Making an air conditioner with your own hands. How to make a quality air conditioner with your own hands

Not every family can afford to purchase an expensive air conditioner that will cool the house during the hot season. Therefore, the masters came up with several simple ways to create a simplified version of the device from objects that came to hand. A homemade air conditioner is designed for use in an apartment, house and even in a car.

In order to save money, the air conditioner can be made by hand

Use of fan and water

Do-it-yourself air conditioning is easiest to make from a simple fan.

By itself, the device is not capable of cooling the room. So it needs a little tweaking. For the manufacture of such an air conditioner, you will need the following components:

  • simple fan;
  • a container filled with cool water;
  • a towel or any other similar item made of fabric;
  • wire;
  • frame.

The whole structure must be placed in the window pane. It will work as follows. The fan forces the air to move in a certain direction, where the towel is hanging from the wire. Part of the fabric product must be lowered into a container filled with liquid. Due to this placement, the air will gradually begin to cool.

Such a home-made air conditioner, made by hand at home, can even have different temperature setting modes. To do this, it is necessary to build in a high-speed type of fan switching and install incandescent lamps.

With intensive use, the device will consume approximately 1 liter of water per hour. Many people liked this version of the air cooler due to the fact that during its operation it does not create annoying noises.

A simple device, for the manufacture of which you will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • pure water;
  • working fan.

Bottled conditioner is an effective solution, but it does not last long

To achieve maximum results, before you make your own air conditioner, you need to send filled bottles of water to the freezer so that the liquid turns into ice. During manufacture, it is important to strictly follow the rules for arranging plastic containers. It must be in front of the fan, which creates an air flow.

The bottles are placed in a row, leaving small gaps between them. After some time, it is advisable to change the water in the container, as it heats up quickly, due to which the cooling effect is lost.

Home air conditioner from a cooler and a container

Another interesting way to help you understand how to make an air conditioner at home. Its advantages include ease of use, small size and clear direction of action. To work, the master will need:

  • 2 liter plastic container;
  • cooler removed from the computer power supply;
  • glue gun;
  • corrugated siphon made of durable plastic.

To create a homemade air conditioner, you need a cooler

For homemade, a plastic container that was used to store various products is suitable. Carefully poke a hole in the lid.

It should be slightly smaller than the fan taken from the power supply from the computer. It should be glued into the lid of the container with a glue gun. The work must be carried out so that the device can draw air masses inside the plastic container.

Another hole must be made on the same cover, only at its other end. The diameter of the resulting hole should be slightly smaller than the size of the corrugated siphon. A piece should be cut off from it, about 30 cm, which is then glued into the lid.

Now a large portion of ice is poured into the container and covered with a prepared lid. After that, you need to connect the fan to the mains for it to start working. Home air conditioner is ready. With the help of a siphon, households will be able to regulate the direction of cool air.

Using an old freezer or refrigerator

Those who have an extra refrigerator or freezer at home can easily make a home air conditioner. Both devices are ideal for freshening the air in the room.

The freezer must be installed in the window opening, carefully isolating absolutely all holes and cracks. The back of the appliance should go outside, since it is it that generates heat, which is why the air only warms up. And the master needs to achieve the opposite effect.

Cold is collected inside the freezer. In order for it to go outside and refresh the room, a simple fan should be installed in the appliance door. It also does not hurt to make a couple of holes on the sides, which are necessary to collect heated air. Thanks to such a simple system, the house will remain cool for a long time even on the hottest day.

To create a homemade air conditioner from an old refrigerator, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • electric jigsaw with a file for working with metal;
  • two conventional fans;
  • assembly foam.

One fan should be installed in the refrigerator door, which will blow air into the unit.

In order for cool air to come out of it, you need to make a small hole in the device, which is suitable in size for a plastic pipe. All excess cracks must be immediately sealed with mounting foam.

To ensure maximum heat dissipation, a second fan will be required. It should be directed towards the capacitor. After its installation, you can connect the refrigerator to the network. Its power is enough to cool a small house.

There are many different ideas for creating such cooling systems with your own hands. However, most of them do not work properly. You need to understand that home-made appliances will not become a full-fledged replacement for modern models of air conditioners. They should be used as a temporary solution to the problem of heat in a residential area.

