Tunnel lamp - we illuminate the dark places of the house with the help of light guides. Cooking fiber at home The principle of operation of the light tunnel

The fiber optic lighting system for a bath is one of the most efficient, durable and safe. Each owner can choose the components for its installation and complete the installation. Our recommendations will help you understand the process.


The organization of lighting in the sauna with the help of optical fiber has recently become increasingly popular. Such fiber optic bath lights are much more functional, safer and more economical than traditional light sources. They are optimally suited for installation in the steam room, washroom and ancillary rooms.

Features of fiber optic lighting in the bath

Due to their high operational and technical characteristics, these lamps are often installed in steam rooms. Among the main advantages of these structures are:
  1. Thermal stability. Optical fiber is able to function at temperatures up to +200 degrees. Therefore, it can be mounted even on the ceiling of the steam room, where the highest temperature is usually maintained.
  2. moisture resistance. The fiber optic system is used to illuminate the pool due to its resistance to high humidity.
  3. Soft light. Such a lamp does not need to install additional lampshades. Its light is diffused, does not hurt the eyes.
  4. compactness. The lighting system can be mounted directly into the casing. There is no need to allocate a special place for it.
  5. Safety. Optical fiber conducts only radiation (not current), and therefore its installation in the steam room is absolutely safe. Due to the specifics of fastening on a fiber bundle, it is impossible to get burned.
  6. Durability. Replacement of this type of backlight is required to be carried out much less frequently than its counterparts.
  7. Easy to install. Installation of the projector, lenses and fibers can be done by hand, even without special technical skills.
  8. An abundance of design solutions. With the help of a tourniquet, you can create an animation of the starry sky, northern lights, fire, waves, storms. The kit includes nozzles of various colors that can change the slope of the lighting to embody original style ideas. In addition, the tourniquet is flexible, which allows you to give it the desired shape.
  9. economy. Fiber optics consumes significantly less energy than other types of lighting.

The disadvantages of such lamps include a relatively high cost.

Elements of a fiber optic lighting system for a bath

Complete, spectacular and pleasant fiber optic lighting for a bath can be created by complementing the fibers with special crystals and lenses. The combination of optical bundles with other types of illumination, for example, LED, will look original. In the steam room, the main elements, such as shelves and benches, are trimmed with light guides.

You can buy fiber-optic lamps for the bath as a set, or you can separately select the system components:

  • Projector. The amount of light emitted depends on its power. The device uses 12 V halogen lamps. Each of them consumes 50 V and has a high light output.
  • fibers. The amount of light emitted also depends on their diameter. With the right selection, you can create directional, general or accent lighting in the bath. For installation in a steam room, you should choose models in a glass, not a plastic shell. They function better at high temperatures and withstand drops more easily. When choosing, keep in mind that there are bundles of side and end glow. The first type can be intertwined and create light patterns. The second one is set pointwise, for example, imitating the starry sky.
  • End products. These are lenses, lamps and crystals that are fixed on the edges of light guides. It is from them that the direction of light, its brightness will depend. Traditionally, the end of the fiber scatters light at an angle of 40-60 degrees. If you attach a lens attachment, then the angle of refraction can reach 20-25 degrees. When using decorative crystal nozzles, the light is focused into a beam at an angle of 180 degrees or more.
  • Accessories. Color discs allow you to create an original imitation of radiance and shimmer in the room.
When buying fiber optic lights for saunas and baths, make sure that the projector is not cooled by noisy fans, and that the product itself is equipped with a thermal fuse. As for the light guides, they must have a sealed common input, and all terminations and connections must be made without glue. Choose only certified products from trusted suppliers. It is safe, high quality and durable.

Fiber optic side lighting system in the bath

The principle of operation of such a lighting system is extremely simple: the projector is installed outside the steam room, a bundle of fibers transmits light purified from infrared and ultraviolet radiation. You can carry out the installation yourself, because it does not require the preparation of electrical circuits.

