What to take with inflammation of the appendages. Signs of inflammation of the appendages

What is adnexitis? Adnexitis refers to female gynecological diseases and causes inflammation in the appendages of the fallopian tubes and ovary. Usually, are various pathogenic bacteria that provoke development of acute or chronic adnexitis at a woman.

From this material you will learn in detail what symptoms are characteristic of adnexitis acute and chronic, which treatment of inflammation of the appendages the most effective and ways of modern and folk treatment, and you will also find here instructions for use anti-inflammatory and antibacterial suppositories (Voltaren, Movalis, Hexicon, Fluomizin, Indomethacin, Polygynax, belladonna suppositories).


Often the symptoms of acute adnexitis resemble those of a cold.

- Headache;

Elevated temperature ;

Nausea and vomiting ;


Against the background of "cold" symptoms, specific ones may appear:

Discharges in the form of serous, mucous or purulent leucorrhoea ;

- Constant irritation and
itching in the perineum and in the intimate area;

Periodically aching pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen


Depression, ;

Pain when urinating .

If acute adnexitis in a woman is not detected in time, then inflammation of the appendages may spread to the peritoneum and cause peritonitis


Chronic adnexitis It is characterized by a sharp deterioration in a woman's well-being and, as a rule, develops against the background of an undertreated acute inflammation of the ovarian appendages.

- Lack of attraction and a noticeable disorder in the intimate sphere;

Disturbed by constant "dull" pain in the lower abdomen , which are aggravated by stress, intimate contact, menstrual flow, hypothermia;

Abnormalities in the urinary organs may occur, provoking the development of cystitis , pyelonephritis , bacteriuria ;

- Chronic inflammation of the appendages causes digestive upset (colitis) ;

Lethargy and weakness appear, the temperature rises to 38 °;

Chronic adnexitis of the ovarian appendages can cause menstrual irregularities - delayed menstruation, strong exhausting discharge (or vice versa - too scarce);

If chronic inflammation of the appendages is not detected in time and complex treatment of the disease is not started, then adnexitis can provoke obstruction of the fallopian tubes ,what risk of ectopic pregnancy and even female infertility .


It is important to detect the development of adnexitis in a woman as early as possible and start treatment in order to prevent the complication of the disease and the formation of scars in the appendages, which can lead to persistent infertility.

Physiotherapeutic procedures (ultrasound exposure, mud therapy) and strengthening of immunity are shown in the subacute stage of adnexitis development.

Severe forms of acute adnexitis and chronic inflammation of the appendages should be treated with antibiotics (a course of injections of antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action against pathogenic bacteria ). Treatment is prescribed by a doctor and takes place under the supervision of medical staff in the hospital.

In addition to the use of antibiotics, drugs are shown that inhibit the reproduction and development of anaerobic bacteria.

Vitamins and special solutions are injected into the body through droppers intravenously to prevent intoxication during the treatment of adnexitis.


Very effective (especially at the initial stage of the disease) suppositories(healing candles) with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect for the treatment of adnexitis in women. Candles are evenly melted at body temperature and the anti-inflammatory substance is immediately absorbed by the mucous membrane of the inflamed areas. Let's turn to the list of the most popular and well-established suppositories against inflammation of the appendages.

Voltaren candles with adnexitis, they not only perfectly destroy the infection, but also have an analgesic effect in adnexitis. Self-medication is not permissible and the course of treatment of adnexitis with Voltaren suppositories can only be prescribed by a doctor, having determined the required dosage (the dose of the drug should not be exceeded daily - 140 mg). With intestinal erosion, urticaria, some colds , hemorrhoids, as well as during lactation and in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the doctor does not prescribe these suppositories. Detailed information about Voltaren candles and instructions for use: .

Movalis anti-inflammatory suppositories are used rectally and are often used to treat acute adnexitis. Good because during the treatment of inflammation of the appendages they can be used in conjunction with other anti-inflammatory drugs. It is possible to treat adnexitis with Movalis only after consulting with your doctor. As a rule, the course of treatment with Movalis is designed for a week at 15 mg daily. These suppositories are contraindicated in women suffering from kidney disease and with a weak cardiovascular system. , and also - with hemorrhoids and during lactation. Below you will find information about Movalis candles and detailed instructions for use: Click on the link and expand the instructions.

antibacterial and anti-inflammatory suppositories Hexicon are also often used to treat inflammation of the appendages and have fewer contraindications than many other suppositories - since the components of the drug are absorbed locally and are not absorbed into the blood, Hexicon can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Usually, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment for adnexitis with hexicon for up to 10 days. Contraindications for use - severe itching and allergic reactions. View detailed instructions for the use of Hexicon candles: Click on the link and expand the instructions.

antiseptic vaginal suppositories Fluomizin have excellent tolerance, have no side effects dangerous for the body and have proven themselves in the fight against inflammation of the appendages. How to use fluomizin suppositories, detailed instructions for use: Click on the link and expand the instructions.

rectal suppositories indomethacin can also be used for adnexitis, but the treatment must be agreed with the doctor. Anti-inflammatory suppositories Indomethacin have analgesic and antipyretic effects, but are categorically contraindicated in stomach ulcers , liver problems, kidney pathology , violation of hematopoiesis, they can also not be used in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Further - detailed instructions for the use of Indomethacin: .

popular antibacterial candles Polygynax May be administered vaginally 1 capsule daily. The course is prescribed by a doctor and lasts no more than two weeks if inflammation of the appendages is detected in a woman. The advantage of Polygynax is that it does not enter the bloodstream and has a minimum of contraindications for use: Click on the link and expand the instructions for use.

anti-inflammatory candles with belladonna often used for left- and right-sided inflammation of the appendages. Candles with belladonna extract have a pronounced analgesic effect. During pregnancy, the use of these suppositories for the treatment of adnexitis is not contraindicated. It is possible to treat inflammation of the appendages with this drug only as prescribed by the attending physician: Click on the link and expand the instructions for use.


When symptoms of inflammation of the ovarian appendages are detected and fallopian tubes, you should immediately contact a specialist and do not self-medicate at home, as you can cause health complications or not completely cure adnexitis, which can lead to a chronic form of the disease. Use alternative methods of treatment in parallel with the main one and only after agreement with your doctor!