If the master is set to make his own air conditioner at home, he needs to follow the instructions for creating it exactly. Only in this case can it be guaranteed that at the end of the assembly the device will actually cool the room, although not for too long.

Do-it-yourself mini air conditioner: photo instructions for making your own hands.

Often I go by car to the country house and picnics in nature, there is no standard air conditioner in the car, so I decided to make a home-made mini air conditioner refrigerator.

Initially, the idea was to cool the refrigerator bag with food (for example, cold drinks or meat). After assembly and testing in real conditions, it turned out that such a mini-air conditioner does an excellent job of cooling the air.

Principle of operation and production.

The design uses a two-circuit scheme for cooling and humidifying the supplied air:

  • Chiller (Water-cooling system).
  • Fancoil (heat exchanger for air cooling).
  • Evaporator (performs 2 functions: cooling and humidification).
  • Power supply from the on-board network 12V (through the cigarette lighter).

Schematic diagram of a mini air conditioner.

Principle of operation:
First phase.

Water is sucked in by the pump motor, from the bottom of the container, is fed into the chiller (coil from a pipe, at the bottom of the container). Water passing through it is cooled due to the evaporation of the liquid. Evaporation is formed due to the blowing by the cooler of a constantly moistened (irrigated with water) material (adsorbent cloth) wrapped around the tubes, while moistening the air during evaporation.

Second phase.

After passing through the chiller, the chilled water enters the fancoil (heat exchanger) of the upper coil, where the heat exchanger is blown by a directed air flow, while the outgoing air is humidified and has a lower temperature. Water, having passed through the heat exchanger, exits through the open hole of the coil and, with the help of a spray nozzle, irrigates the absorbent napkin of the chiller. The cycle becomes closed.

The calculation showed approximately 19-20% efficiency. Those who are "in the slightest degree" connected with the calculation of performance will confirm that this is a high figure for a "handicraft" product ... in the test 6 minutes the temperature dropped by -6.5 ° C, and after 20 minutes the temperature on the thermometer dropped to - 11 ° C from base T°

Of course, it can be improved by using radiators for water cooling systems in computers, as well as more powerful motors.
BUT! this will undoubtedly increase the cost and the point of doing something yourself will disappear, since the cost of expenses will exceed the bar for calculating the cost.

In general, one can talk endlessly here and come to the conclusion that it is “easier to buy a ready-made” refrigerator (auto-refrigerator), but the goal was not to assemble a factory unit, but to achieve the maximum benefit in use with minimal costs.

Most of the elements in the design were bought at Auchan for a penny, the rest in stores like Stroitel and Auto Parts:

  • 1) plastic container, 1 piece = 110 rubles.
  • 2) plastic containers, 1 piece = 56 rubles.
  • 3) washer motor pump, 1 pc = 75 rubles.
  • 4) main brake pipe for the VAZ "classic", 2 pcs = 65 rubles.
  • 5) flexible hose (silicone type), 1 m = 28 rubles.
  • 6) pipe + ventilation corner, 1 pc + 1 pc = 130 rubles.
  • 7) non-woven absorbent cloth, 1 pc = 18 rubles.
  • 8) computer coolers: were available.
  • 9) plastic caps (legs), plastic clamps, button, wire, cigarette lighter plug.

The cost of materials amounted to = 482 rubles.

Modern air conditioners have a significant cost and are not available to everyone, in connection with which an alternative has appeared - a home-made air conditioner. As practice shows, such units, although far from ideal, can save from the heat for some time.

To carry out the manufacture of an air conditioner at home, first we will analyze how a conventional household cooler works. It consists of two heat exchangers, a compressor, a throttle device and two fans.

The heat exchanger, located inside the room, takes heat from the air flow passing through it, as a result of which the latter enters the room cooled. The refrigerant transfers the heat taken away through the tubes to the second radiator, which transfers it to the environment.

The diagram below shows how the air conditioner works.

Air conditioner device

The efficiency of domestic and industrial air conditioners is based on the processes of vaporization and condensation, accompanied by the exchange of a large amount of heat.