To do this, we act in the following sequence:

  1. We mount a projector in the dressing room. Choose a place against the wall bordering the steam room. It should be placed at a safe distance from the heat source if it is located in the same room.
  2. We install color discs on the projector if desired.
  3. We mark in the steam room the places of installation of light guides, according to a previously prepared scheme.
  4. We fix the fiber-optic elements with segments. Please note that the fiber contains a flexible light-guiding core with a high refractive index. If it needs to be cut off, then we do this procedure only with a hot knife, after which we carefully grind the cut so that it turns out to be a mirror.
  5. If desired, we equip the system with lens color nozzles. You can control this effect manually or automatically. In the latter case, we additionally install a switch.
Note! The focal length during installation should be from 85%. Also note that each light pipe has its own allowable bending index, which depends on the diameter of the product. This must be considered when drawing up the installation scheme. In order for the light flux to be distributed evenly, the bundles can be mixed from different cables.

Optical fiber system of end glow for a bath

Before starting work, you need to draw up a layout of point elements in the room. It is better to mount such lighting before interior decoration.

We work in this order:

  • From the projector we measure the distance to each point of the glow and cut the bundles of the appropriate length.
  • We lay the fibers, fixing them temporarily with adhesive tape.
  • At the exit points, we install the dowels so that they stick out 2-3 cm outward. We attach harnesses to them using wire or clamps. This is necessary to comply with the pattern and vertical fixation of the location.
  • We sheathe the surface, in the process removing unnecessary dowels and adhesive tape.
  • We cut the fiber at the level of the skin and grind it with fine-grained sanding paper.
  • We cut and grind the reverse ends, assemble them into a connector and connect them to the projector.
Be sure to watch the bending of the light guides in the process. After installation, you can additionally equip the system with lenses or crystals.

According to the same scheme, light guides can be mounted in the washing department. If it has a pool, then this type of lighting will look very impressive at its bottom. In the rest room, fiber optic lamps can be combined with other lighting fixtures. Light pipes in this room can be used to illuminate individual elements, such as a mirror or ceiling. With their help, you can create the optimal atmosphere for relaxation.

Watch the video about the fiber optic lighting system:

It is not difficult to install fiber-optic lamps for a bath with your own hands in the steam room. The main thing is to follow the instructions and choose the right components.

Question: "Is it possible to make an LED with your own hands?" among ordinary masters will certainly cause surprise. It would seem, why invent something that has long been invented and is mass-produced? However, there is a category of people who love to make something unusual. For them, designing an LED is an opportunity to repeat the experiments of O.V. Losev, held about a hundred years ago, and a chance to prove to yourself and your friends the reality of creating an LED at home.

What you need

The main structural material is a piece of silicon carbide. You can’t buy it in a regular store, but if you try, you can find it on the Internet among private ads. In addition to it, you will need a needle from a pin, connecting wires, two furniture nails with a wide hat and an adjustable voltage source (0-10 volts). You will also need solder and a little skill in using a soldering iron. A simple multimeter is suitable for measuring the parameters of a homemade LED.

Preparatory work

The first step is to find an area on the surface of silicon carbide capable of emitting light. To do this, the source material will have to be crushed into several pieces 2-5 mm in size. Then each of them is placed in turn on a metal plate connected to the plus of a power source with a voltage of about 10V. The second electrode is a sharp probe or needle connected to the minus of the power source.

Then, the piece to be examined must be pressed against the plate with tweezers, and with a sharp needle, probe its upper part in search of a luminous area. Thus, the crystal with the highest brightness is selected. It is worth noting that silicon carbide can emit light in the spectrum from orange to green.

LED manufacturing

For ease of installation, it is better to take a carnation 10-15 mm long with a large hat and tin it well. It will serve as the base and heat sink for the crystal. With the help of a soldering iron, the tin on the hat is brought to a liquid state and the prepared carbide instance is slightly sunk with tweezers. Naturally, the radiating section should be directed upwards. After the solder solidifies, you need to make sure that the crystal is securely fixed.

To make a negative electrode, you will need the sharp part of a pin and a single-core copper wire. As can be seen from the photo, both parts are tinned and reliably soldered together. Then a loop is made on the wire to give it the properties of a spring. The free end of the wire is soldered to the head of the second nail. Both studs are attached to the circuit board at a short distance from each other.

