Metal detector quasar arm reviews characteristics. Instruction manual for quasar arm

To vazar ARM- This is a selective metal detector with an LCD screen and the distribution of metals into 16 groups. This is a continuation of the Quasar metal detector project. The new circuit uses a more powerful ARM32 microcontroller and adds additional features.

Technical characteristics of the Quasar ARM metal detector:

Operating frequency - from 4 to 16 kHz;

· Indication — sound multitonal, and visual ZhKI the screen.

Power supply - 12 volts.

Depth of detection of a coin of 5 kopecks of the USSR (with a coil DD 23 cm) - 30 cm.

This metal detector has medium difficulty , to play with your own hands! For its manufacture should be taken only by people with experience. There are also smd components (which can cause difficulties for a beginner), and a programmable microcontroller, and a coil for an IB metal detector, which also causes a lot of trouble, in the absence of proper experience. But if all these nuances do not bother you, then the device will pleasantly please you. Also a big bonus in its manufacture is a large number of discussions on the Internet, where a lot of questions have already been chewed!

Improvements in the new Quasar Workstation:

· Removed external ADC, which was difficult to obtain.

· Increased sensitivity.

· Frequency range from 4 to 16 kHz.

· Improved sound quality.

· Added three profiles for saving and restoring settings (A, B, C).

· There was an electronic compensation for elimination of unbalance of the coil.

Scheme of the Quasar ARM metal detector

Download diagram and parts list for metal detector Kvazar ARM —

The printed circuit board of the metal detector Kvazar ARM

Archive with printed circuit board quasar workstation -

Board with a metal detector screen Quasar ARM

For the Quasar AWP metal detector, you can use the RC1602A screens with the HD44780 or KS0066 controller.

After manufacturing the board for the Quasar ARM metal detector, it is necessary to flash the microcontroller. To program the microcontroller, you can use the st link v2 programmer (it is available for sale in online stores), those who have a COM port (nowadays a great luxury) can use a simple programmer on a computer according to this scheme (The scheme is taken from here -

Firmware for metal detector Quazar ARM 2.1.2 (latest at the time of writing) -

Archive with firmware for the Quasar ARM metal detector and a description of their changes -

After flashing the metal detector, it is necessary to carry out its test runs and start manufacturing the search coil.

Quasar ARM metal detector instruction manual -

I found, here is a video description of the process of manufacturing a block and a coil of a Quaraz AVR metal detector:

Part 1, starting with the board

Part 5, proceed to the manufacture of the coil for the Quasar metal detector

Part 12, completion and fine-tuning

Conclusion: Quasar ARM is a decent mid-range metal detector. With proper manufacture, it may well compete with branded counterparts. The main purpose of a metal detector is to search for coins. The scheme does not contain expensive and scarce components, but has a number of technological nuances, and is demanding on the quality of the coil. To repeat it, it is recommended to “behind” experience in similar products, otherwise the result may disappoint you!

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Forum -

The Quasar Arm metal detector (in English quasar arm) is a selective, IB device created and designed by Andreev Fedorov, aka Andy_F. This device became a continuation of the Kvazar line on microcontrollers, in this case on the controller of the STM32 family.

In this article, we will look at its characteristics, field tests and consider the materials that we may need in case we wish to make it ourselves. Many more people are interested in such a question, does he distinguish metals? But here it is noticeable to the naked eye that the metal detector quasar arm (quasar arm) with discrimination.

Specifications Quasar Arm:

  • The supply voltage is from 6 to 15 volts.
  • Current consumption - an average of 150 to 200 mA, depending on the settings.
  • Multitonality is present.
  • Sector masks are present.
  • Operating modes - dynamics and statics.
  • Operating frequency - it all depends on the sensor, from 4 to 20 kHz.
  • The principle of operation is single-frequency, IB.

These are not all characteristics, but they give a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe device. If you have not yet turned around and are ready to assemble the quasar arm with your own hands, then let's analyze what we need to assemble it.

Quasar arm diagram

Let's talk about the scheme md quasar arm, it will be provided below. In general, this is a rather complicated device and it is not suitable for beginners, here you need to understand the processes and have soldering experience. This is how the quasar arm diagram looks like:

By the way, we are enclosing a list of parts for this device, save it so as not to lose it.