Folk Treatment of chronic adnexitis with aloe and plantain:

Preparation of the remedy: pour a spoonful of finely chopped plantain leaves into boiling water (100 ml) and simmer for three minutes over low heat, stirring the leaves with a spoon. After that, let the broth cool and filter it through cheesecloth, and then add 13-14 drops of aloe leaf juice to it.

Application of the remedy: Using the method of douching, introduce this folk remedy into the focus of inflammation and hold it there for fifteen minutes. The procedure must be repeated for several weeks every day.

How to treat adnexitis with a folk method using milk:

Very simple but effective method for treating inflammation of the appendages- pour milk heated to 95 ° C into a wide basin and sit over it for 5-10 minutes. Therapeutic vapors of milk will rise, penetrate the fallopian tubes and fight inflammation.

Treatment of adnexitis with folk remedies using herbs:

Preparation of infusion at home: pour 5 teaspoons of Chernobyl, chamomile and Veronica officinalis into a jar, adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sweet clover Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the herbal mixture, cover with a lid. After 20 minutes, you need to drink the infusion. Repeat the procedure before going to bed for 2-3 days in a row.

How to treat left- and right-sided inflammation of the appendages with raw potatoes:

Preparation: Finely grate the washed tuber on a grater, then squeeze the potato juice from the resulting mass.
Application of a folk remedy: Within 2 months, drink freshly squeezed potato juice in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast.

Folk method for the treatment of acute adnexitis with celandine and garlic

Preparation of a folk remedy: Grind one clove of garlic to the state of gruel, and then squeeze the juice out of it. Add 2-3 drops of celandine juice and dilute the mixture with 50 gr. pure water.

Application: moisten a cotton swab in the resulting product and insert it into the vagina for three hours. This procedure should be performed several times a week.

Alternative treatment of bilateral adnexitis at home

Preparation of a decoction of St. John's wort: a glass of boiling water, brew 1 tbsp. St. John's wort, and then cover with a lid. After an hour, put the tea leaves on the stove, bring to a boil and hold for fifteen minutes over low heat.

Then the broth should be cooled and carefully filtered. Take a decoction should be daily 3 times 5 tablespoons on an empty stomach.

Based on the materials of the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle"

Inflammation of the appendages - symptoms and treatment. From a conversation with Doctor of Medical Sciences A.F. Pukhner

Inflammation of the uterine appendages is a very common disease. Every second woman in her life is faced with this disease. Another name for the disease is adnexitis.

Causes of inflammation of the appendages

1. Hypothermia
2. Various infections
3. Weakened immunity.
It is especially dangerous when these three causes of adnexitis are present together. And it's not that hard to organize. Stress, overwork, poor nutrition reduce immunity.
Infection can also often be present in the body in the form of an inflamed maxillary sinus, purulent tonsils, carious teeth, etc. And for hypothermia, just sit on a stone parapet, after swimming in a pond, do not immediately change into dry clothes or put on a short jacket in frost .

Acute adnexitis - symptoms

1. Lower back hurts
2. Pulls the lower abdomen
3. It hurts to step on the foot
4. The temperature rises

The course of the disease and the consequences of inflammation of the appendages

In a woman diagnosed with adnexitis, the fallopian tube becomes inflamed, it becomes painful and swollen. As a result of the disease, many adhesions are formed, which often deform the fallopian tubes. Which in turn leads to infertility or ectopic pregnancies.
How does inflammation of the appendages begin? The temperature rises, chills, sweating, aching pains begin. You should immediately contact a gynecologist.
What should a woman do while waiting for treatment if her appendages hurt? In no case should you use a heating pad, despite the chills. Cold should be applied to the suprapubic region. The pain will subside soon. As soon as the strength appears, go to the doctor immediately.

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages with medication

Treatment of adnexitis goes in several directions at once:
1. First of all, antibiotic treatment is prescribed intravenously or intramuscularly. Gentamycin, kanamycin, and other modern antibiotics are used, which are selected strictly individually.
2. Immunomodulating agents: decaris, neovir, thymogen, viceron, echinacea, galavit.
3. A complex of vitamins and antiallergic drugs.

Success in the treatment of adnexitis depends on the mood of the patient. A woman needs to avoid stressful situations, drive everything negative away from herself, rejoice and smile at every new day.
A woman with a strong nervous system, with a positive attitude, can cure inflammation of the appendages much faster

Treatment of adnexitis with folk remedies

How to treat appendages? What remedies does traditional medicine have?

The recipes below helped the readers of the Vestnik healthy lifestyle newspaper, they can be safely used in the treatment of adnexitis.
1. The best herb for treating inflammation of the appendages - upland uterus, a truly female herb, comes first in the treatment of adnexitis with folk remedies.
1 st. l. crushed dry grass of the upland uterus pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 2 hours. Strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.
2. After a monthly course of treatment of adnexitis with a pine forest, it is advisable to drink another infusion for 2 months - from grass field yarutki. 1 st. l. herbs pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Drink 1 tsp. 30 minutes before meals 4 times a day
3. Collection of herbs with plantain. Take equally mint, corn stigmas, shepherd's purse, plantain, flax seeds. 1.5 st. l. of this collection, brew 400 ml of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes, leave for an hour and a half, strain, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, divided into 3 doses, two doses - before meals, the third - at bedtime. The course of treatment of inflammation of the uterine appendages with this folk remedy is 1.5 months.
Plantain kills microbes, dissolves scars and adhesions, relieves pain. Therefore, plantain must be used in the treatment of adnexitis.
4. Healing infusion. Take 2 parts: immortelle inflorescences, coltsfoot leaves, strawberries, birches, mint, corn stigmas; 3 parts - string, nettle, knotweed, rose hips; 1 part - rowan fruits. Pour 2 tbsp. l. mixture of 500 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 8-10 hours. Drink 100 g once a day, regardless of meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.
5. Douching with adnexitis. Take 3 parts of oak bark and 2 parts of linden flowers. Grind. 2 tbsp. l pour 500 ml of boiling water. Half an hour to insist, strain, cool. Do the procedures for a month.
6. Honey with anise. There was such a case in the history of the doctor. The patient managed to quickly and completely cure inflammation of the uterine appendages. When she was discharged from the hospital, she told the doctor that, simultaneously with drug treatment, she secretly used alternative treatment for adnexitis. Grandmother prepared such a remedy for inflammation of the appendages: 100 g of anise seed powder was mixed with 0.5 kg of honey. The patient ate 1 tsp. this mixture 3 times a day with water before meals. Been treated like this for over a month.
Then the doctors in this hospital began to use this folk remedy in the treatment of adnexitis in their patients, along with standard treatment. Their recovery went faster.
(Newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2010, No. 16 p. 16-17).

