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Vladimir Kara-Murza: On September 1, 2012, the law "On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development", signed by President Medvedev in January 2011, comes into force. According to this law, experts with higher professional education will assess whether this or that information product is capable of harming the health and development of children. Within a month, Roskomnadzor is going to study how to apply this law in relation to the media, and by the end of September will provide recommendations on the use of the new law in the industry.
About whether the law on protecting children from harmful information can become a pretext for introducing censorship, we are talking today with Boris Altshuler, member of the Public Chamber, head of the Child's Right Foundation, Alexander Minkin, columnist for the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, and Ilya Rassolov, doctor in Law, Head of the Department of Information Law of the Trade University. Do you think there is a need for such a law?

Boris Altshuler: You know, it's long overdue. You will remember, when we were discussing for a year and a half in the Public Chamber, the respected Alexander Minkin was there, and how he quite rightly was indignant at why it was being postponed for so long. He gave an example when they sell computer games with girls and boys with flowers on the cover, and there is any rubbish inside, and no one is responsible, and porn, and cruelty. I also say that the law is needed, that there is perhaps not a single country in the civilized world where children would not be protected, in Russia in this sense there is complete chaos. What happens next - let's talk.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: How do you explain the delay of one and a half years with the introduction of the law into force?

Alexander Minkin: This is quite rare, I would say, a unique case. President Medvedev signed it, sorry to correct you, not in January 11, but in December 10. And in the same place, in the signed law, in the last article it was said that it would be put into effect from September 1, 2012 and that all printed products mentioned in this law as prohibited, but printed before September 1, 2012, would not fall under the law. That is, it was written in capital letters. The deputies took a lot of money from the scoundrels so that the scoundrels would calmly print their obscene and deadly games and sell and so on, they were given more time. We signed, I mean Russia, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, in my opinion, in 1990 or 1991, and it says that the participating states undertake to take all possible measures to protect children from information that causes harm their health and development. And it is written in the preamble that any human being under 18 years old is considered a child. And now we have been postponing the introduction of this law for 20 years, when it is being introduced, now there is a cry all around that this, it turns out, is censorship. Yes, his power will also be used to press on freedom of speech. Let's calm down, the authorities have clamped down on freedom of speech before, dispersed NTV, closed newspapers and so on. And she did not need any additional laws. Therefore, a law on the protection of children from harmful information is needed, and there is no doubt that the authorities will periodically use it in their own interests, we have such a law.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: What do you think, how, according to your data, did the project differ from the final version, which one is better?

Ilya Rassolov: In fact, in this studio, apparently, three interlocutors are unanimous in their opinion. I would like to say in addition to this, in addition to the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of the Child, we have also signed, but not ratified the European Convention on the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation, which, in my opinion, is a more important document than the one we are discussing today. I repeat once again, we signed it, but did not ratify it. And about two years ago you would not have found it in Russian, I read it in Ukrainian, translated it. Now it is in Russian. Therefore, the latest convention is in the development of a new law on the protection of children from harmful information. The concept of the law has been prepared since 1998, since 1998 this law has been discussed. As a matter of fact, the law, I would not like to call it experimental, but it is opportunistic, I do not see anything bad and terrible in this, in this word "opportunistic law". It is a tradition in Russia that many laws are adopted in this way. I don’t want to defend the law, there are problems initially in terms of the conceptual apparatus, legal technique, but in general the law is not bad, compared to the draft it could be worse. If there is time, I would say a few words about it.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: How, in your opinion, should the expertise envisaged by this federal law be organized?