At the final stage, power of the corresponding polarity is supplied to the legs of the nails. The electrical circuit is closed with a needle, which is fixed at the point of the crystal with maximum luminescence. By smoothly increasing the supply voltage, you can determine the value at which the brightness ceases to grow intensively. As a result of the measurements, the voltage drop was 9V, and the forward current was 25 mA. When the polarity is reversed, silicon carbide ceases to emit light, which partly explains its semiconductor properties.

I won’t be surprised if experienced radio amateurs express their negative attitude towards the resulting unusual design, reminiscent of a simple LED. However, sometimes collecting such things on your own is interesting and even useful. An example is amateur radio circles for schoolchildren, in which children get acquainted with the properties of different materials, learn to solder and learn the basics of semiconductors.

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Today there will be a scientific and educational post :)

Fortunately, this time there was not an accident, but planned work, so the process took place, one might say, in greenhouse conditions.

Usually, an optical cable is unwired into a special cross, each fiber to its own port, from where it is already switched with equipment or another cross. But this time it was necessary to weld two cables together, bypassing optical cross-countries. The process is, in general, similar to cable break welding, with the exception that the cable does not have to be pulled out of the cross first.

This is what two working optical cross-countries look like, which you will need to get rid of and connect the cables directly. Right now, the data is running along the yellow patch cords between crosses.

Optical cross from the inside. Carefully unravel and pull out the cable from the cassette.

Colored wiring is an optical fiber from a cable, only while insulated. The fiber itself is colorless, and the insulation is specially colored to distinguish between the fibers.

There can be many fibers in a cable. It can be 4, and 12, and 38. As a rule, a pair of fibers is used for data transmission, one fiber in each direction. On such one pair, from 155 Mbps to several tens of Gbps can be transmitted, depending on the equipment at the ends of the fiber optic route.

There are 12 fibers in this cable, which are packed in 4 pieces in 3 colored (white, green, red) modules.

Since the fiber splice is a potentially breakable area, this part of the cable is packaged in an optical sleeve. Before welding, the cables are led into the coupling through special holes.

Now you can start the welding process. First, the insulation is removed from the fiber using precision tools, and the fiber optic core itself is exposed.

Before welding, it is necessary that the end of the fiber is as even as possible, i.e. a very precise perpendicular cut is required. There is a special machine for this.

Chick! The cleavage angle should deviate from the plane by no more than 1 degree. The usual values ​​are from 0.1 to 0.3 degrees.

Scraps of clean fiber are immediately cleaned up. Then you will find his figs on the table, but it can easily dig under the skin, break off and stay there.

And here is the most important apparatus in this process - a welder. Both fibers are placed in special grooves in the middle of the device on both sides (blue in the picture), and fixed with clamps.

After that, the hardest part. Press the "SET" button and look at the screen. The device itself positions the fibers, aligns them, instantly solders the fibers with a short electric arc and shows the result. The whole process is faster than I wrote these three sentences above, and takes about 10 seconds.

A heat-shrink tube with a metal rod is put on the fiber to strengthen the place of welding, and the fiber is placed in the oven in the same apparatus, only in its upper part.

Each fiber is then neatly placed into the sleeve cassette. Creative process.

And the result.

To seal the cable entry point into the sleeve, heat-shrink tubes are put on, which are processed with a special hair dryer. The high temperature shrinks the tube, preventing water and air from entering the coupling.

And the final touch. A cap is put on the coupling and fixed with special fasteners. Now neither humidity, nor heat, nor frost is terrible. Such couplings can float in the swamp for years without damaging the cable inside.

The whole process of splicing two 12-fiber cables together takes about an hour and a half.

Well, now you know all the intricacies of this process, you can safely buy a welding machine and entangle everything you want with fiber-optic networks.

Those who are engaged in the independent manufacture of original headlights or taillights sooner or later face the problem of which diffuser to use for LEDs? If earlier it was possible not to worry about this, then since 2014, when the large automakers Mercedes, BMW, Audi announced their next car models, many were interested in their optics. Now the light in them was evenly scattered, while the optics looked stylish and beautiful. Many wanted to have lanterns close in glow at their disposal.

