Dimensions of carports. A simple do-it-yourself carport

In the old days, a traveler, returning home, first of all led the horse into the stall, and only then he himself went up to the house. Now the horses are iron, they do not ask for oats, but they also need protection from hail and dampness. And it is not at all necessary to build a capital garage for the car. At the cottage, there is a fairly wide, reliable canopy that you can build with your own hands from the available materials: wood, cellular polycarbonate and a profile pipe. This is an interesting task for skilled hands, and in order for the work to be argued, we have attached photos and detailed drawings to the article.

Even rocks are destroyed under the influence of the environment, and even more complex equipment. Of course, the car will not become unusable in a week, but the following factors will shorten its age day by day:

  • raindrops will sooner or later flow into places where they can start rusting;
  • hail will inevitably leave dents on the roof and hood;

The canopy will reliably protect the car from rain.
  • dust will clog all the cracks, for example, in the grooves for glass, within mirrors and headlights, which will affect the appearance of the car;
  • the summer sun will burn out the paint on the upholstery of the seats and things left in the cabin, worsen the physical properties of the tires.

A country carport for a car is shading and good ventilation, the absence of leaves and bird blots on the windshield.

Build it for your pet: it's simple, functional and reliable.

Advice. Position the canopy in a place where water does not stagnate and you will be satisfied with the condition of the rubber.

Canopy materials

Structurally, the canopy consists of two parts: a frame and a roof, and the most important part of the work is the construction of a reliable frame. You should think carefully about the choice of material for the base of the future canopy, since it will be more difficult to replace it than the roof. There are three options to choose from.

The roof of the canopy is usually made either from a profiled sheet or from. In the second case, the canopy will look more aesthetic, more airy, however, in areas where there is a high probability of large hail, it is advisable to immediately purchase a more expensive grade of polycarbonate with a special protective film.

Advice. If you replace polycarbonate with a durable awning and remove it for the winter, then the eternal problem: how to find time to come to the country to remove snow - will be solved by itself.

Site preparation

If you do everything wisely, then you should start with organizing a place not above the car, but under it. Having chosen a site convenient for the race, you need to cut off the entire turf, remove the soil to a depth of 12-15 cm and make a pillow of sand and gravel using a compactor. Along the way, you can equip a small slope, and if the terrain is low, then along the perimeter. After the canopy is ready, any parking floor can be laid on this pillow.

Under a heavy SUV, it is recommended to equip a reinforced concrete screed. To do this, they build a plank formwork, pour it to the middle with concrete, lay a reinforcing mesh and add concrete. For complete hardening of such a site, it will take at least a month.

Plans for a carport - where to start

Any construction work requires drawings. Put the car in the place intended for it and carefully measure the length and width of the future canopy. Mark the locations of the supports, check if they will interfere with parking and opening doors. Please note that the roof can protrude beyond the perimeter of the supports by 0.5-1 m.

Draw all this on paper in projections from the side and from above and calculate the required amount of material. Add about 10% so that you do not have to break away from work and go buy more.

Carport drawing

In addition to a steel pipe (or a wooden beam - which was chosen for the frame), you will need concrete to fill the base of the supports, and from the tools:

  • saw, hammer, nails (for working with timber);
  • grinder and welding machine (for working with a pipe);
  • level and plumb;
  • pegs and twine (any long rope, cord);
  • shovel;
  • clamps;
  • self-tapping screws with a press washer;
  • screwdriver

We build a canopy - step by step instructions

When working, be sure to use a level and plumb line, carefully measure and check all lines. The sequence of operations during the construction of the frame is as follows.

Attention! If you have a pipe bender and want to get a beautiful semicircular roof, keep in mind that corrugated board will not work in this case, only polycarbonate.

How to lay out the floor under a canopy

What the wheels of the car will rest on depends on your preferences and the general style of the cottage. The options may be:

  • grass (sown or rolled lawn);
  • gravel crumb;
  • paving slabs;
  • clinker brick;
  • asphalt.

Another great option is . These are either special tiles with a hole in the center, or a rigid plastic grate. Tiles are laid on a sand cushion with a rubber mallet, seams and holes are covered with sand or a mixture of sand and soil, lawn grass is sown. It is possible not to sow - the wind will cause seeds.

Pavement parking space

Under the grate, the soil is usually prepared in this way: sand and gravel cushion, geotextile, 2-3 cm of sand. They lay out the lattice modules, fasten them, sprinkle the soil and sow the lawn mixture, as a rule, from bluegrass, fescue and bent grass. The advantages of eco-parking are that instead of a gravel or concrete bald spot in your yard, you will get another piece of lawn, but there will be no ruts from the car on it.

The construction of a canopy in a summer cottage will justify itself even in the absence of a car. Under it you can put motorcycles, bicycles, boats, kayaks, wheelbarrows and just garden tools.

