Download dev mode. Useful Features in Developer Mode on Android

Developer Mode - A Special Effect On The Game

How to turn it on?

This mode can be enabled by changing either 00725D8C (In Version 1.001) to 01 in using a special program (eg HxD on Windows) or game.ios on Mac OS X).

If you play on Steam and this method does not work for you, then try deleting steam_api.dll .


G Opens a Dimensional Chest

G (in store) Gives 5000G

O Allows you to take things from the chest

I Put things in the chest

L Load your save

M Increases level by 1

F Increases FPS to 60

P Makes room speed faster

R If pressed 7 times, will restart the game

U Changes the protagonist's costume

V Shows room boundaries

W Decreases FPS to 10

5 Increases the battle group by 5

Backspace Increases speed

Pg Up Increase steps by 100

Pg Down Makes an attack 989

End Includes the beginning of the story of two Froggits (Flowey on the Genocide Route) from New Home

Home Starts a battle in a battle group. The default is 140 (So Sorry) in version 1.0 or 80 (Mettaton) in version 1.001. Change 0x9F553C (in version 1.0) or 0x9EB414 (in version 1.001)

Insert Teleports to the next room

Delete Teleports to the previous room. If the protagonist is at the very beginning, causes a loading screen

F3 Create a file "system_information_962" in the game folder (aftermath of the Genocide Path)

F7 Adds 500G

F9 Stops all music that is playing

F10 Allows you to walk through walls (not objects!), also allows you to walk during dialogues

F11 Teleports to room_water1

F12 Destroys the barrier (starts the consequences of the destruction: if you are in rooms where monsters should appear with a grateful speech, then they will appear there, merchants also change the speech to the one that appears after the destruction of the barrier). Moreover, the game process does not change in any way, and the events taking place will correspond to the ending you are following.

R + 6 Teleports to room_ruins2

T + 6 Teleports to the exit of the ruins room_tundra1

W+6 Same as F11

F+6 Teleports to Hotland (room_fire2)

E+6 Teleports to New Home (room_castle_front)

Y + 6 Teleport to Real Lab (room_truelab_elevator)

Facilitate fights

1 Decreases speed (if very slow, the game will close)

2 Increases speed by 2x

8 Shortens the opponent's turn

9 Increases opponent's turn

F Same as 2

W Decreases FPS to 10

Delete Changes health to 999

F6 Next attack will deal a lot of damage

O + P Turns on mercy (you must press two buttons at the same time)

First meeting with Sans

Press J to make a joke effect. After that the game will close.

Chara in reflection

If you press the spacebar, then someone similar to Chara will be visible in the reflection of the water. In this case, you can not use an umbrella, otherwise nothing will happen.

Mood Monster

Two numbers will be above the player. The default is 1 and 0.

For the battle

Small Dog

J Enlarges the neck

Spacebar The next attack will have a dialogue: "THE KING WILL CUT THE HEDGE IN THE SHAPE OF MY SMILE!!!", and after your soul turns blue, some dialogue will also undergo changes

O He will simply say: "..."

3 Changes her emotions

Mad Mannequin

On the right there will be numbers that display his health in battle.

It cannot be skipped by pressing O+P.

7 Changes health to 999

A Decreases the counter by 1

A counter appears on the top left. The higher it is, the stronger the attacks.

Photoshop Flowey

The text "debug" will be visible on the right side of the screen.

The Delete button (999 lives) does not work.

Home Attacks Flowey instantly (if all souls are activated, then for 6000 damage)

Pg Up Activates one of the souls in order

Right Shift, Left Shift, X Same as Pg Up

Q Instantly starts a fight

W Slows down the game by 10 FPS

E Stars fly out of each eye

R 7 stars fly out from each eye

I Restarts the fight

O Purple Soul Fight

P Green soul fight

A Includes flamethrower

S Saves the fight (it will say "File 2 Saved")

F Speeds up the game by 2x

G Fight with orange soul

J Fight with yellow soul

K Fight with a blue soul

L Loading the fight (it will say "File 2 Saved")

C Laser Attack

V Vine attack

N bomb attack

M Tooth Attack

Shift Deactivates souls 1 time

C Enables/disables Asriel's flight

Space Same as C

From time to time, modern users wonder how to enable Android developer mode. Doing this is much easier than it looks. Using this menu item, you can find some hidden functions of the mobile device. Next, we will tell you all about how to enable and disable the study mode in your phone.

