Development of a lesson on general history on the topic. Italy: the time of reforms and colonial conquests Italy the time of reforms and colonial conquests abstract

MBOU Ulyanovsk secondary school

Open lesson on world history

in 8th grade

Lesson topic:

« Italy: the time of reforms and colonial conquests"

A history teacher

and social studies




year 2014


Date: 25.02.2014

Lesson Objectives :


    Educational: to promote the formation of civic thinking, awareness of the danger of nationalist propaganda

Lesson type : combined

Teaching methods : reproductive and partially exploratory

Forms of work : survey, cognitive tasks, filling in the table, analysis of a historical source

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

    Checking homework (slide 1)

    Describe the situation in France after the Franco-Prussian War.

    Describe French foreign policy

    Who represented the socialist and protest movement in France?

    Why did the Republicans win in the political struggle?

    List the democratic reforms in France.

    Preparing students for active and conscious assimilation of new material

    Heuristic conversation on previously studied material related to Italy (paragraph 17) (slide 2):

- What events and when led to the unification of Italy?

What reasons contributed to the success of the struggle to achieve this goal?

Name the leaders of Italian unification.

    Analysis of the statement of the historian of the early 20th century N.N. Kareeva about Italy: " The people were poor before the unification and remained poor after the unification" ( slide 3 ).

What do you think, on the basis of what phenomena in the development of Italy

Could N. N. Kareev draw such a conclusion?

4 .Study of new material.

- As you may have guessed, today we will talk about Italy. Open notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson. (slide 4). Today in the lesson you will get acquainted with the features of the economic, political and foreign policy development of Italy in the second half ofXIXin. The material is very bulky(see Annex 1), therefore, a table will help us to assimilate it. Take a pencil and ruler and draw it in your notebook.(slide 5)

We will fill in the table together during the lesson.

Economic development

Political system, reforms

Political parties, labor movement

Foreign policy

    Italy is a poor country. Didn't have heavy industry

    Feudal relations dominated the village

    North of Italy - capitalist relations in the countryside

    South - latifundia

    There is a dispossession and ruin of the peasants

    The main sectors of the economy are the production of grain, olives, grapes, etc. , cattle breeding.

    A feature of Italy is the active intervention of the state in economic life.

    In n. 20th century - monopolies appear

Italy - a constitutional monarchy

Legislature king Emmanuel II and

    Suffrage - men from 25 years old, able to write and read, + property qualification.

executive branch - king

1903 - 1914 - Giolitti era

    Development of trade and private enterprise

    Strengthened the state budget, reduced external debt

    Trade unions and strikes allowed

    Night work of women and teenagers is prohibited

    Abolished property and educational qualifications

    As a result of poverty in Italy, peasant uprisings often arose.

    1892 . – created COI - Italian Socialist Party (Filippe Turati)

    PURPOSE: colonial conquests, turning Italy into an empire

    80s – seizures in northeast Africa (Eritrea, Somalia)

    1895 - war with Ethiopia - Italy was defeated.

A course was set for peaceful penetration into the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean

    Italy joined the Triple Alliance in 1882.

    At the same time, Italy entered into agreements with the Entente countries.

    1911 - the capture of Tripoli and Cyrenaica

    Economic development of the country (slide 6).

    Political system, reforms ( slide 7, 8, 10 )

    Fizkultminutka ( slide 9 )

    Labor movement, parties ( slide 11 )

    Comparative analysis of historical documents ( slide 12 ). Here are two excerpts from documents from the early 20th century, compare them according to the plan proposed to you (see Appendix 2), which you see on your desks. You can work in pairs with a roommate.

1. Speaking in Parliament in 1902, deputy de Martino said: "The sky is frown over the Balkans, and events are brewing in North Africa ... On the day they happen ... Italy should not be unprepared."

2. In 1904, in the Tribuna newspaper close to government circles, one could read: “We are fatally locked up in Gibraltar, in Malta, in Egypt England is in charge, in Algeria and Tunisia - France. Austria-Hungary - almost the mistress of the Adriatic - dominates the entire coast from Trieste to Fiume ... We are constrained, we can hardly move, we cannot breathe.

6) Italian foreign policy ( slide 13 ).

5. Summing up the lesson.

What conclusions can we draw from our conversation?

(The policy of the Italian government, aimed at creating an empire through wars of conquest, worsened the financial situation of the individual and did not guarantee her a secure existence. State intervention in the economy contributed to the industrialization of the country. The population became poorer due to colonial wars, and the poverty of the population led to an increase in violence and emigration. The Italian government pursued a policy of colonial conquest and nationalist propaganda, and thus prepared Italy's entry into World War I.)

6. Reflection ( slide 14 )

    What did you find most interesting in the lesson?

    My knowledge in the lesson ... (rate the selected color of the square:green - understood everything perfectly;yellow - understood well, but in some matters you will need the help of a textbook;red - I didn’t understand the material, I will study it from the textbook and additional literature.)

7. Homework : ( slide 15)

§ 22 retelling, complete the table, complete the tasks in the workbook for paragraph 22. Optionally - a report on one of the colonial wars of Italy of this period


    Material for the teacher's story:

Association price. After many years of selfless struggle, the Italian people have completed the unification of their country.

What price did the Italians pay for the creation of a single national state?