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages with raspberries

Raspberry has long been considered a female plant in folk medicine.
A decoction of leaves, roots, raspberries normalizes the hormonal background in women, is used for various female diseases, heavy menstruation, uterine bleeding.
Prepare a decoction like this: take equally the roots, leaves and fruits. 2 tbsp. l. mix with two cups of boiling water. Boil 5 minutes, strain. Drink hot decoction half a cup 4 times a day.
In inflammation of the appendages, raspberry flowers and leaves are used in equal proportions to prepare a decoction for sitz baths.
50 g of dry crushed raspberry leaves and flowers pour 1 liter of hot water. Boil for 15 minutes, strain, dilute with boiled water to a tolerable temperature. Sit in the bath before going to bed for 20-30 minutes. (Newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2010, No. 14 p. 28-29).

Chronic adnexitis treatment with a hog uterus

A 15-year-old woman suffered from chronic adnexitis. In the summer I felt fine, and in the winter there were constant exacerbations, it was only necessary to catch a slight cold or cool my legs. She lived in Yakutia, the winter there is long, so the painful condition dragged on. In December, another exacerbation of adnexitis happened, antibiotic treatment did not help - the temperature was 37.5 for 5.5 months.
A friend advised her to treat inflammation of the appendages with a hog uterus. The woman bought a package of this herb from a pharmacy and began to prepare and use it, as indicated in the instructions on the package.
There were 2 options in the manual. 1st option: 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 10 minutes, insist for half an hour and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. 2nd option: pour 20 g of grass into 200 ml of vodka, leave for a week, take 1/2 tsp. 3 times a day.
The patient chose the second option, so as not to bother every day with steaming grass.
Already on the third day of taking the tincture, she felt relief. A week later, inflammation and fever disappeared. After that, the treatment with the upland uterus was stopped. But it was worth catching a cold, as the disease returned. Then the woman decided to drink the tincture longer and took the upland uterus for 3 months. And now, for 3 years, she has not had inflammation of the appendages.
The herb upland uterus can treat not only chronic adnexitis, but also many gynecological diseases: infertility, uterine bleeding, fibroids, cysts, erosion, as well as chronic cystitis and pyelonephritis. (review from the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH 2002, No. 5 p. 18,).

The upland uterus (ortilia lopsided) belongs to the wintergreen family. It treats many gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature, menstrual disorders, fibroids and uterine fibroids, infertility.
It is better to drink the tincture with milk for better absorption and neutralization of alcohol. Drink long courses with a break of 1 month.
Without knowing the herb, do not buy it on the market, because wintergreen is sold under the guise of a hog uterus, which is used in the treatment of prostatitis.
The upland uterus, unlike the treatment of adnexitis with antibiotics, not only relieves inflammation, but also treats the very cause of the disease. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2004, No. 1 p. 24).

If appendages hurt, clover will help

With inflammation of the uterine appendages, the roots of red clover help well. The broth is prepared as follows: 20 g of dry crushed roots are poured with 1 cup of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 30 minutes, filtered and topped up to the original volume with boiled water. Take 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day before meals. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2013, No. 12 p. 30).

Honey massage for inflammation of the female genital area

This folk remedy is successfully used by the herbalist S. A. Rakhimov for the treatment of inflammatory diseases in women: vaginitis, vulvitis, endomyometritis, salpingitis.
The lower abdomen and lower back are massaged. First, a warming massage is done - 10 minutes to open the pores. Then we apply honey, put our hand and raise it sharply, as if pulling all the rubbish accumulated there from under the skin. After 1-2 minutes, a woman should feel a burning sensation under the skin - this honey removes toxins. Massage continue for 30 minutes. Before going to bed, it is advisable to douching with an infusion of gramala grass - 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat to 100 ml. (Newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2013, No. 14 p. 16).

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages cornflower

Field cornflower helps with inflammation of the appendages, ovaries, with ulcers on the uterus and cervix. In folk recipes for these diseases, cornflower stems and leaves are mainly used, but the flowers are poisonous, they must be taken in limited quantities, no more than 10 pcs. per serving.
40 minutes before bedtime, you need to brew a bunch of cornflowers with 7-10 flower baskets 500 ml of boiling water, wrap, insist. Drink hot before bed at least 250 ml. Wake up healthy in the morning. In many cases, a single dose is sufficient. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2003, No. 2 p. 19).

How to treat uterine appendages viburnum

For treatment, you need to take the flowers of bulldenezh - a variety of viburnum. Fill the jar tightly, fill with alcohol and close. A liter jar of flowers takes 500 ml of alcohol. Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks.
Rub the lower back with this tincture 2-3 times a day. At night, make a compress from flowers squeezed from alcohol on the lower abdomen. Keep the compress for 2-3 hours. Helps with inflammation of the appendages and ovaries. It all goes away after a few days. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2003, No. 8, p. 20).

Steam baths with wormwood

The girl suffered from inflammation of the appendages for many years. Once she dreamed of a large basin of water and a whole field of wormwood. She told this dream to her mother, and she said that it was necessary to be treated with this herb, apparently, God himself commands.
The girl picked wormwood, boiled 2 liters of water in a bucket, threw a bunch of wormwood into it. Sat down over a bucket for 15-20 minutes. Already after the first procedure, I felt relief. And in 5-6 sessions she was completely cured, chronic adnexitis disappeared. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2004, No. 4, p. 24).

