Table drawing for a circular saw. DIY amateur sawing table

For greater convenience, a hand-held circular saw can be mounted on a table. This design will help you quickly and easily process and saw wood parts.

Working with a circular saw mounted on a special table greatly simplifies the sawing process and is safe when using special devices.

In this article we will tell you for a hand-held circular saw with your own hands.

Circular saw table design

The table base for a circular saw can be wood or metal.

The tabletop is made of metal or sheet wood materials. A hole is made in it for a circular saw blade.

Supports run along the guides in the tabletop, which move the timber and any other sawing material.

First of all, the table should be comfortable, stable (do not stagger!), The surface of the tabletop should be flat. These factors will help a person avoid injury during work.

The hole in the base is cut for a specific brand of saw

Before you start cutting the material and assembling the circular table, you need to calculate its dimensions and make a drawing.

The hole in the base must match the dimensions of the circular saw platform. For each brand of saw, this will be a specific size.

The plate installed on the countertop should not outweigh the table in one direction - the base must be resistant to external mechanical loads.

The dimensions of the countertop must match the flow.

For some, a folding table is enough, a small table with a removable circular saw. People who have a spacious workshop need a full-fledged table for a circular saw or even a circular machine.

Note: if it is planned to leave materials on the table during work, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe countertop should be at least a square meter. The optimal size for such a table is 120 x 120 cm.

Materials from which you can make a table for cutting wood:
  • solid wood;
  • Chipboard, chipboard, MDF, plywood;
  • metal (steel or aluminum).

Plastic is not well suited as a material for making a saw table.

Prior to final assembly, all wooden parts of the table should be protected from moisture and decay.

To make a saw table with our own hands, we need the following materials:

  • Chipboard or plywood 21 mm thick;
  • timber for the table frame (you can use a edging board 50 x 150 mm 3 meters long - 5 pcs.);
  • wooden dowels 10 mm - 12 pcs.;
  • joiner's glue;
  • metal fasteners for the sides and legs - 4 pcs.;
  • metal corners - 10 pcs.;
  • self-tapping screws.

Necessary tools for work:

  • pencil, marker, tape measure, meter;
  • jigsaw;
  • manual ;
  • Sander;
  • sandpaper of medium and fine grit;
  • plane;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver

Step 1. To begin with, we trim all sides of the beam with a planer. We assemble the frame of the table from the timber: on each side of the tabletop we drill two holes of 5 mm for dowels for each side and one hole for each table leg.

Step 2 In the sides you need to make two holes (5 mm), and in the legs - one each (5 mm).

Step 3 We install the dowels in the countertop, after lubricating them with wood glue. From above, the tsargs and legs are installed.

If there are clamps with ties, you can fix the table with them. After the glue has completely dried, the sides are fastened to the legs and to each other with special metal fasteners for tables and pulled together with self-tapping screws.

Note: the table will be stronger and more stable if you use metal corners for additional fastening of the tabletop: two on the short side and three on the long side.

Step 4 Now you need to fix the circular saw on the inside of the table top. There can be two options here: fasten the saw platform with M4 bolts or fasten the platform using bars with self-tapping screws. The first option is faster and more reliable. The second option does not require drilling holes in the metal platform for bolts.

Step 5 You can fix the saw with bolts or bars with self-tapping screws. We will fasten with bars, so in small bars we make a drink as wide as the saw platform. With bars with self-tapping screws on both sides, we fasten the circular saw to the table top.

Step 6 When the saw is installed, we take another larger bar and fasten it to the tabletop with self-tapping screws (directly to the points noted earlier, along which the saw platform was set evenly). This bar is necessary so that in the future, when removing the saw from the table, you can quickly return it to its place without resorting to marking.

Step 7 We install the circular saw blade in place and saw through the countertop to make a longitudinal hole. Flip the tabletop.

Step 8 We make a parallel stop. To do this, we saw off two strips from plywood with a length equal to the width of the table and a width of about 8–10 cm. We round the corners with a protractor and a pencil.