How to make a diffuser for LEDs with your own hands

This method, in my opinion, is quite effective, as it allows you to make a diffuser for LEDs of any shape, size and light transmission.

-To make it, we need PEO-510KE-20/0 jewelry epoxy resin, as it is crystal clear and does not turn yellow over time.

As a scattering element, we need Diffusant DF-151 powder. It is perfectly soluble in epoxy resin, giving the same milky shade and unrealistically high-quality scattering properties when solidified.

Also, for this resin there is a huge number of dyes, any colors, fluorescent and phosphorus.

Well, the casting mold itself, usually I use silicone for molds or for casting.

Here are a few samples where I experimented with the addition of Diffuser DF-151, as you can see, the quality of dispersion can be easily adjusted and the desired result can be achieved. Mixing ratio of epoxy and diffuser, 100 to 1.
This is the way I created .

And here is how the “sample” with the connected LEDs scatters the light. The dispersion is perfect, the dots from the LEDs are not visible from any side and angle.

The experiments turned out to be extremely successful, so I went ahead and made a full-sized diffuser to be embedded in the headlight, this is how it shines at maximum brightness, very brightly and evenly.

Other ways to diffuse light from LEDs

The next way is to use milky acrylic with a thickness of 2 to 5 mm. Mostly 3 mm plexiglass is used. It perfectly scatters light from the LED, but its main drawback is that the milky plexiglass absorbs light very strongly, due to which the brightness drops by 30-50%.

It is also worth remembering that if you do not have a milling machine, then self-shaping plexiglass has certain limitations. You can bend it with an industrial hair dryer, but not at all the sides. You can buy it at any advertising agency.

The third way is the use of diffuse elements "Microprism" from ceiling lights. Their main feature is a texture that resembles small pyramids that perfectly refract light and scatter it accordingly, an approximate technology is used in BMW, Mercedes, Audi lights, they use light guides with notches or texture. But if you have powerful LEDs, then the microprism will not help you, it will not be able to scatter the light properly.

The lack of light in the premises is compensated in different ways - additional windows, devices, lamps and the like. Light guides for lighting have become one of the innovative solutions of recent times. Small devices are installed on the roof or walls, accumulating and delivering the rays inside.

The history of light guide lighting

The first attempts to create a light guide for indoor lighting were carried out as early as 1874. Russian electrical engineer Chikolev Vladimir made a pipe with a mirror surface inside, with the help of which he conducted lighting in the dangerous production rooms of a gunpowder factory.

The modern method appeared on the market relatively recently. The first devices that conduct daylight appeared in 2005. The devices have gone through several stages of improvement. The final version was presented to consumers in 2011.

A light guide is a closed type mechanism for the directional transmission of daylight. Another name is an optical waveguide. The devices are designed in such a way that they can have any directional curve, but at the same time deliver maximum illumination. Allows you to save on electricity and standard light bulbs.

The principle of operation of the light tunnel

The principle of operation of the light guide

The devices are mounted through the roof, with spherical glass on top (the shape is close to the type of a roof window). The inner surface is mirrored. Thanks to reflective elements, light passes through the pipe. The length may vary. The main thing is to pass through the ceilings into the room.

From below (from the side of the room) glass with a scattering effect is installed. Externally, the light tunnel resembles an ordinary lamp. Some models have a built-in light for night operation. Installation time and cost remain within reasonable limits. At the same time, the device allows you to save on electricity and appliances.

Side glow method

The system is a light-receiving dome with lenses that capture and redirect the rays into the light guide

This method does not require complex technical schemes, installation takes a little time, you can do it yourself without involving professional installers. The difference is the installation of the projector outdoors, the presence of LED fibers.

Heat sources must not be located near the unit. The diffuser is installed from the side walls. This arrangement allows you to illuminate the room so that additional sources are not required during the day. This is true for rooms without windows (dressing rooms, baths, closets, basement). Light guides for LEDs can be made by hand.

Edge glow method

This method allows you to create the effect of "starry sky". Small devices are installed under the ceiling, like spotlights. Solar fiber optic lighting is natural and smooth. An additional plus - it turns out an unusual design.

