tasks to increase the level of knowledge in the Russian language were invented not only for schoolchildren. But if there is no time to learn all the subtleties now, and the word needs to be chosen right now, a dictionary of paronyms will come to the rescue, in which many consonant lexemes with the meaning of each of them are entered.

They come in handy in some situations. But still, you will have to spend time searching for the right words, so it will be much better to keep them in your memory and use them effortlessly when needed.


The term "mixing" refers to replacing similar sounding words, which meanwhile have completely different meanings. As a result of such confusion, various stylistic incidents take place, people use sentences with paronyms that are inappropriate in this case. To understand what a mixture of paronyms is, you need to familiarize yourself with examples of the unsuccessful use of words.

So, often people kneel instead of standing. Or the artist will create high-calorie images instead of colorful ones. Such errors, although in most cases cause a smile, but, despite this, they remain errors.

So many words and phrases are confused. This is especially true for younger and middle-aged schoolchildren, whose vocabulary is not yet as rich as that of the adult population.

To prevent this from happening, a small student must always have a dictionary at hand, which will help to understand the meaning of some incomprehensible words and prevent similar mistakes in the future.

Origin story

Initially, the term itself was coined and used by Aristotle in his writings. Paronymy is the name of the phenomenon of incomplete sound similarity of words with their partial or complete semantic difference. In the middle of the twentieth century, Soviet specialists in the field of linguistics used this term to denote words with the same root that belong to the same part of speech. As an example, we can cite such paronymic pairs as:

  • payment - payment;
  • marsh - swampy;
  • main - capital.

But other scientists call so only single-root words that have consonant prefixes and a common place. In the Russian language of the modern type of paronymic pairs, there are no more than a thousand. But one cannot neglect their role in speech, because without a correct understanding of the meaning of words it will be impossible to avoid speech errors. Although such words are most often consonant, each of them has a different meaning.

That's why in no case should one word from a pair be replaced by another. With such actions, the entire context loses its meaning and ceases to refer to one subject area. Similar words are often found both in fiction and scientific literature, and in everyday colloquial speech.

Attention! To consolidate knowledge of when to use the right word from a pair, you should solve simple exercises that can be found on various sites.

Exceptions to the rules

There are cases when similar words become synonyms. As, for example, "conduct" and "produce" are close in meaning and denote the performance of any action. But it is important to remember that this paronymic pair acquires such a feature only in some cases.

Everything else is a completely different word in meaning. You need to be very careful about this when speaking or writing. All similar-sounding words are similar in structure. It is this feature that is the reason for their semantic correlation. Words with a common root that are part of the same part of speech form the so-called closed paronymic series.

In the process of comparing similar words, special attention is paid to semantic differences. Paronymy has a systemic character at the level and lexical compatibility.

Pairs in English

In most cases, replacing a certain word with a similar one in English is considered in each specific situation. Most often, such mistakes are made by people who do not speak a foreign language at a very high level. There is even a special name for such errors - "the law of the sign."

Due to simple inattention, people who are just starting to learn English can pronounce some words incorrectly, thereby losing the very meaning of the sentence. For example, cat, which translates as "cat", can be pronounced as cap - "cap". These speech errors are typical only for those who study a foreign language, therefore words similar in sound in English are not classifiable.


USE task 5 - paronyms


Words similar in sound and spelling must be able to recognize and distinguish. Only in this case can a person call himself literate, in other words, have language competence. It is important to remember that the use of paronyms can create some difficulties, so you should be very careful. If you still have questions related to the correct choice of a particular word, you can check it using a dictionary.

Task 1 #4352

The Soviet government refused to pay the debts of the ROYAL and Provisional governments.

Lazy students love to DO NOT work, finding many excuses to do so.

The dog disappeared somewhere for a few days and returned home dirty, thin, with a SCRAP of rope around his neck.

To obtain brown color when dyeing yarn, natural DYING substances extracted from herbs and tree bark were used.

The children looked with interest at the Yakut BONE figurines collected in the museum exposition.

Tsarist government (“pertaining to the political regime headed by the king”; another meaning: “pertaining to the king, belonging to him”). Paronyms - regal (“majestic”), reigning (“one who reigns, rules, rules”).

Avoid work (“try to avoid something”). The paronym is to deviate (“to move away from the accepted direction of movement”, “to move to another topic in a conversation”).

A piece of rope (“torn piece”; another meaning: “separate, unrelated, disparate parts (thoughts, words).” Paronym - passage (“part of any work, narrative”).

Dyestuffs (“containing paint, serving to color something”). Paronyms: colorful (“characterized by bright colors”, “bright, expressive”); dyed (“dyed, covered with paint”).