Firstly, the two wars that had to be waged with Austria, and secondly, the huge costs of maintaining a fairly impressive army and navy even in peacetime. In addition, the state assumed the debts of the abolished monarchies, and these sums were significant.

So Italy met its unification with a very poor country. She had no heavy industry; feudal relations dominated in the countryside; a huge mass of the population was illiterate, and absolutism, the church and the aristocracy dominated political life. The need for modernization was obvious.

The rulers of Italy really wanted to make the country a great power, similar to England and France, and, of course, to have colonies. But not all supporters of the reforms understood how much money such transformations require.

A constitutional monarchy. After the unification, the country was formed as a constitutional monarchy. Constitutionally King Victor EmmanuelIIshared legislative power with a bicameral parliament (the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies). Senators were appointed by the king for life, and deputies were elected to the lower house. However, only 2% of the country's inhabitants could use this right: only men over 25 years old, who also knew how to read and write, were given the right to vote. There was also a property qualification.

The constitution proclaimed all democratic rights, and the executive power belonged to the monarch. Italy remained a country dominated by the Catholic religion. In 1871, the king signed a law declaring the pope a sacred and inviolable person, but his territorial possessions were limited to the Vatican.

Italy was in the process of creating political parties.

agonizing path agricultural development. By the time of the unification, only in the North of the country agriculture was developing as capitalist, large tenants used the labor of farm laborers and day laborers. In the south and in the central part of the country, latifundia dominated. Here, the peasants deprived of land, turned into tenants, gave up to the landowners up to 3/4 of the harvest. The poor peasants lived in conditions of appalling poverty.

In subsequent decades, the process of dispossession of land continued and led to the complete ruin of the peasants. The sharecroppers turned into poor farm laborers, thousands of dwarf peasant farms went under the hammer for non-payment of debts. The city also could not give work to these people, and they were forced to emigrate.

And yet, during the period from 1896 to 1914, some successes in the development of agriculture can be noted. It identified three main sectors: grain production; cultivation and processing of olives, grapes, citrus fruits; animal husbandry and related industries.

Gradually, the share of the population employed in agriculture decreased.

The role of the state in the process of industrialization . Development of monopoly capitalism. The modernization process in Italy had a number of features. Due to poverty, the peasants, who made up the majority of the population, could not buy manufactured goods, and this narrowed the domestic market. The industrial bourgeoisie was also weak and small, and Italian goods could not compete with the goods of England, France and Germany. In addition, there was a lack of natural resources.

The development of the economy was hindered by political instability, bloody riots caused by poverty, illiteracy, and the general anger of the people.

Under these conditions, when private entrepreneurs could not set the required pace for the development of the industrial revolution on their own, the state had to partially take on this task. With the help of foreign capital and preferential duties, heavy industry developed rapidly, industrial centers emerged: Milan - Genoa - Turin. From 1900 until the outbreak of the First World War, the number of industrial enterprises and workers doubled. Stock exchanges and banks grew.The main feature of the industrialization process was the active intervention of the state in economic life. The state owned a monopoly on the processing of tobacco, the extraction of salt, etc., and also built railways and introduced state insurance. arosepublic sector of the economy. State participation compensated for the lack of funds from private entrepreneurs.

Competition with international corporations accelerated the concentration of production and the creation of joint-stock companies, primarily in the north of the country.

The metallurgical, machine-building, shipbuilding and textile industries are developing here. The largest steel mills were owned by Falk. In 1908, the Olivetti factory began its work, the products of which were precision instruments, sewing machines, etc. Italy began to produce its own turbines. In 1907, about 300 ships were launched.

At the beginningXXin. in mechanical engineering and metallurgy, large corporations are being created, many of which have taken a monopoly position in their industry. In the electrical industry, the Edison Corporation became such a monopoly, and in the automotive industry, Fiat, Spa, and Lancha. The country's largest banks have subjugated the leading sectors of the economy.

"Peaceful economic penetration".The question of foreign markets became a matter of life and death for the young Italian bourgeoisie. The country imported a large amount of grain, coal, industrial equipment, while the export of goods lagged behind sharply. Therefore, at the beginningXXin. the government and corporations put forward the slogan of "peaceful economic penetration". The bulk of Italian goods and capital was sent to North Africa, the Balkans, Asia Minor and the countries of the Western Hemisphere.

And although by 1914 Italy was still far from catching up with the advanced industrial countries, nevertheless, industrial output from 1900 to 1914 almost doubled. From an agrarian country, Italy began to turn into an agro-industrial one.

The payment for the backwardness of the country is emigration. AT1878 Victor Emmanuel diedII, "Unifier of Italy". The kings of the Savoy dynasty did not have the habit during their lifetime to involve their heirs in public affairs. It happened this time as well. New King UmbertoI(1844-1900) was little prepared to govern the country, but, like his father, he strove for territorial conquests. In the hope of taking Savoy and Nice from France, he joined the Triple Alliance, which was a step towards world war. In 1900, the king was shot dead by an anarchist who believed UmbertoIresponsible for the poverty of the Italian people.