Boris Altshuler: This is an absolutely key question. Because we know that anything can be drawn on paper, and most importantly, law enforcement. Both that and this question is the main one. Because if this expertise takes place, it can somehow be influenced either by the complainant about what is bad, or by the interested media in order to get a good expertise - this is not expertise, but corruption. We need an independent, impartial review. For 10 years I was at a special meeting at which the Omega legal bureau, commissioned by the Ministry of Communications, made a provision on expertise, and I liked it. I also suggest adding public control. In this law, I will now tell you its essence, it is very brief, but it is fundamentally important, in this is the law that has now been adopted, because you need to understand that in itself it is nothing. It is impossible to describe all cases of information that violates, which somehow harms children. In addition, there are so many people, so many opinions, someone will not like "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda", because there is a pop, which means morality, but someone will like it. Therefore, the issue of an independent examination, the results of which are then considered by an independent court anyway, is a key one. There is neither one nor the other in Russia. What is the essence of the proposals of the legal bureau "Omega"? Partially, this is now taken into account in the law or in an additional law that is coming into force. First, there is the initial base of experts, it is wide, in different areas, very different. A complaint is received, a roulette wheel is launched in this direction, and experts are selected randomly. It is fundamentally important, this is not yet the case, and the law, most importantly, says that the rules for the examination, the regulation on the examination are approved by the government of the Russian Federation. And it really depends on what kind of document it will be, whether this law will be for the good or it will turn out to be a profanity to crack down on some media, it will not protect children, everything will be as always, according to Chernomyrdin. There should be two or three simple conditions here: a random selection of experts, complete anonymity, experts should not know who complained, who complained, they should not know experts, and experts should not be able to contact those they are experting, that is, receive a bribe . This is where it should be. And after the examination is completed, the names of experts are posted on the Internet. The possibility of challenging, then the procedure in the courts. The most important thing is an independent examination. And I don't know how to organize it in our conditions. I have described the scheme. You understand what gigantic money. Let's assume that Channel One broke the law, it already breaks it, every day they show at the wrong time, really with such money they will not be able to influence the leadership of the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Press, experts and so on. It is necessary that they cannot. Or the firms that release games earn big money, they will also want to buy, but they must not be able to. How to do it? This is a question, I'm interested in the opinion of colleagues.

Alexander Minkin: In most cases, no expertise is needed - it's all from the evil one. Now we are discussing this problem with the journalist Minkin. Why do you need him? This should be discussed with psychologists, with children's doctors. If there was cholera here now, you would not discuss it with journalists, but with epidemiologists. There are very simple things, let's start with them. Quite recently, probably, at the beginning of summer or spring, all radio stations, including let's not go far, Radio Liberty daily in every news release told how in Kazan the policemen gave this man a bottle of champagne, and he died as a result. It was told 24 hours a day every half an hour in every newscast, and your radio station, and many other radio stations every day, day after day, for at least two weeks. At the same time, everyone understands that children also live in the world, not only adults live and drive cars. There are children in apartments and children are traveling in cars with their parents, and yet, kind, smart news journalists every half an hour talked about a bottle of champagne and where and so on. This is extremely harmful for children, it is also harmful for adults, because some idiot said that this unfortunate peasant was raped with a bottle, but in fact there was no rape - it was torture, torture is a completely different article of the criminal code. And by repeating the word "rape", the whole people were inspired that there is also such a way to get pleasure. So, what is needed is an examination to make it clear that this is not possible. Yesterday and today they are talking about some woman in Belgium who served half of a life sentence, oddly enough, a sentence, and is being released, she was from a pedophile family, she killed, raped, ate alive with her husband. Every half an hour they say that she was released, and she did this and that. By God, I am forced to talk about it, repeating, unfortunately, these things. Why do all radio stations in Russia every day talk about these things in the daytime, spitting on the fact that children listen to these unacceptable things. I would close all the radio stations easily, they talk every minute about the weather - you can look out the window, and the cost of the dollar and the euro - you can go to the exchange office if necessary, but most do not.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: What will be more affected by this law - television or the Internet?

Ilya Rassolov: First, the law, I would immediately like to say about the news, if they are broadcast live, then the law does not apply to this category of information. If we talk about movies, the announcement can already affect this type of information, such as announcements, posters, and so on. As for television, we have had a classification of films since the 80s, good or bad, but there is a well-established practice, distribution certificates, one of the columns just has product labeling, it is for all or not for all ages, and so on. Basically, it seems to me that the law will affect the sphere of television and radio broadcasting more than the Internet as such. Because article 14 of the law applies mainly to online media and there is a dispositive regulation, when other site owners can label or not label at their own discretion. Therefore, if we are talking about the Internet, then it is mainly Internet media. The novelty, which will affect many radio stations and TV channels, is due to the fact that, of course, Roskomnadzor should discuss its strategy in the near future, because this is the supervisory body here and within the framework of this law, it must also work with the main players in this market, in including with the first channel, to discuss their position. Moreover, as far as I know, Roskomnadzor will do this in the near future. That is, an explanation will be practically installed online, it will be letters, it will be recommendations, it will be active work. Where this will lead - we'll see.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: We listen to the question of Muscovite Alexander Georgievich.