Do-it-yourself carport: video

What motorists do not come up with and invent for storing a car in the courtyard of the estate, from altering a barn to arranging a frame garage, although the solution to the problem clearly lies on the surface - it is easier and cheaper to build a wooden carport. Today it is the safest and most affordable way to store equipment. A wooden canopy for a car may not be inferior, but in some ways even surpass the “warm” box.

Pros and cons of wooden carports

It is clear that in terms of strength and durability, a wooden structure is inferior to metal or brickwork, and this is the most significant drawback of such solutions. But it is easy to fix and mostly compensate for using modern protection technologies. Therefore, the right choice of design and special processing can make wooden carports no less durable.

If you list the positive aspects, then they will be much more:

  • A carport made of wood will cost less than metal, even taking into account the cost of additional wood processing, the total construction estimate will be 30-35% of the cost of a welded structure;
  • Most of the work is quite capable of doing on their own. Wooden parts are easier to process and install on the frame, cut, cut, drill, assemble into a finished structure;
  • There is a real opportunity to make a wooden carport beautiful, warm and comfortable.

Even if this is a building for a summer residence or a country house, the appearance of a beautiful canopy will certainly improve the appearance of the estate.

Note! If you believe the statistics, then most of the motorists prefer wooden awnings. They are lighter than steel, do not require such a massive base for the foundation, and do not create a rain of condensate drops on early autumn mornings.

It is quite possible to convert a wooden carport for storing a car into a temporary storage place for things and agricultural machinery, or you can simply use it for evening gatherings in the country.

Types of wooden carports

It is clear that each car owner prefers to choose the type and design of the carport, which, in his opinion, is most convenient for everyday use and does not require a radical re-planning of the area in front of the house.

Requirements for a carport

But still, the correct selection of the protective structure for the machine and its location on the site remains the main problem of construction. The choice of a wooden carport for a summer cottage should take into account additional factors. After all, this is not a gazebo, and not a covered terrace for relaxing, and the conditions for storing a car are different from those required for a comfortable pastime.

The design of a carport made of wood must satisfy three main conditions:

  • The platform for the protective canopy should be built with a slight drain slope, with gutters for draining water. There should be no puddles under the machine, even after the heaviest rains, while the descending water should not fall on the wooden posts of the canopy;
  • Drops of water flowing from the slopes must not fall on the machine. The slopes of the canopy must be large enough so that the wind does not throw moisture from the roof under the roof and onto the lining of the machine;
  • The wooden canopy should be located on the site in such a way that the space under the roof is constantly blown by a small breeze.

The last requirement is most important to ensure the safety of the car, so wooden sheds cannot be built in the back corners of the site, planted with bushes or, even worse, lined with transparent plastic, nets and rail gratings.

Note! Sometimes car owners put up canopies on wooden structures with a polycarbonate roof. In this case, you can only use honeycomb brands with an ultraviolet protection function, otherwise the wood, like the rubber parts of the car, will quickly fail.

Those techniques that are used to equip gazebos and terraces are not used in car sheds. To store a car, it is important that there is no moisture under the roof, dryness and good ventilation, which also affects the durability of the wooden roof structure. The better the tree of the car canopy frame is blown and ventilated, the more durable the building will be.

Types of carports

Traditionally, the selection of a suitable option begins with an assessment of already implemented projects of wooden carports. In this way, useful ideas can be gleaned in the design of a car frame, it is easier than planning and designing a circuit from scratch.

Several types of hinged structures are best suited for storing the machine:

  • Classic gable version with metal, wooden or stone supports;
  • Arched arc roofs made of transparent polycarbonate on wooden pillars, reinforced with transverse beams;
  • Flat canopies on monostands, such schemes are used as extensions to a house or utility block on the site.

In each case, you have to understand and analyze the design in order to understand why this or that option for storing the machine is interesting.

Photo of wooden carports (pick up a photo)

The main advantage of using wood is its versatility. No matter which project is chosen for the canopy, thanks to the wooden frame, it will always look very presentable.

You can build a flat roof on a wooden monopole, it will turn out unusual and interesting, however, it is not very convenient for a car.

For fans of an unusual design, it is quite possible to perform a roof on wooden curved beams with arc braces.

A parking space for a car with a wooden chalet-style canopy looks good.

For lovers of the classics, parking for a car under arched polycarbonate roofs on wooden arches is suitable. Despite the external simplicity, it is not easy to build such a canopy option, but it protects the car perfectly.

The car is protected from rain, snow and gusts of wind, and a good location on the site will ensure a reliable exit even with large snowdrifts.

How to make a carport with your own hands from wood

For country car storage, as a rule, they choose a relatively simple and at the same time practical version of the roof. If you can improvise and come up with your own schemes in how the supports are made, then in terms of the wooden frame of the roof, it is still better to use a ready-made canopy project for a car made of wood than to count with your own hands.

wooden carport project

The roof hanging over the car must be strong, as it will have to withstand a fairly massive layer of snow, and at the same time reliable. The risk of damage to the car is not as terrible as the threat to the health of the driver and passengers. Therefore, the best option would be to order a ready-made drawing of a gable carport made of wood from specialists, or use the dimensions and materials shown in the diagrams and photos below.