Tunnels with LED cables pass through the coatings and can be either single or "spreading". The latter require accurate calculations, the cost is higher than the standard ones.

What are flashlights made of?

The structure of the skylight

Light guides work according to the following principle: light is accumulated in the upper spherical part, then it is fed inside through reflective surfaces. Losses range from 10 to 40% per meter of pipe, up to 40% at bends. The classic version of the light tunnel consists of the following parts:

  • dome (round glass, installed from the side of the roof);
  • roofing part;
  • reflective pipe (directly light guide);
  • diffuser;
  • additional details - corner adapters, lamps for night lighting, etc.

The outer parts of the lamps are made of durable materials - polycarbonate, plexiglass. Cleaning is not required - enough rain. The collection of light waves is most in cloudy weather, in the evening and in the morning.


With proper use, these lights have a long service life.

Devices are used more and more every year. Additional natural lighting is installed in industrial premises and private houses. You can install a light guide with your own hands at home. Installation takes little time and effort.

Tunnels allow you to save electricity - according to average data, light guides allow you to spend up to 60% less. When properly installed, the light guide lamp lasts 10 years or more - the manufacturer's warranty is at least 5 years. The devices are thermally insulated - they do not let heat through in summer, cold in winter (important for residential premises, floriculture and others).

Light tunnels are easy to maintain. It is possible to control the lighting. Of the additional functions - ventilation, a classic lamp (depending on the model).


If the light guide is covered with snow, its performance may decrease to zero.

With all the obvious advantages, such mechanisms have several disadvantages, which should be familiarized with before installation. A light guide is a device that accumulates natural light. Therefore, a sufficient amount of time is required for normal operation - tunnels are not suitable for use in places with short daylight hours.

Winter can also be difficult. If the dome is covered with snow, performance and light transmission will decrease, sometimes to zero. Therefore, you need to either install another source, or clean the glass in a timely manner.

The initial installation is expensive. Although this shortcoming is temporary - the usual payback period is 2-3 years, and the operating time is more than 10 years.

The use of light guides for lighting a private house

Using a skylight to illuminate the corridor

Country houses are often equipped with independent power supplies and lighting. Light tunnels are suitable for use in different rooms and premises, they save money, so they become more popular every year.

Kitchen lighting

The kitchen is the place where food is prepared and the family gathers. Some spend most of their time here. Usually a ceiling lamp or chandelier becomes the central light source. It is impossible to call such a source ideal - there is no uniformity of illumination, flickering artificial light harms the eyes.

Light guides create diffused natural light that does not irritate the eyes and is more familiar to the eye. You can install one tunnel or several small ones along the ceiling.

bathroom lighting

Light guide in the bathroom

The main difference between bathroom fixtures is safety requirements. High humidity creates conditions in which not any source can be used. Light guides do not use electricity, there are no heating or other elements. Therefore, tunnels are considered the most suitable lighting devices.

The best option is to hold several light lanterns. Bright lighting is required at the mirror, where many procedures are carried out: applying makeup, shaving and others.

Room lighting

If there is no window in the room, it is almost impossible to correctly select the lamps. No lamp can replace natural daylight. Light tunnels are the solution. A few lanterns will allow you to adequately illuminate the room, while not overloading your eyes.

living room lighting

Lighting the living room with a light guide

This room is considered the most multifunctional in the house. Good lighting is essential. Common sources are no less important than local ones. If it is not possible to cut through large windows, you can use light guides. The correct wavelength range of lighting that is familiar to the eye will help create a cozy atmosphere and save money.

Economic efficiency of the introduction of light guides

The main advantage of light tunnels is financial savings due to instant cost reduction and payback. This is noticeable in industrial premises. For example, in buildings over 100 sq.m. the average consumption per 1 sq.m is 1500 rubles. After installing the light guides, the amount is reduced to 600-700 rubles. Warehouses, productions pay for the installation of the system in 2-3 years (average).

The choice of light sources depends on the type of room, the capabilities and preferences of the owners. Light guides are an alternative way of lighting that suits any room.