Listener: Good evening. I have this comment that, unfortunately, only what was shown on television will be shown, no one will forbid it, and the authorities do not need it, not for this since 2001 they began to show us everything, there are more crimes and violence. Look at the same fourth channel, I don't want to call NTV, NTV - it was under Gusinsky, and after Gusinsky it's just the fourth channel. So your law will not work. And the fact that they will put pressure on the free television stations that have remained and the radio stations - yes. There will be a reason to say: you see, they said on Echo, they said on Svoboda, they said on Kommersant, on REN-TV, but this will not affect the main channels. Everything will be as it is, and maybe worse.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: In your opinion, what are the levers of influence on the executive branch for the practical implementation of this law?

Boris Altshuler: First, I very briefly object to Alexander Minkin. Democracy is a procedure, and even more so when it comes to punishment, prohibition, shutting down someone. Therefore, what seems to Minkin, or Altshuler, or someone else, Ernst, must be a procedure. They closed "Dom-2", or rather the American cable channel, which showed 15 minutes from the Russian "Dom-2", was closed by court and deprived of a license for immorality. But we completely followed the procedure, there were complaints, then an examination, a court and goodbye, there is no more this channel, which showed what our children watch continuously. I'm saying that I want to object to the comrade who called. Already today I was bombed by journalists. Already the law is in action, the First Channel has already filmed "Cheburashka" and "Well, you wait!". Why? Because, there the crocodile Gena smokes a pipe, and in "Well, you wait!" the wolf makes rings, and this is forbidden, I completely agree. Now they are talking on Channel One: we will cut out these places and let them in again. That's right, and that's how it should be. About pessimism. Of course, we are all sure that nothing good can happen in our country and everything will be as always, because big money. You know, come on - hope dies last, and discouragement is a sin. Now a law has been passed, if there is a normal procedure and a judicial examination, it should not seem enough to the first, second, third, fourth, to anyone, for the disgrace that they are doing. Whether there will be enough political will for this, we doubt, but let's fight for it.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: In your opinion, will the television screen be cleansed of this filth?

Alexander Minkin: I'm just at a loss as to what to discuss here. They just told you that the procedure is important, but it's not true. Both the law and the procedure give nothing as long as people think and act differently and open their pockets. In the State Duma there is a procedure prescribed to the smallest detail, has it interfered with at least some scoundrel law? They violate their own procedure as much as they like, they violate their own laws as much as they like. They make laws about corruption and break them themselves. Therefore, a procedure hanging in the air or on another planet will not give us anything. When asked how to influence the authorities, there is one peaceful way - elections, and one non-peaceful way - this is going out into the streets. These are the only ways to influence power.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: What is the international practice of applying such laws?

Ilya Rassolov: Probably still techniques. There are different methods if we are talking about cartoons, films, classification. Including in the USSR, the Ministry of Culture of the USSR was engaged in this, good, bad - it doesn’t matter. Including this labeling 0+, 6+, 12+, 18+ also exists in other countries, in particular, the United States of America also had a label, since 69 the Americans cut out cigarettes, but the smoke remained. After Reagan became president, this story was quickly curtailed. In general, there is another practice, for example, in French television, which, apparently, Alexander Minkin knows better than I do, where there is a completely different marking - asterisks, more related to the rating of a particular film, but it still affects viewers, listeners and etc. As for the cartoons, "Well, wait a minute!" defended, Roskomnadzor said that the national heritage is a cultural heritage and they will not cut anything, they will not even shift it for the evening. Some of the cartoons, too, I think, will be protected - this applies to favorite cartoons. This is also the film "Sherlock Holmes", who, as you know, used cocaine, and other films that, for sure, will remain in the grid and nothing will happen to them, including because the USSR Ministry of Culture has apparently already put a mark for of all ages, I think there will be no revision. Perhaps this will affect new materials, perhaps new films will also be affected when they either shift along the grid or cut something.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: We listen to the question of the Muscovite Marina.

Listener: Hello. Tell me what to do with our children? Cheburashka smokes, Little Red Riding Hood is swallowed by a wolf, then they cut the belly of the wolf and take it out. And what did Chukovsky do: "My poor bunny got hit by a tram, his legs were cut, and now he is sick, lame, my poor bunny." This is what is going on. I have two children, four grandchildren, all grew up on these terrible passions. My son does not smoke or drink, my daughter is a candidate. Why didn't it work for them? Why the thought receives money, for what receives?

Vladimir Kara-Murza: In your opinion, have any excesses begun in the implementation of this law that has not yet begun?

