dns data. How to find out your ip address and DNS server address

In this article, we will analyze two major topics at once. Let's learn how to determine the dns and ip address parameters for our home Internet connection. And we will get acquainted with the tools that will allow you to find out the same parameters, only for a site operating on the Internet.

What is it used for

In fact, we will only work with the ip address. The only difference is that it will be found for different network nodes. After all, the DNS server address is its ip. By the way, there may be several of them - you need to remember this. We remember the theoretical part. refers to the unique identifier of a node in a network based on the IP protocol. These include almost all modern networks, from the smallest to the Internet. The IP address is necessary to ensure normal data transfer via the ip protocol. With its help, an addressing mechanism is implemented, thanks to which it becomes clear where and what data needs to be transmitted.

You can always turn off notifications on Twitter so that spam does not come to your ip. Read instructions.

How to find out the ip and dns addresses of your home computer

This can be done in several ways. Let's look at the main ones.

ipconfig utility

It is included with all Microsoft Windows operating systems. Press Win + R , then type cmd and press Enter . Run command line. Here you need to type

ipconfig /all

And click Enter . All information regarding connected network adapters and created connections will be displayed. We are interested in the one that is responsible for connecting to the Internet. You need to know its name. You can view it in the control panel, in the " Network Control Center". Since the computer I'm working on uses wireless Internet access, we need to select a Wi-Fi adapter from the list. It's called " Wireless LAN adapter...". All information is illustrated in the figure above. In the list of parameters, we are interested in two values ​​- IPv4 address and DNS servers. These are the parameters that we were looking for.

Viewing parameters in connection properties

You can go the other way and see the settings for the desired connection directly. For this we go to " Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center". Then go to " Change adapter settings". In the list, select the one you need, call the context menu for it, and click " Status". Then the button " Details".
As you can see in the figure, the same data is displayed here.

Online services

There are many simple services on the web that allow you to check your IP address. The easiest way to do this is on Yandex. Go to


Dial request " How to find out your ip". You can use any of these. And do a search. The first place will be the information you need.
As you can see in the picture, Yandex kindly gave us our address. But it is different from the one we got in the previous steps. The thing is that we connect to the Internet through a Wi-Fi router. Connection to the provider is configured on it. In the first steps, we saw the local ip of the adapter. Yandex showed us the external one, the one assigned by the provider.

Online site settings

If you are engaged in the creation and promotion of sites, you may need to find out the ip address of the server where your site is located, and the DNS of the domain registrar.

Open the command line again. Now we type:

Tracert %your-site%

Substitute the desired url address in the command.
As a result, you will see the server address.


You can use the online service 2ip. Both tools are available here. The first one is for checking the ip address:


The second is to determine the DNS server


Enter the desired URL in the form, and carry out the analysis. DNS addresses are specified in the "NS" (name server) lines.

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The methods discussed above will allow you to determine the desired data. IP and DNS are most often needed by network administrators. But it is also good for ordinary users to know the methods by which these parameters can be determined.

Why look for information on other sites, if everything is collected from us?

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

A domain MX record is a mail gateway, which is a type of DNS record and is used by a server to deliver mail messages using the SMTP protocol.

In other words, it is a set of data. They show the server where the email is being processed. Until the user configures this setting, messages will not reach the recipient.

To determine the best order of delivery of mail messages, several types of records are assumed in a distributed computer system. MX is just one of them. Its main task is to automatically provide information about which server to send mail to. Naturally, this is possible only if the address is found in the given name system.

What is a domain MX record

As already noted, it is one of the main ones in the zone, which points to the corresponding names of mail servers, without which the user will not be able to receive and send messages. This is due to the fact that most mail services, before accepting messages from other recipients, check the DNS zone for the presence of mail gateways and whether they match the unique network address of the host. All this is done to protect against spam. If such a record is missing or its data for some reason does not match with the remote mail service, then in nine cases out of ten, a ban will be imposed on receiving a message by e-mail.