Bone figurines (“made of bone”). The paronym is bone (“obtained from bones, contained in bones”).

Answer: TSAR

Task 2 #4353

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

The ICE shell of the Earth, or its glaciosphere, is formed by natural ice.

A WHOLE day, tourists reached the village lost among the forests.

In the "Children's Encyclopedia" scientific knowledge is given in a POPULAR presentation.

The POOR vegetation of the polar deserts is lichens and mosses.

Michelangelo was a RECOGNIZED genius of the Renaissance.

Ice shell (“consisting of ice, icy”; other meanings: “occurring in ice”, “located on ice”). The paronym is icy (“consisting of ice, covered with ice”, “very cold”, “extremely restrained, contemptuously cold”).

A whole day (“all from beginning to end”, another meaning: “full, without exceptions”). Paronyms - integral (“made, consisting of one substance”), holistic (“possessing internal unity”).

Popular presentation (“understandable, accessible”). The paronym is populist (“appealing to the broad masses and promising them a speedy and effective solution to social problems”).

Poor vegetation (“poor, meager”, another meaning: “poor or needy, not having sufficient means”). The paronym is disastrous (“heavy, full of disasters”).

Recognized genius (“generally recognized, famous”). The paronym is grateful (“testing, expressing gratitude”).

Answer: WHOLE

Task 3 #4354

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

Only the most unpretentious vegetation can survive on the rocks and STONE placers of high-altitude cold deserts.

SWAMP places in the taiga are quite common, they are very dangerous for the traveler.

In the closet were found lacquered pointy shoes, long out of fashion.

One of the INITIATORS of Russian economic geography was the famous traveler P.P. Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky.

Gerda was so cold on the way that her cheeks, legs, and hands became ICE.

Stony placers (“containing many stones; abundant in stone, covered with stone”). Paronym - stone ("made of stone", "like a stone").

Marshy places (“abounding in swamps”). Paronym - swamp (“living or growing in a swamp”, “intended to work in a swamp, move through a swamp”).

Lacquered shoes (“varnished”). Paronym - lacquer (“made of lacquer, leather, papier-mâché, varnished”).

The initiator of geography (“the founder of something new, good, significant”). The paronym is the instigator (“the initiator of something bad”).

Icy hands (“very cold, cold as ice”). The paronym is ice (“consisting of ice”, “located, located on ice”, “occurring in ice”).


Task 4 #4355

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

MICROSCOPIC green algae move very quickly for their size.

EFFICIENCY of work largely depends on how the workplace is organized.

Qualitative adjectives have comparative and superlative degrees of comparison.

The San Stefano peace treaty strengthened Russia too much for the GREAT powers to put up with it.

It is well known that the ANNUAL rings of a sawn tree can be used to determine what the weather was like a few years ago.

Microscopic algae (“very small, visible only through a microscope”, another meaning is “produced with a microscope”). The paronym is microscopic (“extremely small, insignificant in size”).

Efficiency of work (“efficiency”). The paronym is showiness (“the ability to impress with one’s appearance or action”).

Comparative degree (linguistic term; other meanings: "based on comparison", "relative"). Paronym - comparable (“one that can be compared with something”).

Great powers (“outstanding”, another meaning: “extraordinarily talented, brilliant”). Paronym - majestic (“making a strong impression with its appearance; full of dignity, importance”).

Tree rings (“pertaining to the whole year”; other meanings: “lasting throughout the year, calculated for the year”). Paronyms: annual (“calculated for a year, resulting by the end of the year, annual”), annual (“at the age of one year”).

Answer: ANNUAL

Task 5 #4356

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

Bees can see ultraviolet radiation, so flowers that are inconspicuous from a human point of view seem to be EFFECTIVE and inviting.

Having humbled his arrogance, the great artist was on his knees in front of Pope Julius, who was sitting at the dinner table, surrounded by cardinals and retinue.

Masha and Aleksey spent all their CASH on the last day of the trip in the shops of Milan.

The first annalistic MENTION of Moscow dates back to 1147.

Spectacular (“able to impress with their appearance”). The paronym is effective (“effective”).

Humble pride (“excessive pride”). The paronym is pride (“self-esteem, self-respect, a sense of satisfaction from success”, “an excessively high opinion of oneself”).

Cash (“available money”, another meaning: “presence, presence”). The paronym is presence (“presence, existence”).

Annalistic mention (“words relating to someone or something, said not on purpose, but in passing”). Paronym - reminder (“words with the aim of reminding”).


Task 6 #4357

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

In 1501, Michelangelo undertook to make a statue of David from a SINGLE piece of marble.