Boris Altshuler: I was very glad to hear from a colleague, I did not know this, that our classics were declared cultural property and will not be touched. As for the comment, of course, harm or no harm depends on the general background. The colleague who just called, the grandmother of four grandchildren, she apparently forgot, or now does not realize, the background when they read Chukovsky, the "terrible" Little Red Riding Hood, the background was completely different. That perversion that is poured out on children all the time, it cannot be watched. Where will you see Chukovsky now? The law is needed, but, of course, this kind, I think correctly, the classics should not be touched. I wanted to make some clarification, maybe my colleagues are not aware, the fact is that in addition to this basic law, it lay ready for more than a year and a half, another law was urgently adopted, which also comes into force on September 1, regarding it there were very big fights and the scandal was big a month ago. This just concerns the Internet and the creation of "bad" sites, some kind of database, a blacklist of sites, and so on. The law takes the Internet very seriously, here again it's all about the procedure. But there, nevertheless, in this new law it is written that, without a judicial procedure, only those sites will be blacklisted, where there are already three things - drugs, suicide technology and child pornography, things that are obviously still prohibited, the rest is subject to a judicial procedure. . It will touch the Internet. In this sense, I fully share my colleagues' concerns about how this will be applied. Here's a funny situation for you, but conditionally, let's imagine that an examination was really carried out and revealed violations of the law by the First Channel of Russian state television. The case went to court. The court is considering whether to close Channel One or not. In general, in the West, the sanctions are such that it will not seem small, because of this, self-censorship is large. Here they are softer, but nonetheless. Punish Channel One or not? Imagine the power of Channel One, not only financial, but also all corrupt ties with all the tops of the country and some miserable court. Very interesting. I do not agree with Minkin that it is very difficult to believe that the court will be impartial, objective and punish. However, it is good that the question will be posed in this way.

Ilya Rassolov: Everything is correct, but Law No. 138, which we are talking about, it just concerns both the Internet and the law on the protection of children itself. That is, these are the same amendments that are being made to even three laws, and the one that we are discussing, and to the law on the media, and to the law on communications. That is, everything is complex. As for fines, I'll quickly name. The Code of Administrative Offenses establishes the following maximum fines: for citizens up to 3 thousand rubles, for officials up to 25 thousand rubles, for legal entities, that is, channels - this is 200 thousand rubles with confiscation of the subject of the crime or suspension of activities for up to 90 days. It seems to me that the latter is more effective than these ridiculous fines. But in any case, it is necessary to consider the issue in dynamics. The very posing of the question has already seriously forced the channels to think. This action and reaction about "Well, wait a minute!", despite the fact that, in my opinion, this is still information stuffing, for the most part excited the channels, they are thinking today how to do product labeling at least.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: Do you expect immediate results from the enactment of the law?

Alexander Minkin: The law will come into effect formally from September 1, but in reality it will not come into effect, no one will comply with it. You look how much we prohibit the sale of vodka to minors, but it is not so difficult and everything continues. And cigarettes are sold to children, and vodka is sold to children, and it is not difficult for them to go to the cinema to see a film that is forbidden to them. So everything depends on the people. Now they told us that in America they showed 15 minutes from Dom-2 and closed this channel, and how many attempts we had to close Dom-2, they all ended in courts favoring Dom-2, because Dom -2 brings in big money. One of the callers recalled with nostalgia the old NTV, now NTV is bad, but the old one was good. But the old was good in terms of live news and political debate. But it was the old NTV that began to show all sorts of cruelties, endless crimes, sexual perversions and "Behind the Glass", what became "Dom-2" - this is what the old NTV started in times of general prosperity.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: This, strictly speaking, was TV-6.

Alexander Minkin: It seems to me that NTV made Behind the Glass, and not TV-6. It all depends on people, in our country, if society treats violators harshly, then everything will change if it turns a blind eye ... I recently had a case: a boy was not sold a ticket to a movie until he was 18, turned to a peasant who came across, the peasant went and did a "good deed" for the boy - he bought a ticket to a banned movie. The mark on the forbidden film on TV should hang constantly, you watch the film and see that it is "Russia", or Channel One, or NTV, the mark of the television company hangs constantly, in the same way during the entire program prohibited for children, throughout the entire film prohibited for children, there should be a red signal in the corner of the screen. Because if before the film there was an announcement that, dear parents, this is not for children, then the parents who turned it on one second later, they will no longer know that it is forbidden or they turned it on in the fifth minute, they will not know that it is forbidden. During the entire film, there must be a red flashlight in the corner - it is prohibited.