It works according to a fairly simple algorithm. At the first stage, the sending server requests an MX record for the recipient domain, after which the system sends a list of host names as a response. It is they who are directly involved in receiving incoming messages. In the last step, the sending server attempts to contact each of the hosts via a simple mail transfer protocol. This process occurs continuously until a connection can be established. This is what enables users to use a large number of servers for one domain.

Setting up an MX record for a domain

It is necessary to apply the settings so that the user has the ability to receive emails on his own mail server.

If a person has a message forwarding agent and needs to make it so that they receive messages, certain actions should be performed to apply the settings. In particular, it is necessary, firstly, to open the virtual hosting control panel, and then go to the "Management" section; secondly, for each name it is necessary to designate the domain of the third and more level. This is done quite easily. For example, if the name is @example.com, then adding a name that is part of a higher level will result in @mx.example.com.

After that, you should confirm your actions by clicking on the "Add" button so that the result is saved.

The next step is to enter a unique network node based on the TCP/IP protocol stack for @mx.example.com. To do this, you need to enter the settings section and specify the public address of the mail server in the free field.

It is important to go to the "Settings" @example.com section and check the box that there are no MX records for this domain. There might be an issue in the process that indicates that mailboxes that use pre-built records exist and are ready to be used.

This issue is solved quite easily: just go to the "Mail Management" settings section and untie absolutely every account linked to it.

How to check the MX record of a domain

In order for the work of the web resource and e-mail to be effective, it is necessary to ensure that all records, including MX zones, are configured without any violations and errors that can have a negative impact on the process of receiving and sending letters. If the user has any suspicions about the correctness of the content, he can personally check and look at the MX record of the domain.

To do this, first of all, make sure that the name is mapped to the IP address where the account is located, and vice versa. If it is not delegated, the appropriate settings should be applied.

It's very easy to do a self check. For these purposes, there are a huge number of different installation programs for personal computers, as well as online services. The most popular options are the Nslookup utility, which allows you to set various types of queries and poll randomly selected servers, as well as the Dig web service. They are built into operating systems and are provided to the user along with the PC.

Why look at the MX record of a domain

As already noted, different records are used for the functioning of different services. Regular checks should be made in order to determine the address of any server that is used for current work. For example, if a user is sent an e-mail, but he does not receive it, this indicates that certain data is indicated incorrectly or is not available at all.

PCs running Windows, MacOS, and Linux have a built-in utility called Nslookup. To open it, select the key combination Windows + R and enter the command “cmd” in the window that appears. After that, the command line will be opened, where the user can examine the current status in detail.

Create an MX record

In some web services, such as Yandex.Mail, to use it, a prerequisite is the use of the appropriate MX record settings. This is necessary in order to reconnect the DNS service of e-mail to external server equipment. Naturally, to do this, the user must know how to check the MX record of a domain.

The creation process should take place in the ISPmanager web hosting control panel in the Records Management tab. To do this, click on the "Create" button.

It is located at the very top of the panel. After that, a new window will open, where the user will be asked to fill in the registration fields. At this stage, you need to be as careful as possible and not make mistakes.

So, in the window that opens, you need to enter some data. To do everything right, you can use a special instruction in ISPmanager, which explains in detail which fields must be filled in and what data to enter. If the user knows for himself what exactly needs to be done to fill in the registration fields of the MX record so that the mail service works without errors, he can proceed with self-configuration. To make an MX domain a user must enter the following types of information:

  1. A name that can contain any word, including a subdomain.
  2. The exact time when the information is updated.
  3. Here you need to specify the record type. At the same time, individual parameters are used for different purposes, and the purpose depends on its type.
  4. Next, the domain itself is indicated, and after it - the priority.

In the process of filling in the information, ISPmanager will automatically check the data for errors: if everything is entered correctly, the fields will be marked with a green checkmark, if any errors are made, the system will also notify the user.