Mode description

What is developer mode?

This state of the mobile phone is not so important for ordinary users. It allows you to debug the device via USB, find out information about the memory and processor, and also see application statistics.

However, sometimes this state is extremely useful. But how to enable android developer mode? Every modern person can do this. Usually, the procedure does not have any features. But there are some secrets you need to know.

Up to version 4

How to enable android developer mode? In older builds of the Android operating system, the user can bring the idea to life using a special button.

You will have to do approximately the following:

  1. Turn on phone.
  2. Open the main menu of the device.
  3. Enter the "Settings" section.
  4. Click on "Developer Mode" or "Hidden Settings".

Fast, simple, convenient. But such a scenario in modern phones is almost never found. And so we have to act differently.

Source of problems

How to enable android developer mode? For some time now, the corresponding menu item has not been available in the operating system of the phone. But this does not mean that it was completely removed.

It is because of this phenomenon that users do not know how to act. Following the instructions below, a person will be able to quickly cope with the task.

"Android" 4.2.2

The developer menu, as we have already said, has ceased to be displayed for some time now. Particularly attentive users could notice such changes already in Android 4.2 Jelly Bian.

To return this component, you can act like this:

  1. Go to "Settings" on your mobile device.
  2. Open subsection "About phone".
  3. Scroll through the menu that opens to the very end. We need the "Build number" item.
  4. Tap on the area under the inscription "Build number" several times. To be more precise, you will have to click on it about 7-8 times.

Already after 4 taps, the user will see a message that will say how many clicks the studied menu will turn on. Ready! Now the "For Developers" section will appear in the settings. He is what we need. From now on, it is clear how to enable developer mode in Android 4.2.2.

After 5.0

In new versions of "Android" there is also no studied menu item. And it's not hard to get it back. The main thing is to know how to act in this or that case.

How to enable developer mode in Android 5.1? The following guide will help you cope with the task:

  1. Get started with your mobile device.
  2. Open the main phone settings.
  3. Enter the "About device" section.
  4. Find "Build Number".
  5. Tap on the corresponding line about 5-7 times.

In general, the algorithm will be exactly the same as in the previous case. After the done actions, the user will be able to see the "Developer Options" section. In just a few minutes, it will be possible to bring the idea to life.

After the 6th

And how to enable developer mode in Android 6.0? To do this is not difficult. Especially for those who have already worked with the studied mode on older versions of mobile OS.

The fact is that, in general, the instruction will not differ much from the previously proposed instructions. In general, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Open "Settings" in the main menu of the mobile device.
  2. Visit the "About phone" item. On some devices, this section is called "About device".
  3. Find "Build Number".
  4. Tap on the corresponding menu item about 7 times.
  5. Return to the "Settings" section.
  6. Open the sub-item "Advanced".
  7. Go to the "Developer Mode" menu.

That's all. From now on, it is clear how to enable developer mode in Android. This is one of the simpler procedures that every modern user should be familiar with.

Xiaomi and mode

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the listed instructions may differ slightly from each other. It all depends on the specific mobile device. A number of items are signed differently.

For example, as we have already said, somewhere the "About phone" section is called "About the device. On Xiaomi smartphones, there is no "Build number" item. Instead, you can see "MIUI Version".

Accordingly, you will have to repeat all of the above actions using this menu item. Otherwise, the proposed instructions are no different from the instructions we have previously studied.

Version 7.0

How to enable developer mode on Android 7.0? A similar question arises in many modern users. After all, operating systems are being improved, finalized and changing their "appearance".

To bring the idea to life, you will have to use the instructions for Android version 6.0 and higher. It is these instructions that work on new versions of the operating system. There is no difference in them.


How to enable developer mode in Android 6 (and beyond) on tablet devices? Is it possible to complete the task at all?

Yes. Tablets also allow you to enter the developer menu. To do this, you will have to follow the previously suggested instructions. But with some changes.

Namely - in the device settings you will need to select the "About the tablet" section. It serves as a replacement for the "About phone" option. Otherwise, the instructions for enabling developer mode remain the same. It varies slightly depending on the version of the mobile device.

Disable mode

We figured out how to enable Android developer mode in one case or another. How can I disable this section? Everyone should also be aware of this. After all, an inexperienced user is able to damage the operating system of the device with their work in developer mode.