To understand this, it is enough to recall the school physics course. The amount of energy spent on heating or cooling a substance is characterized by its specific heat capacity. But there are additional costs of heat, going to the implementation of the transition of matter from one state of aggregation to another, and these costs are very significant. The liquid is heated to boiling with a certain amount of heat, after which it turns into vapor, which takes additional energy, called the specific heat of vaporization. As the vapor cools, it condenses, releasing the same energy back.

The home air conditioner takes heat from the room air to boil the refrigerant. The compressor, which creates pressure in a closed system, moves it through the throttle to the second heat exchanger, where the refrigerant is condensed under the influence of the outside air flow, to which it gives off thermal energy.

Example: to heat 1 liter of water by 1 ºС, 4.187 kJ of heat is required, and the evaporation of the same amount requires as much as 2256 kJ. This is where the 300% efficiency of refrigeration units comes from.

Types of homemade air conditioners

Homemade air conditioners are simple, but work according to different principles. Conventionally, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • home air conditioner from a used refrigerator;
  • cooler running on running water;
  • air conditioner using ice frozen in another device.

Before you make an air conditioner from improvised means, you need to choose for yourself the most convenient of the 3 proposed options, and for this we will consider their principle of operation. The first unit in the list is the only one that operates according to the traditional efficient evaporation-condensation scheme. And then, because for its manufacture, all the filling from the old refrigerator is taken: a compressor, an external heat exchanger - a condenser and a freezer, which is an evaporator.

Such an air conditioner can be made by hand. An evaporator is placed in the cooled room, having previously installed an axial household fan on its rear side. A tube with freon is passed through the wall and connected to a condenser and compressor mounted in an adjacent room. If necessary, you can take 2 sets of heat exchange equipment, as shown in the video.

Disadvantages of making an air conditioner from an old refrigerator:

  1. Differences in design will also affect the efficiency of work, since the refrigerator was originally designed to maintain a low temperature in a small enclosed space.
  2. By virtue of the foregoing, the compressor of this device will never stop, and in this mode it will not last long. Unless the cooling system will be additionally automated with the help of air temperature sensors and a power control unit.

Air conditioners using cold water and ice

Taking an ordinary car radiator and a household fan, you can assemble an air conditioner on the water. To its nozzles, you will have to make adapters for connecting hoses with running water, and fix the fan at the back.

It is only necessary to organize its power supply with a voltage of 12 V.

Cold water flows through the radiator, taking heat from the air blown by the fan. Such a device can hardly be called an air conditioner, rather it is a simple air cooler, since the intensity of air cooling directly depends on the water temperature. These are used in industrial ventilation, only the feed water is cooled for them by special installations - chillers. At home, there is nothing to cool the water with, you have to take what it is, from the tap. Regarding this option, it should be noted that the idea is not bad, there is only one weak point, but a significant one - the inability to provide low-temperature feed water. A clear instruction on how to make an air conditioner with your own hands on the water is presented in the video.

The third option is the simplest air conditioner that cools the air with the help of ready-made ice. In a tightly closed plastic container, 2 holes are made: one for the fan, the second for the air outlet. The container is filled with ice, closed, and the fan pumps the heated air mixture from the room inside. The latter quickly cools, washing the ice, and exits back through the pipe. Car air conditioners are also made in a similar way. One additional recommendation: it is better to paste over the inside of the container with polystyrene foam sheet.

Some craftsmen adapt a household cooler to a car air conditioner, since installing a regular one will be more expensive. The operation is quite time-consuming and difficult, but it gives some advantage: the operation of the refrigeration unit does not depend on the engine.

How to install the air conditioner in the apartment How to choose the right air conditioner for your apartment Mobile air conditioners without an air duct: operating features How to make ventilation in a private house

The article is even for those whose hands do not grow from there.

Preamble: I was not in the Capital of All Russia for 5 weeks. Upon my return, the heat met me back in Pskov, and the smoke in Tver. But in Moscow, another surprise awaited me - the hype for fans and air conditioners. Attention! There are a lot of pictures and traffic under the cut.