Step 9 We grind both strips and fasten them with self-tapping screws at an angle. Inside we fasten the metal corner.

Step 10 With constant work with a table for a circular saw and the need to fix the stop on the tabletop, a guide is fixed perpendicular to the disk. The roller or the second part of the guide is attached to the bottom of the fence so that the fence can drive up / drive away from the circular saw blade.

Workplace safety

In order not to be injured during work, it is necessary to carefully monitor the position of the saw table, its stability, strength.

Before each switching on of the circular saw, it is necessary to check whether it is well fixed in its place.

It is strictly forbidden to hold the cut material with your hands! This can lead to injury to the fingers or the tree bouncing in the face if knots and bumps get into it.

Also, be sure to wear protective goggles during operation to avoid injury to the eyes.
Do not neglect these simple rules, take care of your own health.

For more information on how to make a table for a hand-held circular saw with your own hands, see the following video:


In a well-equipped carpentry workshop, equipped in a country house or in a private house, a circular disk mechanism is required to process wood blanks.

Very often, as a household woodworking equipment, a home-made machine is used, made on the basis of a hand-held circular saw or a cutting tool with an independent electric drive.

To accommodate any of these mechanisms, a specially equipped table with a surface that provides the convenience of working with wood blanks is required.

Depending on the type of cutting tool, as well as on the material used for the manufacture of the bed, the table for a circular saw can have the following designs:

  • firstly, it can be made in the form of a workbench with legs and a hand-held circular saw fixed to it (lightweight version);
  • secondly, it can be a structure equipped with a cutting disc, mounted on a metal frame. The drive part of such a machine, consisting of an electric motor and control circuits, is located in the lower part of the bed (capital version).

Making a table for a circular saw is quite within the power of every craftsman

Design choice

Before you make a table for a circular saw with your own hands, first of all, you need to decide on its design. So, a lightweight version based on plywood and beams should contain the following mandatory elements:

tabletop directly;
plywood body;
support legs for good stability
The structure of the capital structure should include the following nodes:

frame based on metal profiles or corners;
upper and lower brackets, necessary to accommodate the cutting blade with a shaft and drive equipment, respectively;
the table itself with a slot for the cutting blade, mounted directly on the metal frame.
The most affordable for manufacturing at home is a wooden table for a circular saw (i.e., lightweight design).

A lighter version of a table for a circular saw will look something like this

Preparation of sketch, material and tool

As an example, consider the procedure for manufacturing a wooden workbench with a height of approximately 100 - 120 cm. Before making such a table with your own hands, it is advisable to prepare a small sketch that will display the device of the future design, indicating the dimensions of its main elements.

The exact setting of the table height is made taking into account the growth of the master working on the machine (the location of the working plane at the level of the human hips is considered comfortable).

At the preparatory stage, you should also decide on the material for the manufacture of the future structure, which, as a rule, is made of bars and plywood with a thickness of 28 mm.
In order to make such a table with your own hands, you will need the following blanks:

  • metal sheet of suitable size;
  • standard sheet of thick plywood;
  • a metal square pipe from which the guides are made;
  • a set of clamps in the amount of two pieces.

To assemble the table, you also need a tool kit from the following items:

  • screwdriver and electric drill;
  • electric jigsaw or ordinary wood saw;
  • square, tape measure, ruler (for current measurements);
  • manual frezer

Video: Making a table for a circular saw

Making a table cover

The procedure for manufacturing this structural element involves the following operations:

Work begins with marking and cutting out a plywood blank, the dimensions of which must correspond to the dimensions of the prepared iron sheet.

After adjusting to size, the surface of the workpiece is carefully polished with an emery cloth.

Then, on the lower surface of the plywood sheet, points of fixation of the actuator are marked with simultaneous marking of the slot for the cutting disc.

To do this, first try on the sole of the circular saw used at the installation site. In this case, it is most convenient to simply remove the disk from it and determine the exact location of the landing points.

Before installing it at the place of attachment, an additional check is made for the correct marking of the slot for the cutting disc.