Indeed, Italy was one of the last places in Western Europe in terms of per capita income, the working day lasted 12-13 hours. The backward South was turned into an agrarian appendage of the northern provinces, a kind of "inland colony". In the sulfur mines of Sicily, devoid of mechanization, poorly ventilated, women and teenagers were overworked from overwork. But even this work was not enough for everyone. Mass emigration has become a feature of the life of Italian society.

protest movements in the country.But everyone could not leave, and peasant uprisings often broke out in Italy and the strike movement spread. A massive peasant uprising shook Sicily in late 1893 and early 1894.

In May 1898, when the grain stocks ran out, and the new harvest was still far away, a wave of actions of the hungry poor swept through the country, smashing bread shops, and at the same time destroying telegraph lines and railway lines. A general strike broke out in Milan, which escalated into five days of barricade fighting. The government sent troops to the rebellious city, which suppressed the uprising with the help of artillery. In many cities of the country there were arrests, searches, executions. About 100 newspapers were closed, 129 trials took place. Poverty, poverty give rise to bitterness and cruelty.

In the endXIXin. in Italy workers' circles and unions spring up in abundance. In 1892, the Italian Socialist Party (PSI) was formed. A young Milanese lawyer, Philippe Turati, took a great part in its creation.

Victor Emmanuel III - New Deal advocate . For 46 years, the most turbulent in the history of the country and the whole world, the only son of Umberto ruled in ItalyIVictor EmmanuelIII(1869-1947). A reasonable and well-educated young king saw the danger of growing social inequality, he understood that the problem could not be solved by repression alone. The murder of his father could not but affect him. While tightening security measures, he decided at the same time to ease the crackdown. A few weeks after his accession to the throne, Victor EmmanuelIIIdeclared his intention to restore peace within the country and achieve "unity of all people of good will."

Ahead was the "era of Giolitti."

"Socialism canonly be defeatedweapon of freedom.These words were said in the Chamber of Deputies by Giovanni Giolitti, who served as Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1901 - 1903, and from 1903 to 1914 (with short breaks) was the head of government.

Giovanni Giolitti (1842-1928) lived a long life, the role that he played in the history of Italy is so great that the term "Giolitti era" is generally accepted. In terms of the scope of Giolitti's activities, he is often compared to Count Cavour. What did he do to deserve such recognition?

Giolitti came from a family of mountaineer peasants. His father died when the boy was only a year old, and his mother, a hardworking and persistent woman, raised him. A capable young man received a law degree. In 1882 Giolitti was elected to Parliament. The young politician believed that the time had come for a reform policy that would turn Italy into a modern industrial state, smooth out the contradictions in society - and all this within the framework of the existing constitutional monarchy.

Giolitti dedicated his activities in the government to the fulfillment of these tasks. He did everything to develop trade and private enterprise, while at the same time seeking to strengthen the role of the state in economic life (the state bought the railways from private companies). He managed to strengthen the state budget and reduce the external debt.

A supporter of the class world, he believed that the state should be the arbiter between labor and capital; urged entrepreneurs to recognize workers' organizations, and workers not to encroach on private property. Giolitti advocated the introduction of public works and labor legislation, for the development of the education and health systems. "Italian Lloyd George" - that's what his contemporaries called him.

Giolitti managed to do a lot. As a result of the reforms he carried out, trade unions and strikes were allowed, and night work of women and adolescents was prohibited. Two electoral reforms abolished property and educational qualifications. For the first time, peasants from the central and southern regions of the country came to the ballot boxes. There was a process of democratization of society, and in this there was a great personal merit of Giolitti.

In parliament, Giolitti skillfully maneuvered between political parties, firmly pursuing a course towards modernizing the country and strengthening the constitutional foundations of the state.

colonial adventures - "to be no worse than others." The lack of a capacious market pushed the government to seize the colonies. Back in the 70s.XIXin. an attempt was made to take possession of Tunisia, but it was captured by France. The Italian ruling circles really wanted to turn Italy into a colonial empire, "become no worse than others." The country embarks on the path of colonial conquest. The size of the army and navy is urgently increasing, the huge battleships Dulio and Lepanto are being built.

In the 80s. Northeast Africa became the main direction of colonial conquests. In 1885, Italy captured the city of Massawa on the African coast of the Red Sea. The first colony appeared - Eritrea. Three years later, Italy declared its protectorate over Somalia. But that was only the beginning. The invaders were attracted by Ethiopia (Abyssinia). .In 1895, Italy attacked this country, and a long colonial war began. On August 1, 1896, the Italians suffered a crushing defeat in a battle with the Abyssinian army near the city of Adua. In Italy, this was perceived as the greatest national disgrace.

Italy took part in the suppression of the boxer uprising in China. But now the course has been taken for "peaceful penetration" (economic) in the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean.

between two blocks. These plans caused discontent in Germany and Austria-Hungary, as they affected the sphere of their interests. Victor EmmanuelIIIhad no sympathy for Germany and WilhelmII, but retained participation in the Triple Alliance.

At the same time, Italy concluded an agreement with the Entente countries on the division of the "free" lands of the Mediterranean coast. Such diplomacy was very difficult.

The colonial conquests were fueled by the nationalists. They called Italy a "proletarian nation" (poor, without colonies), which was "offended" by strong neighbors, "bourgeois nations", and called for the creation of their own colonial empire. The newspapers wrote: “We are shackled, we can hardly move, we cannot breathe ...” These were calls for war.