Inflammation of the appendages in women - alternative treatment with wax and yolk ointment

Pour one glass of refined vegetable oil into an enameled dish, throw in a piece of good beeswax the size of a matchbox and put the dishes on a small fire to melt the wax. Remove the yolk from the hard-boiled egg, take half of it, grind it and gradually throw it in small pieces into a bowl with melted boiling wax. In a bowl on fire, the oil will boil, and you will hear backaches. At this moment, throw the yolk! But not all at once, but gradually. With the first crumbs of the egg, the contents will begin to foam. It is necessary to ensure that the contents do not “run away” when removing the dishes from the fire. Wait until everything calms down and throw a portion of the yolk again. When you crumble the whole yolk - the ointment is ready. Strain it through a nylon cloth. Keep refrigerated. In the evening and in the morning, warm up the required portion, soak the tampons and insert into the vagina.
This folk remedy will not only cure adnexitis, but at the same time both cysts and fibroids, if any. In addition, this ointment is used to treat otitis media (flagellums from the fleece to the ear), abscesses in the throat, trophic ulcers, burns, boils (HLS Bulletin 2004, No. 23 p. 10)

Tampons from honey and mumiyo

This folk remedy can cure inflammation of the appendages, ovaries, infertility, get rid of whiter.
In 1 teaspoon of hot water, you need to dissolve a piece of mumiyo the size of 3-4 wheat grains. Add 1 tsp. honey, mix well. If the mixture turns out to be heterogeneous, then you can put it in a water bath, but do not heat it up much, otherwise both honey and mumiyo will lose their healing power. Soak a tampon in this solution and insert it into the vagina. Everything must be sterile clean. Treatment of chronic adnexitis takes 10 days, then a break of 10 days and again 10 days of treatment. (HLS 2004, No. 15, p. 5).

Inflammation of the ovaries and fibroids

The woman managed to cure inflammation of the ovaries and fibroids with the help of tincture of calendula. In the evening she brewed 1 tbsp. l. flowers with 1 glass of boiling water and drank on an empty stomach in the morning. I was treated like this for a month. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2004, No. 21, p. 35-36).

Inflammation of the ovaries - treatment with plantain

For inflammation of the ovaries, take 25 palm-sized plantain leaves, wash, cut and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse for 10 days in a dark place, tying the neck with gauze. Take tincture of 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. With increased acidity of the stomach - after eating. The course of treatment is 3 months (HLS Bulletin 2008, No. 13, p. 29).


Grass cudweed swamp helps with women's diseases (ovarian inflammation, uterine fibroids). It relieves inflammation, envelops and heals.
The decoction is done like this: 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 300 ml of boiling water. Insist 1 hour under the lid. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. 15 days to drink, 10 days - a break. Then repeat the treatment (HLS Bulletin 2010, No. 1, p. 38,).

Tampons with onion and calendula

With inflammation of the vagina, erosion of the cervix, endometritis, tampons will help: one night - soaked in ointment with onions, the second night - soaked in ointment with calendula.
It is necessary to prepare ointments like this: take 1.5 liters of hot melted fresh interior fat, pour equally into two liter jars. From the first jar, pour 1 cup of fat into a frying pan and throw 200 g of finely chopped onion there, fry the onion afloat until it turns red-golden. Pour this mass back into the first jar. Throw 1 cup of calendula flowers into the second jar, heat both jars to 60 degrees and keep onion ointment at this temperature for 8 hours, calendula ointment for two days. Then put both cans in the refrigerator.
Make a swab from thick gauze, wash yourself in the morning with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, put a gasket. There will be profuse discharge, itching is possible. There is no need to be afraid of this, itching to talk about tissue healing. It is necessary to treat inflammation with this folk remedy for 10 nights. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2005, No. 11, p. 18-19)

How to treat appendages with birch baths

A woman after childbirth began chronic inflammation of the appendages, apparently picked up some kind of infection. Twice a year she was in the hospital with exacerbations.
A neighbor advised me to take birch decoction for treatment.
I brewed several birch branches in an enameled pan, insisted. She made sitz baths in this infusion, wrapping herself well and taking 30-50 g of moonshine inside. As the water cooled, hot infusion was added to it. The procedure lasted 15-20 minutes. After the bath, the woman dipped her finger in 5% synthomycin liniment (available at the pharmacy) and lubricated the vagina. And sleep.
So it was possible to cure inflammation of the appendages. He has not been contacting doctors about this for 10 years (HLS Bulletin 2005, No. 13, p. 30)

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages with herbs at home

Mix 30 g of kolgan root and snake knotweed, calendula flowers, birch buds, eucalyptus leaves. Grind in a coffee grinder.
2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat under the lid.
Pour into a thermos and insist overnight. Drink infusion during the day for 100-150 g.
The course of treatment of chronic adnexitis is 3-4 months. Then take a break for 10-14 days. The general course of treatment is at least a year. Then you can conduct courses for prevention for 2 months in spring and autumn. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2005, No. 17, p. 27)

Chronic inflammation of the appendages - treatment with plantain

After each cold, a young woman began to have inflammation of the appendages, she went to the antenatal clinic, where she was prescribed injections and pills. This happened several times a year. The diagnosis was "chronic inflammation of the uterus and left appendages"
One day her mother-in-law came to visit and saw her daughter-in-law writhing in pain. She advised me to drink and douche with plantain, she said that her friend had cured uterine cancer with plantain. The patient did not believe that chronic adnexitis could be cured with such a simple folk remedy, and did not take the advice.
A year later, the mother-in-law came to visit again and again found her daughter-in-law sick, took her word that she would be treated with plantain.
The patient could not drink the infusion of plantain, because it turned out that she had a low acidity of the stomach. But on the other hand, she douched with a warm infusion of plantain from the heart, did this procedure at night. She does not remember how long she did this procedure, but since then she has never visited a gynecologist.
(HLS 2006, No. 14, p. 10)

Treatment of uterine appendages with chamomile is an effective home remedy.

The woman suffered from inflammation of the appendages for a long time, and adhesions of the fallopian tubes and intestines were also disturbing. She was treated in the hospital, but to no avail. Then, with every cold, she began to douche with chamomile. (1 tablespoon of chamomile per 1 cup of boiling water). Everything is gone. (Review from the newspaper Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2006, No. 25, p. 30)

ASD-2 fraction in the treatment of appendages with folk remedies

A woman in her youth, going in for mountaineering, caught a cold of the appendages, and then she suffered all her life with exacerbations of chronic adnexitis. The problem escalated sharply after she moved from warm Central Asia to cold St. Petersburg. She began to whine on the right, then on the left, and soon the pain became constant. For a long time I was looking for means to treat appendages. I tried to treat: with clay, salt dressings, etc., but these folk remedies did not help. I decided to use the ASD-2 fraction in the treatment of appendages. She has been drinking this medicine so far, for 2 years already, she has almost recovered, not only managed to cure chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages, but also hypertension. Just can't get used to his nasty smell.
I took it according to the scheme - 1 time per day on an empty stomach, 1/2-2/3 tsp. dilute in 50-100 ml of high-strength tea. 5 days drinking, 10 days - break. (Review from the newspaper Bulletin of healthy lifestyle No. 23, p. 18, 2007)