The marking of the table top is done directly on the sole of the circular saw

At the final stage, the working surface is closed with a steel sheet with two guides, which is then fixed with ordinary self-tapping screws.

Subsequently, special markings can be made along the guides from the corners, which increases the convenience of processing wood material.

Additional information: In addition to plywood, plexiglass or fiberglass can be used to equip the operating surface of the table.

Assembling the frame with legs

The base or frame of the table is assembled from a set of transverse and longitudinal wooden bars, which are attached to the bottom of its cover, increasing the rigidity of the entire structure as a whole. For this, four bars with a section of 50x50 mm are quite enough, placed with an indent from the edge of the table of about 7-9 cm.
They are fixed on the bottom of the lid with suitable self-tapping screws in increments of approximately 23-25 ​​cm. On its front side, the fasteners are sunk into the material that completely hides their caps.
The frame can be made stronger by pre-treatment of the joint surface of the bars with a layer of wood glue, which is carried out immediately before they are fastened. After connecting the blanks smeared with glue, the latter are securely fixed with clamps, which are removed immediately after the adhesive has dried. The legs of the structure can be made from bars of the same section as the blanks for the frame (50x50 mm).

The design of the table must be strong and rigid.

The shape of the legs is selected based on the fact that they provide the maximum support area for the frame part of the base and have a shape that tapers towards the flooring. On one of these legs, subsequently, controls are placed to turn the saw on and off, duplicating the buttons located on its body.

You will be able to additionally increase the rigidity and stability of the entire structure with the help of a set of steel angles mounted in the area of ​​its butt joints. To fix them, it is recommended to use standard bolts with washers, which are preferably installed with their heads outward.

Features of the manufacture of a metal frame (bed)

The upper part of the metal base is a welded frame 800x800 mm in size with legs welded at the corners from pipes 220 mm long and with a cross section of approximately 17-20 mm.

On the frame of 25 mm corners, two longitudinal profiles are attached, used to install the shaft on bearings.

The lower part of the frame, to ensure greater structural stability, is welded from larger corners (40 mm) and has two jumpers designed for mounting an electric motor with starting equipment circuits. At its corners, pipes are also welded, having the same length as on the upper frame, but somewhat larger in diameter (23-25 ​​mm).

Closer to the edge of such legs, threaded holes are prepared from pipes, in which special holders are located (they are also called “lambs”). With the help of these winglets, it will be possible to fix the position of the pipes of the upper part of the frame, which is moved in order to regulate the tension of the drive belt.

Functional expansion

In conclusion, let's touch on the topic of expanding the functionality of your working structure. If there is free space on the operating surface, additional woodworking equipment (electric planer or milling cutter, for example) can be mounted. The presence of a planer and a wood router will allow you to expand the functionality of the machine and turn it into a full-fledged woodworking center.

In addition to this, such a milling cutter can be equipped with a special mechanism for adjusting the position of its working part, which can be changed within specified limits (the so-called elevator).

Video: Saw table dimensions

If you want to learn how to make a table for a circular saw with your own hands, then read the article.

It describes the materials that will be required in the course of work, and the main stages of the process aimed at creating a simple but functional design.

Materials and tools

A circular saw is a “serious” tool, using which you need to follow safety precautions.

A homemade table that can be used as a tool stand will allow you to carry out any manual work with greater accuracy and with less injury risk.

Before you make a table, you need to devote time to carefully planning its design.

It is best to create a detailed drawing containing pre-calculated dimensions of the future "stand".

The tabletop, on which it will later be possible to install the saw, should be made of either metal or hardwood. It is better to refuse the use of resinous wood.

The dimensions of the worktop should be chosen in such a way that they correspond to the planned sawing flow.

It is better to use wooden legs as a base. Plastic, even strong and high-quality, should not be used, as it is not the most reliable material for making a saw table.

In order for the made table to “function” in full force, it should be equipped with metal guides capable of moving the material under the saw, or rather, under its working blade.