In 1911, the Italian government decided to seize Tripoli and Cyrenaica and declared war on the Ottoman Empire, which included these territories. The Italo-Turkish war dragged on for a whole year, but in the end, hostilities ended in victory for Italy: Tripoli and Cyrenaica became the Italian colony of Libya.

The colonial war worsened the country's financial situation, and this caused a new wave of workers' protests in 1913-1914. The liberal, reformist policy of Giolitti did not suit either the people or the bourgeoisie. In the spring of 1914 he resigned.The "era of Giolitti", the era of Italian liberalism, is over.

    Questions for comparative analysis of historical documents

    What historical process are we talking about?

    What unites both statements?

    How do you understand the expressions: “the sky frowns over the Balkans”, “we are locked ... in Gibraltar”, “we are chained, we can hardly move, we cannot breathe”?

    What historical process are we talking about?

    What unites both statements?

    How do you understand the expressions: “the sky frowns over the Balkans”, “we are locked ... in Gibraltar”, “we are chained, we can hardly move, we cannot breathe”?

    What historical process are we talking about?

    What unites both statements?

    How do you understand the expressions: “the sky frowns over the Balkans”, “we are locked ... in Gibraltar”, “we are chained, we can hardly move, we cannot breathe”?


Lesson topic:Italy: the time of reforms and colonial conquests

This lesson is the fourth in the chapter "The countries of Western Europe at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries. Successes and problems of industrial society ”, it is closely related to the previous topic “France. Third Republic", as it deepens the knowledge of students by chapter. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the type of lesson was chosen - combined.

The specificity of the lesson lies in the fact that the new topic contains a large theoretical and terminological material, the study of which is impossible without working with a systematizing table.

The lesson was held in the 8th grade, whose students have average learning opportunities. When planning the lesson, reliance was made on the students' knowledge of the material of the previous lesson and knowledge of the topics studied in the course of general history that are closely related to the topic of this lesson (for example, the topic "Italy. From fragmented to united")

Lesson Objectives :

    Educational: to introduce the features of the economic, political and foreign policy development of Italy in the second halfXIXin.

    Developing: to form the skills of independent work with text, search for information, systematization of material, the ability to draw conclusions, trace cause-and-effect relationships, characterize concepts and phenomena, give examples.

    Educational: to promote the formation of civic thinking, awareness of the dangers of nationalist propaganda.

The goals are set in accordance with the requirements of the program, taking into account the age characteristics of students and the psychological foundations of the process of assimilation of new knowledge.

Various forms and methods of learning activities were used in the lesson: the teacher's emotional introductory speech, heuristic conversation, multimedia demonstration throughout the lesson, analysis of historical documents, synthesizing conclusions based on leading questions, problematic presentation of questions, integration with the material of previous topics, frontal conversation at home task.

The principles observed in the activities of teachers and students: cooperation, complicity, visibility, accessibility.

The lesson used computer, health-saving technologies

Lesson structuremeets the didactic goals and objectives of the lesson.

The structure of the lesson is built using elements of developing student learning: introduction to the topic, goal setting and motivation, updating knowledge, obtaining new information, systematizing and generalizing knowledge, reflection, homework of a creative nature.

The following competences were formed at the lesson: communicative, informational, problem-solving competence.

The lesson consisted of 7 stages, logically interconnected:

Structurally the lesson is over.

The used structure of the lesson, methods and techniques contributed to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the lesson. A variety of activities and, ultimately, their effectiveness contributed to the activation of students' cognitive activity, maintaining their interest in the content of the lesson.

In preparing this lesson, much attention is paid to the use of information technology in teaching and working with documentary material.

The lesson contains a large amount of information, which is very convenient to organize in a table, which was done. In the future, this table will be used in the generalization lesson of the chapter “The countries of Western Europe at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries. Successes and problems of industrial society”.

A good psychological atmosphere in the lesson was maintained due to the interest of students in the course of the lesson, the creation of situations of success, encouragement in the form of praise, and cooperation with students.

The health-saving aspect of the lesson consisted in the feasibility of the tasks performed, the establishment of a spirit of cooperation with students, in the very construction of the lesson, in holding a physical break.

I suppose that the result of the lesson will be a solid assimilation of knowledge, which will help in the further study of the course of world history.

The activity of the class can be assessed as good. I think that the lesson has reached its goal.