Treatment of appendages with honey compresses is a good folk method

This folk remedy helped the girl get rid of inflammation of the appendages. It is necessary to take paper for compresses, spread with a thin layer of honey and apply on the lower abdomen. Do this for 5-10 days, depending on the severity of the disease. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2007, No. 22, p. 30)

How to treat adnexitis with pine nuts

50 g of pine nut grains are well crushed and pour 30 ml of aloe juice. Let it brew for a day. Add 200 ml of vodka, mix and leave for another three days in a dark place. Drink at bedtime 20 drops with water. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2008, No. 5, p. 33)

Timothy treatment

The woman suffered from inflammation of the appendages for many years. A neighbor suggested to her a folk remedy for treatment - timothy grass. Previously, whole fields were sown with this grass and used to feed livestock. It is necessary to collect timothy grass after it has faded, at the end of July.
Put 10-12 stalks in a liter saucepan, add water, boil for 1-2 minutes. The color of the broth is like weakly brewed tea. Drink instead of water for at least a week, in advanced cases - 1-2 months. This recipe also helps with adhesions. (Review from the newspaper Vestnik healthy lifestyle 2009, No. 13, p. 31)

Treatment of appendages with elecampane.

This folk recipe will help women if they have constant inflammation of the uterine appendages caused adhesions, and for this reason they cannot have children. After treatment with this remedy, many women were able to become pregnant.
Dig up the roots of elecampane, wash, clean. Take 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped roots, fill them with 1 liter of water. Cook under the lid over low heat for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling. Let it brew for 6-8 hours. Strain, put the broth in the refrigerator, and pour the roots again with 1 liter of water and also prepare the broth. The second decoction will turn out even more saturated than the first. Then boil the roots in the same way for the third time. All these three decoctions can be mixed, or you can drink separately 1/2 cup 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, eating a spoonful of honey, because the decoction is bitter. It is necessary to drink the decoction for a long time, at least a month before the onset of pregnancy.
It is better to take elecampane root fresh, not dry. Elecampane can easily be grown in the country. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2009, No. 21, p. 38,).

Acute or chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages (ovaries and fallopian tubes) is most often observed in women under 30 years of age who have an active sex life. According to medical terminology, the inflammatory process in the uterine appendages is called adnexitis or salpingo-oophoritis. As clinical practice shows, adnexitis increases the likelihood of developing an ectopic pregnancy. It can also affect the course of pregnancy and labor. Every fifth woman who has undergone this gynecological pathology subsequently has serious problems with fertility function.

The reasons

The occurrence of adnexitis is associated with the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the internal genital organs. The causes of inflammation of the uterine appendages are various sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.). It is possible to establish the exact cause only after a special laboratory and instrumental examination. It should be noted that one of the determining roles in the development of the inflammatory process in the body is played by the state of the immune system. What are the predisposing factors that contribute to the onset of the disease:

  1. Strong hypothermia.
  2. Frequent physical overwork.
  3. Psycho-emotional stress.
  4. Excessively active sex life.
  5. Several sexual partners.
  6. Neglect of barrier contraceptives (condom).
  7. Use of an intrauterine device.
  8. Rapid restoration of sexual activity after the birth of a child, artificial termination of pregnancy or any gynecological surgery.

As a rule, inflammation of the appendages in women can be successfully cured if you seek medical help in a timely manner.

Clinical picture

The nature of the course of the inflammatory process and the prevalence of the lesion (unilateral or bilateral) determine the clinical picture of the disease to a greater extent. When the first signs of inflammation of the appendages appear in women, it is strongly recommended to immediately contact a gynecologist. Given many years of clinical experience, in the absence of timely treatment, inflammation can become chronic, which, of course, will not have the best effect on the patient's health.

acute form

With acute inflammation of the appendages (ovaries and fallopian tubes), the rapid development of the disease will be noted. Typical complaints allow you to immediately suspect a gynecological pathology. Typical clinical symptoms and signs of inflammation of the uterine appendages (ovaries and fallopian tubes):

  • A sharp rise in temperature.
  • The woman is shivering.
  • Weakness, fatigue, decreased performance.
  • Headache.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity and duration.
  • Tension of the abdominal muscles.
  • Certain discomfort and pain during sex.
  • Discharge from the internal genital organs (most often mucopurulent or purulent).
  • Difficulty urinating.

The prevalence of the pathological process will determine the features of the localization of the pain syndrome. If left-sided adnexitis is observed, pain appears in the lower abdomen on the left. If right-sided inflammation of the appendages is noted in women, pain is localized in the lower abdomen on the right. For a bilateral lesion, diffuse pains in the entire lower abdomen will be characteristic.

Subacute form

For most women, the term "subacute disease" is not entirely clear. A distinctive feature is that the symptoms of inflammation of the uterine appendages in the subacute course are almost the same as in the acute form, but less pronounced. In addition, the increase in the clinical picture, as a rule, occurs gradually. In the absence of effective treatment, the symptoms of inflammation of the appendages and ovaries often become chronic.

Only a highly qualified specialist can tell you how to treat and what to drink for inflammation of the uterine appendages in women.

Chronic form

As with previous variants of the course of the disease, chronic inflammation of the appendages can be unilateral or bilateral. One of the leading signs of chronic adnexitis is dull aching pain in the lower abdomen. Painful sensations can spread to the external genitalia and perineum. However, only in case of exacerbation, the pain syndrome becomes very intense. In addition, by its localization, one can judge the prevalence of the pathological process. What are the main clinical symptoms of inflammation of the ovaries and appendages, characteristic of a chronic course:

  • Violation of menstrual function.
  • Frequent complaints of painful irregular menses.
  • Some patients have scanty short periods lasting less than two days.
  • Discharges during inflammation of the appendages are mucous, serous-purulent, purulent or bloody.
  • Quite often, women's sexual desire decreases.
  • Intimacy often causes unpleasantly painful sensations.
  • High risk of infertility.
  • Violation of the intestines and urinary system.

Chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages can periodically worsen. Provoking factors include hypothermia, physical overwork, psycho-emotional stressful situations, unbalanced nutrition, etc. It is not always easy to finally cope with the chronic form of the disease. But in no case should you leave without therapy.

Even in the absence of pronounced signs and symptoms of inflammation of the appendages in women, treatment must be carried out.