There were no fans anywhere, no air conditioners either. Even if you manage to find something, the markup will be x4 or more. And the queue for the installation of air conditioning - has exceeded 3 weeks of waiting.

Well, not a disgrace, you say? No, not a disgrace. Poraskinuv brains, on the day of arrival unpretentious the air conditioner was already installed in my apartment.

However, you will have to work not only with your brains, but you will also need money. So if you, the reader, are a glamorous blonde, urgently look for the nearest geek to implement the gadget written in this article.

So, bad luck.


there is money, there are hands, there is a desire to have a fan or an air conditioner, but there is no fan and air conditioner. What to do?


If there is no fan, then it needs to be done. So. We go to a place where "ordinary" inhabitants do not guess to look for fans, but they are there. That's right - to the nearest auto parts store. Better than domestic 8-)

We unscrew the gander or filter from the water faucet in order to pick up tubes from it in the store.

And we buy in a car shop:

1. Radiator. Any larger than Okovsky (for Oka) will do. Ask that without unnecessary automation, otherwise you will have to dig. I bought a cooling radiator 21082-1301012, the price is about 1290 rubles.
2. Fan car radiator, powered by 12 volts, for VAZ, GAZ, AZLK, IZH, ZAZ and ZIL cars, power 110 watts. Price 1190r.
3. Frame to this fan (do not forget about it!), 250r. (fan shroud)
4. Mounting kit for the fan, bolts for the radiator (cheap price)
5. Immediately on the spot, buy reinforced rubber tubes which can be cut to any length. You may need a large auto parts store. Select the length based on the planned location of the air conditioner and the source of cold water. The following characteristics fit my placement:
The tube to the radiator inlet and radiator outlet (the thickest) is 1 m in total. The tube from the faucet to the radiator pipe and back is 3 m long (thinner).
6. Clamp set(4 pcs.) for the diameter of the radiator tube. You can take a couple of clamps for a small tube (which will be worn on the faucet).
7. Plain electrical tape blue (10 rubles?)
8. The cheapest sealant (~ 50r.)
9. Connector for connecting power to the fan (15p.)
10. Any power unit at 12 volts (DC), I took from an old computer (AT form factor), at 230 watts. It is convenient in that it is turned on with a toggle switch, and not through the motherboard.
11. Optionally, you can take an electric heating pump from a gazelle and a set of pipes for it with small clamps (800 rubles + 300 rubles), if you want to save running water.
12. 6 hours personal focused time.

A small sheet of thick plywood, wooden slats, a saw for wood, bolts, nuts, self-tapping screws, a drill and drill bits for wood - all this was already on the farm, and is needed to make a radiator retainer. Here you can show ingenuity. In extreme cases, everything that is at hand will come off, as well as rope and adhesive tape.

Electrical tape is needed to adjust the radii, since the tube from (and to) the radiator is larger in diameter than the tube from the faucet.

Putting it all together. We place the radiator horizontally, after plugging the hole for the temperature sensor with something. I plugged it with a self-tapping screw coated with sealant. When connecting the fan to the power supply, we change the polarity (we connect the minus to the plus, and vice versa) so that the fan changes the direction of rotation.

This device takes coolness from tap water, excess water can be drained into the bathroom, or into the washbasin. Gives cool air. The power is not high, so it is advisable to cover extra rooms, especially the kitchen. Usually there is a malicious heat generator in the apartment - a refrigerator. This must also be taken into account.

Really allowed to reduce the humidity in the room and the temperature by 3 degrees. The radiator for some reason works on 50% of its surface due to air jams, until this problem is solved.

If you also decide to use a computer power supply, then know that all yellow wires are +12 volts, all black wires are (minus), or “ground”. The wires from the fan connection can simply be stripped, plugged into the power connector for the hard drive and wrapped with insulation. Sometimes the wires fall out, I also fixed them with a small nail. But for some reason, it only worked for me from red wires (5 volts), maybe the unit is not standard.

Here is a photo of the resulting monster:


Connection of pipes of different diameters:

And here is the first satisfied user of this system:

Noise is not very much. The disadvantages of the system are that due to the inversion of the fan, its power has dropped, and deploying the design is technically hemorrhoids. It also collects condensate, you can put a towel or a basin. What can be improved? Make a case, invert the fan back and turn the air flow from it to% username%, get rid of air locks in the radiator. And the wires are finally soldered normally.