1848-1849 the reason is the attempts of the governments of European countries to return feudalism and absolutism. The desire of the peoples of European empires to create independent state-in.
The result - the revolution was defeated, but created the conditions for unification. (if you mean it)
Italy met its unification with a very poor country. The need to modernize the country was obvious. Italy was in the process of creating political parties. Deputies were elected from 2% of the country's inhabitants. Senators were appointed by the king for life. The dominance of the Catholic religion 1871 - the king signed a law declaring the pope a sacred and inviolable person, but his territorial possessions were limited to the Vatican. Agricultural development. 1. Large tenants used the labor of farm laborers and day laborers. Three main branches of agriculture developed: -grain production; -growing and processing of olives, grapes, citrus fruits; -cattle breeding and related crafts. Gradually, the proportion of the population employed in agriculture decreased. 1. Dominance of latifundia. 2. Development of the process of dispossession of land and the complete ruin of the peasants. 3. Poor peasants lived in conditions of appalling poverty. 4. The city could not give work to these people, and they were forced to emigrate. 5 Industrialization of Italy: "What hindered the development of the economy?": 1. Low purchasing power of industrial goods among poor peasants, who made up the majority of the country's population. 2. Narrow domestic market. 3. Weak and small industrial bourgeoisie. 4. Non-competitiveness of Italian goods on the world market. 5.Lack of natural resources. 6. Political instability (bloody riots caused by poverty, illiteracy, general anger of the people). From an agrarian country, Italy began to turn into an agro-industrial one. 1878 - accession to the throne of the new king Umberto I. 1882 - entry into the Triple Alliance. In 1900, the king was shot dead by an anarchist who considered Umberto I guilty of the poverty of the Italian people. 1882 - Triple Alliance. The plight of the masses: The mass emigration of the Protest Movement in the country - the mass uprising of the peasants in Sicily - the protests of the hungry poor - the general strike in Milan - the formation of the Italian Socialist Party. Poverty, poverty gave rise to bitterness and cruelty in society. The emergence of workers' circles and unions. 1990 - the accession to the throne of the new king, Victor Emmanuel III. He declared his intention to restore peace within the country and achieve "unity of all people of good will." "Era Giolitti"1. Maneuvered between political parties, firmly pursuing a course towards the modernization of the country and strengthening the constitutional foundations of the state. 2. Carried out two electoral reforms. 3. Carried out the redemption by the state of railways from private companies. 4. Strengthened the state budget and achieved a reduction in external debt. 5. Acted as an arbitrator between labor and capital. 6. He called on entrepreneurs to recognize workers' organizations, and workers not to encroach on private property. 7. Allowed trade unions and strikes. 8. He spoke for the introduction of public works and labor legislation, for the development of the education and healthcare system. 9. Prohibited the night work of women and adolescents. "Socialism can only be defeated by the weapons of freedom." The end of the 19th century - the beginning of colonial conquests 1. The size of the army and navy is increasing. 19th century - an attempt was made to seize Tunisia 3. In the 80s. The main direction of colonial conquests was Northeast Africa - the capture of the city of Massawa on the African coast of the Red Sea. The first colony of Eritrea appeared - Italy declared its protectorate over Somalia - the war for Ethiopia - Italy took part in the suppression of the boxer uprising in China - Tripoli and Cyrenaica became the Italian colony of Libya. The beginning of the twentieth century - a course was set for "peaceful penetration" into the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. The Italian colonial empire in 1940. After the unification in Italy, conditions were created for the modernization of the country, but this process was hampered by the poverty and backwardness of the state in comparison with other Western European countries. This determined the peculiarity of industrialization in Italy - the close relationship of the state with industrial corporations and the creation of a public sector in the country's economy. The imperialist foreign policy aimed at capturing the colonies and the poverty of the population increased tension in society and gave rise to protest movements.

Objectives: - to characterize the socio-economic situation in Italy;

Consider the reformist course of Giolitti;

Develop the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, work with a textbook;

Equipment: computer, presentation, tests

During the classes.

1. Org. the beginning of the lesson.

2. Checking homework

Testing on the topic: "France: Third Republic"

1. What words can describe the emotional state of the French after the Franco-Prussian war?

A) humiliation and shame

B) pain and bitterness

C) we are defeated, but not broken

2. What was the state of the economy in France?

A) economic growth slowed down

B) maintaining a small number of small enterprises

C) availability of free raw materials and coal

3. Agriculture lagged behind, because.

A) many did not have basic tools

B) a large number of people lived in cities

C) many peasants had their land mortgaged in banks

4. The economic recovery is evidenced by the fact that:

A) large corporations

B) the state created new enterprises

C) the absence of a financial oligarchy

5. What reason "saved" the French Republic from the establishment of a monarchy?

A) lack of unity between the Bourbons, Orleans and the Bonapartists;

B) the predominance of the monarchist party in the National Assembly

C) the memory of the despot-emperor is alive among the people

6. When was the constitution established in France?

7. What reform has not been carried out in France?

A) the law on freedom of the press and assembly

B) a law that allowed the free activity of trade unions and strikes

C) law on the payment of social benefits for sickness and disability

8. What reform did the radicals carry out in France in 1902-1906?

A) the anthem was "La Marseillaise"

B) school reform

B) law. Separated the church from the state and the school.

9. The leader of the Radical Party was:

A) Ferdinand Lesseps

b) Georges Clemenceau

B) Jean Jaures

10. A shameful page in the history of France was (o)

A) the Dreyfus affair

B) Panama scandal

C) defeat in the Franco-Prussian war

11. Which state was not part of the colonial empire of France?

A) Algeria and Tunisia

B) Morocco and Sudan

B) Libya and Nigeria

3. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Lesson plan:

Association price.
The constitutional path of the monarchy.
Painful path of development of agriculture.
Development of monopoly capitalism.
protest movements in the country.
colonial adventures.
between two blocks.

4. Learning new material.

1) teacher's story:

1. Price of association.

After many years of selfless struggle, the Italian people have completed the unification of their country. What price did the Italians pay for the creation of a centralized state?

Two wars with Austria.
Huge expenses for the maintenance of the army and navy.
The state assumed the huge debts of the abolished monarchies.
The country did not have heavy industry.
Feudal relations dominated in the countryside.
The vast majority of the population was illiterate.
Political life was dominated by absolutism, the Church and the aristocracy.