How to determine inflammation of the appendages inflammation of the uterus? Complaints of the patient and a properly conducted clinical examination give good reason to suspect a gynecological pathology. Changes in the main indicators in blood tests (for example, an increase in ESR, leukocytes, etc.) will indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the female body. The study of a smear from the internal genital organs helps to identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Ultrasound examination is the main instrumental diagnostic method, which makes it possible to determine inflammation of the uterine appendages. In the chronic form, hysteroscopy is often resorted to, in particular when it is not possible to establish the exact cause of infertility in a woman. If necessary, use magnetic resonance imaging or laparoscopy.

Want to minimize the risk of infertility - take care of the uterine appendages from a young age.


The choice of optimal drugs for inflammation of the uterine appendages in women is made taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease, the type of pathogenic agent, the intensity of clinical manifestations, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant pathology. What therapeutic methods can be used:

  1. Drug treatment (antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antifungal drugs, recombinant interferons, multivitamin complexes, etc.).
  2. Non-drug therapy (physiotherapy, hirudotherapy, acupuncture, exercise therapy).
  3. Ethnoscience.

With self-treatment of inflammation of the appendages with antibiotics (tablets, capsules, injections) without medical supervision, cases of serious complications are not uncommon.

acute form

Almost all women who have an attack of acute salpingo-oophoritis require hospitalization in a gynecological hospital. Only patients with mild severity can be treated on an outpatient basis. In the acute period, bed rest is recommended. To relieve pain, it is categorically impossible to do warm compresses or put a heating pad. Antibacterial drugs are considered the basic medicine for the treatment of this form of adnexitis. At the first stages, antibiotics with a very wide spectrum of action are used. After determining the type of pathogen, highly specialized drugs are used to which the pathogenic microorganism is sensitive.

Among painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Naproxen, etc.) can be noted. Interferons and immunoglobulins are prescribed to stimulate the immune system. After passing the acute stage, they switch to physiotherapeutic methods of treatment:

  • Ultrahigh frequency therapy.
  • Electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Paraffin therapy.
  • Hydrogen sulfide and iodine-bromine baths.

In severe cases, laparoscopy is performed to remove purulent foci or other pathological formations. Sometimes the pelvic cavity is washed using a solution of sodium chloride. The recovery period after the laparoscopic procedure takes 2-3 weeks.

It is quite possible to cure inflammation of the uterine appendages if the treatment is timely, comprehensive and effective.

Chronic form

Quite often, improperly treated acute adnexitis acquires a chronic course, which is not so easy to quickly get rid of. In the treatment of chronic inflammation of the appendages, antibacterial drugs are prescribed only in case of an exacerbation of the disease. Basically, preference is given to restorative, antiallergic and immunostimulating drugs. To combat inflammation and pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are effective. It is recommended to supplement therapy with enzyme preparations (for example, Wobenzym) and combined oral contraceptives (Rigevidon, Silest or Marvelon).

As a prevention of the occurrence of adhesions in the pelvic cavity, it is justified to use various physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • ultrasound therapy.
  • Electrophoresis with drugs.
  • Mud cure.
  • Laser therapy.

If a woman has an intense pain syndrome, a pronounced adhesive process and volumetric pathological foci that are not amenable to conservative treatment, one has to resort to surgical intervention. Preference is given to modern operational techniques that allow:

  • Remove adhesions formed in the pelvis.
  • Restore the anatomical patency of the fallopian tubes to preserve the fertile function.
  • Eliminate purulent foci (cavities) formed as a result of the inflammatory process.

In very severe forms of the disease, sometimes you can not do without radical operations involving the complete removal of the uterine appendages.

Features of antibiotic therapy

As mentioned earlier, antibiotics for inflammation of the uterine appendages and ovaries in women are considered a basic component in complex treatment. The peculiarity of antibiotic therapy depends not only on the pathogen, but also on the severity of the disease. Incorrect use of it usually ends with chronicity of the pathological process and the occurrence of various complications. What tablets, capsules, suppositories or injections are needed for inflammation of the appendages - this is decided by the attending physician.

In most cases, if a mild form of the disease is diagnosed, antibacterial drugs are used for oral administration for 5-7 days. Given the possible pathogen, the following types of drugs can be prescribed:

  1. Amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid has a wide range of effects on Klebsiella, Shigella, gonococci, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, etc.

  2. Tetracyclines (eg, doxycycline) are effective against gram-positive and gram-negative cocci, chlamydia, and mycoplasmas.
  3. Macrolides (Azithromycin, Roxithromycin, Clarithromycin). They cope with gram-positive cocci, gram-negative bacteria, chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma.
  4. Derivatives of fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin) are able to destroy gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

In addition, Metronidazole or its analogues are used for adnexitis, which was provoked by anaerobes or pathogenic protozoa. In case of severe inflammation of the uterine appendages, it is recommended to start treatment with strong antibiotics, such as Ceftriaxone, Cefepime, etc. In such situations, antibiotic therapy is carried out for 8-10 days. Therapeutic efficacy is assessed after 3 days. If necessary, the change of the drug is carried out approximately on the 5-6th day of ineffective treatment.

If you want to know which antibiotics to take for female inflammation, contact your gynecologist.


How to treat inflammation of the appendages in women at home? Today, many patients are increasingly turning to traditional medicine, especially in chronic forms of the disease. If there is a mild inflammation of the appendages in women and approval has been received from the attending physician, treatment can be done at home using the following folk recipes:

  • St. John's wort. To prepare the infusion, take a tablespoon of a medicinal plant and fall asleep in 200 ml of water. The liquid must be boiled for 15 minutes. We carefully filter. It is advised to take a quarter cup 3 times a day.
  • Kalina. Pour one tablespoon of dried viburnum flowers into a glass of boiling water. Then the liquid should be boiled for 7-10 minutes. The cooled decoction of the flowers of the common viburnum is drunk in a tablespoon up to three times a day.
  • Infusion of eucalyptus and yarrow. We will need eucalyptus leaves and yarrow grass. Take 2 tablespoons of each ingredient and pour into a container containing 500 ml of boiling water. We cover with a lid. The infusion process should last approximately 90 minutes. This infusion is used for daily douching for two weeks.
  • Rowan-rosehip decoction. In half a liter of boiling water, add five tablespoons of rose hips and mountain ash. Boil the liquid over low heat for about 10-15 minutes. After removing from the stove, let the broth brew for about 180 minutes. Then the healing potion is filtered and drunk 100 ml three times a day.