The last step is saving the results. This completes the creation process and the entry will be automatically displayed in the web hosting control panel.

To open any page on the global network, you need to type its domain name in the address bar of your Internet browser. Ordinary users call it the name of the web page.

All domains on the World Wide Web have a specific digital IP address. Lists of site names and their IPs are stored on DNS servers.

Below are detailed guides on how to find out DNS not only for connecting a PC to the Internet, but also for the interaction of a domain and hosting for some Internet page.

Methods of determination

To determine your DNS or if you need to identify the DNS provider, then there are various methods for this. It is recommended to use the following 3 effective methods:

  1. Using the capabilities of the command line (CS);
  2. Through the analysis of network properties;
  3. Contact your service provider.

Methods # 1 and # 2 are advisable to use to determine the DNS, if there is a good connection to the global network, and it is functioning normally. The last method can be used in the absence of an Internet connection.

1. Using command line functionality

So, users who wonder how to find out their own or DNS provider, you need to follow these steps:

1) Through the "Start" launch "CS";

2) In the displayed black window, type "ipconfig / all" and then click "Enter";

3) Detailed information will appear;

Among the many additional data, the user will have access to information about DNS servers.

2. Analysis and adjustment of connection parameters

To solve the problem, through the analysis of the properties of the network, you must use the tools from the control panel.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

1) Through the "Start" menu, open the "Control Panel" and then, if OS XP is installed on the PC, then you should enter "network connections", and if "Seven", then go to the "Network Control Center" tab and open " Change adapter settings";

3) Open a bookmark with a list that has "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)", where the current server names are registered, which can be adjusted and entered preferred and alternative DNS addresses;

4) If you make any adjustments, you must save the changes before closing the window.

3. We determine by contacting the communication service provider

This can be done quickly using the following three methods:

1) Open the official resource of the Internet provider and read the information provided from its page;

2) Call the technical support service;

3) Generate and send a request to call a specialist to the location of the user's computer.

Alternative option through online services

There are a significant number of services on the Internet that allow you to quickly solve the problem, for example, through Yandex. You just need to type in the search line "How to find out your ip" or other required request and click "Find".

How it works. When you hear the word "website" you will be called Google.com, Facebook.com and other domain names without hesitation. If we ask the computer, we will get a set of 10-12 digits, i.e. The IP address of the device on the network. He doesn't know what Facebook.com is. To establish mutual understanding between man and machine, they created a domain name system - DNS, which can convert domain names into IP addresses.

When you enter the required domain name, the DNS server processes the request and directs it to the correct IP. By and large, the DNS system is a huge number of devices that constantly send requests to each other.

Types of Domain DNS Records

Converting domain names to IP is one of the few features. Besides DNS performs others. To implement them, DNS record types are used. We list the most common:

  • Records that identify the IP address of a device from a domain name are assigned type A(or AAAA for IPv6).
  • For the same IP address, you can set any number of domain names. In this case, it is used CNAME type record, which defines an alias for the domain name.
  • MX record helps to find out the address of the mail server where you want to send mail. There can be multiple MX records for one domain.
  • TXT- a record that includes text data. Used to convey information, such as verifying the owner of a domain, or verifying the security of an email. There can be any number of text entries. Added in the domain settings.

There are many other types of records, but they are used much less frequently.

Which records affect email delivery?

There are special TXT records, the presence of which determines whether messages will get into the inbox or be blocked even before they appear in the mailboxes.

Who do you think reads your letters before they are delivered to the recipient? CIA, Mossad or MI6? No, they will be read by spam filters, which are constantly being improved and increase the number of spam detection factors. Getting into the database of spam resources (blacklists) will seriously complicate life if you regularly send out mailings.

Authentication DKIM, SPF, DMARC will authenticate the domain and ensure the delivery of letters to the mailbox. They guard the reputation of the domain with their breasts and protect them from phishing and spam.