To deal with disabling the mentioned option, you need to:

  1. Go to the main settings of the gadget.
  2. Open the "Additional" section.
  3. Select "Developer Mode".
  4. In the upper right corner of the screen, move the slider to the "Off" state.

After the above steps, the studied mode will not disappear - it will still remain in the phone or tablet settings. However, the parameter will not work temporarily.

In order to re-enable the developer mode, you just need to move the toggle switch to the "On" state. Fast, simple, convenient!


We have figured out how to enable developer mode in Android. Getting the job done is easier than you think. Even a schoolboy can do it. Just a few minutes and it's done.

But it must be remembered: the developer mode in the inept hands of the average user is doom for the modern gadget. Therefore, if a person has turned on the corresponding menu item, it is recommended to switch it to the "Off" mode. So it will be possible to secure the OS from unnecessary operations and changes in system settings.

The Android operating system has a special mode for application developers. By default, this mode is disabled and hidden from the eyes of users. In this article, you will learn how to enable developer mode on Android, why you might need it, and how to turn it off.

Developer Mode adds a section for developers to the Android device settings with a lot of new features, many of which will be useful not only for application developers, but also for ordinary users. Below we briefly review the most popular of them.

  • USB debugging is a feature that allows you to debug when you connect your Android device to your computer via USB. Used to run many programs that interact with the Android device.
  • Phantom location is a function to change the real location of the device. Using this function, you can make applications "think" that the device is in a different point.
  • USB configuration is a function to select the operating mode when connected via USB.
  • GPU acceleration is a feature that enables the processing of two-dimensional graphics using the GPU.

How to enable developer mode

So, in order to enable developer mode on Android, you need to open the settings, scroll through the menu to the very bottom and open the "About phone" section or the "About tablet" section if you have a tablet computer.

After that, the available settings need to be scrolled again to the very end, right up to the “Build number” item. After that, to enable the developer mode, you need to repeatedly click on the "Build number" item.

As a result, after the seventh click on "Build Number", the developer mode will turn on, and you will see the message "You have become a developer."

If the developer mode has already been enabled on Android, then when you click on the build number, the message “You are already a developer” will appear.

How to turn off developer mode on Android

If you decide that you no longer need developer mode, you can turn it off. To do this, go to the Android settings and there the "Applications" section.

In the section with information about the application, you need to go to "Storage".

And click on the "Erase data" button there.

After that, the developer mode will be disabled. It can be re-enabled if necessary.

The Android system has many additional features that are only available in developer mode. This, for example, can be installing a third-party system recovery environment (recovery environment), restoring the OS itself, obtaining statistics on the operation of applications and processes, simulating the operation of the screen and recording from it. Most users are not familiar with such Android features, which can be useful not only to the developer. In the article, we will look at how to enable developer mode on different devices, how to disable developer mode, and how to enter this mode.

Why is the mode needed, and also how it can be useful

Especially for programmers, there is a developer mode on Android, which is hidden from ordinary users, although it is not difficult to enable it. It is available on all versions of Android starting from 4.0. This state gives access to many system settings. Why would you need this functionality:

  • You can debug when the Android device is connected to the computer via USB;
  • Change real location. Developers can use this feature to test applications that need to work differently in different geolocations. Thus, user programs will perceive the place that was set manually;
  • You can speed up the interface of the device. To do this, you need to go to settings such as " Window Animation Scale and Transition», « Animator Duration Scale» and set the parameter to 0.5x.

When you change any settings in developer mode, be sure to write down what the original settings were.

How to enable developer mode

Now let's see how you can enable developer mode. To do this, go to the device settings. There you will need to find the item " About device» / « About phone". The name and location of the options may differ depending on the device model and firmware version. Information about memory, kernel, processor, software should be placed here. Now go to the menu Software Details". We are interested in the build number. We find it. To activate the developer mode, you need to click on the item " Build number».

After completing the specified action, a message should appear stating that you have switched to developer mode. Some firmwares issue additional alerts when pressed several times. In order to make sure that the actions were carried out correctly, exit this submenu and open the main settings. There should be a section " For developers».

How to turn off developer mode on Android

Now consider the options for how you can disable developer mode on the Android OS. You will need to go to the " For developers". To disable this mode, you need to uncheck the box next to the option " Included". Sometimes you just need to turn the switch off. After that, this setting should be exited and the developers section will be completely removed.