The optimal size of the bed, suitable for most typical sawing work, is one hundred and twenty by one hundred and twenty centimeters.

If you want to make your table wide and long, then take care of additional stops that will support its construction.

In particular, to give the product stability, it can be equipped with not four, but six legs.

The assembly of the table for manual is carried out using additional materials, including:

  • wooden bars designed to form the frame of the structure;
  • fastening dowels;
  • wood glue;
  • metal "corners" for attaching the legs;
  • nails and screws.

Tools that may be needed during the work:

  • tape measure and hard construction ruler;
  • electric jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • apparatus having an installed milling tip;
  • sandpaper (or grinder);
  • hammer and planer;
  • screwdriver (or screwdriver).

Stages of making a table for a circular saw

The creation of a table for a saw should begin with the assembly of its frame. To perform this procedure, you can use bars or edged boards, the size of which is fifty by one hundred and fifty millimeters.

The boards need to be hammered together into a single square or rectangular structure, which will serve as both a frame screed and the basis for attaching the legs.

The frame made should be connected to the legs, using special metal corners, dowels and self-tapping screws during the process.

These devices must also be used to connect the assembled frame to the countertop.

As an alternative, the frame elements can be connected not to each other, but to the legs of the future table. Some carpenters believe that this design is more durable.

The installation of the saw must be carried out on an inverted bed. Thanks to this, its body and motor will be on the bottom, and the disk, otherwise called the working blade, on top.

A hole that allows you to deepen the frame of the saw into the table should be cut in advance with a hacksaw or electric jigsaw.

It is important to remember the correct selection of the size of the hole, which will reliably “hold” the saw, guaranteeing the overall solidity of the structure.

Most circular saws have special metal parts that give them stability.

To fix the device on the countertop, you should make four bars with sawn grooves and drill holes in them for long bolts.

After installing the saw, you should put prepared bars on its carriage, thereby pressing the device to the bottom of the tabletop.

When attaching the support bars and saw to the tabletop, it is important not to damage the outer part of the bed, so as not to create obstacles on its surface for the normal movement of the boards intended for sawing.

When the saw is securely attached to the table, you need to turn the bed over and screw it to the tie rod.

At this stage of the work, you should make sure that all work has been carried out correctly and the device functions without problems.

Only then can the material guides be attached to the table.

Additional Information

Carpentry needs attention. If you want to make a high-quality and reliable table designed for installing a circular saw, then thoroughly prepare for the process and purchase all the necessary materials and tools.

After assembling the frame, be sure to install it on a flat surface and check that the countertop of the structure does not outweigh it in any direction.

It is better to set the table for the place where it will stand in the future, in order to eliminate possible problems associated with uneven floors.

If, due to an uneven floor, the table vibrates during the operation of the saw, then the length of the legs should be adjusted using dense felt or rubber.

The tabletop of the product can be both monolithic and folding. To create a folding table for a saw, you will have to spend more time and material, and pay special attention to improving the reliability of the bed, which is disassembled.

The dimensions of the consumable used to create the table are determined empirically. Ideally, the height of the structure should correlate well with the height of the saw owner.

The hole that will be made in the table top must match the dimensions of the particular saw that is available.

In order to extend the service life of all materials used, assembled into a single structure, they should be treated with special chemical solutions that can improve the performance of wood or metal (for example, protect their surface from corrosion, decay, mold, etc.).

It is better to process wood or metal outdoors, and not indoors, so as not to be poisoned by active fumes.

Inspired by this article, you can make not only a reliable stand for a circular saw, but also a table where you can drink and eat, gathering with the whole family.

The technology that underlies the creation of a dining table is in many ways similar to the scheme, using which you can put together a wooden table for a circular saw.

In the course of work aimed at creating a table for a circular saw, it is important to remember safety precautions.

Carpenters always strive to increase the productivity of their own work. If you make a table for a circular saw with your own hands, you can make it easier for yourself to work with large batches of lumber, while spending a minimum of money.