Quasar arm board

Now let's talk about the printed circuit board, it looks like this:

Well, there is nothing to say here, download, print and etch. Note that some are interested in ordering boards from China. There is such an opportunity, there are manufacturers on the same Aliexpress, just write to them in a personal, throw off the fee in .lay, pay and wait until they send it. The boards are made on professional equipment and are of decent quality. The disadvantages of this method are that most do not work individually (I got from 5 pieces), and the price for a large number is already quite high. But if you order for sale or with friends, then there is no problem.

coil quasar arm

So we moved on to the moment of making a coil for a quasar arm metal detector, it was decided not to describe everything, but to show a video. Because it’s better to see once than hear 100 times, well, in this case, read it. This 20-minute video tells how to make a sensor with your own hands, about coil mixing and much more, there are also useful comments under the video.

Here is the diagram, it is the same as in previous versions of the device.

Quasar arm setting

Now let's talk about what the setup of the quasar arm metal detector is. Just like that, the device will not work, or it will not work correctly. You need to make settings, of which there are a lot in it, you also need to be able to calibrate the device and tune out from the ground.

It's all a long song, if everything is described. And again the saying about what is better to see once comes to mind. So we are putting together a fairly detailed video about its settings.

This video is from a fairly competent person who assembles these gadgets. And to paint each item of its settings - it makes no sense, a monkey's work in general. If you can't set it up, then watch this video. We talked about setting up the MD quasar, learned how to set it up, and moved on.

firmware quasar arm

As for the firmware, version 2.2.3 is now relevant, if you need an earlier one, then visit the author's website. Now about how to flash a quasar arm. We will attach a video, of course there is an older firmware, but the principle is the same, there is nothing to paint here either.

Quasar arm block

You can make a block yourself by making it from any beautiful box. They also sell ready-made boxes for the quasar, they are made to size and have a beautiful look. Good blocks are sold on Chinese sites, there is also a fairly large selection. Here is the sticker for the device:

So, the block of the metal detector quasar arm was dismantled, let's move on.

Quasar arm instruction

This is not a simple device and you can not do without instructions. In the manual you will find troubleshooting, answers to many questions, for example: repair of a quasar arm, problems with a weak sensor and input amplifier, information on a quasar arm with fm and other malfunctions of this metal shocker. Also, if the video is not enough for you, then there will be information on the quasar arm menu.

Metal detector quasar arm reviews

I believe that if you read this article, then everything is clear. A good and high-quality unit is this Quasar arm. Of course, there are some nuances, but in terms of parameters it surpasses many industrial units. I would like to note that if you purchase a ready-made device, then treat the choice of the artist very well. Because the quality directly depends on the assembly, but the prices for this device are different from manufacturers. We do not recommend taking from those who sell used or individual schemes (not a store and not a master), you may be left without support if the seller disappears. Find those who have a lot of reviews.

Quasar arm video

Here are a couple of videos from the quasar arm, here is a cop with it and video tests. Take a look and see if you need it. Also a comparison video - Koschey 25k against a quasar arm.

So we figured out how to make a quasar arm metal detector with our own hands, I hope the article was useful for you.

KVAZAR ARM (Quasar ARM) - is a metal detector with direct processing, developed on a modern basis using an ARM processor.

The main characteristics of the device:

  • Sensor DD 30x32 cm 6-11 kHz.
  • Multi-level display backlight is adjustable.
  • Voiceover is multi-tonal with the ability to select voiceover options in relation to search conditions.
  • Targeting function (pinpointer).
  • Metal Discrimination - grouped into 16 sectors, three sectors go to ferrous metal, the rest to non-ferrous.
  • The ability to mask each of the 16 sectors, Masking unnecessary metals.
  • Ground balance setting is automatic, with manual adjustment if necessary.
  • device microprocessor, based on STM32 (fast signal processing).
  • Device weight: 1.3 kg fully assembled.
  • Numerical display of VDI on the display.
  • Information is displayed on a liquid crystal display and contains readings - supply voltage, battery charge, VDI scale (upper), "slider-scale" distance to the target, mask (metal type).
  • Adjustable bar.
  • Possibility of installing/changing software, in-circuit programming of the device is provided (this item must be performed by a specially trained person with the necessary equipment and skills). Until now, they have been released with firmware 2.1.8 and 2.1.9, but in practice they made sure that 2.1.4 is currently the best of the existing ones.