The project uses a gable roof on eleven pairs of rafters coated with ondulin or metal tiles. Unlike flat and single-slope wooden canopies, this double-slope version is not afraid of gusts of wind and heavy snowfalls, which means that the carport can be located in a place convenient for the arrival of the car.

In addition, a strong truss system and the presence of braces supporting the top trim of the racks make the wooden frame so rigid that tools for servicing and washing the car can be stored on the floor beams.

Preparing to build a wooden carport

To build a protective carport, you can use almost any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe adjacent territory, but it is best to choose a place on the leeward side of the house. Thus, exhaust fumes and odors from the car will not disturb residents and guests.

The second important condition will be the planning of rainwater runoff. It is clear that it is possible to lay asphalt or paving slabs, but most often gravel filling of the surface is used to store the car in the country, and there is less dirt, there will be no puddles under a wooden canopy.

To make a wooden roof frame you will need:

  • A beam with a section of 100x100 mm for the manufacture of wooden supports and strapping of the supporting beams of the roof;
  • Board - fifty for the manufacture of rafter struts;
  • Plywood or OSB, if the gables of the roof will be sewn up in a “deaf” way.

Thin-sheet plywood - a dozen will need to be used to equip a continuous roof sheathing. In addition, you will need a garden drill, saw, hammer, nails and marking tool.

Since the wooden frame is built from timber and slats, the materials will need to be bought ahead of time, dried and treated with protective impregnations.

Foundation laying

For preparation, the first step is to cut the turf and the fertile soil layer to a depth of at least 20 cm. Subsequently, at the end of the work, the heels of the wooden racks of the canopy are treated with tar, geotextiles are covered at the bottom of the site and covered with a layer of sand and gravel.

After cleaning, it will be necessary to mark and punch holes for concreting wooden beams under the canopy racks. For the correct application of the installation points of the beam, a device called a bench or a cast-off is used, as in the diagram.

According to the marking cords, places for racks are determined and wells are drilled to a depth of at least 80-90 cm. Installed wooden supports are temporarily strengthened with struts and concreted.

Building a wooden frame

The assembly of the frame begins with trimming the heads of the wooden supports, the beams of the horizontal roof strapping are laid on the ends of the wooden racks and the struts from the fifty-fifty board are sewn on.

Next, pairs of rafters are assembled, it is best to do this on a template made of metal or the remains of wooden slats. As a rule, the height of the canopy above the machine is chosen so that at least 40 cm remain from the roof to the horizontal beam.

Assembling the roof frame will require a couple of ladders and maybe even a couple of collapsible scaffolding. Therefore, it would be right to bring all the necessary tools to the dacha ahead of time, since it is impossible to leave a wooden canopy in a semi-assembled state.

Roof installation

Roofing is laid from the stairs. After assembling the rafters, plywood is sewn onto the beams, and the coating can be laid. If the wooden canopy is covered with bituminous tiles, then the plywood will need to be impregnated with a primer and a lining carpet will be laid.

Metal slate or metal tiles must be laid on a crate lined with waterproofing, otherwise the machine will be regularly flooded with condensate.

In the device of a wooden structure with a canopy for storing the car, the gables of the roof can be made completely closed. Typically, this solution is resorted to in order to avoid casting rainwater through the gable. Everything seems to be correct, but in this case, a cloud of exhaust gases forms under a wooden canopy when the engine of the car is running.

Over time, the under-roof surface of the roof begins to rust, and wooden parts may crack due to condensation. To avoid stagnation, air vents and ventilation windows can be made on the roof.


The simplest wooden carport is built by a team of three people in three days. You can speed up the process if most of the parts are cut out in a carpentry workshop, transported to the country house and installed in a couple of days off, as soon as the foundation is ready.

Parking a car is a big problem for a person living in a large city, however, in a private house you may encounter some problems, for example, if you do not want to leave the car under the scorching sun or hail, but you do not have money for a garage. In this case, you can resort to a cheap way to protect the car from external influences - a canopy. It is quite simple to make such a canopy, and everyone will cope with the costs of it. In this article, we will analyze in detail how to make a carport with your own hands in order to get reliable and attractive protection for your car.

Carport size

For successful construction, first of all, it is necessary to draw up a plan for future construction. To do this, you can use the drawings of ready-made carports, or prepare them yourself.

In both cases, the most difficult step is determining the size of the canopy. The fact is that the dimensions of different cars can differ significantly, and making a universal canopy is simply not rational, so the dimensions of the canopy are determined depending on the car.

We determine the dimensions:

  • The optimal height for any car with the exception of trucks is 2.5 meters;
  • The width of the canopy should be at least 1 m greater than the width of the car: a margin of half a meter will make it easy to park;
  • The length of the canopy can also be done with a margin of a meter, however, to protect against oblique rain and snow, it is better to make a larger margin.