Ilya Rassolov: Red, green, yellow is not provided. We have 0+, 6+, 12+, 14+, and 18+. It turns out that 18+ should be in the right corner from the bottom 5% of the screen, as the law regulates. If we talk about practice, let's say the law on personal data of 2006 has only now actually started working. So it's been 6 years. Therefore, we must consider this law as the establishment of certain principles of regulation, and maybe in 5 years it will be implemented. We are not all so naive that we will wake up on September 1 or November 1, when amendments to the media law regarding this register come into force in a new country, we, of course, will not wake up in a new country, in a new situation, of course, everything depends on of people. But besides people, this is still a large market for goods and services. And of course, there should be other fines for TV channels, these should be sums with six zeros, and not five, so that it would be at least noticeable. And then, I think that they will pay off, because ratings, you understand yourself, you work on television from an early age, ratings are ratings. And until television degenerates, it is already degenerating, which is positive, from my point of view, as a specialist who develops this legislation, it will not acquire new forms, in my opinion, the transition to digital will collapse many, expose new problems, but will solve many old ones Problems. And if we are talking about young people, I go out to different audiences, including talking with young people, young people do not watch television, they do not even know what kind of programs they are. I'm not talking about those that were named here, of course, many people know about the existence of these programs, but in general, in the form in which television existed in the 90s, today it is degenerating. I don't have a TV at home, and when sociological services call and ask what channel you watch, I answer them: I don't advise you either. Most people do the same, at least those I know and respect. Therefore, television in the form in which it was in the 90s and even in the zero, it will not be in 10-15 years. Therefore, the law may be timely in order to in some way enlighten and in some way moderate the appetites.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: We are listening to a question from the Volgograd region from radio listener Yuri Vladimirovich.

Listener: Hello. In my opinion, this law is intended to introduce political censorship. I don’t know what children’s Internet is and so on, although I have granddaughters, but I don’t turn on such functions. The fact is that given the political stop, he must first introduce political censorship. Also, political censorship was introduced during the days when there were demonstrations on December 11, when they tried to lock children in schools so that they would not take part in any opposition events. In my opinion, it will be turned against the Internet, I am sure of it. By the way, with the help of my granddaughter, I'm starting to master it. And mainly this is the strengthening of political censorship, given the political situation in our country.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: Do you feel there are political overtones?

Alexander Minkin: I can only repeat that political censorship was introduced a long time ago. If you haven't noticed this, it's strange. It has long been introduced, without needing a law. This law will also be used to put pressure on the media, but people who are involved in politics may not show pornography and will not fall under this law. As for punishment, I think that fines are very lenient. If a shop were closed for selling a bottle of vodka to a minor, if a seller were put in jail for selling vodka to a minor, they would simply be handcuffed, as is the case in civilized countries, they would be handcuffed and taken to prison immediately, if for pornography or for brutal violence on TV in childhood, that is, not at night and without warning, if for this they put the owner of the channel or the general director in jail for two months, gently, not for two years, then the situation would really change. An unacceptable program appeared on the screen - the boss goes to prison for at least two months, he will have enough for life.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: We listen to the Muscovite Elizabeth.

Listener: Good evening. Unfortunately, I did not hear the names of the ardent advocate of cutting down the crocodile Gena and the wolf, I would like to ask him: where will he cut down smoking parents, teenagers and adults smoking on the streets, drinking and swearing children? Where will he cut it?

Boris Altshuler: Our modern children, 20 years of the new Russia, have grown up in an information environment that we all do not like. This is one of the factors that determines their behavior. Yes, it is necessary to influence everything, this is one of the factors. First of all, I want to say that I am very happy, Alexander Minkin said my thought about punishments, of course, in the West these markings are secondary, the most powerful there is self-censorship, they know that it will not seem small if you violate the law. But as for politics, I would like to say that what we are discussing in the Public Chamber is a possible threat. The Internet is a certain political opposition website, it is located on a certain portal, on the same server someone took either a criminal himself or purposely made and placed forbidden porn, according to the new law, the entire server is closed. This is a way to destroy any opposition portal. An undifferentiated approach when closing, you see, I don’t understand this well, but experts explained to me that this is a threat, since closing, blacklisting not individual pages or sites, but in general, everyone who provides services. A very serious political dog is closed here, the threat is very huge.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: Do you think an undifferentiated approach threatens the Internet?