Without an experienced specialist doctor who knows how to cure inflammation of the appendages, it is almost impossible to successfully get rid of a gynecological disease.


If you do not want to deal with burdensome treatment and drink various pills for inflammation of the ovaries and uterine appendages, pay attention to the prevention of gynecological diseases. We list the most affordable preventive measures for every girl and woman. For more detailed information, please consult a medical specialist. What can be recommended to do to prevent the development of acute and chronic adnexitis:

  1. Do not forget about daily personal hygiene.
  2. Use underwear made from natural fabrics.
  3. Avoid hypothermia.
  4. Do not neglect barrier contraception (condom) during sex.
  5. Stick to a balanced diet.
  6. Eliminate bad habits (smoking, alcohol).
  7. At least once every 6 months, visit a specialist for a comprehensive gynecological examination.

The treatment regimen for inflammation of the uterine appendages using tablets, capsules, suppositories or injections is determined exclusively by the attending doctor.

- an inflammatory process in the pelvis, localized in the ovaries and tubes (appendages). The causes of the pathology are bacteria and viruses that penetrate the appendages, and the main provoking factors are hypothermia, as a result of which general and local immunity decreases. The disease is manifested by a variety of symptoms: from pulling pains in the lower abdomen and scanty discharge to menstrual irregularities and acute inflammation. Therefore, only a comprehensive diagnosis, including laboratory, differential and instrumental research methods, helps to make the correct diagnosis. The main link in the treatment is specific etiotropic therapy; outside the acute stage, prevention plays an important role. The disease also has other medical designations - adnexitis, salpingoophoritis (from a combination of the terms "salpingitis" - inflammation of the fallopian (fallopian) tubes and "oophoritis" - inflammation of the ovaries).

General information

Inflammation of the appendages can be both bilateral and unilateral, localized on the right or left. Currently, physicians note the widespread prevalence of the disease. Among patients, young women and girls under the age of 30 are more common, they also constitute the highest risk group. First of all, this is due to greater sexual freedom, a significant number of sexual partners, the use of COCs that replaced barrier methods of contraception, which significantly reduced the risk of pathogens entering the genital tract.

The insidiousness of the problem also lies in the possibility of inflammation of the appendages in an erased, latent form. The consequences of such a phenomenon are the most formidable - ectopic pregnancies, miscarriage, infertility. According to practicing gynecologists and scientific experts, inflammation of the appendages is one of the urgent problems of modern gynecology and requires the closest attention. In order to avoid severe, difficult to treat complications, in the present and future, every woman should undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist and inform him during the visit of all factors that cause anxiety or doubt.

Causes of inflammation of the appendages

The causes of the disease are viruses, bacteria and other pathogens that penetrate the upper sections of the female reproductive system (ovaries, fallopian tubes and ligaments) in various ways. The most common is the ascending route of infection. In this case, the causative agent of the pathology penetrates from the lower parts of the female reproductive system - the cervix, vagina, as well as from infected closely located organs - the urethra, ureters, rectum. Most often, in this case, the pathogens are Escherichia coli, gonococci, chlamydia, strepto-, staphylococci, fungi and their associations. A common cause of ascending infection is STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), poor hygiene, promiscuity, disrupting the normal flora and local protective immunity of the vagina.

The descending or secondary route of infection is much less common. This is possible if there is an acute inflammatory process near the pelvic organs, for example appendicitiscomplicated by peritonitis. Another rare way of spreading the infection is considered to be the hematogenous route (through infected blood). It is associated with incipient or developed sepsis. Also, the cause of hematogenous infection of the appendages can be genital tuberculosiscaused by a specific pathogen - Koch's bacillus.

Processes localized on the one hand are most often caused by pathogens such as Escherichia coli, streptococci and staphylococci. Wand Koch and gonococcus often lead to inflammation of the appendages on both sides. The infectious agent, penetrating into the mucous membrane of the fallopian (uterine) tubes by one of the above ways, is introduced into it, then quickly spreads to the adjacent serous and muscle fibers. Further, the process captures the epithelium of the ovaries and the peritoneum of the pelvis. With a wider lesion, including the ovary and the entire fallopian tube, the formation of a tubo-ovarian abscess is possible. The result of inflammation of the appendages are multiple adhesions that limit mobility, normal activity of the ciliated epithelium and the contractility of the fallopian tubes.

The main factors provoking the manifestation of adnexitis are hypothermia, stress, and other conditions that negatively affect the immune system. However, they do not act as the root cause of inflammation of the appendages and, in the absence of infection in the body, cannot by themselves provoke the onset of pathology.

Classification of inflammation of the appendages

The disease can have both acute and chronic course (with or without possible relapses).

The picture of acute inflammation of the appendages is characterized by severe symptoms. This is an acute pain localized on the side of the organ lesion or diffused throughout the abdominal cavity, radiating to the rectum, sacrum, back, a significant increase in temperature (38-40 degrees), discharge, including purulent. The data of laboratory tests show a pathological shift of the blood formula to the left with a sharp increase in ESR and an increase in leukocytes. Palpation when viewed on a chair reveals an "acute abdomen", a mechanism of muscular protection, strong tension. Common clinical manifestations of an infectious lesion are possible - vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, a drop in blood pressure and pulse, changes in the cardiovascular system, the appearance of symptoms of kidney failure.

Clinical signs of chronic inflammation of the appendages are pulling, sometimes intensifying, pain in the lower abdomen, a periodic slight or moderate rise in body temperature (up to 38 degrees), discharge of varying degrees of intensity and color. Signs appear and disappear cyclically, relapses last up to seven days. In half of the cases, a menstrual cycle disorder is diagnosed. Possible menorrhagia - menstruation with significant blood loss; metrorrhagia - bleeding outside the cycle, oligomenorrhea may develop.

Symptoms of inflammation of the appendages

Inflammation of the appendages has a staged course, both in the acute and in the chronic form of the disease. Symptoms and treatment at each stage are specific. The acute course, as a rule, gives a clear picture of inflammation, which can be tracked by pathognomonic symptoms of the disease at each stage.