When making a canopy for several cars, follow the same instructions, but do not forget about the distance between the cars, which can also be made equal to 1 m. In this case, it is necessary to determine the length by the longest car.

Frame materials

Most often, private traders build a canopy for a car from a bar, because. this is a relatively inexpensive and reliable material, however, it is better to use round or rectangular pipes for the arch. From the pipes you can make the supports themselves.

Brick or stone can also serve as a material for the construction of columns. Typically, columns made of such material are very massive, so you should not resort to them in small areas. It is also worth understanding that this is not a universal material, so make sure that the stone columns fit into the design of your home.

If brick or stone is great for your home style, but you don't want to make the columns too large, then you can use the two options above at once, making the base of stone and the top of wood.

Metal and wood need additional processing before they can be used. The tree must be impregnated with flame retardant and antiseptic, which will significantly extend the life of the canopy, as well as protect it from fire.

The beam can be fixed in two ways. The most effective, but time-consuming, is fastening on studs to concrete posts poured into the ground. So you will avoid the rapid decay of wood in the ground, as well as the formation of various distortions.

The second way is much simpler, but less reliable. Wooden posts can simply be buried in the ground, but in this case it is necessary to use special impregnations designed to protect the wood in the ground. Here you can save money and use mining by soaking the ends of the timber in it for a couple of days.

Using a metal profile, clean it of rust and coat it with a primer. After welding, treat the seams with a special compound and paint in two layers.

Roof types

Most often, a shed roof is used for a canopy, because. it does not require large financial and time costs. When making a shed carport with your own hands, it is better to attach it to the house: this way you will additionally save on several columns that you will replace with the wall of the house.

Free-standing canopies are also made with a shed roof, but this is much more complicated than the previous version. When making a shed roof, do not forget about its slope. In regions with frequent precipitation, 8-10° is recommended. The lower level of the slope should be located on the south side so that there is more shade, but this rule can be neglected. The southern opening of the canopy is recommended to be sewn up or planted with tall plants.

Also often used for a canopy vaulted roof. For the organization of such a roof, we recommend using polycarbonate. A polycarbonate canopy for a car looks aesthetically pleasing and fully fulfills its functions. Thanks to its smooth surface, precipitation will easily come off the roof, and its light weight and flexibility make it easy to install.

A canopy with a gable roof is one of the rarest options. The design is complex, and the end result is no better than a shed or vaulted roof. If you still decide to make a gable roof, use metal, because. it will make the design much easier. In the same way, you can make a do-it-yourself firewood shed, which will be convenient and attractive.

The choice of roofing material

Choosing a material for the roof is quite easy: if you attach a canopy to the house, then its roof should be made from the same material. Sheathing for a canopy is done in the same way as for a house. Under soft materials, for example, ondulin, make a solid crate, and under hard materials - sparse. You can make a canopy to the house from a metal profile with your own hands, which will reduce costs. The pitch between boards is usually specified by the manufacturer of the roofing material.

You can also build a carport using polycarbonate, which we talked about above. When choosing such a material, make sure that it is multi-chamber: at least two rows of cells and three rows of plastic, so that on hot days it protects the car from heating.

The degree of light absorption also plays a huge role. To keep cool under the canopy, choose dark materials with strong light absorption.

How to lay out a platform for a carport

When making a carport, you also need to make a platform under it. The cheapest and easiest option to perform is to fill it with rubble. To do this, simply remove the turf, dig in the curb, then pour in the rubble and tamp. So you will achieve a rigid platform in which ruts do not form.

The second option is the laying of paving stones and paving slabs under a canopy. As a result, you will get a durable and beautiful coating, but you will have to spend a round sum of money on it, as well as a lot of time and effort.

Work order:

  1. Dig a pit 20-25 cm deep;
  2. Pour crushed stone on the bottom and carefully tamp (for this you can use a tamping plate);
  3. It is recommended to lay a layer of geotextile on the crushed stone, which will prevent the penetration of sand into the crushed stone, thereby reducing the chance of subsidence of the base under the wheels of the car;
  4. Pour a layer of sand on crushed stone or geotextile and carefully tamp;
  5. Lay paving slabs or its analogues in the sand.

The last option is concrete pouring. Such a site is less attractive than the second option and more reliable than the first. In terms of price and time, concrete pouring will cost much cheaper than paving slabs.

It is done as follows:

  1. Prepare the base of crushed stone, as in the previous version;
  2. Make a formwork and lay wooden boards on the rubble at a distance of 1m;
  3. Make a 3-4 mm thick wire mesh with a 10 by 10 cm cage;
  4. Lay the mesh between the boards and fill with concrete of at least M 250 grade.

Don't forget the slope if you need water flow. The thickness of the concrete layer should be at least 7 cm, but it makes no sense to make more than 10 cm.