DKIM- digital signature of the sender, which confirms that the message was sent from your domain. The receiving mail service automatically checks this signature and makes sure that the letter was sent by you and not by scammers.

SPF- a domain record that contains information about the list of sending servers and mechanisms for processing messages. This entry poisons the life of spammers and scammers in the passage of anti-spam systems. Clearly indicates who has the right to send letters on behalf of the domain, and who does not.

If the domain is not protected SPF record and DKIM signature, spammers can do nothing to send emails on your behalf. Mail services check incoming mail for SPF and DKIM records, and their absence is regarded as spam.

But these mechanisms also have disadvantages. To make it easier for the mail service to distinguish real emails from fake ones, in addition to SPF and DKIM, another level of protection has been introduced - DMARC. When these 3 factors work simultaneously, the probability of successful delivery of messages to the addressee increases many times over.

DMARC determines what to do with messages that are not authenticated by SPF and DKIM. If DMARC is configured correctly, fraudulent emails will be rejected even at the stage of analysis, and the letter will never get into the mailbox. You yourself prescribe the algorithm of actions, how the mail server should act in case of violation of any SPF and DKIM conditions.

Tools for checking domain records

We figured out the recording settings. Now our letters are simply required to go exclusively to the inbox, and the spam analyzers of mail services take off their hats when they meet with our mailing list. Is this really so and where can I get confidence that everything is done correctly.

For checking DNS records and domain diagnostics, special services have been created:

  • MXtoolbox - checking DNS records, full domain diagnostics and additional tools for site analysis.
  • DNSstuff.hostpro.ua- here you will get complete information about the DNS settings for your domain and find out if it is blacklisted.
  • functions-online.com- checks DNS records.
  • 2ip.ru- checking the DNS records of the domain and a complete analysis of the site.
  • mail-tester.com- tests emails for spam, points out errors in links, checks domain records and the quality of email formatting. Just send an email to the suggested address, then check the score.
  • Pr-cy.ru- checking DNS records and site status.

They will be useful in case problems are noticed. For example, mail is not being received or sent etc. Such a failure usually occurs after corrections of DNS records. Therefore, after the changes made, it is necessary to carry out checks.

Checks are also necessary to diagnose the overall health of a domain so that users do not have difficulty finding a resource on the network. The smallest error in DNS records will close access to the site and efforts to promote it will fail safely.

An example of checking DNS records using MXtoolbox

We think this is one of the best domain diagnostic services. It is most often used technical department specialists to identify problems with customers and provide them with assistance.

Mxtoolbox allows you to perform general domain diagnostics, detect its presence in blacklists, check the correctness of MX records and other DNS records, even test the likelihood of your emails being delivered to Inbox. Timely testing will help avoid problems with mail providers.

At this point, the domain is checked for placement in the blacklists simultaneously with the identification of other problems. As a result, we get a domain health report:

The domain is healthy if no problems are identified, indicated in red. But the result of the check showed the presence of errors that need to be eliminated - the absence of SPF and DMARC records.
We take the records automatically generated by the Estismail service and make settings on the hosting. Next, we check the correctness of the changes made.

We go to the site mxtoolbox.com.
Click on the orange arrow button. From the drop-down list, we are interested in SPF Record Lookup, DKIM Lookup and DMARC Lookup.

How to check if a DKIM entry is correct?

Enter the domain in the verification field in the following format - example.com:estismail. Enter without http:// and www. Instead of example.com enter your domain, and after the colon, specify the selector. Choose DKIM Lookup.

In the window that opens, you will see a "successful" message of the following form:

If, after the check, a picture opens with a message that DKIM was not found, you will have to update the DNS records.

How to check the SPF record?

Checking the SPF record is the same as checking DKIM. From the list that opens, select SPF Record Lookup. In the appropriate field, enter the domain name without http:// and www. If the settings are correct, you will see the following picture:

In the lower column in the line SPF Syntax Check will be displayed The record is valid .