If you make a table for a circular saw with your own hands, you can make it easier for yourself to work with large batches of lumber, while spending a minimum of money.

Requirements for a circular table

Before starting work, you need to understand that a table circular saw is a source of increased danger. Therefore, in the manufacture of the table, you must strictly adhere to the technology, using only the highest quality materials. Industrial tables are made of metal. But homemade devices are made from improvised or easily accessible materials, the most popular of which is wood. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the final structure must be rigid and stable, and the surface of the table must be flat and varnished to increase durability and optimize the workflow.

List of required materials and fixtures

In addition to a certain amount of time and woodworking skills, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • a sheet of plywood with a thickness of 20 mm;
  • paints and varnishes for wood processing;
  • bar 50 × 50 mm, from which the legs will be made;
  • manual table circular saw;
  • drill, electric jigsaw, milling cutter;
  • clamps;
  • pencil and simple ruler.

When the glue is taken, you can fasten the structure with self-tapping screws so that their caps go entirely into the countertop. To avoid distortions, it is better not to remove the clamps at this stage. With the help of 2 self-tapping screws, the stiffeners are pulled together, after which the clamps can be dismantled. Carve legs from a board 5 × 10 cm with a height that is comfortable for work. Usually the height is about 1 meter. The legs are attached in such a way that they are slightly spaced from the center to the edges of the structure.

Mount the saw in the previously prepared groove on the bottom of the tabletop so that the blade enters the slot. To minimize the influence of moisture and ensure good sliding of the workpiece, the circular sawing table is coated with several layers of varnish. Mark the locations of the longitudinal stiffeners, then saw them and glue them to the countertop with wood glue, after pressing them with clamps. In the same way, side stiffeners are made and attached.

When designing a table for a circular saw, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the materials that will be processed on it, because the quality of the cut will be much higher if the workpiece rests completely on the surface of the table. In this case, a strong excess of the dimensions of the workpieces leads to irrational use of the working area. The height of the table is selected for each master individually based on his height.

Self-made table for circulars

The technology for assembling a table for a hand-held circular saw is not difficult for an experienced carpenter. To make a table for a circular saw with your own hands, you need:

  1. Take a sheet of plywood with a thickness of at least 20 mm and make a tabletop blank out of it. To do this, mark the sheet with a pencil according to predetermined dimensions, saw it with an electric jigsaw. The resulting workpiece is processed with a manual milling cutter, after which it is sanded with coarse or medium sandpaper.
  2. Mark the underside of the tabletop for the circular saw. To do this, you can use a circular saw with the disc removed, setting it in the right place and marking the dimensions of the sole. In this section of the workpiece, it is necessary to cut a recess 8-10 mm high with a milling cutter.
  3. Install the saw in the cut out recess. If necessary, adjustments can be made at this stage so that the tool is stable on the countertop. When everything is adjusted, you can mark the tool attachment points and the slot for the disk. If the material will need to be cut at different angles, this must be provided for when marking. Then the section of the slots must be made trapezoidal with the top pointing down.
  4. Mark the bottom of the tabletop for stiffeners, which will be located around the entire perimeter of the table at a distance of 70-100 mm from its edge. After that, you need to attach the board to the countertop and circle it. On the center line, you need to mark places for self-tapping screws located 50 mm from the edges of the ribs every 150-200 mm. According to the markup, you need to drill through holes.

So you get a simple but reliable home-made table on which you can easily work with workpieces of certain dimensions.

The circular is a powerful mechanism that boasts good maneuverability and performance. There are also no disadvantages that can be avoided if the design is made.

How to make a table for a circular saw

  1. Creation of a project plan. You need to measure the place, and choose the appropriate size of the structure.
  2. Purchase of materials. In the same step, the necessary saw is selected.
  3. Step by step assembly. Everything is done according to the drawings.