How to assemble a carport attached to the house - blueprints

It is quite simple to make drawings of carports for cars with your own hands: take the dimensions of your case and fit it to the finished template. On this, the drawing will be ready, but not everyone will be able to properly assemble the structure so that it lasts for many years, so we offer you detailed instructions for assembling a canopy attached to the house:

  1. Dig holes below the level of soil freezing (usually 1.5 m will be enough), make a step between the canopy pillars about 2 m;
  2. Lay a waterproofing sleeve in the pits, as well as a frame of 10 mm rod with welded mortgages;
  3. Fill the sleeves with concrete;
  4. Sand and impregnate the timber;
  5. When the concrete hardens, start assembling the frame of the carport: set the posts and the top trim according to the level;
  6. Attach the support board to the wall of the house so that you get a slope of 8-10 °;
  7. Prepare the beams (board 50 by 200 mm): cut the corners at an angle, and also make grooves for the size of the beam;
  8. Fasten the beams in 40 cm increments to the support board with U-shaped fasteners, and nail obliquely to the beam or use corners;
  9. Next, assemble the crate. If you use soft roofing material, make it from OSB; if using hard materials, use a board with a pitch suitable for the purchased material;
  10. Lay roofing material.

This completes the assembly of the canopy for a car from a bar, as you can see, it is quite simple to do this.

Do-it-yourself polycarbonate canopy assembly

As mentioned above, frame carports are often made using polycarbonate, so we will analyze this option in detail. Also in this case we will use not a bar, but metal pipes.


  1. As in the previous version, dig holes to the level of soil freezing, install a waterproofing capsule and a metal profile according to the level;
  2. Fill the capsule with concrete and let it dry, be careful not to change the vertical profile, we recommend fixing it to the reinforcements driven in nearby;
  3. Weld the top trim;
  4. Bend the profile on the pipe bender to get the required radius - rise at the highest point;
  5. Assemble the truss by welding a straight pipe to the ends of a curved one and reinforcing the structure with transverse pipes;
  6. Weld the finished trusses, keeping the diagonal and vertical;
  7. Make a crate: weld profile pipes with dimensions of 50 by 25 mm to the trusses in increments of 1 m;
  8. Fix the polycarbonate with screws with special thermal washers, connect two sheets with a special profile;
  9. Install plugs on the edges of the polycarbonate so that dust, midges, and moisture do not accumulate inside, which will later lead to the formation of mold.


Now you know how to make a carport from a bar and a metal profile with your own hands. Do not forget that the reliability of any building depends not only on the quality of the work done, but also on the quality of the raw materials, so do not take low-quality cement, rotting timber, as well as cheap impregnations for it.

Today we will talk about how to make a carport on your own, because the owners of summer cottages who use cars to visit them are wondering how to protect their “steel horse” from exposure to the sun and precipitation, and just canopies can solve this problem.

The car seems to be able to stand idle under the scorching sun without problems, but the effect on its paintwork of ultraviolet rays is negative.

In the conditions of summer cottages, it is not always advisable to build a full-fledged garage for parking a car, given that it will be expensive and will take up part of the territory of the site.

But there is a way out for those who want to protect the car in the country. Many people use a carport that can protect the car from the sun, rain, etc.

Why canopy?

The canopy is really the best option for a country house or summer cottage. There are a number of advantages of using such buildings over garages:

  • The construction will cost less than a garage, since it does not require a lot of materials;
  • The erection is fast;
  • Able to protect the car from rain and sun;
  • The car is available, no need to constantly open and close the gate;
  • It is used not only for parking a car, you can always install sun loungers, chairs, tables under it.

The canopy can be a temporary building if the construction of a full-fledged garage is planned in the future, but finances do not yet allow this to be done. Moreover, it can also be installed at the location of the future garage.

Even if the summer cottage is used only in the summer and a garage is not provided, the carport can be used to repair a car, which is convenient, especially when it rains.

Structural types

Two types of canopies are usually built in summer cottages, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Stationary separate building;
  2. An extension to a house or other building.

The stationary canopy is installed on a separate territory of the site, and is a separate building. In the future, it can also be used as a covered recreation area.

The dimensions of such a building depend on the territory allotted for it, it can be designed for 2-3 cars.

With a creative approach, it can become an architectural addition to the structures of the building and fit into the overall look. But you may need additional lining of the sidewalls to protect against slanting rains.

A canopy in the form of an extension is used more often in areas where the territory is insignificant. Convenient, compact, and requires less materials for manufacturing. If sidewall sheathing is required, then only on one side, since the wall of the building will play the role of one sidewall.

But when installing it, you may need to drill the wall to tie the canopy frame to the wall.

The sequence of actions during construction

The algorithm of actions for the construction of any type of canopy is the same.

It is worth noting that now fully prefabricated metal canopies are already being sold, which you just need to assemble correctly, but it will cost more than a self-made one.

Types of material for covering

Fabric awning.