Ilya Rassolov: Boris is right, and the main criticism of the new amendments to another law, the media law, is Article 15.1 of the media law. This is a very expensive thing, by the way. I want to say right away that those who think that the register was started is a thing that costs decent money. By the way, the control and supervision of the protection of children also costs a lot. The main criticism of this law is the technology of blocking access to network addresses, while this can lead to the possible blocking of legitimate resources. Speaking briefly about these amendments to the law on the media, the register will begin to form only from November, the law that we are discussing comes into force on September 1, a month later. These amendments were based on the concept that was presented by me and Tedeev, professor, in the 90s we wrote about it. The main actor here is a special subject - this is the owner of the site, these are providers and operators, that is, ordinary citizens will not be affected by this registry. As for how this will affect the Russian Internet, I will not speak, but the Internet major players themselves missed the situation, unfortunately. They needed to raise money in due time - this is about 10-20 million euros and gather a group of experts, specialists and lobby for their own law on the Internet, which they could promote in one way or another, and it would suit everyone. Now the situation is that the state itself sets the rules of the game and self-regulation has really lost. The approach of the 90s does not work in 2000, today we are writing about completely different approaches. And of course, the threat is increasing. The world that existed in the 90s is a completely different world today, with different problems, so the child protection law, although late, is an important lifesaver here.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: We listen to the Muscovite Viktor Viktorovich.

Listener: Hello. I wanted to give such a vivid example, an illustration to what was said, there was such a film by Balabanov "The Cargo" and there they showed just about a bottle, there an impotent rapes a girl with a bottle. After some time, this bottle is in the police in Kazan. Balabanov has other films as well. Of course, such films are strictly forbidden for children to watch.

Vladimir Kara-Murza: You, in my opinion, also belong to the category of those who do not have a TV?

Alexander Minkin: We have not had a TV for a long time, for many years. But I wanted to say something, I would advise everyone: throw it to hell or leave the box, cut off the antenna, watch only films that you yourself took in the store to watch a movie with your family. Indeed, this law that allows you to close Internet sites, there will be a similar story with how the police, if they want to arrest, plant drugs or plant one cartridge in a car, and for illegal possession of weapons or for illegal possession of drugs, and so on, that is they can and will not be ashamed to plant drugs, plant something like that on an Internet site. So this thing is very dangerous, no one knows what to do in this situation, because anything can be thrown up. In addition, today we are living in a situation where information has been thrown into society, as if it was forbidden "Well, wait a minute!" and Winnie the Pooh. It turned out not, it's a duck. But how hotly they discussed it, today I received calls from two radio stations for comments. I said yes, it can't be. And here he was right.

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The drug "Generic Viagra 200". Quality Indian drug under the brand name Delgra 200 (sildenafil 200mg)

Delgra 200 presented by our online pharmacy is the most powerful drug among Viagra. In one tablet, the maximum amount of the active substance of sildenafil is 200 milligrams.

Instructions for use

The drug should be taken orally and immediately half an hour before sexual intercourse with water. It is allowed to take no more than one tablet per day. Do not combine with alcohol.


The problem of erection and its modern solution. We offer you a very effective drug with the largest dosage of sildenafil included in Delgra 200

They say that after 50 years, life is just beginning and takes on a bright color. But is it really so? Of course, at this age, there is calmness, balance and positiveness, because after retirement, you can do your favorite hobby, babysit your grandchildren and continue to enjoy life. But, for men, that bright intimate life, as in youth, is no longer there. And how to be? After all, you really want to remember your youth and surprise your woman in bed, but erectile dysfunction fails. For a man, this is a complete failure, life takes on gray tones, even depression is possible against this background. But there should be a way out anyway, now it’s the 21st century, there are many different drugs, pills that can deal with this problem at any age. Which ones to choose? You will understand by reading the article to the end.

What could be the cause of erectile dysfunction? There are a lot of them, but here are the main reasons:

  • Excess weight. In some cases, it really interferes and is a factor in this problem.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Damage to the penis.
  • Stress, bad habits, depression.

This, of course, is not a complete set of reasons why men may have an erection problem, but if you smoke or drink, and also stay in a long tension, then it is advisable to adjust your regimen in order to prevent the development of this problem. We figured out the reasons, but what drug is best to use in order to really improve intimate life? The best option would be good nutrition, healthy sleep and the rejection of bad habits, but if this does not help, then Viagra 200, which can be bought in our store, will be the best.

How good is Generic Viagra 200?