Materials and tools

We will need the following materials and tools:

  1. A sheet of chipboard or plywood, 20 mm thick.
  2. Blade disc tool.
  3. Bar 5x5 cm to create legs. The cross section may be smaller if it is planned to create a low power saw.
  4. Varnish or primer.
  5. Solutions to protect wood from water.
  6. Glue for wood.
  7. Self-tapping screws.
  8. Drill and a set of drills.
  9. Screwdriver.
  10. Jigsaw.
  11. The machine for carrying out milling works.
  12. Clamps.
  13. Roulette and marker for marking.
  14. Plane.
  15. Sandpaper.

Reference! Also, we must not forget that a circular saw is an equipment that runs on electricity. That is, we need a power source to which it will be connected.

Measurements and drawings

Work begins with the creation of design drawings. This step measures the width and length of the table that is being created. The average value is 120 cm wide and 120 cm long. The following materials will be ideal for creating the base:

  1. Plywood.
  2. chipboard.

We do not consider a metal base, since the material is more expensive, and the weight of the structure will increase several times. Of all materials, plastic is considered the worst, and experts do not recommend it.

Before starting the assembly, all wooden elements must be treated with solutions that protect against moisture and decay. After the material has dried, work can begin.

Attention! It often happens that due to improper installation of the saw, which is installed under the tabletop, the table is hung on one of the sides. The blade must be placed in the center of the table.

Important points at work

There are some security requirements. They will help you avoid injury in the workplace. The requirements are the following:

DIY circular saw table: step by step

The creation process consists of the following steps:

  1. The material must be marked out using a tape measure and a marker. We cut the templates with a jigsaw.
  2. Now we cut the edges.
  3. We take sandpaper, and process the surface, making it as smooth as possible.
  4. Now you need to turn the tabletop over and mark the place where the saw sole will be installed. This is done as follows, the tool is placed and the sole is circled. We remove the disk. Using a router, we make a hole from 0.5 to 1 cm (depending on the length of the sole).
  5. Now we need to measure the saw and notch. We mark the clamps and slots for the cutting tool.
  6. The next step is to create stiffeners. They are made on the basis of boards 5x10 cm. They must be positioned so that the distance to the edge of the tabletop is about 10 cm. The board is applied to the tabletop with the smaller side. On one side we make a stroke, and on the other we need to transfer the markup.
  7. Now you need to mark the positions where the screws will be mounted. We drill holes for them. We install fasteners every 100 - 150 mm. We make them relative to the length of the stiffener.
  8. Now you need to mark the longitudinal stiffeners and cut them out. We use glue to fix them, and also press them with clamps. After these stiffeners have dried, install the side ones in the same way.
  9. Now you need to install the clamps. For this, self-tapping screws are used. Clamps do not need to be removed. We tighten the structure with self-tapping screws around the entire perimeter. We made holes for them in step 6.
  10. Set the contraction for the stiffeners. We use self-tapping screws, the length of which will be greater than the length of those used to fix the ribs. After tightening the tabletop, you can remove the clamps. Now we have a finished tabletop.
  11. The next step is to make the legs. To do this, take a wooden beam. The length of the legs can be any, the main thing is that they provide comfort in the process of work. The average distance between the tabletop and the floor is 120 cm, and the length of the legs should be several centimeters shorter.
  12. We cut out the legs and apply them to the countertop. Their location will be a bit out of the blue. We fix the bars with bolts (we install them on the outside of the stiffeners).
  13. You can increase the rigidity by making a few additional ties between the legs. For this we use a beam.
  14. Now you need to mount the disc plate. We install it inside the hole that we prepared. It is important that the disc enters the slot without obstructions. We fix the sole with bolts.
  15. We cover the table with varnish or a primer. This will reduce slip.
  16. You can install additional items. For example, a protective cover, a disc tilt adjuster or a bottom bracket.
  17. With minimal knowledge in electronics, you can bypass the start and stop buttons of the saw. These buttons can be installed in a convenient place (most often on the outside of one of the stiffeners).

If you have minimal experience in creating such structures with your own hands, you can easily make a table for a circular stove. The most important thing is to securely fix the saw, check all fasteners regularly, and follow safety precautions.