A variety of materials are used for covering. The cheapest and simplest is a canvas or fabric awning.

In general, making a tent canopy can be very simple. It is enough to make a collapsible frame, pull an awning over it and the canopy is ready.

The advantages of the awning are the speed of erection, the possibility of changing its location and dismantling, for example, for the winter period.

But the reliability of such a design is low, the material will age over time and begin to tear.

Such a canopy requires periodic costs for the purchase of a new awning. But there is an opportunity to periodically update the canopy, given that now awnings are made with patterns, different colors.


It is one of the most popular materials for covering a canopy. In terms of cost, it belongs to the middle price category. It does not require any maintenance, it is enough to properly install it on the frame. Great for permanent canopies, you can choose any color that fits well with the overall surroundings.

But corrugated board is a metal material, so the frame must be strong in order to hold the coating.


One of the most popular materials for covering such buildings. Relatively inexpensive, quite durable and lightweight. It is used to cover canopies of various shapes, since the polycarbonate sheet can easily bend. For covering, both sheets of cellular polycarbonate and monolithic are used.

Cellular polycarbonate - lightweight, more flexible, but less durable. It is required to properly lay it so that moisture is drained from the honeycombs. Monolithic polycarbonate is not very flexible, but higher in strength. Monolithic polycarbonate sheets can be placed in any position.

To the features of polycarbonate, as a shelter material, is the correctness of its fastening on the frame. In case of violation of the rules for fastening polycarbonate sheets, cracks and rapid destruction of the sheets may occur.

Metal tile.

It is also used as a material for covering a carport.

But this material is one of the most expensive and it is advisable to use it only in the manufacture of structures as an extension to the house, if the house is also covered with this material. In this case, the flooring will harmoniously fit into the overall view.

Frame material

Canopies are also divided according to the material of manufacture of the frame. As already noted, it is possible to purchase a prefabricated structure, including all elements, from racks to shelter material.

The construction of such a canopy is very fast, while it is quite durable.

You can make a prefabricated frame yourself. For this, metal structures (channels or corners) and hardware are purchased in the required amount.

Then marking is carried out, structures are cut into component parts, holes for fasteners are drilled, after which assembly is carried out.

Prefabricated structures are very convenient, because they allow you to use them only seasonally, and if necessary, completely dismantle them.

But such a frame is installed on foundation blocks so that it can be dismantled.

Metal canopies are also assembled from metal structures, but welding is used to fix the components. This type will already be a permanent building, since it will not be possible to disassemble the frame.

But when building such a structure, concreting of racks is optimal.

Prefabricated and metal frames serve for a very long time, they do not require special maintenance, only occasionally they are painted and that's it.

Wooden frames are the cheapest and easiest to assemble. For the construction, you will need only measuring tools, a hammer, nails in the right amount and a saw.

Some make combined frames. Racks are made of wood, and the roof frame is made of metal structures connected using a welding machine. Then such a frame is fixed on racks, and then shelter is made with the selected material.

But a wooden frame is not as durable as a metal frame, it will last for a dozen years, no more, then it will need to be built on a new one.

In addition, periodic maintenance will be required, which boils down to the treatment of wooden elements with protective materials that prevent the debate of the tree.

Forged frames are the most expensive. Their components are made in specialized forges. Self-assembly of such a frame is also often impossible and it is carried out by qualified workers.

But such a canopy is unique and will be practically a separate architectural solution on a country house. In the conditions of a small suburban area, it is impractical and expensive to install a forged structure.


Any construction, and a carport too, begins with the choice of type and size. The location of the vehicle should also be taken into account.

If the canopy is an extension to the building, and the car in it will be located longitudinally to the wall, then the dimensions of the structure will be smaller than with a perpendicular setting of the car.

But on the other hand, with a perpendicular position of the car, a canopy corresponding to the length of the wall can accommodate several vehicles at once.

The dimensions of the building are calculated from the dimensions of the car, and for this it is better to use the dimensions of the largest car that will be installed.

The car should not go under the canopy close to the supporting parts of the frame - this will not only provide ease of access, but also protect the car from sunlight and rain to a greater extent.

The length of the building must exceed the length of the car by more than 1 meter if it is an ordinary passenger car.

For example, the length of a sedan or hatchback is 4.0 m, while the canopy should be 5.0 m long.

For large minivans and SUVs, when determining the length, it is better to add at least 1.5 m to this parameter of a car.

The same applies to the width, the distance between the supporting parts of the frame should be 1 meter more than the width of the car.

If the canopy is built for two or more cars, you should calculate the average width, add to this value the distance from the last car to the frame rack (at least 50 cm) and 1 meter of distance between cars.

For example, the construction is done for 2 cars - one of them is 2.0 m wide, and the second is 2.5 m. The average width is 2.25 m, to this value is added two distances of 50 cm from the car to the racks and 1 m is the distance between the cars. As a result, the width of the canopy should be at least 4.25 m.