The price of delgra 200 is not the highest, namely 1450 r for 10 tablets. There are also more impressive packs, where 20, 30 and even 50 tablets are provided, but the price for them will, of course, be higher. The tablets contain a special substance - sildenafil, which is a very powerful tool and begins to act within half an hour after taking the tablet. When taking a pill, you should not drink alcohol at this time, because they will only slow down the action, and can also increase side effects, such as: headache or nasal congestion. But do not be afraid that you will definitely have a headache, a stuffy nose, or your eyes will hurt. Side effects occur in extremely rare situations, with intolerance to the substance that makes up the drug. In other cases, it is pure accident and nothing more.

How to take "Generic Viagra 200"? If you are using these pills for the first time, then it is worth breaking it into pieces and taking one of them. The second one can be used the next day if sexual intercourse is planned. You should be careful with the dosage, because the slightest overdose can cause side effects.

This drug is a very strong medicine, taking which you can have sex for about 5 hours. There are a lot of advantages over other pills, and the main plus is the relatively low price, as well as a powerful action within half an hour after taking. Buy "delgra 200" in our online pharmacy and then you will be able to remember your youth, even if you are already over 50.

It is forbidden to take the drug together: with alcohol, with nitrates and nitrites, and with the use of cardiac drugs.

In recent years, many members of the stronger sex have chosen Cialis as an effective remedy for solving problems with erectile dysfunction. It is the main competitor of Viagra and has a similar effect on the body, but unlike sildenafil, it allows you to have sexual intercourse for a longer period of time - up to 36 hours. In this regard, many people have a question - is Cialis harmful to a man's health? It should be noted right away that the drug itself is safe (this is confirmed by clinical trials and international certificates), but it has a number of contraindications and, under certain conditions, can have a side effect.

What are the benefits of using Cialis

The main active ingredient in Cialis is the chemical component tadalafil, which is part of the group of selective PDE-5 inhibitors and significantly improves erection by increasing blood flow to the genitals. For the first time, the remedy appeared on the pharmacological market in 2002 and immediately gained high popularity, since its long-term effect allows a man to choose the most favorable moment for intimacy.

The long-term effect of Cialis is explained by its long half-life of up to 17 hours in young people and up to 22 hours in the elderly. For comparison, Viagra or Levitra have a half-life of no more than 4 hours.

The main advantages of the drug include:

    a positive effect on erection, which helps a man gain self-confidence, get satisfaction and pleasant emotions

    no harm to reproductive health - Cialis does not adversely affect the ability to conceive

    fewer side effects compared to similar drugs, since a small dose is needed to achieve the desired result

    efficacy in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia

    the possibility of combining tadalafil with alcoholic beverages

Contraindications to the use of Cialis

Before buying pills, it is advisable for a man to visit a doctor and consult about his state of health, since Cialis has many contraindications. They can be absolute, in which it is strictly forbidden to take the drug, and relative, when taking the drug is in principle acceptable, but with caution and control of one's well-being.

Absolute contraindications to the use of Cialis are:

    age less than 18 years (the causes of erection problems in adolescents are not associated with enzymatic processes, therefore they are not solved by the use of PDE-5)

    individual sensitivity to tadalafil and additional tablet components (lactose, sodium lauryl sulfate, hyprolose, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, triacetin)

    concomitant use with alpha-adenoblockers or drugs containing nitrates

If we consider the harm and benefits of Cialis against the background of relative contraindications, then it is not recommended to use it for people who suffer from vascular and heart diseases. This is due to the fact that with such pathologies, physical activity, including increased sexual activity, is generally contraindicated for men. In addition, the drug is used carefully for the following problems:

    liver or kidney failure

    low blood pressure (less than 90/50 mmHg)


    degenerative diseases of the retina

  • concomitant use with other PDE-5 inhibitors (vardenafil or sildenafil)


    deformity of the penis

Side effects

Side effects after using the drug develop quite rarely, and the discomfort that a person experiences is insignificant and passes quickly. Most often, men complain of headaches, various kinds of dyspeptic disorders (for example, diarrhea or heartburn), pain in the muscles or back, nasal congestion, and flushing of the face. Significantly less often, the following symptoms may appear:

Pain in the back or muscles usually begins to disturb 12-24 hours after taking the drug and subsides over the next two hours. They are especially pronounced when lying down and are most often localized in the coccyx, buttocks or sacrum. In severe renal failure, pain may occur in the lumbar region.

According to studies conducted on volunteers, taking Cialis during the day in excess of the daily norm does not cause overdose symptoms, that is, side effects appear with the same frequency and severity as with the standard use of the drug. However, taking the medicine in high doses is highly discouraged, as this can adversely affect the liver and other body systems.