2. Constitutional monarchy.

(sl. 5) - work with the scheme

After the unification of the country, it was formed as a constitutional monarchy.

ON the constitution:

1) King Victor Emmanuel II shared legislative power with a bicameral parliament

2) seniors were appointed by the king for life, and were elected to the lower house (men. Reaching the age of 25, able to read and write, there was also a property qualification)

3) proclaimed all democratic rights

4) executive power belonged to the monarch

5) in 1871, a law was signed declaring the pope a sacred and inviolable person, his possessions were limited to the Vatican.

3. Painful development of agriculture

(sl. 6) Northern Italy:

Large tenants used the labor of farm laborers and day laborers.
Three main branches of agriculture developed: grain production; cultivation and processing of olives, grapes, citrus fruits; animal husbandry and related industries.
Gradually, the share of the population employed in agriculture decreased.

(sl. 7) South and Central Italy:

dominance of latifundia.
The development of the process of dispossession of land and the complete ruin of the peasants.
The poor peasants lived in conditions of appalling poverty.
The city could not give work to these people, and they were forced to emigrate.

4. Development of monopoly capitalism

(sl. 8) The process of modernization in Italy had a number of features:

The low purchasing power of industrial goods among poor peasants, who made up the majority of the country's population.
Narrow domestic market.
Weak and small industrial bourgeoisie.
Uncompetitiveness of Italian goods on the world market.
Lack of natural resources.
Political instability (bloody riots caused by poverty, illiteracy, general anger of the people).

(sl. 9) Active intervention of the state in the economic life of the country:

Attracting foreign capital
Introduction of preferential duties
Creation of state monopolies for processing tobacco, extracting salt, etc.
Railway construction.
Introduction of state insurance.
Entering the world market (“peaceful economic penetration”)

This resulted in..

Heavy industry developed rapidly
Industrial centers stood out: Milan - Genoa - Turin.
From 1900 to 1914, the number of industrial enterprises and workers and the output of industrial products doubled
Stock exchanges and banks grew.
Competition with international corporations accelerated the concentration of production and the creation of large corporations - monopolies (Edison, Fiat, Spa and Lancha, etc.).
The country's largest banks have subjugated the leading sectors of the economy.

(sl. 10) - "Peaceful Economic Penetration"

The question of foreign markets became a matter of life and death for the young Italian bourgeoisie: the country imported a large amount of grain, exports lagged behind. Their slogan is "peaceful economic penetration".

(sl. 11) He was of little use for governing the country, but he strove for territorial conquests. 1882 - entry into the Triple Alliance in the hope of taking away Savoy and Nice from France.

In 1900, the king was shot dead by an anarchist who considered Umberto I guilty of the poverty of the Italian people.

2) work on the textbook:

Page 176 - 177 "Protest movements

3) teacher's story:

(sl. 12) 1990 - accession to the throne of the new king Victor Emmanuel III (1869-1947).

While strengthening security measures, he at the same time sought to ease the repression.

4) independent work:

(sl. 13) p. "Socialism can only be defeated by the weapons of freedom" and write out the reforms that Giovanni Giolitti carried out.

He maneuvered between political parties, firmly pursuing a course towards modernizing the country and strengthening the constitutional foundations of the state.
He carried out two electoral reforms (property and educational qualifications were abolished).
Carried out the redemption by the state of railways from private companies.
He strengthened the state budget and achieved a reduction in external debt.
Acted as an arbiter between labor and capital.
He urged entrepreneurs to recognize workers' organizations, and workers not to encroach on private property.
Allowed trade unions and strikes.
He advocated the introduction of public works and labor legislation, for the development of the education and health systems.
Prohibited the night work of women and teenagers.

(sl. 14-15) Italy's colonial adventures:

Increasing army and navy
1870s 19th century - an attempt was made to capture Tunisia
In the 80s. Northeast Africa became the main direction of colonial conquests.
1885 - the capture of the city of Massawa on the African coast of the Red Sea. The first colony appeared - Eritrea.

5 . 1888 - Italy declared its protectorate over Somalia.

6. 1895 - 1896 - the war for Ethiopia (the crushing defeat of Italy is the greatest national shame).

7. 1900 - Italy took part in the suppression of the boxer rebellion in China.

8. 1911-1912 - Italo-Turkish war (Italy's victory: Tripoli and Cyrenaica became the Italian colony of Libya).

5) work on the textbook:

Read the material on pages 178 - 179 and answer the question: which bloc did Italy join and why?

5. Summing up the lesson.

Questions on page 179

6. Homework:

Paragraph 22, questions, notes.