But with the height it is important not to overdo it. Under the canopy, the car should freely enter even with a box on the roof, but at the same time, you should not do a very high building either.

The optimal height is 2.5 meters, but for large SUVs it can be more. If the building is made very high, it will not be able to protect the car from slanting rains.


Now directly about the construction of the canopy.

  • Initially, the site is being prepared;
  • After that, the supporting racks are installed. Their number is determined by the size of the building. To reduce the load on the structure, it is necessary to install a rack every 2 m of the length of the canopy. That is, a building 4 m long should have 3 racks on one side, and there will be 6 in total;
  • Before manufacturing the roof frame, its shape is determined. The roof of a y can be straight with a slope on one or two sides, undulating, in the form of an arch, etc. It all depends on the imagination and the material of the shelter.

Let's analyze the simplest design - a separate wooden canopy for one medium-sized car with a polycarbonate coating and a slope to one side. The length of the canopy is 5 m, the width is 3.5 m.

So, first the site is prepared - it is leveled, concreted or asphalted, but you can simply fill it with rubble.

Since the length is 5 meters, it is better to install 4 racks with a distance of 1.25 m. This will allow you to distribute the load as much as possible, but if there are 3 racks on each side, you will have to use massive wooden columns so that they can hold the load.

On one side, the posts should be 10-15 cm higher than on the other to provide a slope.

After installing the racks on top of them, the supporting beams are fixed along. Each beam should be as long as the length of the building. To give strength to the structure, braces are made between the posts and beams.

Logs from boards are laid transversely on these beams and fixed. It remains to correctly lay polycarbonate sheets on the logs and fix them with self-tapping screws.

The final stage is decorative finishing, processing of wooden elements with water-repellent and protective agents. If necessary, walls are made from polycarbonate sheets, attaching them from the right side to the racks.

This is the simplest of the canopies that can be built on a summer cottage. With proper organization, such a building is erected in just a day, with the necessary materials and tools.


According to the reviews of those who have already acquired a canopy in their summer cottage, this building is very convenient and practical. Many people use carports not only for parking, but also as a shaded area for recreation.

There are a large number of structures used among standing canopies. Someone preferred wooden sheds, some made combined ones, but many prefer metal structures. What they did is shown in the photo.

So, if you want to protect your car from the sun and rain during your stay in the country, and there is no money and time to build a full-fledged garage, you should pay attention to carports.

They are built quickly, perform their functions perfectly, and will cost inexpensively.

Which canopy to build - you choose, the benefit of their options, as well as the materials from which they are built - a large number. But you can be sure that such a building will be useful.

To protect their car from precipitation and sunlight, many summer residents and owners of private houses build canopies with their own hands. Such a structure can be made of wood, corrugated board or sheet material. However, today the most popular is polycarbonate. It is quite easy to build strong, durable and inexpensive structures of various shapes and types from it.

Those who do not know what material to choose for a canopy, roof, visor or gazebo should pay attention to polycarbonate, which has many advantages.

Material advantages:

Cellular polycarbonate will allow you to make a design of any color and shape.

How to choose the thickness of polycarbonate panels?

When building a carport, you should not use the cheapest thin sheets. It will not work to save, because in this case, in order for the structure to turn out to be strong and stable, you will have to do a frequent step of the crate which results in additional costs.

  • for roofing large areas, material with a thickness of 16 mm is perfect;
  • for vertical surfaces it is best to use panels of 10 mm;
  • for canopies, roofs, partitions, stained-glass windows, sheets of 6-8 mm are used;
  • perfect for advertising structures, greenhouses and hotbeds material 4 mm thick.

Color and material quality

Construction markets offer panels of various degrees of transparency and colors: bronze, green, blue, milky, turquoise, etc. In order for the canopy to protect the car well from sunlight, matte sheets should be used. Transparent in this case will not work. The choice of material color can be different, it all depends on the desires of the owner.

In order not to doubt the quality of cellular polycarbonate, it is recommended to choose products from well-known brands. Such manufacturers produce reliable and environmentally friendly products having a special protective layer on their surface.

Made of high-quality polycarbonate, the canopy is able to protect the car and everything under it from ultraviolet radiation. Companies that value their reputation provide a high level of products and adhere to strict standards.

Varieties and photos of carports made of polycarbonate

The design for protecting the car can be made free-standing or attached to the house.

  1. A stationary canopy is completely mounted on racks, the step between which should be from 1-1.5 meters. The distance between the supports depends on the thickness, weight and dimensions of the material.
  2. It will save money and require less money for the construction of a canopy-extension. One side of this design rests on two racks, and the second is fixed to the wall. For reliability and good stability, the structure is recommended to be installed on a pre-poured concrete pad.

Any shape of the polycarbonate roof can be made:

  • straight;
  • wavy;
  • spherical;
  • arched.

It should be borne in mind that debris and snow can accumulate on curved structures. Therefore, it is better to build a carport so that the snow itself can drain from it. To do this, during the construction of the structure, stiffeners should be installed not along the structure, but across it.