The name of the outstanding scientist M.V. Lomonosov will live in the memory of GRATEFUL offspring.

Plants synthesize all the necessary ORGANIC substances in strictly necessary quantities.

To make the braid of this style look EFFICIENT and elegant, it should be woven from strands of sufficiently long hair.

In autumn, in the forests and gardens, a SOUND, jerky, short whistle of a gray bird - a nuthatch is heard.

Whole piece (“consisting of, made of one piece, of one substance”). Paronyms - whole (“complete, without exceptions; all from beginning to end”), holistic (“possessing internal unity”).

Grateful offspring (“feeling or expressing gratitude”; another meaning: “bringing good results”). The paronym is grateful (“solemnly expressing gratitude”).

Organic substances (“formed as a result of the decomposition of animal and plant organisms”; other meanings: “characterized by life processes, living”, “concerning the foundations, the very essence of something; concerning the internal structure”). Paronym - organic (“conditioned by the very essence of something, organically inherent in someone or something”).

She looked spectacular (“so that she was able to impress with her appearance”). Paronym - effectively ("effectively").

Resonant whistling (“loud, clear, distinct sounding”). The paronym is sound (“a physical term relating to sound”; “recording or reproducing device, apparatus”; “consisting of sounds”).

Answer: SOUND

Task 7 #4358

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

In the obscure, diffused light of the night, the MAJESTIC and beautiful prospects of St. Petersburg opened before us: the Neva, the embankment, the canals, the palaces.

Chromium and manganese are COLOR substances, components of many paints based on these minerals.

DIPLOMATIC relations between Russia and the USA were established in 1807.

The most HUMANE professions on earth are those on which the spiritual life and health of a person depend.

The success of the state's foreign policy largely depends on the experience and talent of DIPLOMATS.

Coloring matter (“serving to color something”). The paronym is colorful (“picturesque, figurative”).

Majestic prospects of St. Petersburg (“grandiose, full of grandeur”). Paronym - great (“glorious, worthy, significant”).

Diplomatic relations (“relating to diplomacy, diplomats”). The paronym is diplomatic (“cautious, evasive”).

Humane professions (“directed to the benefit of others”). The paronym is humanistic (“peculiar to humanism”).

Diplomat (“specialist engaged in work in the field of foreign relations”). Paronym - diplomat ("a person awarded a diploma").


Tasks that test knowledge of the lexical norms of the use of words, that is, the ability to distinguish between paronyms, are an obligatory part of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and are found in certification tests at number 5. Students are asked to find an error and choose the appropriate answer. At the same time, absolutely all schoolchildren should be able to recognize paronyms, even if their level of preparation is different.

Basic information to remember

Paronyms are words that are of the same root and belong to the same part of speech, are similar in sound, but have different lexical meanings. For example: addresser - addressee, ignorant - ignorant, dress - put on and so on.

Features of members of paronymic pairs:
  • their lexical meaning is always different;
  • members of paronymic pairs are combined with different words.

There are the following types of paronyms:

  1. Platformers. Paronyms of this type include: pay - pay, dress - put on, present - provide, shake - shake off, verification - check, discuss - condemn, intolerant - intolerable, typo - unsubscribe.
  2. Suffixal. Paronyms of this type are distinguished by suffixes:

    • -ichesk- (based on ..., acting thanks to ..., referring to terminology) or -ichn- (used in a figurative sense or meaning "containing elements"). For example: diplomatic - diplomatic;
    • -n- (associated with ..., acting with ...) or -sk- (belonging to someone). For example: equestrian - horse;
    • -n- (made from ...) or -ist- (an abundance of something, covered with something). For example: stone - rocky.
  3. Differing in final letters. The following can be cited as an example of such paronyms: base - basis, subscriber - subscription, ignorant - ignorant, addressee - addressee, diplomat - diplomat.

Helping a graduate. How to complete the task?

  1. Read the condition carefully and study the answer options.
  2. Determine the lexical meaning of the words that are highlighted in the sentences.
  3. Try to find a paronym for each of them and replace it.
  4. See if the meaning of the sentence has changed since then. If the meaning remains the same, then the answer is correct, and if it has changed, it is incorrect.

Preparation for the exam test together with Shkolkovo is the key to your success

Studying before passing the exam, many high school students are faced with the problem of finding a suitable source. A school textbook may not be at hand when needed. And searching for theory on the Internet is often time consuming.

So that tasks on knowledge of the lexical norms of the use of words in sentences do not confuse students, choose the Shkolkovo educational portal. The distance learning program on the website developed by our experienced teachers will allow students to identify sections that require repetition and improve their own knowledge.