Related educational materials:

1848-1849 the reason is the attempts of the governments of European countries to return feudalism and absolutism. The desire of the peoples of European empires to create independent state-in. The result - the revolution was defeated, but created the conditions for unification. (if you are talking about this) Italy met its unification with a very poor country. The need to modernize the country was obvious. Italy was in the process of creating political parties. Deputies were elected from 2% of the country's inhabitants. Senators were appointed by the king for life. The dominance of the Catholic religion 1871 - the king signed a law declaring the pope a sacred and inviolable person, but his territorial possessions were limited to the Vatican. 1. Large tenants used the labor of farm laborers and day laborers. Three main branches of agriculture developed: -grain production; -growing and processing of olives, grapes, citrus fruits; -cattle breeding and related crafts. Gradually, the proportion of the population employed in agriculture decreased. 1. Dominance of latifundia. 2. Development of the process of dispossession of land and the complete ruin of the peasants. 3. Poor peasants lived in conditions of appalling poverty. 4. The city could not give work to these people, and they were forced to emigrate. 5 Industrialization of Italy: "What hindered the development of the economy?": 1. Low purchasing power of industrial goods among poor peasants, who made up the majority of the country's population. 2. Narrow domestic market. 3. Weak and small industrial bourgeoisie. 4. Non-competitiveness of Italian goods on the world market. 5. Lack of natural resources. 6. Political instability (bloody riots caused by poverty, illiteracy, general anger of the people). From an agrarian country, Italy began to turn into an agro-industrial one. 1878 - accession to the throne of the new king Umberto I. 1882 - entry into the Triple Alliance. In 1900, the king was shot dead by an anarchist who considered Umberto I guilty of the poverty of the Italian people. 1882 - Triple Alliance. The plight of the masses: The mass emigration of the Protest Movement in the country - the mass uprising of the peasants in Sicily - the protests of the hungry poor - the general strike in Milan - the formation of the Italian Socialist Party. Poverty, poverty gave rise to bitterness and cruelty in society. The emergence of workers' circles and unions. 1990 - the accession to the throne of the new king, Victor Emmanuel III. He declared his intention to restore peace within the country and achieve "unity of all people of good will." "The Age of Giolitti" He maneuvered between political parties, firmly pursuing a course towards modernizing the country and strengthening the constitutional foundations of the state. 2. Carried out two electoral reforms. 3. Carried out the redemption by the state of railways from private companies. 4. Strengthened the state budget and achieved a reduction in external debt. 5. Acted as an arbiter between labor and capital. 6. He called on entrepreneurs to recognize workers' organizations, and workers not to encroach on private property. 7. Allowed trade unions and strikes. 8. He spoke for the introduction of public works and labor legislation, for the development of the education and healthcare system. 9. Prohibited the night work of women and adolescents. "Socialism can only be defeated by the weapons of freedom." The end of the 19th century - the beginning of colonial conquests 1. The size of the army and navy is increasing. 19th century - an attempt was made to seize Tunisia 3. In the 80s. The main direction of colonial conquests was Northeast Africa - the capture of the city of Massawa on the African coast of the Red Sea. The first colony of Eritrea appeared - Italy declared its protectorate over Somalia - the war for Ethiopia - Italy took part in the suppression of the boxer uprising in China - Tripoli and Cyrenaica became the Italian colony of Libya. The beginning of the twentieth century - a course was set for "peaceful penetration" into the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. The Italian colonial empire in 1940. After the unification in Italy, conditions were created for the modernization of the country, but this process was hampered by the poverty and backwardness of the state in comparison with other Western European countries. This determined the peculiarity of industrialization in Italy - the close relationship of the state with industrial corporations and the creation of a public sector in the country's economy. The imperialist foreign policy aimed at capturing the colonies and the poverty of the population increased tension in society and gave rise to protest movements.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Italy: the time of reforms and colonial conquests">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Italy met its unification with a very poor country 1. Two wars with Austria ."> Свое объединение Италия встретила страной очень бедной 1. Две войны с Австрией. 2. Огромные расходы на содержание армии и флота. 3. Государство взяло на себя огромные долги упраздненных монархий. 4. Страна не имела тяжелой промышленности. 5. В деревне господствовали феодальные отношения. 6. Огромная масса населения была неграмотна. 7. В политической жизни господствовали абсолютизм, церковь и аристократия. Необходимость модернизации страны была очевидна!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Italian Constitutional Monarchy King Parliament"> Итальянская конституционная монархия Король Парламент Сенат Палата депутатов Сенаторы назначались Депутаты избирались королем пожизненно из 2% жителей страны (мужчин старше 25 лет + имущественный ценз). Виктор Эммануил II Конституция провозглашала все демократические права Господство католической религии 1871 г. - король подписал закон, объявлявший папу личностью священной и неприкосновенной, но его территориальные владения ограничивались Ватиканом В Италии шел процесс создания политических партий!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Agricultural Development South and Central"> Развитие сельского хозяйства Юг и Центральные Север Италии части Италии 1. Крупные арендаторы 1. Господство латифундий. использовали труд батраков и поденщиков. 