But on some devices, exiting the development state in this way will not work due to the lack of a mark next to “ Included". In this case, you will have to find the menu " storage» -> « Erase data" or " Clear cache". It can scare the message that all data will be deleted, including accounts. Nothing will happen to the account. But even after these actions, the section for developers may still remain. Then only a factory reset can help. However, the presence of this item does not affect performance in any way. Therefore, if you are not worried that someone can change the settings there, then you can leave everything as it is.

Opportunities that open up to the user

Once you have accessed developer mode, you can see what features are available in it. All of them can be divided into groups:

  • Debugging: various reports, checks, enabling and disabling debugging;
  • Networks: mobile communication and Wi-Fi, bluetooth;
  • Text input: orientation, touch display;
  • Drawing: element borders, surface updating, animation;
  • Hardware accelerated rendering: various actions related to graphics;
  • Applications: limits, permissions, actions;

Some were mentioned when explaining the benefits of development mode. Most of the presented functions are completely inapplicable to everyday tasks, but we will consider some of them that will at least partially be understood by a simple user:

  • The screen can be kept active without being connected to power. But you should not use it often and unnecessarily, so as not to disable the display;
  • You can choose one of the virtual machines - Dalvik or ART. The default is the first one, which is used to run applications as APK files. The second is still in test mode;
  • There is access to the statistics of processes that operate on your device;
  • A very convenient tool - collecting and compiling an error report with further sending;
  • You can run a function that will visually show touches on the screen. Thus, you can test the touch screen. The tracks should remain clear, but without jerks and slowdowns;
  • Setting the pointer location outputs the coordinates of touch points on the display;
  • The window animation option allows you to increase the animation playback speed. A larger number corresponds to a lower speed. It defaults to 1;
  • Transition animation - a similar meaning, only the speed changes, respectively, during the transition;
  • Changing the writing orientation from right to left for languages ​​with this writing direction;
  • Screen emulation. Allows you to simulate different display sizes;
  • Bluetooth activity log. Activating this feature allows you to intercept Bluetooth HCI packets and place them in the built-in memory. After that, using special programs, you can analyze the content;
  • Tracing OpenGl - graphics library. Allows you to identify errors in it that are placed in the log.

There are still a lot of functions that absolutely should not be touched. But there are operations in this mode that may be useful to the user. Let's consider them. USB debugging has proven to be the most used option. In this mode, you can:

  • Use your phone or tablet as an external drive;
  • Move various files;
  • Recover data;
  • Directly install applications and updates;
  • View system logs from a computer;
  • Scan the system for failures.

Even in debugging via USB, you can record the screen. To do this, the version of Android must be 4.4 or higher. On the official website, you will need to download the Android SDK program and unzip it. After connecting to the computer, you need to go to the folder where the unzipped files are located. Holding Shift from scratch, you need to call the context menu and select " Open command window».

A black command line window will appear, in which you need to enter: adb devices. After that, you need to enter another command: adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/video.mp4. Immediately after that, recording will begin, which is saved either to the memory card or to a folder on the device's built-in memory. You can stop recording by pressing Ctrl + C on the command line.

We have already mentioned the animation settings. This option can be useful for devices with not very powerful characteristics, which will reduce the stuttering of the device by increasing the speed of the animation change. With ADB (Android Debug Bridge) you can back up your devices to PC. So, by activating the " Backup password”, you will need a password to perform this action.

Using the menu " GPU acceleration”, you can improve the performance of some applications, especially when it comes to games. But here, too, verification is needed: some programs can improve performance, and some will stop running. There is a limitation on background processes. Their number can be set up to 4 inclusive. The fewer processes occur, the faster the device will work and the less it will be discharged.

4x MSAA - the parameter is not entirely clear. But it can be useful if your device has good performance, but the quality game still does not go too well. MSAA activation is anti-aliasing activation, 4x is quadruple. But it will drain the battery very quickly. Learn more about mock location. It may be useful for the user for some applications that only work in certain regions. Well, or just if you want to mislead someone with your location.

Wireless monitor certification function. The device supports Miracast technology. True, to use it, you need another technique that supports this standard. This is a wireless data transfer directly between 2 devices without a router. In this way, you can connect the TV with a smartphone and transfer media data to the TV for viewing on the big screen.

So, having considered the developer mode, we can say that it has rich functionality. True, very few actions can be useful to the average user. Enabling and disabling this mode is not difficult. But, if you are unlikely to plan to use any of the above options, it is better to simply not activate this state. Changing some settings may cause unusual device behavior.