The toxic stage is characterized by symptoms of intoxication of the body. Moderately elevated, high, sometimes very high body temperature (up to 40-41 degrees) is characteristic. Chills, bloating and soreness of the abdomen, dysuric disorders (impaired urination), dyspeptic symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting) are observed. On the part of the reproductive system, abundant discharge, strong, localized or diffuse pains are noted, bleeding is possible. Symptoms persist for 1-1.5 weeks, then the disease can move to the second (septic stage), complete recovery (with adequate therapy for inflammation of the appendages) or chronicity of the pathology (with partial triggering of internal immune defense mechanisms).

The septic stage is characterized by aggravation of symptoms, weakness, dizziness, attachment of anaerobes with the formation of a purulent tubo-ovarian formation with the threat of perforation. It is possible to further spread the inflammatory process to the organs of the small pelvis and peritoneum with the occurrence of pelvioperitonitis, which threatens the life of the patient.

Symptoms of inflammation of the appendages in the chronic phase in some cases are unexpressed. Dull, intensifying pains occur periodically, coincide with one or another phase of the cycle. There is a slight increase in temperature, menstrual dysfunction, problems in the genital area (painful intercourse, decreased libido, etc.), deterioration in general well-being and decreased ability to work. With long-term chronic inflammation of the appendages without treatment, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, etc.) and the excretory system (pyelonephritis, recurrent cystitis, etc.) can occur.

Complications of inflammation of the appendages

Peritonitis can become a formidable complication of acute inflammation of the appendages with untimely therapy. Chronic inflammation of the appendages is often complicated by infertility. Infertility of mixed origin, which is also caused by inflammation of the appendages, is very difficult to cure. This is due to the fact that hormonal dysfunction due to ovarian damage is associated with a decrease in the physiological function of the fallopian tubes (contractility, impaired activity of the ciliated layer) or their complete obstruction. Failures in the menstrual cycle, lack of ovulation lead to serious functional and anatomical changes in the female reproductive system.

The formation of infiltrates, a frequent consequence of chronic inflammation of the appendages, can be complicated by the development of sclerosis processes in the fallopian tubes. This is the main cause of ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy, the formation of painful adhesions. The spread of pathology to neighboring organs often causes the development of cholecystitis (acute and chronic), colitis, pyelonephritis.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the appendages

Instrumental methods for diagnosing inflammation of the appendages can be used: diagnostic laparoscopy helps to identify purulent formations in the fallopian tubes, exclude or confirm the presence of an adhesive process. The procedure allows you to combine a diagnostic study with therapeutic manipulations. With the help of X-ray examination of the uterus with the use of contrast - hysterosalpingography, the presence of pathological changes in the tubes is determined and their patency is assessed.

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages

Inflammation of the appendages in the acute phase is treated in a hospital with the patient observing bed rest, physical and mental rest, a diet based on easily digestible food, an adequate drinking regime with an assessment of the excretory function. The main treatment for adnexitis is antibacterial etiotropic therapy, depending on the diagnosed pathogen: penicillins, tetracyclines, macrolides, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones. If there is a risk of anaerobic infection, a combination of various groups of antibiotics is prescribed, for example, metronidazole (intravenously, orally) is added to the above drugs.

Conservative therapy also includes painkillers, drugs that relieve the effects and consequences of intoxication (infusion therapy). With a purulent complication of inflammation of the appendages, surgical treatment is used. First of all, preference is given to low-traumatic gynecological surgery - laparoscopic manipulations, evacuation of the purulent contents of the saccular formation by puncture of the posterior vaginal fornix with possible subsequent administration of drugs. With advanced inflammation, when there is a risk of purulent fusion, surgical removal of the appendages is indicated.

After leveling the acute signs of inflammation of the appendages, a course of physiotherapeutic procedures is prescribed: ultrasound, electrophoresis using Mg, K, Zn preparations, vibromassage. The same methods, along with etiotropic antibiotic therapy, are indicated in the treatment of inflammation of the appendages in a chronic form. A sanatorium rehabilitation treatment is prescribed, which promotes the resorption of the adhesive process and prevents the formation of adhesions. Resorts are preferred, where mud therapy, paraffin treatment, therapeutic baths and irrigation with sulfide and sodium chloride mineral waters are used as medical procedures.

Prediction and prevention of inflammation of the appendages

With timely primary treatment with symptoms of acute inflammation of the appendages and adequate therapy, complete clinical recovery occurs in about 10 days. Adnexitis in the stage of chronicity requires regular examinations and maintenance therapy, sanatorium and rehabilitation measures, systematic monitoring of the patient's condition.

In order to prevent the occurrence of recurrence of inflammation of the appendages, especially for patients at risk (using IUDs, having unsuccessful pregnancies and abortions in anamnesis), it is necessary to exclude factors provoking the disease - hypothermia, stress, sexually transmitted infections. It is recommended to use rational methods of contraception, in a timely manner to conduct a comprehensive adequate therapy for diseases of the pelvic organs, taking into account pathogens. A visit to the antenatal clinic at least once a year for a preventive examination by a gynecologist should become the norm for every woman who cares about her health.

Inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis) is often accompanied by inflammation of the uterus and its appendages (adnexitis). Almost every woman of reproductive age has encountered this gynecological disease. Treatment should be comprehensive and include antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy, as well as immune boosters and vitamins.

Immunostimulants for the treatment of ovarian inflammation

To increase general immunity, you can use Cycloferon, Anaferon, Immunal (available in the form of drops). These immunomodulators "turn on" the body's defenses, so it fights the infection itself.

Treatment with vitamins

Vitamins are prescribed both during the main course of treatment for ovarian inflammation in women, and the field after it is completed, as a preventive and maintenance therapy. If inflammation of the appendages and ovaries causes disruptions in the monthly cycle, then the doctor may, according to a certain scheme, prescribe the intake of vitamins C, E, B.

For women's health, the drug Magnesium B6 has a positive effect.

All of these vitamins are available in the form of tablets or dragees and are sold without a prescription.

The fight against spikes

Since oophoritis, especially in its advanced form, is fraught with the occurrence of an adhesive process that leads to problems with conception or even infertility, doctors prescribe Longidaza as a preventive measure. It comes in the form of suppositories that are administered rectally at night after a bowel movement. The course consists of 10 suppositories, which are applied 1 time in 3 days.

If inflammation arose for the first time and measures were taken in time to eliminate it, then Longidaza is not prescribed.

Inflammation of the appendages, uterus and ovaries is a rather insidious disease, as it can be accompanied by mild symptoms or even have a latent course. At the slightest sign of malaise, pain of even low intensity, menstrual irregularities, you should consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe drugs for treatment.