2. Развитие процесса 2. Развивались три главные обезземеливания и отрасли сельского хозяйства: полного разорения – производство зерна; крестьян. – выращивание и 3. Крестьяне-бедняки жили переработка оливок, винограда, цитрусовых; в условиях ужасающей – скотоводство и нищеты. связанные с ним 4. Город не мог дать работу промыслы. 3. Постепенно уменьшалась этим людям, и они доля населения, занятого в вынуждены были сельском хозяйстве. эмигрировать.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Industrialization of Italy What hindered the development of the economy: 1. Low purchasing power"> Индустриализация Италии Что мешало развитию экономики: 1. Низкая покупательная способность промышленных товаров у нищих крестьян, составлявших большинство населения страны. 2. Узкий внутренний рынок. 3. Слабая и малочисленная промышленная буржуазия. 4. Неконкурентоспособность итальянских товаров на мировом рынке. 5. Недостаток природных ресурсов. 6. Политическая неустойчивость (кровавые бунты, вызванные бедностью, неграмотностью, общим озлоблением народа).!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>"> Частные предприниматели не могли своими силами задать нужный темп развитию промышленной революции Активное вмешательство государства в экономическую жизнь страны: 1. Привлечение иностранного 1. Быстро развивалась тяжелая капитала промышленность, 2. Введение льготных пошлин 2. Выделились промышленные центры: Милан - Генуя - Турин. 3. Создание государственных 3. С 1900 г. по 1914 г. вдвое монополий по обработке увеличились число табака, добыче соли и пр. промышленных предприятий и 4. Строительство железных рабочих и выпуск промышленной дорог. продукции 5. Введение государственного 4. Росли биржи, банки. страхования. 5. Конкуренция с международными корпорациями ускорила 6. Выход на мировой рынок концентрацию производства и («мирное экономическое создание крупных корпораций – проникновение») монополий («Эдисон» , «Фиат» , «Спа» и «Ланча» и др.). Из аграрной страны Италия 6. Крупнейшие банки страны стала превращаться в аграрно- подчинили себе ведущие отрасли индустриальную. экономики.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>1878 - accession of the new King Umberto I (1844 - 1900)"> 1878 г. – вступление на престол нового короля Умберто I (1844- 1900) 1882 год – вступление в Тройственный союз (Германия, Австро- Венгрия, Италия) в надежде отобрать у Франции Савойю и Ниццу. В 1900 г. король был застрелен анархистом, считавшим Умберто I виновным в нищете итальянского народа.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> 1882 - Triple Alliance"> 1882 год – Тройственный союз (Германия, Италия, Австро-Венгрия) Вильгельм II Франц Иосиф Премьер-министр Италии Агостино Депретис!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>The plight of the masses Grassroots Movement Emergence"> Тяжелое положение народных масс Массовая Движения Возникновение эмиграция протеста рабочих кружков в стране и союзов 1893 - 1894 гг. - массовое восстание 1892 г. -образование крестьян в Сицилии. 1898 г. - выступления голодной бедноты. Итальянской 1898 г. - всеобщая стачка в Милане. социалистической партии (ИСП). Бедность, нищета рождали озлобление и жестокость в обществе!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> 1990 - accession to the throne of the new King Victor Emmanuel III (1869 - 1947)."> 1990 год – вступление на престол нового короля Виктора Эммануила III (1869- 1947). Заявил о намерении восстановить мир внутри страны и добиться «единения всех людей доброй воли» .!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> "The Giolitti Era" - Giovani Giolitti's reforms: 1901-1903 - minister"> «Эра Джолитти» - реформы Джовани Джолитти: 1901 -1903 гг. - министр иностранных дел 1903 -1914 гг. - глава правительства. 1. Маневрировал между политическими партиями, твердо проводя курс на модернизацию страны и укрепление конституционных основ государства. 2. Провел две избирательные реформы (отменены имущественный и образовательный цензы). 3. Осуществил выкуп государством железных дорог у частных компаний. 4. Укрепил государственный бюджет и добился уменьшения внешнего долга. 5. Выступал арбитром между трудом и капиталом. 6. Призывал предпринимателей признать рабочие организации, а рабочих не покушаться на частную собственность. 7. Разрешил профсоюзы и стачки. «Социализм может быть 8. Выступал за введение общественных работ и трудового законодательства, за развитие побежден только системы образования и здравоохранения. оружием свободы» . Джовани Джолитти 9. Запретил ночной труд женщин и подростков.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Late 19th century - early colonial conquest 1. Increasing"> Конец XIX века – начало колониальных захватов 1. Увеличивается численность армии и флота 2. 1870 -е гг. XIX в. - сделана попытка овладеть Тунисом 3. В 80 -х гг. главным направлением колониальных захватов стала Северо-Восточная Африка. 4. 1885 г. - захват города Массауа на Африканском побережье Красного моря. Появилась первая колония - Эритрея. 5. 1888 г. - Италия объявила свой протекторат над Сомали. 6. 1895 - 1896 гг. - война за Эфиопию (сокрушительное поражение Италии - величайший национальный позор). 7. 1900 г. - Италия приняла участие в подавлении боксерского восстания в Китае. 8. 1911 -1912 гг. - Итало-турецкая война (победа Италии: Триполи и Киренаика стали итальянской колонией Ливией). Начало ХХ века - взят курс на «мирное проникновение» (экономическое) в страны Восточного Средиземноморья.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Italian colonial empire in 1940">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>After the unification in Italy, conditions were created for the modernization of the country, but this process"> После объединения в Италии создались условия для модернизации страны, но процесс этот затруднялся бедностью и отсталостью государства по сравнению с другими западноевропейскими странами. Это определило особенность индустриализации в Италии - тесную связь государства с промышленными корпорациями и создание государственного сектора в экономике страны. Империалистическая, направленная на захват колоний внешняя политика и бедность населения усиливали напряжение в обществе, рождали движения протеста.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Homework § 22 Workbook #2: #24-26 .28"> Домашнее задание § 22 Рабочая тетрадь № 2: № 24 -26, 28, 32 стр. 13 -15!}