I wish you, the reader, to meet such a summer exclusively at sea and on vacation  Feedback on improving the design and funny non-constructive criticism are gladly accepted in the comments to this post.

UPD: If you repeat my feat, plz send pictures to mail dog or here in the comments.

UPD2: Water must be supplied to the radiator downwards, and taken from above. There is also a faucet for "lowering" the air cushion. It works effectively only at maximum water flow - it lowers the temperature by 5 degrees! At the entrance 30.1, at the exit 24.9 Celsius. I tried to connect a pump to save water, but there is not enough power from the power supply - I will select a more powerful PSU and unsubscribe. At the fan frame, I sealed the side slots with rubber tape to insulate windows in winter, blowing became noticeably more efficient.

So summer has come, and with it the heat, from which sometimes there is nowhere to go. Cold drinks, cool showers and being in the shade only help to cool off for a while and take a break from the scorching sun. Air conditioning is the single most effective method of escaping the heat at this time of year. But not everyone can afford to purchase and install it. In such a situation, ingenuity and hands that grow from the shoulders, as well as a little money and time, come to the rescue. We invite you to find out how you can make an excellent air conditioner out of an ordinary fan!

To make an air conditioner with your own hands, we need:
- fan (any type),
- copper tube
- transparent PVC tube
- plastic clamps
- aquarium submersible pump with a capacity of 600-1000l / h
- thermal box (foam box)

To turn an ordinary fan into an air conditioner, you just need to attach a heat exchanger to the fan grill, through which cold water will circulate, and the fan, in turn, will transfer cold from the heat exchanger to the room with air flow.

We will use a 1/4" (6.35 mm) copper tube as a heat exchanger, which is used for air conditioning systems. The length of the tube will depend on the size of your fan and the density of the spiral.

Of course, the higher the density of the spiral, the faster the cooling will occur, but do not forget that a very dense spiral will impede the movement of air flow, so the main thing here is not to overdo it. For a standard floor fan, the length of the copper tube for winding the spiral is 5-10m.

It is most convenient to fasten the copper tube to the fan grill with plastic clamps, but thin wire can be used as an option.

We cut the ends of the clamps so as not to spoil the appearance.

To connect the pump to the heat exchanger, you can use a transparent PVC tube with an inner diameter of 6 mm, for easy connection to the heat exchanger.

You can select a PVC pipe, according to the diameter of the pump nozzle, but in this case, it will be necessary to wind the tape around the ends of the heat exchanger and fix it with metal clamps.

As a reservoir for cold water, we will use a foam box (thermal box) or any other container (barrel, canister), which is desirable to be insulated with foam.

After all the tubes are connected, place the pump and drain hose in a thermal box. Periodically, to maintain a low temperature, we throw pieces of ice, cold accumulators or frozen eggplants with ice into the thermal box.

As you can see, making an air conditioner with your own hands is not at all difficult. Of course, a homemade air conditioner will be inferior to the factory one, but, nevertheless, these are worthy options for dealing with heat.

For those to whom this design of the air conditioner seems complicated, we suggest considering the option of a simpler air conditioner:

To make a simple air conditioner, we need:

Small fan (desk or car)

Thermobox (foam box)

Elbow from a plastic sewer pipe

In the lid of the thermo box, cut out two holes. We cut out one hole for the fan so that the fan does not fail. The second hole is cut end-to-end along the diameter of the knee. The knee itself is necessary for the directional distribution of cold air flow around the room.

The principle of operation of a homemade air conditioner is quite simple. Ice is poured into the thermobox and covered with a lid (on which a fan is installed). The air flow from the fan, cooled by ice, will exit through the knee and be distributed throughout the room. The temperature at the outlet of the knee is below 10 degrees, and as the ice melts, it will gradually increase. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically drain the melt water and fill up the ice.

If you do not have a thermal box, you can use a large plastic container, only in this case, condensation will form on the outer walls, which will drain to the floor. To prevent this from happening, the plastic container must be thermally insulated with sheet foam.