The main characteristics of this assembly:

  • Samsung 2600 lithium-ion battery(real capacity) mAh 3.7 V;
  • power converter-stabilizer DC-DC 3.7-6.3 V;
  • collapsible, adjustable rod, lower part - shock-resistant plastic, upper part - high-strength aluminum;
  • quality board, factory-made, double-sided with a protective mask and metallization of holes.


  • 2 kopecks 1817 = 30 cm (in the ground);
  • 1 ruble 1817 = 45 cm (in the ground);
  • average detection range by air = 30-55 cm for coins;
  • large metal objects up to 150 cm;
  • maximum depth (car) - 2 meters;
  • cuts nails and other debris


  • Coil 6-11 kHz, DD 30x32 cm.
  • Control block.
  • Collapsible bar.
  • The battery is lithium-ion.
  • Charger.
  • User manual.

Do-it-yourself Quasar ARM metal detector

Metal detector Quasar ARM is a balanced selective metal detector with metal discrimination and an LCD screen. Kvazar ARM is a continuation of the project of a metal detector based on the AT Mega32 microprocessor "Kvazar AVR". The updated circuit of the device uses a more powerful ARM32 microcontroller, and additional features are implemented, the description of which will be given below.

Technical characteristics of the Quasar ARM metal detector:

  • Power supply 6-9 V
  • The principle of operation is single-frequency, IB.
  • Operating frequency - from 4 to 20 kHz;
  • Indication - sound multi-tone, and visual LCD screen
  • Coin detection depth 5 kop. USSR (with coil DD 23 cm) - 30 cm.

  • Electronic compensation to eliminate coil imbalance.
  • FM modulator for wireless headphones
  • Coil current adjustment unit
  • Self-diagnosis of the device when turned on

Scheme of the Quasar ARM metal detector

PCB Quasar ARM

This board is made for surface-mounted elements (SMD), which significantly saves time and money for the manufacture of the Quasar AWP metal detector. The board has cutouts for installing coil and power connectors. The board dimensions are designed for a very common Gainta 1910 case

Parts list Quasar AWP

Instructions for assembling the board Quasar ARM from the author of the board

Metal detector board Quasar ARM rev.05а designed for self-assembly of the Quasar ARM selective metal detector. The scheme differs from the author's by some modifications:

  • The protection against reverse polarity of the power connection has been modified to take into account the minimum voltage drop in this node.
  • An electronic power off of the device is provided from the front panel with a button. In the off state, the metal detector does not consume current, thus eliminating the consumption when the device is turned off.
  • The display is powered by a separate voltage stabilizer, the voltage level of the display 3.3 V or 5 Volts is selected by the type of voltage regulator installed.
  • On the board, it is possible to assemble a current adjustment unit in a search sensor
  • The board has the ability to assemble an FM transmitter unit for connecting wireless headphones
  • The board is designed for installation in the factory serial case Gainta G1910

Do-it-yourself board assembly quasar workstation

The fee is collected in several stages:

1) Assemble the battery reverse polarity protection circuit, the power-on circuit, solder the power stabilizers. Check the assembled nodes for operability. Power management: briefly press the power button - the power turns on. Press and hold the button - the power to the board is turned off.

2) Assemble the rest of the device, wash the board using special tools or an ultrasonic bath.
3) Flash the STM32 processor via USART or SWD interface.
4) Connect the display, turn on the device, adjust the screen contrast
5) When you install an FM transmitter, the sound automatically switches to it, you need to turn off the FM transmitter in the settings menu to output sound to the speaker.
6) Connect the device to the search sensor, set it up, check its operation.

Some nuances when assembling the board:

Jumper JC2 shorts out when

  • You do not install the FM transmitter on the board or the version of the selected firmware is lower than 2.2.2, in this case, if you do not install the JC2 jumper, the sound will not be output to the speaker

Jumper JC1 is shorted when:

  • You do not assemble the current adjustment unit in the search sensor (circled with a yellow marker), while you need to install a stabilizer (green marker) LM1117-5.0 and a 10 Ohm resistor R10, in the case when the unit is assembled you need to install LM1117-ADJ and R10 5, 1 Ohm

Display Power Stabilizer:

  • For a regular LCD display, it is recommended to install a stabilizer LM1117-5.0, for OLED - LM1117-3.3

Mounting the display on the metal detector board

Elements of the FM transmitter in highlighted with a yellow marker, the elements indicated by the green arrow should be soldered in any case.