The most common situation, apart from missing an SPF record, is having 2 or more SPF records. If such an error is made, in the window that opens you will see the following:

In this case, correct the SPF record - simply combine all nodes in one entry, from which you send mailings, as indicated in the “correct” previous figure.

How to check DMARC entry?

When conducting a DMARC record check, the principle is the same as in the first 2 cases. Select a function from the list under the orange button DMARC Lookup and enter the domain name without http:// and www.
If the correct entries are entered, you will see the following table and a message at the bottom of the DMARC Syntax Check line stating that The record is valid.

Yes, it is difficult for letters to get into the inbox. But, by fulfilling the conditions listed above, you will noticeably facilitate the path of your messages to the heart of the recipient. Keep your finger on the pulse of your domain, his healthy condition is equally important to your personal well-being.

"How to find out the provider's DNS server," - such a question can sometimes arise both for experienced users and for people who solve their problem with accessing the network. It may arise when it is necessary to configure Internet access through the internal network using a specific DNS server address, and not an automatically determined address. This is usually needed if there are always some difficulties with the dynamic address pool. Such a connection is more stable and allows you to set up DSL access without line breaks.

The easiest way to find out the DNS provider is to call the support service. Operators usually provide two addresses that you can enter in the network settings you configure. If for some reason this cannot be done, use our tips below.

Admin tip! If there is a problem accessing the network. Perhaps the service for determining dns addresses is not working correctly, as a result you will have a physical connection to the network, but without access to the Internet through a browser. This can be fixed by a normal reboot of the computer, advanced users can restart the service and restore the network over the http protocol.

How DNS works

The principle of operation of DNS (Domain Name Services) is well demonstrated in the illustration. The user sends the usual textual name of the site and in response receives an IP address that already provides access to a specific resource. DNS is a global network of server routers that provide daisy-chaining to a system of servers and access.

Admin tip! Ordinary users do not need to configure network settings and clarify the DNS provider and other sites. But for general development, you need to know that each text name is associated with a specific IP address, for example,

DNS spoofing - a classic hacker attack

Experienced users will be interested to get acquainted with the scheme of servers that provide access to the Internet. A DNS server that routes user traffic is also available on the side of your provider.

Admin tip! Please note that when the DNS server is spoofed, it is possible to connect to a "fake" site. This interface is used to steal passwords and credit card information. Usually this issue is resolved by installing antivirus software that includes protection against such "traffic listening".

DNS provider

As we said, to set up a network connection, the DNS address of the provider is required. Usually there are several of them, especially for large telecommunications systems to which many users connect. Usually in the support service you can find out the primary and secondary DNS, these servers duplicate each other when there is a rather large load when users connect.

Determining the DNS provider from your network

The easiest way to do this is when there is a network and Internet access, or the same can be done from a subscriber who is also served in your provider's network. For these purposes, follow the instructions:

  • launch the command line by clicking on the "Start" menu, then "Run" and typing CMD (lower case) in the line;
  • in the command line window that opens, type ipconfig / all;
  • in the report you will receive a list of DNS addresses;
  • the received addresses can be physically registered in the network settings, in which case access to the network will work stably even if the automatic discovery of DNS servers fails.

This method helps to make network access more stable, in fact, you assign a permanent DNS server with a backup address. Both servers will route your requests on the Internet.


Examples are shown on screenshots. In the first case, the standard server addresses are indicated. In the second case, reserve and additional. In this option, users have access to three redundant servers.

Report after running ipconfig /all command with one dns mirror

Report after running ipconfig /all command with two dns mirrors

Alternative ways to find provider DNS addresses

If you do not have access to the network, the support service does not give direct DNS addresses and you cannot get them in another way, try searching through an Internet search. This can be done using a search engine and the keywords "DNS addresses (name of your provider)". In some cases, this information may be posted on the official website of the telecommunications company or in forums by users.