During the construction of pitched roofs made of polycarbonate support posts are recommended to be made at different heights so that snow can be lashed from the canopy. They are also convenient because they do not have gaps and joints.

In the photo you can see arched canopies, which are very popular with car owners. Such designs have two slopes, they have no gaps and joints, and they look very beautiful.

Racks for canopies can be made of a metal profile or a wooden beam. In some cases, if the overall design of the house or yard requires it, they can be concrete, stone or brick.

How to make a polycarbonate canopy for a car with your own hands?

According to the standards, the size of the canopy should be 1-2 meters wide, and 1 meter longer than the dimensions of the car. If two cars are supposed to be placed under the building, then 1 meter on each side and 0.8 meters between them is added to the sum of the widths of the two cars.

The optimal height of a polycarbonate building is 2.2-2.5 meters. A taller structure will not protect the vehicle from rain or snow.

Preparation of materials

To build a canopy with your own hands you will need:

  1. Bearing arch. If you have a pipe bender, you can make it yourself. If there is no such tool, then the elements necessary in size can be ordered from a construction company.
  2. Profile pipe for lathing with a section of 40x20 mm.
  3. Profile pipe for runs with a section of 60x40 or 60x60 mm.
  4. Profile pipe of square section for supporting posts with a section of 80x80 mm, 100x100 mm, 60x60 mm.
  5. Crushed stone or cement-sand mixture.
  6. Press washers.
  7. Galvanized screws.
  8. Anchor bolts. They will be needed if the structure is installed on a hard surface.
  9. Cellular polycarbonate 10 mm thick.

When making an arched canopy with your own hands, you need to keep in mind that its slope angle should be more than 10 degrees.

Stages of work

First of all, support bars are installed on the platform. The distance between their axes should be equal to the width of the roof minus 240 mm. The step between them depends on climatic conditions. If large snow loads are expected, then this distance should be 1-1.5 m.

Do-it-yourself rack installation:

  1. Dig holes with a depth of 50-150 cm and a diameter of at least 150 mm.
  2. In the resulting holes install the racks and check their verticality using the building level.
  3. Fill the posts with concrete or fill them with broken bricks, gravel or crushed stone and fix with sand-cement mortar (1: 3).
  4. For about three days, the solution must be periodically watered. During this time, he will stand up and gain the desired hardness.
  5. After three days, connect the racks around the perimeter and across the width of the roof with horizontal beams.
  6. Assemble the rest of the structure, which includes the crate and arcuate profile pipes. For fixing them to load-bearing beams vertical spacers should be used.
  7. The step between the elements of the crate should be 70 cm, the distance between the arches should be up to 1 meter.

You can install the canopy frame using bolted connections or welding.

Installation of polycarbonate sheets

For mounting on a canopy, blanks are made, the length of which should be equal to the length of the arch plus 100-150 mm. Sheets can be cut circular saw blades for aluminum without removing the protective film. The material is laid with a film outside, since it is it that protects from ultraviolet rays.

Work order.

  1. Attach the lower parts of the docking profile to the arches. The distance between the elements should be equal to the pitch of the layout of the polycarbonate sheets.
  2. Drill holes in the blanks between the stiffening ribs, the diameter of which should be 2 mm larger than the mounting dimensions of the press washers.
  3. Remove the protective film from the ends of the sheet by 50 mm and insert the panels to be connected approximately 20 mm into the H-profile. In this case, a gap of 5 mm must be left between the sheets.
  4. Insert washers into the holes obtained, screw in the screws and fix the polycarbonate blanks with them. Put caps on the heads of the self-tapping screws.
  5. After the two sheets have been attached, the cover of the docking profile must be closed. For this on top of her should be tapped with a wooden mallet, and from below to hold with an emphasis. This operation must be repeated with all polycarbonate sheets.

The edges of the honeycombs of the installed material can be closed with an end profile. For reliable fastening, glue or small self-tapping screws are used.

The cut edges of polycarbonate can be closed with a special protective aluminum tape. Such a tape will protect the material from dirt, moisture and insects, and the perforation in it will facilitate the removal of condensate and prevent the penetration of dust. For better protection non-acrylic sealant can be used, smearing them with the junction of the tape and carbonate.

It is quite easy to maintain and care for the structure made of polymer plastic. You can wash it with a soft cloth or sponge with plain water, without even using any detergents for this.

For cleaning polycarbonate awnings Never use aggressive cleaning solutions, which include methanol, isopropalone, various salts, aldehydes and alkalis.

In order not to damage the UV protection layer, it is not recommended to use scratching and sharp objects when washing the canopy.

Reliable and durable polycarbonate profile is an excellent replacement for building material made of wood and metal. Its plasticity will allow you to build a structure of any shape and size. For those who want to make a carport with their own hands, you can see practical and original ideas in the photo galleries of finished projects.