Assembly in the case and fixing the board:

  • Install the board on the back of the case and mark the holes, drill holes for eat power supply and coil connection
  • Paste extra. racks according to the chosen height 3 or 2 mm
  • Install connectors and speaker
  • Install and fix the metal detector board

  • Cut holes for the display, buttons according to the drilling in the top cover. The hole for the headphone jack is marked in fact

(circuit upgrade)

metal detectorQuasar-ARM, one of the most popular digital instruments today.

This one is very good, and you can verify this by typing the appropriate name in an Internet search engine or on YouTube ...

And yet, of course, the device has weak points, which we will modernize.

Let's start with the device diagram.

Let's start with the modernization of the device generator, or rather the Tx buildup circuit.

The signal from the microcontroller through the resistance R17 1 kΩ goes to the level matching circuit made on BC846 transistors, then the signal goes to a circuit similar to the Mosfett “driver” (controlling the opening and closing of field effect transistors in the IRF7105 assembly) ...

Everything seems to be fine, everything works, we see satisfied users. But here's the problem - not always in the parts market we are offered good and cheap items. Often this is unreliable China, and most importantly - if you take a cheap device (cheaper than competitors), then this means exactly cheap components.

So, this node personally in my practice has already failed 3 times. I had to change the BC846 transistor, and it also came to replacing the IRF7105 itself.

More than a dozen elements work in this node, which means that the possibility of a breakdown of at least one of the 10 elements is fraught with the failure of the entire device.

What to do?

There are several options. One of them is to send a signal from R17 through the 74HC14 chip element. This is how cascades of devices such as Thunderstorm or Anker and others work. Worked for many years and no complaints.

But how justified is this? But what if this is not quite the right step?

Well ... looking through the information on the Internet, I, not without the help of my good friends, found a specialized microcircuit - TC4420 (it can be similar to it).

This mikruha in the SOIC-8 package already has both a driver and a field assembly for a load of up to 1.5 Amperes!

The result is 1 mikruha instead of 10 parts. Everything ingenious is simple!

Scheme of the modified cascade.

Of course, you can not stop at this and painlessly throw out C4, VD2, VD3, as well as replace the resistor R2 (10 Ohm) with an acceptable current in the Tx coil (up to 1-2 Ohm). Then the current in the coil will increase ...

However, experiments with R2 showed that the sensitivity of the device when the coil current Tx changes from 50 mA to 80 mA increases by only 3-5 cm, for a coin of 5 kopecks of the USSR. But the gluttony of the device is growing, which means that the batteries will be discharged faster ...

There is something to think about here. To begin with, the sensitive part of the U1A receive amplifier is sensitive to everything on both inputs (legs 2 and 3). So the quality of the signal (reference voltage) must be perfect.

But as always, not everything is as perfect as we would like. Often, now on the radioelement market, the MCP6022 chip is made in China and of dubious quality. She shows such "symptoms" - noise at the output of U1B, up to saturation (+3.3 Volts). Moreover, the device works perfectly if it works no more than 30 minutes-1.5 hours. And there is a breakdown, with long work.

Everything falls into place if you warm up the microcircuit (for example, with a soldering iron 8 legs MCP6022 (+3.3 Volts). But this is only a temporary salvation, because

The solution to the problem is to replace the Chinese MCP6022 chip with an AD8606 (American company Analog Devices), or a real Microchip MCP6022.

The second problem with this node is 10 uF SMD capacitors. Which are often so bad that they don’t even hold such a voltage (1.65 Volts) and modern or immediately fly out, turning simply into a resistor.

The solution is to replace it with SMD tantalum polar capacitors in the required size.

Changes to the “correct” sensor of the device are only in the process so far ... The rest has already been tested and is working.

And finally ... minor changes in the scheme, which can be neglected.

You can remove unnecessary nodes for programming from the boards, leaving only one (I use SWD), as well as a contrast adjustment circuit on the LCD screen - if you use OLED screens.

Photos - before - and after changes.

Good luck to everyone in instrumentation and search. May your Quaza-ARM will bring you cool finds and mood!

Alexander Serbin (Kharkov)