We propose to build the process of preparing for passing the certification test in a new way: moving from simple to complex. At first, we recommend that students repeat the theoretical information prepared and presented by our specialists as clearly and understandably as possible. Then, having studied examples of sentences with paronyms, high school students can independently complete online exercises similar to those found in the exam. A selection of tasks is presented in the Catalog section. The base is constantly updated and supplemented.

Choose a simple exercise and try to find the correct answer. If you do it quickly, you can move on to more difficult tasks. And if the exercise caused certain difficulties, then you should definitely include remote classes on the Shkolkovo website in your schedule. Start preparing for the unified state exam in the Russian language today. This will allow you to successfully pass the certification test.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. There are so-called "false brothers" in Russian.

These are the same or similar in sound words, but which have fundamentally different meanings. Officially they are called paronyms.

The term is Greek - like many others that are responsible for the beauty of the language, whether it is an allegory (?) or, a metaphor (?) and so on. In literal translation, it consists of two halves: “para” (near, near, equally) and “onyma” (name), that is, one might say, “ same name».

What are paronyms in examples

Paronyms are words that are similar in sound, but differ in meaning and meaning.

Most often we are talking about words with the same root, but which have different prefixes and suffixes (this phenomenon is called paronymy). And depending on this, the meaning changes dramatically (or only slightly).

  1. WISE and WISE. In the first case, it means gaining intelligence, becoming more intellectually developed, and in the second, it means overly abstruse ideas. Here even the shades are different, positive “to be wiser” and negative “to be wiser”.
  2. GENERAL and GENERAL. In the first case, we are talking about a specific military rank, for example, a general's order or a general's uniform, and in the second - the words "main, thorough", for example, a general plan or a general staff.
  3. SUBSCRIPTION and SUBSCRIBER. In the first case, we are talking about the right to use something or a document that implies this right. For example, concert or library subscriptions. But the second word is the person who owns this subscription. For example, telephone network subscriber, subscriber account card).

From these examples, we can also conclude that any part of the sentence can be paronyms. In the first case it is a verb, in the second it is a definition, in the third it is a noun.

There are also non-single-root paronyms (this phenomenon is called paronomasia). To many people, such words unknowingly seem close in meaning or coinciding. As an example, the name of a popular TV show and others:

  1. Let's go and let's go are two verbs, but formed from different words. The first is derived from "go", and the second - from "eat".
  2. POLIS AND POLUS- the first word means a certain document, and the second - a point on the map or somewhere.
  3. CLARINET AND CORNET- the first is a musical instrument, and the second is an outdated military rank.

The most problematic paronyms

There are a number of similar words that we often use in everyday life. But at the same time, many continue to confuse their meanings, and, accordingly, they say not what they wanted. Or look bad in the eyes of other, more educated interlocutors.


Probably the most "painful" paronym. You just need to remember once and for all - they dress someone, and put them on themselves. Or in another way - they always dress an animated face, but put on an inanimate one. For example, "grandmother dressed her grandson" and "the lady put on a hat."


Entering another country and leaving your own. For example, "he immigrated to England" and "he emigrated from Russia".


Both words are associated with postal items. Only the addressee is the one who receives. And the addresser - who sends.


Again, the words are similar in meaning and refer to hygiene. But hygienic is about rules and means, for example, hygienic cream or hygienic working conditions. And hygienic - about some object that meets the rules of hygiene (hygienic shoes).


In the first case, we are talking about an employee of the Embassy or a type of suitcase. But graduates are called people who participated in some kind of event and received a diploma for it.


Guaranteed is something approved, which is beyond doubt, which you can always count on (guaranteed income, guaranteed result). And warranty - containing a guarantee (letter, contract, service).


The first word implies a part of something, most often you can hear "spot check". In the second, it is always connected with elections and voting.


The essence of the three words is the same - they mean the ability to spend less, save money. Only economical is about inanimate objects. For example, an economical kettle, that is, consuming less energy. But economical refers to people (economical hostess). And finally, the word "economic" characterizes global processes (economic crisis).

Dictionary of paronyms with the meaning of words

As I said above, there are also paronyms in Russian that are similar in sound to each other. But at the same time, they have nothing more in common - different root, different meaning. For example:


Often such words can be found, of course, in poetry. Where rhyme is used. For example, in Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin":

Putting on a wide bolivar, Onegin goes to the boulevard.

At the exam, it is important to be able to distinguish between all these paronyms and understand their meaning. Therefore, on a separate page I present, which will be very useful in preparation.

And, of course, a video on this topic will not be superfluous:

That's all you need to know about paronyms. Hope it was interesting and helpful.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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