Despite the fact that the safety of Cialis has been proven by numerous clinical studies, in order to avoid the development of side effects and possible harm to health when using the product, it is advisable to follow certain recommendations:

    Tablets should be taken only in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. The standard daily dose is 20 mg, but if necessary, it can be increased to 40 mg (maximum dosage) or reduced to 5-10 mg

    For men with kidney and liver disease, the maximum recommended dose is 10 mg, with prostatic hyperplasia - 5 mg

    It is undesirable to take the drug more than 1 time per day

    When taking the tablet, wash it down with plenty of clean water.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that only the person who is completely confident in his health and does not use other medicines at the same time can take Cialis on his own. But if any side effects occur, you should consult a doctor and get advice on the possibility of taking and dosage.

The rapid development of the pharmacological industry in recent years has led to the emergence of effective drugs to help deal with erectile dysfunction. Cialis is just such a drug that has become the main competitor of the well-known. But an important advantage is the duration of action, which can be 36 hours. For this reason, a completely natural and logical question arises: is Cialis harmful to the health of the male body? The substance has undergone many medical studies and is recognized as harmless. However, it has certain contraindications.

Cialis harm or benefit, the benefits of Cialis

The key component of the drug is tadalafil, which is a selective PDE-5 inhibitor. The main action is aimed at stimulating blood flow to the penis. The appearance for consumers dates back to 2002. From the very first days, the tool began to enjoy great popularity, the basis for which was the long-term effect of the action. This adds variability in terms of choosing the optimal time for copulation.

In general, it is customary to build on the duration of the half-life. It is from 17 to 22 hours. For comparison: Viagra has a similar figure of about 4 hours. The main advantages are also deservedly considered:

  • beneficial effect on the erection of the penis, which leads to maximum satisfaction and positive emotions;
  • there is no negative impact on the reproductive function of the body - the ability to conceive is fully preserved;
  • the minimum number of side effects, because a small dose is sufficient to obtain the desired effect;
  • the ability to combine with the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • significant help in the treatment of prostate diseases.

Possible contraindications for use

No one says that it is unhealthy, but before using it, it is a reasonable decision to consult a doctor in order to check your general health. The drug has absolute contraindications for use, which exclude the possibility of its use. These include:

  • the person is less than eighteen years of age;
  • personal intolerance to tadalafil and auxiliary components of the tablet;
  • use in conjunction with nitro-containing substances and alpha - adenoblockers.

There are also relative contraindications. The drug is not recommended for people with problems with blood vessels and the heart. Such diseases, in general, exclude significant physical exertion, which can be safely attributed to an active sex life. Care should also be taken in the following cases:

  • when there are problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • with low blood pressure;
  • with leukemia;
  • with diseases of the retina;
  • in case of hypertension;
  • with curvature of the penis.

Side effects

When it comes to how harmful Cialis is, it is customary to mention the side effects that exist, even if they occur in extremely rare cases. They do not have a pronounced effect that causes significant discomfort, and they pass very quickly. Standard complaints are the presence of headache, the appearance of heartburn, an intense rush of blood to the face, fatigue in the muscles. The following symptoms may occur much less frequently:

  • the appearance of insomnia;
  • dry mouth;
  • the body gets tired quickly;
  • slightly dizzy;
  • nosebleeds;
  • skin rashes;
  • the heart rate increases;
  • swollen eyelids and red eyes;
  • "ache" in the joints.

Painful sensations in the muscles can occur within half a day or a day after taking the medicine. They usually pass within two hours. Particularly felt when lying down. If there are problems with the kidneys, pain can be localized in the lumbar region.

A special study was conducted in which volunteers took part. The goal was to determine whether it is harmful to take Cialis throughout the day in excess of the daily norm. As a result, it became clear that there are no severe symptoms of an overdose. However, you should not consume too much - there may be difficulties with the work of the liver.

Is Cialis harmful to a man's health?

The fact that Cialis does not cause harm to the body has been proven by many studies in clinical settings. But to get the maximum positive effect, you should focus on simple tips. Do not deviate from the dose determined by the consulting physician. Usually the daily norm is 20 milligrams of the drug, the maximum dose per day is 40 milligrams. If there are problems with the kidneys or liver, then you should reduce to 10 milligrams.

It is not recommended to use the drug more than once a day. You need to drink plenty of ordinary drinking water. You should not start using the drug on your own. It is always best to consult with a qualified professional first. And also if you experience any side effects after use, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will be able to give guidance on determining the required dose of the drug and the frequency of its use. You can also find out if